
Comments by motorhead (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    @25 and just to play Devil’s Advocate - George Wallace was a Democrat (except for his 1968 run as an independent).
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Clothing recommendation (not specifically for clubs, just for life in general)
    ^^ Hey, I’m a New Balance guy and proud of it. For several reasons. I have big feet and they offer wide widths than fit better than Nike. And they were last hold out of athletic shoes manufactured in the US. and I’ve noticed white shoes are making a comeback
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    ^^ We need that “like” button back. Simple formula. If you can’t talk about your policies - you buy votes.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Clothing recommendation (not specifically for clubs, just for life in general)
    I’ve been in clubs where the door guy won’t let you in unless you are wearing belted pants.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    Ibbi- Correct - price controls are not socialism but it is a flawed economic policy that has a proven track record of failure.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    Once again the party of “equality” is proposing programs of inequality. I graduated with zero student loan debt. Where’s my equitable bailout? I didn’t get $25k for buying my home. Where’s my equitable reward.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Inflation and Price Gouging
    “I think this move is smart” — Don’t know how old the OP is, but guessing he wasn’t around the last time this was attempted. (Early 70’s) Total disaster
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    What do you do for a living?
    Not yet retired but close. I agree with WiseToo. Quality is too low today. Besides, I’ve moved to a strip club wasteland
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    FUCK IT!
    Harris picks Walz for VP
    Just like student loan forgiveness, it’s just another scheme to buy votes. To my Democratic friends on TUSCL. I get it. Trump has more baggage than a stripper going to Vegas for week, but how can anyone justify voting for a candidate who is more liberal than Bernie Sanders. (When Sanders never polled greater than 20%). If y’all want Socialism - move to Cuba.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the m
    “When government - in pursuit of good intentions - tries to rearrange the economy, legislate morality, or help special interests, the cost come in inefficiency, lack of motivation, and loss of freedom. Government should be a referee, not an active player.” — Milton Friedman
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Strip club experience as a disabled customer?
    As others have mentioned, the real issue is not how the dancers treated the patron but accessibility. I’ve seen wheelchair bound customers a few times. It’s been in newer, larger, upscale clubs so they met all the ADA requirements so parking and getting in the building was fine. But once inside, tables are often so close to each other, it can be hard to get to the stage and maneuver around. But they’ve been treated well. Often the prettiest dancers in the club did not at all hesitate to go over and ask for a dancer. I did not see this myself, but my ATF told me a story about a young man who was injured in an accident and received a huge liability settlement. For 3 straight days he was at the club getting VIP dances.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Money Talks
    This is a weird thread. Started with a story about a guy using a word that offends some, to talk of jerseys, to a comment about capitalism is bad. CJK needs a new narrative
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    When only a minority consisting of capitalists can enjoy the good life, while th
    There was a common Polish saying during the USSR years: “We pretend to work; they pretend to pay us.” Socialism encourages laziness and lack of innovation and laziness. CJK is just a useless academic who needs to get out of his wealthy parent’s home and get laid
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    I support the naked hustle
    4 shot inside downtown strip club
    “This is not in a bad area of town“ — Been a couple of years since I’ve been near downtown and the Loop, but is anywhere in Chicago safe these days? It’s not like the southside but there’s constant news reports of the Magnificent Mile experiencing a significant up tick in crime
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    Serious question. Is Harris smart enough to be president? I know I’m not. She won’t talk to the media. Will she debate? Even her own staffers say she won’t read the material they prepare for her. We’ve all seen her word salad performances in the past where she talks in circles and won’t (or can’t) answer questions. It’s not about race. It’s not about gender. It’s a serious question about her intellect. Which is quite different than the questions we had about Biden and his cognitive decline
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Your favorite song(s) for great harmonica?
    @mike710 Oh my. Haven’t heard that one in years. I love that song. Good choice
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    “Left also wants dudes to whip it out in the women's locker” —- https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=just%20whip%20it%20out%20blazing%20saddles&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:d7f99dba,vid:FGn-7jTkBIk,st:0
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    We are all going to have to skip breakfast. Saw a sampling of items that have increased astronomically under Biden and the list includes: eggs, bacon, bread / baked goods
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    “We'll have to settle for a landslide defeat of Kamala” — I wish I could be as confident as you. The progressive exuberance of having a black female candidate seems to be reenergizing the party and Kami keeps denying her past extreme liberalism so I’m scared this cackling looney toon could really be elected
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Could Donald Trump lose the popular vote but “win” the presidency twice?
    CJK Kamala is on record of saying she supports the elimination of private health insurance and wants a single payer system. Please post pics and videos of you burning your health insurance card.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    I support the naked hustle
    4 shot inside downtown strip club
    Yikes. I hope that fat chick with blue hair and a black dress isn’t a dancer https://youtu.be/ZKawALyudVQ?si=6xIxvuGXfRtFAtDf
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Your favorite song(s) for great harmonica?
    Canned Heat - On the Road Again I’m a Man - The Yardbirds (How has this not been mentioned) https://youtu.be/jBYLekUwCjI?si=Y92MigH4ynDOtx-Z
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Democracy is supposed to be ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’. C
    “Money rules. Especially in strip clubs. Those that can't compete eat shit" —TwoSheds (circa 2010)
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
    One of the most pathetic sites at a club
    Luckily I’ve never done this, but even worse is when I’ve witnessed the dancer walking the customer over to the ATM and hovering over the PL while he’s getting the funds
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Paris Olympics 2024
    The men’s 4 x 100 relay is an embarrassment. They haven’t won a medal since 2004 and was DQ’d this year. Apparently they feel they can just put anyone out there and dominate without practicing handoffs.