Is the VIP really that different from a couch dance?

avatar for 2Jiggab
Just wondering if there is really a difference as far as mileage and touching in the VIP than with a regular couch or chair dance?


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avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
There is such a huge variety of types of VIP rooms that this discussion is pretty meaningless. I know lots of clubs that only have one area, either out in the open or a separate room, for LDs. I know other clubs that have many different areas at different prices. In some of these clubs the rules differ significantly from one area to another, in other clubs they are the same. For example, Gentlemen's Gold Club in Baltimore has an LD area where the girls are required to keep their tops on and the guy has to keep his hands at his side. They also have 4 different VIP rooms, each with different prices and levels of amenities and privacy, where the girls remove their tops and guys can touch. Every club is different.
avatar for Varmit 363
Varmit 363
18 years ago
did i forget to say Kahoots rocks in this town....i must really try the vip sometime while i am there ....."i love this bar"
oh and i did mean add and not ass above...
avatar for Clubber
18 years ago

I think the "YES" in my reply certainly implies a positive to the "VIP" in the question.
avatar for Varmit 363
Varmit 363
18 years ago
i can not speak from exp on this , however i stopped in a club last night here in c bus , while talking to one of the bartenders, very sexxy long legs i might ass, she was telling me there was a guy in the vip room for 2 hours ,,however i noticed the dancer came out 2 or 3 times while i was there ....i think they hustled the dude out of his money .....i have had couch dances in this club before good grindage and boobies , but that is it ,,cant see paying $300 per hour no matter how good it is ...just me thou..
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Clubber: I have to point out a fatal flaw in equating your brief, initial post with Chitown's lengthier one. You only said that, yes, there was a difference - whereas Chitown said that there was a difference AND that it favored the VIP. For all we knew you agreed with me that the VIP is for chumps.
avatar for minnow
18 years ago
Depends on club. IME, mileage often marginally better at best. Even in those cases, VIP still could be worthwhile with right dancer, due often to the lower average cost per dance of the package deals. Regardless, I take a test drive in single dance bites prior to commiting to VIP. One of the biggest lies: "Things will get better in the VIP".
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I agree that it depends on where you go, eg. the relative privacy and lighting of the LD area vs. the VIP room. I think it also depends on when you go, because during off hours there's usually a lot more privacy especially in a VIP room than when the place is busy. And in places with private rooms monitored by camera, often no one watches the monitors during slow periods and the girls know this. So there are a lot more variables besides type of room.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
Chitown: agreed, the main floor nearly always offers less privacy, and therefore less service, than the more private rooms. It IS, as you assert, generally counter-intuitive that high levels of anything desirable might be more available in public than in private. Generally not the case! Sometimes, equivalent levels are, in the rare instance.

However, there are benefits to main-floor activity, not the least that you DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR ACCESS TO THE VIP! So, your search for a better cost-to-service ratio might, indeed, be better served by investigating certain clubs' non-VIP (aka, main floor) options. It is not rare that the VIP or "upstairs" rooms in certain Houston clubs are designed for longer-term liaisons with dancers, whereas identical levels of service can be had at either.

You can, at Treasures for example, get pretty much any kind of "finish the problem" service either on the main floor in a darkened corner; or upstairs in the VIP. However, to get into the VIP you'll also be paying around $150 or $200 for a full half-hour (or longer) of interaction with one girl, and that does not include the service cost. If you like her company and feel that the privacy and intimacy are worth the cost, then by all means, do go upstairs. :) But if simply a "finish" to the "problem" is ALL that you want, you will probably find both (a) a better practicioner of certain problem-finishing tasks, and (b) a less annoying period of person-to-person interaction, on the main floor.

And, on top of that, I have experienced some clubs where the VIP is just a mark-up designed to bilk tourists and newbies. Review after review of 2001 Odyssey in Tampa states, "don't go into the spaceship!" Girls get you up there for the benefit of the club, but then don't increase the level of service at all. If you can find a girl who will go ninety-for-nothin' on the main or in the lower-floor booths, you've gotten as much as you're going to get, and any further upsell of roomage is idiotic and in fact will mark you as a sucker. (And being marked as a sucker can, sometimes, reduce the level of service you experience.)

