
Comments by ww

  • discussion comment
    8 hours ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    avatars disapearing...
    @Jascoi Honestly, I don't see the appeal. Avatars are essentially vanity expressions and not sure why that's a thing for folks on a site like this, but glad founder can appease some folks with it. I also don't understand why folks prefer to make these type of issues discussion topics vice just messaging founder about it.
  • discussion comment
    9 hours ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    avatars disapearing...
    The world has really changed when dudes care more about their avatar than azz and titties...SMH.
  • discussion comment
    a day ago
    ROB Alert: these ROBs have been at TT for years-- "Zayla" average
    ^^^ The "g" in "ggofv" must stand for goofy. As in goofy enough to search for a 6 year old thread and bump it like the warning applies today.
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    Changes at Vivide - no more straddling, heavy grinding
    ^^^ I've done it in an open layout, brightly lit club in the middle of the room standing up (granted, the club was crowded as all get out!). It can be done anywhere, anytime - you just need the willingness to do it and ability to be discrete about what you're doing. And it's possible it was the guy that got them caught....there's a lot about this story we don't know.
  • discussion comment
    2 days ago
    Changes at Vivide - no more straddling, heavy grinding
    ^^^ Was wondering is anyone was going to admit that extras on the main floor is not uncommon. At least not for those of us from the old school.
  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    None of these girls belongs on a pinup. Unless you have like 10 pints.
    Gotta be nice to consider $20 a dance as cheap!
  • discussion comment
    4 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    ^^^ "You’re mixing two different issues, whether dancers should get free VIP and abuse by dudes pretending to be dancers for free indefinite VIP" Fixed it for you. The issues are related. And this whole thread is not for us to worry about.
  • discussion comment
    4 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    @HoneyDewMelons I dont know if they are dancers or just "regular" woman, but I have seen females do reviews. Have no idea if they were a dancer reviewing their own club or a different club. Regardless, I would hope a dancer would recognize not to use the same name here as the stripper name they use at work. The review itself does not have to be good or bad. It could just state the facts. And as far as trusting the review, that is up to the reader. There are a ton reviews that I don't trust. You gain what insight you can from a good cross-section of reading and you draw your own conclusions of a club. Either way, the owner/manager should have no idea if a dancer that works there does a review unless the dancer drops clues that identify who she is.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    @RonJax2 I'm aware of the separate club boards - those are not the "main" discussion threads. You can read ALL discussions by clicking the discussions link, which will include the smaller club discussions. Anyone can participate on the smaller board threads. The "discussion" you are referencing on the reviews are actually comments. If anyone wants to view or add to that, they can just get VIP in the ways previously discussed. "To your other points, it sounds like you just don't want dancers posting here?" ^^^You are misreading what I've stated. I've stated several times I have no issue with dancers posting. My issue is providing them unlimited VIP access for gracing us with their presence. Give it for free to everyone or give it to no one. Interesting how women want equality for everything, except for when they don't. And very few are going to purchase a subscription for the potential chance they get to interact with a dancer on this site. There are other places across the internet to increase your chances of that. Honestly, if you want to interact that much with dancers, meet them in-person, get their contact info and go from there.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    Also, to further play devils advocate, the unlimited VIP for proven dancers was a flawed system. Just like how mongers complain of the current system of writing articles and reviews has a degree of abuse, there are ways to abuse "proving" you are a dancer. What's to stop a "cute" guy from playing dressup? What to stop a monger from getting their female cousin to "play" dancer? All for the purpose of receiving free, unlimited VIP. You only need to prove it once and you're set for life. At least with a crap article or review, you only have 4 weeks access compared with indefinite.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    ^^^ There are 3 main places of discussions: The TJ thread, the Political thread and the Front Room. If you're not speaking on Tijuana or a political topic, by default, everything else is Front Room. MOST of the topics posted are front room topics. Articles are not the only means for free access. One can do a review (a short one at that) or simply pay for access. IMHO, continuous VIP access isn't needed every single month. If you are retired, do you really needed unlimited VIP? If so, for what purpose? You still have the ability to post in the discussion boards.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    "Point taken, but let me ask you this: would you rather be at a SC with zero dancers? Or 4-5 of them?" Bad analogy. I go to the SC FOR the women. I don't come to or use this site to interact with women. I don't have an issue with them being here, but see no reason to provide them unlimited VIP because we are "graced" with their presence. And that's if they even choose to participate. We don't know the numbers but founder does and over the course of this site existing he's probably handed out thousands of free unlimited VIPs with maybe 40-50 dancers actively participating on the site beyond their advertisements. That's a lot of giving and very little receiving. I consider that a bad investment. At least make them earn it. That way if they choose not to participate anymore, the access goes away - it's not some indefinite access where you can go away and resume where you left off next year. And I'm unconvinced of the relationship between dancer participation and VIP access.
