Found out my petite CF has a BBL and I'm so disappointed.

I love boobies
Dancers with her were/are so magical. She is so sensous, we have a great connection, and her eyes are amazing and recently had a first VIP with her. Usually we are facing each other, so I don't notice her butt too much (again, she's the sensous type, not the grinding type, IYKYK, ) So we walk to the room and I notice her butt is bigger than I think it was before, or at least bigger than it should be, (I'm a face and boobs guy, not an ass man) but think nothing of it. But then when she's in CG, I grab it and it is so tough/hard , has to be BBL. I know she works out and stuff but pretty sure it's a BBL.
Sucks. Especially if it's a recent change and she wasn't like that in the beginning (but it's only been like 2 months from first meet/dance)
last commentIt’s heartbreaking but I know serval dancers who went from day shift to nightt off a BBL and I get money talks and bullshit walks. I know of a white dancer who got tits and another who got a BBL and they made more and the BBL one there OF popped off.
I'm not a big ass guy. I prefer a nice tight ass with nice curves. But if she has a big ass and everything else is to my liking I'll give her a go.
They see a bbl as a business strategy. It does make them more money.
Ive seen a few very good ones. Many bad ones. And too many girls ruin them by ignoring proper after care.
I got used to bbls. But now sex with "bad bitches" feels like fucking sex dolls. Plastic tits, bbls, lip injections , hair extensions... overdone nails and lashes. Sometimes it doesn't feel natural.
Holding and kissing a girl with a soft natural body feels so different. Just the feeling of natural lips drives me crazy. Its insane to even have to say how good natural bodies feel after being used to plastic.
A lot of the south Florida Cuban girls get that shit done as much as a status symbol as anything else. It's similar mentality to getting flashy nails "hey look at me, I'm doing so well I can afford to blow money on trivial shit to make me look pretty." Being very seasonal here, a few weeks ago at the club I noticed quite a few girls returning from a summer absence having had some work done. Many are just fake tits, but a few BBL's or ass jobs too.
I'm not a fan of BBL's at all, but it's not that I dislike like them in principle. It's that I don't like what I perceive as the typical result, which is an exaggerated, almost caricature-esqe looking woman. And often the feel is unappealing. That said, if a girl had one done and didn't have that look, I'm not sure I would care.
There's one girl in particular at Cheetah Pompano who has a natural ass that is firmer than any BBL I've ever felt. But she swears it natural, and judging by the way it moves with her and never has that characteristic point in her movement where it looks like her ass is a distinct entity from the rest of her body, completely going its own direction, I believe it's real. Her tits are clearly natural, and there's nothing to suggest anything has been done to suck fat out of anywhere. Point being, maybe your CF has just got a firm ass.
I hope so but it felt just plasticy compared to rest of her body
I guess more investigation is in order!
BBLs are not “tough”,”hard” or “plasticy”.
They are a redistribution of a woman’s natural fat, so BBLs are going to be as soft and jiggly as the rest of any other fat areas of a woman’s body.
What you’re describing is most likely implants, ass shots, or something else artificial.
A long time fave got a BBL and it laid her up for a number of weeks. She was still wearing some corset affair, for medical reasons, over a month after the surgery. So it's not exactly something that sneaks up on you, if you're seeing her with any frequency.
I, to am more of a breast than a butt guy, and she has the most incredible natural breasts, so I didn't much care about what was going on in the back
Ok, thanks, ww, maybe I'm 100% wrong (wouldn't be the first time), maybe it's all muscle.
Still don't like it.
Hopefully not implants.
I prefer a natural tight ass (unless it’s flat.)
"Heartbreaking"? 🤦♂️