So, in theory, main floor is less private than private room, yes. But in practice at particularly important clubs, service options are not necessarily in line with privacy options.
avatar for chitownlawyer
18 years ago
My analysis is strictly inductive, and is therefore hopelessly linked to my experience, in which, almost by definition, the size of the sample is less than the size of the universal set.

As such, I am always open to changing my opinion in light of new information, esp. if it involves getting more contact for less money. But I cannot remember ever being in a club in which the main floor offered more privacy than the VIP area, and the idea seems almost counter-intuitive (or, at the least, involves spectacularly bad achitecture, interior design, and/or management--from the point of view of the club, which doubtless wants VIP to be seen as a "premium product." But whoever said that people involved in the strip club business were rational economic actors?)
avatar for Clubber
18 years ago

We can truly tell you are an attorney. My initail response to this topic took me one sentence to say what it took you an outline to say! And I must admitted your outline was exactly correct, in my experiences as well.
avatar for chitownlawyer
18 years ago
Let's test that question against my experience:

Hand job with dick out of pants: Couch dance? No. VIP? Yes

Blow job: Couch dance? No. VIP? Yes

Full service: Couch dance? No. VIP? Yes.

So, based on my experience, I would have to say that there IS a difference between a couch dance and VIP...

avatar for Clubber
18 years ago

We can truly tell you are an attorney. My initail response to this topic took me one sentence to say what it took you an outline to say! And I must admitted your outline was exactly correct, in my experiences as well.
avatar for ssewarrior
18 years ago
I agree that I think it depends on the club, the city and the rules in that city. Different places you can get away with more. Some clubs/owners try to "sucker" people into thinking they'll get more.
I've been in clubs where I got more in VIP and I've been in them where I got less. I've had as little as a table dance no contact in some clubs all the way to a BJ on the main floor in other clubs. Viva Texas! haha
avatar for happylap
18 years ago
Yes, it depends on the club and the dancer. I recently tried a "scientific experiment" at a club near Chicago--Heavenly Bodies. This is an oddball club because the dancers dance in bikinis on stage (no nudity) but will take their tops off for private dances. (As noted elsewhere on this DB Chicago is a strange market). On my first visit I got a couple of dances from a beautiful Polish girl in the "VIP room". Now here's another odditiy--the VIP at HB is the lower scale option--it's a room with a concrete floor and straight-back chairs with a bouncer watching constantly. The dances were good and sensual but I wondered what it would be like upstairs. I was told that there were sofas and it was a little more private. So I returned another day at the same time (early afternoon) and went upstairs with the same dancer. The sofa was much more comfortable and the bouncer was outside the door (although I think there were cameras in the room) but the milage was exactly the same. I still enjoyed it. The dancer hinted that downstairs was more profitable for her.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
In a lot of clubs, the VIP means more attention from bouncers. With a little know-how you can get better dances on the main floor amid all the activity in the room. The VIP is priced higher for suckers who believe they'll get more. This is how it was for years at my regular club. Then, they expanded the VIP and told strippers to push dances there and badmouth the table dances. Enough suckers went along with it that table dances became rare, so anybody getting one drew more attention, and mileage dropped. Nowadays, you pay $25 for less than what $10 bought last year. Besides, I think it's a lot more fun getting high mileage on the main floor than being dragged off to some special room.
avatar for Yoda
18 years ago
This depends on the set-up and the dancer. I've been in clubs where the VIP room was a large area with several couches and several dancers all in their at once with customers. The chances of anything "unique" happening in such a public area are fairly slim. OTOH, a dimly lit private room with a willing lady can be a whole other story...
avatar for Mickkeyc
18 years ago
it depends on the club and the dancer
avatar for Mickkeyc
18 years ago
it depends on the club and the dancer
avatar for DailyGrind
18 years ago
One would hope so.

A pre-nut-ual agreement, while not fail-safe, is always recommended.

avatar for Clubber
18 years ago
Having tried a number of both, my answer is YES!
avatar for whatevergong82
18 years ago
If you're ever in Houston, with the fun that can be had from the dancers in that town, then the answer is NO!!

Whenever I was in Houston, I'd end up offered everything up to and including FS on a chair or couch without being in the VIP, with Outside the Club (OTC) Take-out options as well. And, you didn't have to be well known to get the action!! Many times, I had just met the dancer, and she gave me her Menu without any prompting from me whatsoever!!


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