What are you talking about? Trump just had those printed in China so the Chinese would have an opportunity to read the Bible and become good Christians too!
CBS edited the 60 Minutes jnterview with Harris to make her appear more polished - and you guys are worried about petty stuff like this. Typical libtard.
^ Damn, if that interview was edited in Kamala's favor, they didn't do enough. They should have used AI to create a CGI Kamala that can speak the words someone else is saying.
Look at what CBS just did with that piece of shot Coates. Progressives are vermin. I am eventually going to believe January 6, was the modern day version of the Boston Tea party.
These types of interviews typically get edited to fit into their programming time slot. It's nothing new. Fox News has probably done it many times, with a right wing bias.
^ As I understand it, CBS had two or three different versions of a Q/A with Harris in the interview, and according to some they chose the more favorable version to air.
If Fox News did this with Trump or Vance, not only would I not be surprised, I doubt I would even think twice about it.
This is a common difference between Dems and Repubs... the latter are far more likely to express outrage and grievance, and many Americans are tired of it.
It is even more of a yawnfest than I realized. CBS aired two versions of the interview, one on 60 Minutes and one on Face the Nation. Somebody noticed that they weren't identical and had different versions for this Q/A. Face the Nation had the version that supposedly made Harris look worse, while 60 Minutes had the version that supposedly made Harris look better. Seems like a tie to me.
Yet Trump and his followers are outraged that 60 Minutes (supposedly) makes her look better?
What about outrage that Face the Nation (supposedly) makes her look worse? LOL
The big takeaway from this story is that Trump continues to con and dupe his followers.
last commentLet’s begin with “Queers for Palestine”
So sayeth the Lord, so it is written!
Seriously you can't make this stuff up....
What is their fair share?
More. Everyone should pay more except me.
I should just get more cash from the gubberment.
I agree
No doubt the quickest and least challenging edit in history!😂
Libs act like the only noble way to make a buck is to confiscate it from productive members of society or monetize public office.
Sure, when Oprah is interviewing Donnie Osmond. You don’t this a month before a very important election.
The excuses the far left comes up with are scary.
If Fox News did this with Trump or Vance, not only would I not be surprised, I doubt I would even think twice about it.
This is a common difference between Dems and Repubs... the latter are far more likely to express outrage and grievance, and many Americans are tired of it.
Yet Trump and his followers are outraged that 60 Minutes (supposedly) makes her look better?
What about outrage that Face the Nation (supposedly) makes her look worse? LOL
The big takeaway from this story is that Trump continues to con and dupe his followers.