
Strip Club Patrons' Nicknames

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

Well, I suppose we've all been addressed by dancers as:

Baby; Honey; Hon; Big Guy; etc, etc, etc. I suppose it's better than being called 'Sir'.

Anyone think of any other names, usual or unusual?


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Avatar for shadowcat

I have one that calls me Papi (Spanish for daddy). Many that call me candy man. Top honors go to the ones that call me John.

Avatar for FONDL

I too prefer to be called by my name. Although once I was in a bar shooting pool with my ATF and a couple young guys started hitting on her - they asked her if I was her father and she said, no he's my sugar daddy. I kinda liked that.

Avatar for AbbieNormal

I've decided that like many of the girls (Mercedes, Porche, Lexus) I want to be associated with an expensive ride. I insist that the girls call me Hummer.

Avatar for chandler

I kind of like being called Sir or Mister as she's grinding away on my dick: "Am I doing it right, Sir?"

Avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1

LOL@chandler! Ok Major Nelson.... as Jeannie says "comfortable?".

Oh, sorry, thought you said MASTER!!!

As a warrant officer in the army, I got my fill of being called Mister and Sir. It makes me uneasy as I get ready to return a salute.

What ticks me off is when a dancer asks what your name is, sits with you and talks for awhile, then starts back calling you "baby" again, instead of your name. I remind them my name is T__ and not Baby! And if they start calling me 'Pop', I usually look at them and say "You'll damn well know when I 'POP' girly!!!

Avatar for casualguy

I often get called by my first name. Otherwise I don't usually get called anything.

Avatar for DandyDan

Usually, they just call me by my real name, and then once they know me, they call me Danny Boy, even though I'm not Irish.

Avatar for shadowcat

bones: maybe they have you confused with the real "Pop" that posts on here. You have met him. S----. He is younger and better looking than you. He has also walked his dog with M-----. The giant 5'11" that I introduced to TimboATL last time.

Avatar for nj_pete

Does seem thatthe univeral nickname by dances to the customers is "baby". I do introduce my self to them by foirst name, and extra points to the girls that can remember it, later after a couple of lap dances.

Was in a club once woith a buddy of mine, had a lapdance from a dancer he had just had one form and she says, something about "Ed" and I'm thinking who the hell is "Ed", he was concerned about his ID or something and gave her a fake name.

I asked him about it and he says he dioes not wnat his wife to find out we were here. Like the girl is going to search him down.

Avatar for David9999

On a sidenote but not worthy of 2nd topic I cannot figure out the answer, I see someone above mention that "Papi" is spanish for Dad, which what I too noticed when I looked it up last night on the web. Just the other day, I had this quite beautiful latin (spanish speaking, little english) dancer repeatedly, maybe 50 times or more, using a similar phrase on me (or saying to herself) and I cannot figure out what she was saying. It was either "Papi", "Pepi", or maybe she was trying to say english for Baby but was substituting a P or a B. Here is the conext: the circumstance happened to be a very non-busy club ( most of the other 10 to 12 other girls basically standing around with either zero customers or no paying/dancing customers most of the afternoon) where we ended up spending about 2.5 hours together either talking or dancing, approx 16 or 17 dances total in the semi-open booth (but very private given the empty club) (perhaps 5 different sessions) with the last few dances ending with total digital insertion in her (by me) and simultaneously kissing in the earlobe and lips during the final 2 songs - so basically she was saying this phrase during either an orgasm or what appeared (to me) by the normal indicators to be an orgasm. I am very unfamiliar with Spanish speaking dancers - unlike for example Brazilian portuguese speakers. Anyone know what she was saying?

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