
Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1 (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Group says it has signatures to force vote on [Ohio] strip club law
    OK, we might have a 2-3 month reprieve for the clubs, if citizens get to vote on it in November. I signed the petition last week while at Club 2K in Newark, Ohio, so I did my part! Good luck clubs and dancers!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Moaners and Heavy Breathers - Fake or Real?
    Thanks evilcyn. Was hoping that I might get a response from a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How do you think dancers feel about rejection?
    Excellent topicc casualguy! I believe that MOST dancers are used to rejection, as it's just part of the game. However, I'm sure each and everyone of us has run into those few dancers that CAN'T accept rejection easily. Those dancers shouldn't be in the business, if you ask me. I've rejected my share of dancers for various reasons; too fat; too ugly; waiting for my faves; knowing their limited mileage already; odor bearing; alcholic; known for diseases; etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I just bought a bottle of strawberry bubble bath.
    You've always been too romantic, just like me! If you've got any left over, be sure to bring to our convention at the end of October, so I can use it on H.E.R. also! :-)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    ozymandias - I totally agree with you, especially on the lesbian thing. I think we could classify them as bi-sexuals though. DITTOS on the freaky ones, only ones I've been with OTC!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    casualguy - Next time, have her write in on a napkin. I would have been so pissed for forgetting her number, especially if I were really horny! One other AWSOME experience at my old favorite club: They had a cute, well bodied, and frisky black dancer at my club. One mid-afternoon, she approached me at the bar (where I normally sat when not getting laps). She started fondling the 'family jewels' on the outside. Then she unzipped my pants, reached inside, and continued. All the time, the bartender was either in the back restocking or behind the bar. We were at the end of the bar. Then this frisky dancer started giving me BBBJ while I was sitting on my stool. I figured this was the end of it. Wrong! She back's up to me, pulls her G-string aside, and starts putting Mr Happy inside her! Not wanting to take changes of STDs or getting caught, I pulled back and put Mr Happy away, stating that maybe we ought to cool it for awhile. I did give her a twenty for her trouble though. This was my one and only bar drinking excursion that went that far!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    FONDL - It's probably a shame for as many trips I make to Cleveland, Erie is just a HOP-SKIP-JUMP away from there. I'll read the recent Erie club reviews and am in the process of printing out the first page of each review. Any recommendations based on your experience?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do some strippers want to do more than the club/law allows?
    Evilcyn, as a dancer, describes it to a T, especially in her club. I love her particular style, start out slow and work your way from there. Like chandler and FONDL mention, it's fun and exciting for me to go beyond the club rules, especially when the dancer feels the same way. For example, at Fox's Den (a local neighborhood bar) in Cleveland, the bartenders (no bouncers work there) are aware of the dancers exceeding club rules and laws, and turn their heads. The only time the bartenders say something to the dancers is when they're being too flagrant about their actions with the customers. The clubs in Memphis usually don't have security (bouncers) coming in until 4PM or 5PM in the evenings. I remember my favorite club opened at 2PM, only had a DJ, one bartender, and one waitress until 7PM. None of those people would ever hardly leave their work stations to see what the dancers were up to. Of course if any dancer screamed out, they would come to their rescue, but I never saw that happen. The dancers and customers would get away with absolutely everything during the afternoons! I spent big $$$$ in that club, but have fond memories. I even got away with short seconds of BBBJ from dancers on their main stage, while I was seated!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    husbands/boy friends in the club...
    I remember one of my favorite dancers at the Memphis PP lived in Jackson, TN and always had her b/f drive her to work and stay with her. She was good in the 'extras' department, especially with me and other regular customers. They would always sit together, right next to the VIP Lounge. Of course, she would make her necessary rounds around the club for potential laps. They had been doing this for years on end and it never seemed to impeed her income. I got to know him and would sit and talk with him while she was giving laps to others. I personally think the b/f knew her dance and extras style with others. I believe his thinking was that as long as she danced, he didn't have to get a job himself. I remember one occassion where I had the opportunity to OTC with her which was fine with her b/f, because the OTC was going to take place at their place in Jackson. I didn't feel comfortable with this situation, and backed out.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Are strippers good in bed?
    May we think that they're easier to 'get into bed' than others?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ATF vs buddy fuck.
    I think it might be difficult to find a dancer as a fuckbuddy. I'm not interested in seeking a fuckbuddy, because of two reasons: A) The fuckbuddy might starting 'falling' for you and expect committments; B) I can tire of a buckbuddy easily, and am off looking for another new fuckbuddy. On the other hand ATFs are fine and handy, as I wouldn't necessarily want to fuck an ATF so that the 'secrecy' of not knowing how good the ATF would be, thus, keeps my 'quench for thirst' for her. Just ask my Ohio ATF evilcyn. Would I want to fuck her? SURE! But, being teased by her is the utmost ultimate pleasure I can attain!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dumb ass things
    Good topic. I agree with evilcyn.... if I walked into her club and didn't see any dancer on stage, I'd have walked out! Like FONDL mentioned.... I was recently in a Zanesville,OH club (Doc's Place or something like that). LD booths are in basement. Security/Bouncer escorts you and the dancer downstairs. You pay him, he gives a slip of paper to the dancer, and in the booth you go (without bouncer). hehehe If a second dance is wanted, give the money to the dancer, she leaves the booth & pays the bouncer and returns. All that wasted time! In general the DUMBEST things some dancers to it spend the majority of the time in the dressing rooms! How ya' going to make money in there?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do some strippers want to do more than the club/law allows?
