
Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??

Saturday, September 1, 2007 3:57 PM
The other week I had visited one of my favorite spots. This club is about 80miles away which usually runs close to a 1 1/2hour drive. I was talking to a dancer and she asked me where I was from and I told her where I stayed and she was like? "Are you planning on going anywhere else after you leave here?" and I replied No. "She looked kind of shocked and said "So you are just going to turn around and go home?" and I said yes. She didn't come out and say it but it was as if she was stating "IF it was me I wouldn't travel this far just to go to a stripclub." I think she should have kept her opinions to herself. She should be glad I made the drive are else she wouldn't make any money. Have any of you ever encoutered and dancer acting as if you were stupid for making what she thinks is a long trip just to come to a club?


  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    My favorite club is an hour or so away and occasionally, there will be a dancer who acts stupid upon hearing where I'm from. I always think it's bizarre that they have this opinion because more often than not, they drove at least an hour as well. I've even had other customers tell me I'm crazy to drive so far to a club because there is a club closer to me that's better. Of course, that's just one man's opinion, but I do burn out on the same clubs over and over again. Even my favorite club gets old, after several months of the same dancers, gets old after a while. It's only natural to wander around some.
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    I get this all of the time at my favorite club with dancers new to me. What? You drive 240 miles just to visit this club. Why? Because all of the Atlanta clubs suck. They do not do lap dances in Atlanta. I make some new friends for my next visit.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I haven't had a stripper act like I was dumb for traveling an hour or so away. However there have been a few that thought that was a long drive. For many dancers though, they drive just as far or much farther sometimes even from 2 states away. One hour seems close to them. When there is a big void of strip clubs, you have to drive a while to get to anything decent. I have mentioned to a couple of dancers there isn't a whole lot to do where I live late at night unless you want to stay home and play games on the computer. They usually say they're happy I chose to visit.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Most or many dancers I meet live 30 to 60 minutes away. Some are from other states and if I say one hour away, it doesn't seem like a big deal. I think a dancer who thinks 1 hour is a long way doesn't get out very much.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I get that a lot, too. They ask if there aren't strip clubs in my town. Yes, but they're lousy. I don't think it necessarily says much about the girl asking. It just shows how unusual people like us are who check out the best clubs on the internet and go the extra mile. Almost all customers stick to a club in the nearest city and only venture elsewhere when they're traveling for some other reason.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Jpac73 - Ever think she might have been alluding to an OTC with her. When she said - "Are you planning on going anywhere else after you leave here?" and "So you are just going to turn around and go home?" - I easily could have interrupted these questions as a possible conclusion of "Why don't you take me to a motel and fuck the shit out of me?" Of course, that's "optimistic" thinking on my part. When most dancers ask me where I am from and find out I am some distance from home, they also find out that I am usually on a trip with a destination, and just stopping off for a few brews and dances. Other times, like in Indy, Kokomo, Louisville, etc, I just have to tell them that OHIO clubs really suck because of the mileage. They pretty much get the 'picture' and are aware at that point, what I am after!
    17 years ago
    I don't think I've ever taken a long trip or driven very far out of my way just to visit a strip club. An hour is about my limit. And as others have noted, a lot of dancers do more than that to get to work.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    No, because in some cases, the dancers drive far just to dance there. Case in point- Orlando clubs suck, several dancers have driven from Orlando- Tampa (roughly 90 miles) to dance at Monz, etal.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    Since ALL our clubs in Columbus suck really bad, it's not beyond me to jump in my compact and drive 2 1/2 hours to Cleveland or 3 hours to Indianapolis, to visit clubs. But, it's hell driving back home at midnight and arriving at 3:00AM! Not that anyone is waiting up for me, thank goodness! If a fellow TUSCLer emails or calls me about a sudden club meet, I'm usually "Johnny-On-The-Spot" and heading their way! I get tired of clubbing alone and don't have "clubbing" type friends around me.
