
Need Some Splainin

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

I asked a Cuban stripper what she thought of "I Love Lucy". She had no idea what I was talking about. Anyone else surprised by this?


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Avatar for RonJax2

Might has well have asked her if she wanted to go to a Sock Hop and do the Jitterbug

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Just as, after 100 years or so, we've still heard of the Jitterbug, I thought they would have heard of I Love Lucy. She wanted to see clips of it on youtube once I told her about it.

Avatar for motorhead

Show her the episodes where they drive to California. She’d probably recognize the car

Avatar for whodey

How many 65 year old TV shows from countries that you didn't grow up in are you familiar with? If you can't say that you are familiar with the biggest telenovelas from the 1950s why would you be shocked that a Cuban dancer wouldn't be familiar with an American sitcom from that era?

Avatar for funonthaside

...and I would be amazed if more than 50% of today's American 20-something's ever heard of I Love Lucy.

Imagine a 23-year-old stripper being amazed that we haven't heard of popular TikTok creator {insert name}.

Avatar for Mate27

Should’ve asked her which model of Chevy is her fanorite, the ‘57 Belair or the ‘63 Impala.

Avatar for Dolfan

I just googled most popular shows in the 50's; aside from I Love Lucy, I didn't recognize a single one. And I grew up here and am probably almost twice that girls age.

I've spoken with many American strippers who don't get many references to shows from the 90's. They don't know who/what Seinfeld or Friends are/were. They don't know that Will Smith is the Fresh Prince of Bell-Air. And they grew up in here, plopped in front of a TV and given an ipad as soon as they had the motor skills to hold it.

Many if not most of the Cuban chicks I talk to in our strip clubs are from rural areas in Cuba. They don't have internet or TV, and they have intermittent electricity. Add that to the other comments made about the relative ages of the show and the girl. It doesn't seem surprising she didn't know wtf it was.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Not just Cuban girls, most of the strippers are under 30-35 and really don’t know or care about cultural touchstones from our previous generations.
I’d say it’s probably the same for males, it’s more of a generational divide than anything else.

Avatar for shadowcat

I've also noticed that very few of these immigrant dancers are making any effort to learn English. They stick to their own groups OTC and shop where Spanish is spoken. Before long the U.S. may have to Follow Canada's lead and print every thing in English and Spanish.

Avatar for skibum609

The first generation with access to everything, is interested in nothing.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

When you meet immigrants who are fluent in English, usually they were studying English in their country of origin since elementary school. Learning a new language as an adult is very hard for most people.

The two Cubans I've gotten to know a bit are both taking English classes. But it's the typical class, one teacher and many students. When you learn a language like that, you can understand it when people talk to you, but you have a hard time talking to them. One of them I only saw a few times when I was traveling. We text back and forth in English once a week or so, so she can practice a little.

When an immigrant Latina stripper gets a drink, two or three other ones will come up and take sips of it. Given how they have each others' backs, I can understand how gringos seem unfriendly to them.

founder must be shelling out a lot for subspace backbone access to Planet Vulcan. We seem to have lots of members who take every thread way too seriously.

Avatar for Dolfan

The not learning or even trying to learn English thing irks me. Also that we offer drivers licenses and even the Citizenship exam in Spanish.

But when it comes to strippers, I have started favoring the ones who make an effort at some English. Even if its dead simple shit like "how are you" instead of "como estas." Or "Do you want a dance" instead of "queries baile." And I favor clubs where they hire more of the ones who at least speak some English.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

If you prevent someone from driving, makes it hard for them to earn more and contribute taxes, as opposed to needing charitable assistance.

Historically, many immigrants to the US never became good English speakers. But their children always did, so it worked out. It's a good thing we didn't have all these immigrant haters back before WWII. The US would have been too weak to stop world domination by either Nazism or Stalinism.

Avatar for skibum609

The children of illegals always seem to need an interpreter when I see them in court, even the dreamers. The idea illegals are anything like immigrants from before is beyond ridiculous. Illegals come here for the freebies, legal immigrants from the old days came here for the opportunity to become Americans.

Avatar for 5footguy

"Anyone else surprised by this?"

Not surprised by you asking that question, or by her response.

Avatar for funonthaside

It is also irritating when a job posting IN THE US has a requirement to speak Spanish.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

It’s not surprising to me. Young people often haven’t even heard of stuff that was a big deal to me.

