
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New welcome page
    Actually, now that I checked, each club has a Club Discussion Board, which used already for the HH. This would be a great place to center discussions on one particular club. Sure would be nice if we could get a chatroom here, but I understand the complications to opening one up and probably server problems.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New welcome page
    One way of "critquing" a review as far as its authenticity and content, is to bring back the "CLUB MESSAGE BOARD", and make entries on those boards.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus Club - Columbia, South Carolina
    You guys are a riot! chandler - LOL - This used to be a well hidden hideout until The Candyman started spouting his conquests at the club all over this strip club website. NOW.... we're all stuck paying $25 and $30 for 2fers! FONDL - LOL - This club opens at 11:00AM, but if you get in at 10:30AM, they allow you back in the dressing rooms to help the girls into their outfits. The DO servce lunch, but bring your own "BIB" back to the LD area, as some of their "lunch specials" get moist real fast! As for the Y-mca special, always a good choice! As far as directions, do what I do..... set your G.P.S. for "pussy palace" and the 'scent' takes you right to their front door!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Are you smarter than a stripper?
    I think I might be 'just a bit smarter' than the average "bathroom troll" in ctrip slubs...... I mean strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus Club - Columbia, South Carolina
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    Book Guy - Naw, no rish of arson. I live in the NE portion of Memphis,near Bartlett. Quiet, friendly neighbors (except for the kid next door who broke into the house one evening in 2003). But, that problems was solved thanks to Brinks Alarms & the neighbor moved. Downside in living in Memphis city limits.... you pay city property taxes and county (Shelby) property taxes. MLG@W (Memphis Light, Gas & Water) is corrupt, along with CITY law enforcement, and King Willie's (Mayor) office. I hope Tunica Caberet doesn't open again when I have to settle back in Memhis. I'd be tempted to get a Home Equity loan for SC funds!!! Yeah, those idiots that made up there sign, didn't even realize they spelled Cabaret wrong. Actually, living in NE Memphis wasn't bad and I had a good paying easy job of dealing at a Tunica casino. After reading jablake's comments, I would feel like King of the Hill again back in Memphis. Besides, I need to get back to work & get my life back together. Maybe a year or so more.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The naked truth about strip clubs $$$!
    Anybody want to move to the still ultimately high racialist city of Memphis? Lots of strip clubs, lots of crackheads, lots of people to meet at 201 Poplar Avenue (county lockup); lots of trash to pick up. What more could you ask for? Anybody wanna' buy my house??? before it gets arsoned???
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New welcome page
    Thanks DougS. I noticed that review on the HH myself about a DJ when they have a jukebox. I think I made a comment about his review in one of our discussion boards. These are things (reading reviews) that we all must watch for and bring to founder's attention. A good solid website like this one, has a lot of member input, and we need to weed out the dishonest members/posters.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Deja Vu Colorado Springs
    LOL@minnow...... you are so funny minnow! But, that was an exellent idea for the dollars!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you handle email inquires from people that you do not know?
    Just shot an email to you Tom. Hope we can meet up.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio farewell tour?
    jimmyblong - Bugsy's opens at 2:30PM and closes, depending on business, no later than 2:00AM. Dancers come in for two shifts, 2:00PM to 8:00PM and 8:00PM to 2:00AM. You can always call them too, to find out if Saturday nights are a later close. I was just there this afternoon and hooked up with our beautiful "evilcyn" for great erotic fun. Read my review.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    New York Strip clubs
    mets1986 - I know exactly how you feel. The same goes for the GREAT... no wait.... LATE state of Ohio, beginning September 4th! Majority of the 137 clubs in Ohio really suck bad! Columbus clubs especially. A few club exceptions, Fox's Den & Gigi's in Cleveland, and Bugsy's Speakeasy in Elyria. Unfortunately these "Citizens for Decensy" groups could care less about the state income from strip clubs. It's the state politicians getting pressure from their constituants.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Deja Vu COS
    I'm not sure about the one in COS, but all the Deja Vu clubs I have visited have turned out well. Recommendation: Wait for the announced two for one LDs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oct 26,2007. What where why?
    I'll agree with that BG. But, being in SF, they're gonna' be expensive. MBOT would be a DEFINATE hit too! Bring bucks though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Northern TUSCL Chapter Meeting - Brad's Brass Flamingo
    BG - Bring us to date on the possible NYC move. 'Bout time you leave "crawldad" country. DougS - I know Brad's is da spot for you. I'm making myself flexible for anytime in August. In fact, I ain't committing myself on dates to my midsouth sweetie in advance for August. Just gonna' tell her I'll be back down when I get there. I gotta' get "you know who" back in Brad's VIP really really really bad!!! She's gonna' make a lot of money from me someday!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio farewell tour?
    treetopsman - As you found out in my reviews, Red Bull is good & safe for me while driving. Here is my schedule for the next 6 days: If a TUSCL friend calls me with a 4 hour notice, I'll be driving to Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indianapolis, IN, Tuesday, July 10th. July 14th - driving up to Cleveland area & probably visiting Gigi's, Fox's Den, and possibly visiting with 'evilcyn' at Bugsy's Seakeasy in Elyria, OH. Spending the evening at a Holiday Inn in Strongsville, OH. July 15th - tied up helping my son move, then returning to Columbus. July 16th - flying down to the midsouth for week or so. I concur with chandler...... If in Dayton, hit the Living Room, nice babes, good dances, fair to good mileage. I tried golfing, but enjoy slamming the shit out of golfballs at a driving range more. However, I'll hook you up with my 95 year father, he still golfs! If we can catch either other this weekend, email me & I'll provide my cell number.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Northern TUSCL Chapter Meeting - Brad's Brass Flamingo
    Hey, I got a GREAT idea! Let's evaporate this TOPIC!!! :-(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you handle email inquires from people that you do not know?