  • Jpac73
    17 years ago
    Bones: I don't really think she was alluding to an OTC venture, however she seems a little free spirited. She's a little too thin for my taste but I believe I could hook up with her if we had met in another setting or maybe even another stripclub that was more laid back.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    When a dancer asks where I'm from, I used to be surprised if they even heard of the place. More lately in the last few years, I have been running into some dancers that not only know of the city I live in but may live nearby or have relatives or friends here. I remember at one club I heard one dancer was from the same city. I have to drive at least an hour to get to a strip club because I don't know of anything closer. However after one hour, I have lots of choices depending on which way I'm heading. I once thought asking where you're from was just a conversation starter. I think for many dancers, they're just collecting information to see how big a regular target you could be. I have a sister-in-law that put 100,000 miles on a vehicle in one year. She doesn't even have a job. She could have been a truck driver as much as she likes driving around.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    My relatives have told me I'm lucky I don't have to travel for work more often than I do. My younger brother has to go to Mexico every so often. My older brother has had to travel overseas for work a lot more than he wants. Seems like Germany one week, then at another time, he has to travel to Malaysia and another week to China. My "long" one hour trips seem pretty short in comparison.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I better cross my fingers or knock on wood after typing that message. I don't enjoy traveling half way across the country for work too much.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    If a stripper acts like you are dumb for traveling one hour, start talking about that seems like nothing compared to the trip you had to make half way across the country in the dead of winter etc etc. Then ask her how many times she has had to fly across the country. Many "local" dancers haven't ever flown before and probably would be lost just driving around in a far off city. Until about 10 years ago, I wasn't familiar with the highway lane markings in bigger cities for multiple occupancy vehicles or motorcycles. Or traffic lights mounted to the side of traffic poles. Here in South Carolina, we just have the standard lanes and traffic lights are always hung overhead so if you're in a small car behind a big truck, you can't tell if the light is red or not.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I could truthfully tell a dancer, "one hour seems far to you?" not after you've been to every single state in the union except for Alaska like I have." I don't remember many states in the northeast and the southwest very well though. I spent all my summer vacations on the road when I was young. I once wondered if it seemed dumb to go to a local bar and bikini competition down the road from my house. I had to wait 2 or 3 hours. The only seats they had because the place got crowded was towards the back of the club. The girls never got topless of course. The only good thing after being there for 4 or 5 hours was that I could be home in less than 5 minutes. I was thinking I could have driven one hour to a strip club. Seen all I wanted to. Have a great seat and lapdances, then drive home in less time. hmmm, Maybe I should just go to Platinum Plus in Columbia the next time I want a change. I'll stop rambling for now.
  • motorhead
    17 years ago
    Yeah, I used to constantly get this question. Since the closest club I visit is 90 miles away and my favorite club is 2 hours and 15 minutes away, driving is a way of life for me. The looks of amazement I got from many girls upon hearing how far I drove just to visit a strip club started to make me feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I got the impression I was some kind of pervert to them for wanting to drive so far to see naked women. So I started lying about my actual distance. Now, all my regulars know how far I drive and they really appreciate the fact I drive to see them. And, much like Miss Teen South Carolina, young girls' knowledge of geography is pretty sad. I live in Northern Indiana, near the Michigan border, so I have always visited more Michigan clubs than Indiana clubs. Yet, when I mention I came from Northern Indiana, they immediately say something, like "wow, you drove 6 hours to get here". Apparently, the only city in Indiana they are familiar with is Indianapolis, which is at least 3 hours from the Michigan line. I'm closer to Detroit than I am to Indy.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    David120- I get that type of response at my favorite club. I live in the Omaha area and drive down to Hamburg, IA (at the IA-Mo border in the literal SW corner) and the ones who think I traveled far are almost invariably from Missouri (or possibly Kansas). I just don't think they realize how close Omaha is, possibly because they may have never been there. On I-29, Hamburg is exit 1 and Omaha, if one takes I-80, is exit 52 on I-29. That's less than an hour assuming the 70 mile speed limit.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    No, never. First off, if it's a dancer that I don't know, I will tell her that I'm in town for business, even when I've just driven three hours to specifically to hit the club. I don't want to appear desperate enough to drive that far for a strip club. On the other hand, my ATF / faves all know that they are the sole reason that I am traveling to their club.
  • Pete22z
    17 years ago
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