Comments by ThisOldManPlayed1
discussion comment
17 years ago

Bro - with you all the way. Except if we spend the remainder of our money on strippers... are being giving the Columbian drug cartels a boost instead of our economy?
discussion comment
17 years ago

Thanks guys and WG on the 'Asian slit' info. I was thinking if I came across (no pun intended) a HOT Asian chick, I thought she might have to be 'w'horizontal while I was vertical, or visa versa! :-)
discussion comment
17 years ago

terrymac77 - You and I are much alike in this sense. I don't mind getting a dancer or waitress drunk for better mileage or extras. They usually know what's cumming anyway.
The thing that has "STUNG" me in the past is when I find an ALREADY drunk dancer and not knowing what her intake was, I usually find out when she vomits all over me or the floor! YUK!!! Shit happens though.
discussion comment
17 years ago

Adding to DougS's catagory is Group 3 - Those old timers that are divorced, still bachelors, or widowers. Shadowcat, ClevelandTom, and I fall into this catagory. Probably some other TUSCLERs also, but I have not yet come to identify or party with them YET.
This group usually thrives on attention and ego boosting. Most of us are looking for extras if available. Most of us will OTC with a FAV dancer or ATF. Most of us can afford to visit SCs more often than most. Most of us can manage our money once inside a SC. Most of us have learned not to chance DUI charges. Most of us are not on any type of illegal drugs and enjoy a "natural" high. Most of us want to die with a HOT dancer between our legs!!! :-) LOL
discussion comment
17 years ago

If the US Govt sends me a check in ANY amount (free & clear), I'll probably have to return it...................................... to apply on my potential payment to IRS for 2007 taxes. I lose either way, they win every which way! :-(
discussion comment
17 years ago
WOW. 2for20DollarsLapDancesForever - I take it you're somewhat steamed up about those type customers. Well pal, I'm in the same boat as you! I have my regular favorite dancers, and they too get taken away with the once a year gent visitor who splashes all kind of money on them. But, I shake it off and watch those dancers make the money they deserve, from him. I know, soon as he leaves, they'll be back at my table much happier.
I don't believe that many, if any, of us here are the BIG SPENDERS 2f20 described. But, I believe we ALL are mature enough to realize that this is part of the SC business, that can be tolerated.
Yeah, these type gents may seem pathetic, but there in the club to get some attention and company from beautiful ladies. Their mouths may overflow with BS, but the dancers come back with SS. It's all a game for both parties.
discussion comment
17 years ago

Atlanta suburb
On the other hand, I might just go with my Bro to his club on VD and give Lady Rolex watches to all my favorite dancers!
discussion comment
17 years ago

Rhode Island
chandler - Thanks for straightened me out on this thing. Post, hope I remember that term. Senility setting in, no doubt.
casualguy - I wasn't funin' about the 'almost' fire, I was funin' about how it all came about. Geez...... I must be jokin' around here too much. Sorry guys! :-( I guess MG is right, maybe I'll dump all my "mistaken insensitivity" start looking for a seminary for 4 years. Will ya' miss me?????
discussion comment
17 years ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
HM? Not sure what that means. My guess SuperDude? She was pissed at you for spending all those greenbacks on the restaurant when you could have spent them on her. Just a guess, however....
discussion comment
17 years ago

Atlanta suburb
I can't believe I just wrote that!!!
discussion comment
17 years ago

Atlanta suburb
Out in force is my guess. Their TIGHT-ASS cheap lousy no-job working mother fuckers ain't buying them SHIT on VD! Ooops VD=Valentines Day in this case! LOL
The clubs will be FULL of dancers waiting for us pathetic no-good lousy dick-swinging horny bastards to come in and shower them with gifts!
But, NOT ME!!!!
discussion comment
17 years ago

LMFAO@Bbobbyl - cute!
I am going to be very frank on this question with my one and only former ATF!
I first labeled her my ATF the first time she danced for me at which time she took my entire COCK down her throat! (not that I'm big mind you) The ATF award took... ummm... about 2 mintues!!!
But, if things continue going hotly with a new found FRIEND of mine ( :-) ) on the internet..... it won't be long for the chance of CROWNING her my NEW ATF. Will just have to wait and see!
discussion comment
17 years ago