  • discussion comment
    5 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    @RonJax2 Free unlimited VIP is not going to bring a mass amount of dancers into the forums. How many were participating when that was the case? 4-5??? Dancers are still posting pics and able to advertise where they dance. That what most of them use the site for. Don’t need VIP for that.
  • discussion comment
    6 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    "A nice side benefit is the reduced number of comments from the small contingent of simps who think the dancers give a fuck about their 'witty' replies." Amen! LOL!
  • discussion comment
    6 days ago
    Loss of liquor hurt initially (like a couple of weeks) before folks wised up and figured out how to compensate for that. The crowd returned almost to normal before this closure.
  • discussion comment
    6 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    It's a sausage fest here. Founder please bring back free VIP for dancers!
    Free VIP already exist for dancers. They just have to put in some effort to receive it. For each example the OP provided, each of those points would make a great article. IMHO, that adds way more value to the site than their periodic musings through discusstion topics. The OP has also drawn the conclusion that the reason for dancer participation in the past was tied them having "lifetime" VIP access. IMHO, there isn't enough evidence to conclude that. Also, IMHO, the few dancers that did participate would tend to make discussions more volatile. This site is for monger intel. I don't need dancer insight on how to monger or conduct myself. Even one of the recent topics had Honeydwemelons chime in that the topic was not a "front page" discussion. Notice that no mongers made that comment. There are other places to interact with dancers - mongers should go there for that. If there is that much of a interest, dancers can email founder.
  • discussion comment
    6 days ago
    Retired Burlesque Belly Dancing GoGo Girl
    Own a piece of history...Unveiled Philadelphia Magazine
    Why not post the cross-posted link to where you are selling the magazine?
  • discussion comment
    9 days ago
    The O Atlanta, Grand Opening June 21
    Location has been host to a lot of club names. Latest was Allure.
  • discussion comment
    10 days ago
    I'd live this way again
    Hours (Semi) Confusion
    There's no dayshift here. Wouldn't even think of going any earlier than 10pm. And, to be honest, it's not really worth it compared to other spots.
  • discussion comment
    11 days ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    Top 40 is Back!
    No way the Coliseum in Detroit should be the top 40...who the heck is ranking this club that highly??? That's better than every other Detroit area club except Flight Club???
  • discussion comment
    15 days ago
    Anyone in ATL next weekend?
    ^^^ LMAO! 🤣
  • discussion comment
    18 days ago
    Terrible Experience - Manager Was Racist
    “From the moment you arrived” So the manager was at the entrance and started calling you names as soon as you entered the doors? Then followed you to your table and continued to call you names? Then stayed at your table and called you names until you left? And the only thing you did to earn all that attention was spend lots of money? Well, that’s interesting!
  • discussion comment
    19 days ago
    Skinny Dancers in MD VA DC WV?
    Yeah - go back to NYC for that.
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    The clubs in the actual city limits of Detroit barely have reason to be open for any type of dayshift as-is. 6pm is the best one should hope for and, even then, it's probably not worth a visit.
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    Diamond atlanta closing
    Honestly, Wax is busier than it was before the alcohol removal minus a few latinas that used to work there.