    We all have skeletons in our closet, I agree. My apologies ClevelandTom for doubting you. Anytime you want to make a meet in Cleveland, send me another email & we'll have a beer or two together. I don't think that exchanging emails is that dangerous between TUSCLERs, as long as it two-way communication, where both can get advice. CAUTION: As a former COP... if a detective ever emails you about a criminal incident, there is no requirement on his behalf to advise you of your rights. Speaking from a friend of mine. Any attorneys out there want to challange this?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Insert Finger or Fingers in Her Ass . . .
    A few years ago in a small dive type Memphis club near the airport, I was advised by a dancer that if I bought a LD from her, she'd let me stick MY finger up her ass! I politely declinded. I should have contered with, if I allow you to do a LD for me, you can stick my COCK in your mouth!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If Hillary is elected president...
    FONDL brought up a good point. As long as congress remains divided, the Presidency will just be a figure head with veto rights. I also agree with skyraider in that controlling politicians are out of touch with reality in America. But, if Hillary is elected, Bill will be addressed as Mr. Hillary Clinton, no doubt! Fed up also!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Her Eyes Lit Up Real Bright . . .
    Freaky if you ask me. LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio farewell tour?
    treetopsman - According to the Columbus Dispatch, the effective date for the Ohio Senate Bill 16 is Sept. 4th. You still have plenty of time. Being in Ohio now for half a year, here is my recommendation on Ohio clubs based on my visits: Elyria, Ohio - Bugsy's Speakeasy - listed as bikini bar, but don't let that fool you; evilcyn bartends and dances at this club - ask for Cyn; champaigne room can be a good experience with the right dancer; price segments are based on 20-40-60 minute sessions; can us VISA/MC for the room; 20 minutes from Cleveland, via I-80 toll road (50 cents) westbound from I-71, exit Elyria; easy to find; My rating for a laid back bar/club with cute girls from 1 to 10 is 7.5. Cleveland, Ohio - GiGi Lounge - small but cozy - $10 laps - never got extras, but the girls grind good like at the Hip Hugger in Kokomo, IN - outside pants rubbing - some outtake available - dancers' drinks same as your price. Good club to get warmed up. Afternoon or evening is good - get table in corner to the right as you enter the club, best concealment. Cleveland, Ohio - Fox's Den - small clean dive - $10 laps - dancers' drinks $6 on up - open LD area, but doesn't stop the girls from doing what they want to do to you, as management is aware but doesn't interfer - can get lotioned up bareback handjobs by most dancers for purchase of a drink and a small tip, takes place in booths against the back wall - lot of locals visit so you might have to wait for a girl to free up - early afternoon is best. Columbus, Ohio - stay away, as no touch laws are strictly enforced by ALL the clubs here - don't waste your time or gas. Dayton, Ohio - has a few good clubs where extras can be sought but at a high price. Medway, Ohio - Off I-70 between Columbus and Dayton - best hidden nude establishment between the two cities - opens late, usually 7PM or 8PM - $10 nude laps in LD area, semi-private - all cute young dancers - non-alcoholic drinks and pizza - friendly staff. Those are my Ohio picks. Read my reviews on all of them, collect names. Good luck and be sure to give us good lengthy reviews. :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Got hit in the head
    Well BG it could have been worse. Worse thing now with the mouth problem is that you won't be able to DATY for awhile.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    If Hillary is elected president...
    Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is sponsoring Hillary for the democratic presidential candidate. If you buy their special Hillary bucket of chicken, KFC donates $1.00 to her campaign. The KFC bucket contains: 2 small breasts, 2 large thighs, and a left wing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Got hit in the head
    While stationed in Germany in 1983, I was driving one night on the autobahn. Very little traffic. I was driving in the right hand lane (cruising lane) and saw a pair of headlights in my rearview mirror and the car appeared to be going at a VERY VERY high rate of speed. Figuring he would pass me on the left (passing lane) as by law in Germany, I was hit from behind and did a 180 degree spin, hitting the center concreate divider. His vehicle lost control and rolled a couple of time in a ditch on the right. Of course it was his fault. If I had moved over to the passing lane, I would have been at fault if he had tried to pass me then. The driver had fallen asleep at the wheel. Ever since then, I get really paranoid about tailgaters. Other than common 'road rage', my biggest fear is being tailgated. BG - Glad to see you aren't hurt seriously and hope you get over the neck problems. Don't hesitate to get it checked on.