Holy cow BG! I'm really shocked after reading your thread. Surprised, to say the least, in your thinking process. I would have expected a 'gay' gentleman (figure you aren't gay) to have given that type analogy on men and women.
Maybe I am not of the "norm" thinking when it comes to women. Reading my club reviews would make one think I "use" women for my own pathetical sexual needs of gratification. However, I respect all women unless they have given me a reason to 'disrespect' them, but I still have to respect women as well as men in general, based solely on the fact that they are human. I'm not trying to downplay the fact that I do use certain women 'dancers' for my needs, because I do. But, they're using me in the 'similar' aspect to make a living ($$$). 'Nuff' said.
discussion comment
17 years ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
FONDL has a very valid point on the redundancy issue. ALL strippers are HIGH maintenance to me, at least when they ask for 'da money'!
discussion comment
17 years ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
LOL! The reviewer used a rather poor choice of verbs (to hike) in my opinion. Evidently he appeared to have had to walk to the club, which in this case would be some distance.
Distance is not relative to me or most of use that use vehicular modes of transportation. Christ, I'm beginning to sound like Book Guy (no pun intended BG). I haven't YET flown (not with my wings at least) strictly to visit SCs, but I sure have 'driven' to quite a few of them, mostly east of the Mississippi. Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas have been the only three states west of the river that I have visited for road trips.
discussion comment
17 years ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
chandler - If you watch Deep Throat, you'll see a scene in the movie where the camera pans an Ivory Snow box while Linda's giving head! LMAO No doubt, a free marketing blitz for Ivory Snow, without their knowledge. LOL
discussion comment
17 years ago

Bro, I didn't know those details before and am certainly sorry you had to endure all those years of misery, pain, and depression. But, now you're out of it and back to yourself, thank God. Now just do 27 more years of happy lapping to equal those 27 years of a bad realtionship.
BTW, couldn't you have just filed yourself for divorce based on depression, despondancy, suicidal tendancies...... something like a medical discharge fromthe service, but medical annulment? Might not have been such a thing back then.
discussion comment
17 years ago

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
harrydave - What a shame. If you'd known she wasn't going to be appreciative, you should have at least taken her to Bob Evans! LMAO
discussion comment
17 years ago

Nice blog intro dear! Proud of you. Now, it's up to us to do our part and refer bad experiences to you. Let the "games" begin! Licks
discussion comment
17 years ago

Atlanta suburb
casualguy - That MO was used on me all the time by my FAVs at Tunica Cabaret. Soon as I would walk in, they'd start groping, tugging, sometimes sticking their hands in my zipper to get Mr Happy hard. There was no question in their minds that my bottom head would soon take over my top head and off we went lapping.
It's no trick or gimmick. Dancers just want to get you into the mindframe of getting horny. More dancers ought to think about starting this tease thing..... probably increase their income.
discussion comment
17 years ago

Rhode Island
casualguy - read your thread on the church thing. That was FUNNY, but serious too!
Similar incident - Last Christmas season, I was asked to light 4 of the advent candles and read off some bible scriptures. I was holding a lit candle to light the others, my cheat sheet paper, and a microphone. When I finished, I tried flipping off the microphone button and it flew out of my hands and landed on the floor in front of a pastor. I was so embarrased! hmmmmmmmm, yes.... Uncle Bones has religion! LOL
discussion comment
17 years ago

You have a valid point casualguy. I seldom see 'nines' and 'dimes' in SCs anymore. And my expectations aren't high on my rating scale either. I rate dancers as I see them (senior citizen), not as a 21 year old might. Those GROSS dancers started dancing AFTER Wal-Mar turned them down, unfortunately!
discussion comment
17 years ago

WG - Let's go with this idea. Seems everyone is in favor (at least in trial version).
If you start getting flak from other dancers or any other problems, you can just delete the blog. It will at least be fun, providing you have the time. McBones