Recently I was chatting with a sweet little mulatto with d’s at my local and she told me she was from Olympia WA. I told her that place was a big deal to me in the 90s when I was young, because a lot of cool underground music came from there.

She said she grew up there but there was never anything going on. She had no idea about the music scene long since past.

A bit later she jacked me off in the VIP and I forgave her.

Avatar for Dolfan

For the record, I don't hate immigrants at all. I get the point about driving, but it's little consolation when you have to drive around in Miami.

I just wish the Cubans would make an attempt to learn English. It's not just the immigrants themselves that don't speak English here. There are plenty of natives born and raised in Hialeah/Opa Locka/etc who don't speak a lick of English.

I do hate fat strippers tho. I don't mind that they exist, I just don't wanna see em or talk to em. Kinda NIMBY.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

I doubt Cuban immigrants are aggressive drivers generally. They probably didn't drive in Cuba, so they don't feel confident when they drive. Dangerous drivers are the hyper ones who are oblivious to how dangerous their driving is. What does it have to do with what language you took the written test in?

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

I felt more strongly about immigrants needing to learn English when I was younger. Now, I think it’s pretty awesome to see the progress that the world has made. If someone can live and work here without speaking English, good for them. It’s hard to learn a new language, especially as an adult. I also like going to various cities’ chinatowns, Korea towns, little Italy, etc. Saying hello and thank to a sushi chef in Japanese feels right to me.

I might feel differently if I spent more time in south Florida where not speaking Spanish might be a hindrance. On the occasions I’ve interacted with a dancer or person who spoke no English, we still managed to converse/negotiate to a mutually acceptable deal. Google voice is also a game changer.

Avatar for Dolfan

You doubt Cuban immigrants are aggressive drivers? You've obviously never driven in Miami, especially in the parts of town I'm talking about. I know that they do. They're aggressive as fuck and reckless as shit. They're clearly oblivious to the danger or simply don't give a fuck. I've ridden with them while they do it and I've driven in my car next to them and seen them. That's not to say every driver of Cuban ancestry is terrible. But speaking generally, Cuban immigrants in south Florida are absolutely aggressive drivers. And I'm petty sure the south Florida area has the largest concentration of them since we've got the highest concentration of Cubans outside of Havana.

You're right that it has nothing to do with what language they took the test in, but it has quite a lot to do with the fact they can't read English and thus cannot understand road signs. Things like "No Right on Red" or "U Turn yield" and "No Turns" are completely meaningless, as are directions like north/south. Not to mention things like "Lane Ends" or "Merge." As you alluded to, that makes them completely oblivious to their dangerous ways. You're also right about most having not driven much in Cuba, but the ones who have are even worse. Driving in Cuba is a total free for all, they don't have road signs at all. They've got some traffic lights, but that's it. Speed limits? Hah. Turn signal requirements? Don't be absurd. Functioning lights period are rare. And traffic stops are generally resolved by including a trivial amount of Pesos on top of your license when you present it for inspection. They bring much of that that with them.

IMO, proving that you're able to read and understand traffic signs ought to be a prerequisite to getting a drivers license. It's certainly a prerequisite to being able to comply with driving laws. Letting them drive without that puts them in danger, not just everyone else on the road.

I'm not on board with the idea that they're all here for the freebee's, most of the Cubans I know aren't getting much of that. There's certainly a few scammers milking the system, but most would rather bust their ass in a shitty job or even suck cock in a strip club. Most don't even know about the freebees available to them.

Avatar for bkkruined

I Love Lucy? FFS? How old is that?
I consider myself old compared to all the ladies I meet in the strip clubs, and remember reruns of that shit when I was a kid.
Anyone young enough to be attracting me in there has probably never seen that shit. It's cultural significance is GONE...

Avatar for 5footguy

Only 1 or 2 of the 10 or so Cubans I regularly see are good drivers. By their own admission, most are poor drivers, or, they simply can't drive and must take Uber. Some drive for themselves but don't like it.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Cubans who watched I Love Lucy are good drivers. Those that didn’t are reckless. That’s how you tell them apart. Facts.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

You'd never guess this website is supposed to be about something fun. You know, spending time with nekked women. I fear some of these people have to be serial killers irl.

Avatar for Biseggi

I lov Lucy was good show. But now, the real show is BISEGGI! It’s called everybody loves Biseggi! Yeah!!

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