
Is Castro feeding his girls too much ??

Avatar for BuckMcNutter
BuckMcNutterDo you have a little Italian in you?

Was at Tootsies last night. At least 80 dancers were on the board… honestly, I would say only 10% were not overweight.
The rest looked identical, brunette, big, and needed to lay off the rice and beans. What happened to all the slim model types that used to work here? Are they all at Club 11 now or working there only fans pages ? Later I drove by Cheetah Hallendale and there were 3 slim dancers !!


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Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Obesity correlates with low $, which correlates with resorting to stripping.

People often complain about heavier women being allowed to dance. But, beauty standards are shifting, maybe clubs are not letting the SBWs dance now. Karma?

When I was young, chicks wanted to be heavier. The big worry was being a "carpenter's dream" (flat as a board). Everything old is new again.

Avatar for rattdog

if we both had our way i'd gladly trade the european girls with the nice faces and thin/average bodies that work at the joints in the ny/nj area in exchange for those 70 that you disapprove of on that tootsies roster. the one thick reliable of mine that i've known for over 10 years i've seen at the club this year 7 times already. at the point i'm far and beyond passed being sick and tired of seeing. to seek and find any one that closely resembles one of those 70 and find some new talent to enjoy lately i've been checking out the queens roosevelt ave stroll.

castro must cooking up some awesome culinary dope. gladly trade trump, biden, mayor adams, etc for that guy to cook up something to feed those euro girls.

Avatar for Dolfan

A lot of guys like the thick girls. Tootsies has for a while now leaned towards girls that are in my opinion overweight slobs but in the opinion of others are thick and hot. Cheetah Hallandale has been the same way since they reopened years ago. 11 does have more slimmer girls, Gold Rush and Deans Gold too. But overall in south Florida and especially Miami, thicker girls are more the norm. Fuck around and go to BT On the River, there's guys in there jizzing in their pants at the sight of those gigantic asses while I struggle to keep from vomiting at the same sight.

As far as the Castro piece, it's been Diaz-Canel for almost 5 years now. And when they arrive here many of them are skinny as fuck cause food is legit scarce for many locals down there, which is why many come. Although a few of them who come via Mexico take a liking to tacos while they're there and they do arrive on the heavy side.

Avatar for gammanu95

Cuba is a communist country. All food comes from the government - directly or indirectly. Cuban residents are banned from eating fish. Fishing is reserved for exports ONLY. I forget the exact amounts, but there are strict limits on how much sugar, corn, milk, and pork meat are allotted to each citizen. It is not as widely reported as the DPRK famine a few years ago, but it is nearly as severe. This is the communism that the Democrat party and their useful idiot allies want to bring to the US.

It may be that Cubans new to the US are not used to our diet or are binge-eating simply to enjoy the surplus that we have. It could also be that they are on welfare and never learned to create a balanced diet.

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "Is Castro feeding his girls too much ??"

I think it's more what happens when they get here. Poor Latin American girls are accustomed to a carb rich diet, which is necessary when your biggest challenge is getting enough calories. Then they come here to the land of milk and honey, where food is abundant and cheap, and blow up. It doesn't help that so much of our food is processed with lots of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, which is not the case in so many other countries.

Avatar for BumHip

Weird to me that some equate Communism to today’s Democratic Party. I mean one party is openly in support of America becoming a dictatorship. Only one candidate has said he would act like a dictator. Who is banning books? Who is limiting rights, and freedoms? Who increases the debt, and deficit most often? Who is in favor of minority rule? Seems pretty obvious who is in favor of a pro communist agenda. I say it’s the party, and voters that are openly pro Putin. But what do I know? I’m a PL on a titty bar website.

Avatar for Dolfan

The Cuban girls I talk to tell me they are not banned from eating fish in Cuba. Lobster, shrimp, most other shellfish, yes it's restricted to sale to tourists and exports. Similar with beef, it's restricted to tourists. But they can & do eat lots of pork and fish along with Chicken.

Most of the girls I talk to come from outside the cities and they're eating their own pork/chicken/fish, I'm not sure if its different in the cities our tourist centers.

They also order chicken wings, pizza, mozzarella sticks, and other garbage while they're working.

Avatar for BumHip

Fidel Castro died at the ripe old age of 90… 7 years ago. He outlived the American life expectancy by about 13 years. If you were talking about his 92 year old brother Raul… he has not been in power for a few years either.

Avatar for shadowcat

I spent 2+ hours at Vivide in Atlanta yesterday afternoon. About 30 dancers working at 3PM. 90% Cuban and 90% of them were chubby.

Avatar for motorhead

One of the fattest dancers I’ve ever seen as a regular in a club was arrested and spent time in prison for accessory to murder.

I guess fat girls aren’t always so jolly

Avatar for twentyfive

I always blamed Dolfan and Subraman because they feed these girls too well


Avatar for Dolfan

You know how those girls like to work in pairs. The trick is to feed the fat friend shitty club food, then go bang the hot skinny one when the fat one runs off to the bathroom.

Avatar for BuckMcNutter

Cheetah Pompano has the spinners but I don’t always want to head up there.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

In my mind, threads like these always bring up the question, when you visit a club, how many different dancers do you need to get dances from, in order to have a good visit? For me, it's one. If it's three or more, that's an exceptional visit for me.

Or, is your complaint that the slim dancers are in high demand, so you can't get a dance?

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