
Comments by Mickkeyc (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    I like a hand job only when it is lubricated; the alternative is just too much chafing sometimes. File that under - more information than you needed to know!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the best compliment or flirt line you've heard in a strip club?
    "What are you doing after I get off work tonight?"
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the best compliment or flirt line you've heard in a strip club?
    "when a hot sexy girl gives you a certain look like of desire when you're standing inches from her and she just let you check her out real good. " yes that does it for me. it holds the promise of more....
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any Strip Clubs that are good for Couples in NE?
    I think Foxy Lady in Brockton is a great place for couples. I like this club a lot, it is very upscale, very comfortable. Only issue is, it is dead quite early in the week (MTW) and gets a bit crowded on weekends.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancer Communications
    Ignore. Maybe she just wants her space.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    North Carolina
    Christmas and Strippers
    A friend of mine is working a lot of extra shifts so she can take time off, so yes, I do think it effects clubbing this time of year. My guess is that customers are pretty tapped out after Christmas also, and therefore there is less money to be made post-Christmas. Just a guess; I will have to ask her to confirm.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does a dancer have to know some personal info to be a favorite?
    Does the color of my bedsheets count as personal info (LOL)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    My Road Trip to St. Louis & Memphis.
    It was, for me, the final straw. I added him to the ignore list (love that feature).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    North Carolina
    Christmas and Strippers
    6 shifts a week for my favorite. That's a lot of time at the club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What She Really Means: More Stripper-to-English Translations
    That dancer is a lesbian = why don't you spend your money on me instead of her Let's get spend some time in the champagne room = I am tired and want to get off the rotation for a while Why don't you come in and see me more, I'll make it worth your while = I want you to empty your bank accounts
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club soap opera drama
    For me, the drama sucks. Time for a new favorite, or I may just take some time off from strip clubbing. I am there to relax, and drama just gets in the way of my relaxation. BTW, I think strippers and drama go hand-in-hand. They are performers and exhibitionists, and women to boot. unrelated (?) P.S. It's my birthday next week, I'm entering middle-age! C'est la vie, c'est bon.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club soap opera drama
    It's more than possibe, it's probable. Come to think of it, I think that is how I got into it with my (now) ex-favorite.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    They will make it even more like slot machines. You keep putting our money in, and every once in a while, you hit a jackpot.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    in a (more) perfect world
    Do you really think she is a dancer, CG or are you just having fun? I recently met an extreme young hottie in real life, she finally confided in me that she is a massage girl at an area club and would I come visit her at work? My post was actually refering to picking a new one inside my current favorite club. The alternative is to go to another club, but the current club suits me just fine. What to do? I absolutley love that women come in so many varieties. I definietley like the exotics (Asians, Latinas, Eastern Europeans).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    in a (more) perfect world
    Hi Chandler, I agree that the premise for my question is not completely logical. Still it doesn't keep me from posting the question, as a topic for good discussion (LOL)... Perhaps the question would be better put, if I had used the word "last" instead of "current"? My apologies for the confusion. Then again, as your post points out, who isn't always looking for an upgrade? (But maybe that is a question for another topic).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    in a (more) perfect world
    in a (more) perfect world, all the dancers at my favorite clubs would give extras, but only to me (and my friends) (and you guys of course) LOL
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Is the VIP really that different from a couch dance?
    it depends on the club and the dancer
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Is the VIP really that different from a couch dance?
    it depends on the club and the dancer
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    board rules?
    Good point chandler. Perhaps the economics of this board do not include person(s) to enforce such a policy. But a list of such prohibitions would provide a basis by which posters could monitor their own behavior / transgressions.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Celebrity (shadowcat) appearance this Friday
    I think many on the board would agree, shadowcat is missed! Sure he went over the top sometimes (don't we all) but he was a fountain of good conversation and a great contributor, whether you agreed with him or not. All fodder for good conversation. I wish I could be there this weekend to meet up, sounds like a blast
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Interesting times
    confuscious say may you live in interesting times; yes it has been interesting. so how is the new job, I am sorry it cuts down on your clubbing
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    The Real Person or the Sex Object?
    Personally, I treat them as real persons. It seems to me that is what they prefer, most seem gratified that someone talks to them in a normal manner. And I prefer to deal with a real person, not some object. They do seem to know that I prefer that they present themselves as such. But that could be because most are good at figuring out what the customer wants, and giving it to them. They watch you with other dancers, talk among themselves, and size you up from every interaction. I like this question in general, but especially the third part. Am I sure about the difference, beyween the real person and the sex object? Hell no! That's what makes them such an enigma. You never know with a dancer where the bullshit ends and reality begins. (Say isn't that what most posts here are about?)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Herbal Enhancement and Rachael McAdams
    Sounds like you had a fun, mind-altering night, LOL!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Rater Rules Gone Wrong
    I've given clubs a thumbs down (5 or below) based on decor, layout, and general cleanliness. I have been to clubs that I rated highly before (7 or above) and thought to myself I should ammend my rating to point out that it was a "5" on a different night. So many variables. Clubs can have a great vibe one night, and a somber one on another. The girls on the shift when when you visit can be not so attractive; or the two really attractive ones on that shift clocked in sick or are on vacation! Or all th ehotties show up on a partiular night to make up for sick days, make moeny for vacation amd/or presents... I look at the concensus rating and for the ratings that review what I find important in a night out. Does the reviewer like to chat with the ladies, or on the other extreme, takes any offer to dance as a hustle rather than an invitation to flirt? Extras or no exras? Loud DJ or too loud DJ? Other clientele scared the hell out of you, or ou felt right at home?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Friends First?
    Yeah that is way too absolute, black and white. I would say more, but I would rather wish you all health, happiness and may lapdances in the New Year! Happy lapping!