What are the google reviews like for some of your favorite spots?

avatar for nicespice

And how does it compare to the TUSCL reviews of the same place?

I was about to write this as a reply to another thread, but I figured it may be interesting to make this its own discussion.

I looked up the google reviews of Magic City in Atlanta. The reviews were mostly about the chicken wings.A couple of reviews mentioned waitresses. The reviews on dancers were few and far between.

I looked up Desire in Rhode Island, and one dancer’s review was pretty scathing albeit nitpicky (complaining that if you don’t carry your cash with you everywhere, then your money will get stolen? I’ve only known ONE club ever where dancers felt comfortable just leaving their cash in the dressing room) Most of the reviews were one sentence reviews from male customers saying something positive about the club.

I know a few years back, thanks to Google reviews, Palazio in Austin was shamed into allowing a couple of token black dancers work there, when they previously had none. They also were shamed into explicitly cracking down on some vip scamming nonsense. (Because somebody complained about getting rung for 5k when some dancers joined him in a booth unsolicited and he had no idea he was on the hook for paying them for their time and by how much)

I was gonna look at more clubs later from there. But honestly, I just don’t pay attention much. Google reviews has tended to be the tie breaker for me in the past. As in, if I didn’t know whether I wanted to go to club A or club B in a city, the amount of google reviews would sometimes be the tiebreaker. But then that often didn’t help me either, and sometimes I’d end up liking the other club better anyways.


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avatar for gSteph
3 mos ago

Just looked at Google reviews for Sweet Illusions. Not much meat. Just short comments, 'Bambi was hot', 'bouncer was a jerk', 'prettiest ladies in town ', etc.

Nothing like most TUSCL reviews, most of which give some idea of lineup, and prices, likely mileage to be had.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 mos ago

So nice, do you go to clubs a lot as a PL? Do you buy dances, or just hang and stage tip?

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 mos ago

I should probably look at Google reviews more. The times I have, I've always found more useful info in TUSCL reviews.

avatar for Dolfan
3 mos ago

Mostly trash. Comprised largely of fake reviews from employees or friends. There's a decent spattering of disgruntled customers, usually ones who fell in love or otherwise got scammed, some who got too drunk and did dumb shit, and the occasional upset girlfriend or wife.

avatar for ww
3 mos ago

The mist comprehensive would be to look at a cross section of info from here, Reddit, yelp, google and a few other places.

Sometimes just a single sentence can contain a lot of value. Oftentimes, a tuscl review can have info that doesn’t add value.

You really can’t rely on just one source.

avatar for Manuellabore
3 mos ago

Never saw much value in Google reviews for the reasons stated by others. However, the comment about Desire made me realize that I can't think of another club where all the dancers go around with a big honking wad of cash rubber-banded to their wrist (hopefully with a condom nestled in the folds of cash). Most carry around a dainty little bag

avatar for nicespice
3 mos ago

Ahahah, Dolfan’s summary is definitely articulate.

@gsteph, do you think any comment about the bouncer is useful? I remember dancing in this small town (def smaller than Springfield/Eugene), and people commented on how prickly a certain bartender was, and they were correct.

Ww-yeah I do the same. Though I have to admit I completely ignore yelp. I actually deleted the app on my phone because I just don’t use it anymore. (Including for fast casual food)

@manuella Oooh, as in the dancers are required to wear cash rubber bands on them? Maybe that’s what that dancer meant. In that case, I retract what I said earlier and her complaint is completely legitimate. Ewwwww

avatar for Muddy
3 mos ago

I've seen it get really personal on some of those. But obviously completely useless otherwise. It's like one, two line blurt outs.

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 mos ago

Looking at a few reviews for pandoras, the reviewers seem like they don’t go to sc’s very often. Lots of people claiming they got ripped off. It is possible to get ripped off there, but only if you don’t know what you’re doing and walk in like a target.

avatar for ww
3 mos ago

If a club has a social media page, like instagram or Facebook, you can actually gain a lot of Intel from that.

avatar for Icey
3 mos ago

Google reviews are about the clubs. That's what most men go there for. TUSCL reviews are basically about hookers working clubs and where tricks can find them. If i want to go party at a club. I couldnt care less if some guy ild enough to be my grandpa got his dick sucked by a crack hoe. The clubs reviewed the most here aren't the best or most popular. Plus too many fake reviews.

Clubs I frequent have better reviews elsewhere.

The big problem with yelp or google is too many club ads as reviews.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 mos ago

@Manuellabore so does it really mean Manuella Bore? I thought it was Manuel Labore with a mystery e.

avatar for gSteph
3 mos ago

@nicespice, saw the bouncer 86 a guy during a recent visit, dude kept pulling out his phone, maybe taking pics of stage.
If I saw a number of comments about bouncer, that would be worth taking in account, but a rare one might just be an Ahole like this fellow.

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 mos ago

A strip club isnt meant for partying to begin with. If you want to party you should be going to an actual night club. The whole point of a strip club is nude dancers, lapdances, and extras in private rooms. Just because theres a few scammer clubs in Atlanta and other cities, influenced by scam-rap-ghetto culture, doesnt mean we redefine the purpose of strip clubs entirely. The party clubs are the worst reviewed precisely because they go against what a strip club is meant for

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 mos ago

Also regarding fake reviews, it happens much, much less often than people think, and if there is a fake review being written its more likely its a competitor trying to bring down another business, disgruntled employee/dancer, or the opposite of all those as in a club trying to promote itself, dancer employee trying to make the club look better etc.

If someone is writing a fake review in order to get vip access, find the best clubs and visit them.. that means they should be visiting clubs and thus are able to review them.

avatar for RonJax2
3 mos ago

@nicespice, this thread was interesting to me because TBH, I haven't really looked at Google Reviews for strip clubs before. I was curious to see how they lined up.

My favorite club ever is Hong Kong, Tijuana. It looks like Google does NOT offer the opportunity to review the club itself, which is odd, because Hotel Cascadas, the adjoining hotel the club, has 800+ reviews, overwhelmingly positive, with an average of 4.5 / 5. I'd say that numerically, this aligns closely with HK's ratings on TUSCL where with a rating of 8.19/10 it lands number 1 on TUSCL's top 40. What the google reviews lack is any useful information about prices or mileage or any kind of explicit detail that you can get from TUSCL.

I also compared my current favorite US club, Booby Trap Pompano. On Google reviews it averages 3.8/5. Overwhelmingly people rate it a 5, but there's a minority of reviewers who had bad experiences and ding it with a 1. This is pretty similar to the trend on TUSCL, where BT's rating of 7.21 nets it a spot at number 26 on the Top 40. On both sites BT gets mostly positive reviews with a few bad ones sprinkled in.

But again, what google reviews lacks is any kind of explicit detail about mileage or prices that you see frequently on TUSCL.

I would say, google reviews would probably only be useful to me if I were in a new city with LOTS of club options. Google might be a way to narrow down which club I researched further on TUSCL.

avatar for Manuellabore
3 mos ago

ilbbaicnl: That would be telling

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 mos ago

@Man nicespice went with Manuella. More spicey than nice, as is her custom.

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