    Of course they do! Experience tells me this. Prime examples: Oklahoma City Trip: Stripper, after VIP LDs, full service OTC for $100. Excepted! Platinum Plus Memphis: Pick a dancer; going in the VIP; ask for the menu! Get your NUT! Overall, I believe that a lot of strippers will go above and beyond the law, especially if they need money fast. But, there are other strippers (rare) that keep within the law, and they're happy with that. Evilcyn............... care to chime in?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    harrydave - Go for it Sir! You start the topic as named & I'll list a couple. In fact, you can copy and past this one below as a starter: Last year I would occassionally drive my favorite club's waitress down the street to pick-up called in orders of food for some dancers. This waitress and I had already been getting frisky at the bar for weeks. Of course, I would tip her appropriately for some two-way touching during very slow afternoons in the club. After picking up an order, she was complaining about not making much money the day before. I unzipped my trousers while driving. She immediately bent over and started giving me a BBBJ for the remaining few minutes back to the club. I tipped her $20 and she was a bit more happier, but not as happy as MR HAPPY!!!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    ATF vs buddy fuck.
    Not sure what you're looking for Candyman. I'm your 'buddy' but we never fuck! LOL
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off topic. TVONPCELITE
    Found it. Looks scary..... don't think I'll sign up for it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    ozymandias - I wish I were a 'fly on the wall' at the funeral service! The closest I've come to an experience like that was from an old old movie I saw of which I can't remember the title. harrydave - eh, yeah dave, that was pretty dumb! Been in a similar incident in Northern Mississippi, trailer and all, no biker, no Doberman. This stripper was temporarily living with her 'former inmate' father, and her 'brother-in-law', who was also her boyfriend. Spent couple hours chit chatting with all of them, but left safe but horny! Keep 'em coming guys. Good reading. BTW, are there any dancers or lady club goers who would like to list any experiences?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Off topic. TVONPCELITE
    Give me the Yahoo search phrase so I can take a look myself. I might be interested.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can publicity ruin a club?
    The Greenville PP is much bigger than the Columbia PP. However, the dancers at Greenvile (as beautiful as they are) get the big BUCKS for their looks and classy club. However, the Columbia PP appears to have a more 'laid back' atmosphere. Since I've been to both, I prefer the Columbia PP, just because of that reason, and the dances were cheaper and more high mileage. But, as far as this topic, YES, I do believe publicity can ruin a club, but on the other hand, I also believe publicity CAN help a club. I agree that 'higher spending customers' (not necessarily assholes) can ruin dance prices for the rest of us. But, like the CAT says, if you stay away from the Columbia PP during the weekends and evenings, you'll end up getting better bargain dance prices. When I visit there, I'm usually entering as the doors open at 11:00AM or 11:30AM. You might not get a lot of 2fer$20 offers like the CAT, but 2fer$30 is still a bargain if you pick the right dancer! You have to remember that the CAT has patronized the Columbia PP for years, brings presents and candy, flowers, etc., which helps subsidize his 2fer$20 dances. As a regular at my favorite club (before their doors were SLAMMED shut) I used to get bargain dances from my favorite dancers and still get the high mileage that I was used to and expected from them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    A First For Me: While visiting the Hip Hugger on September 2, 2006, I met a dancer named Amanada (see review). We would do several LDs in succession and take a break at a table. Amanada would keep her hand on Mr Happy outside my trousers at all time during our breaks! Then we would return to do more LDs. This was my very first experience where ONE dancer got me hard and kept me hard all night long (at least 2 hours). I started losing my erection as I was driving away from the HH!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    True Experience: During the spring of 2006, I had visited a strip club south of Nashville, just off I-65. I met a waitress, who was also allowed to give LDs, as long as it wasn't crowded. I took her back for several and got pretty good two-way action. Started dating (long distance) this waitress (g/f experience). Found out later, that her daughter and former daughter-in-law both danced at the club she worked at. Also, her son worked there as a part time DJ. I'd visit the g/f, staying either in a hotel or at her place, for several days at a time. I'd always go to the club when she worked. I really wanted to try out both her daughter & daughter-in-law, but didn't want her pissed at me. I've always wondered if I'd stayed around, whether this situation could have ever turned out to be "A Family Affair"!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Good places to go in Portland, OR
    Yeah brian, I'm kinda interested in any experiences with the Sugar Shack too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    War Stories - Strip Club Related
    CAT: Don't wear the 'bitch' out too much. I want to TAG that little slut myself at the end of October! She better not be on her period or I'll turn into a 'certified' blood hound! Each of us OTC with her one night and let her compare 'techniques'! LOL Another great story 'casualguy', keep 'em comin'! "Joint strip club exercise" ..... cute. I still can't figure myself why a Brit, let alone anyone else would ask someone to watch their wallet.