
Couples at HK

▪️Wild is my favorite color▪️
Tuesday, November 24, 2020 2:06 PM
Hi all, new here. I have planned to surprise my husband and take him to HK. I have reserved the room, booked the flights, and made all the plans; however, I just noticed after all my research I have not seen mention of couples going together or any reviews involving couples. Is it frowned upon to bring your wife to watch? Should I send him alone? Thanks in advance 😘


  • mike710
    4 years ago
    You sound like a very cool woman! However, this is almost like asking if you take sand to the beach. It's been a while since I went to TJ but have gone many times over the years. I never noticed couples there but I wasn't looking out for it. I think the cultural difference might make it a bit awkward for the average Latina woman. I'm sure there would be some OK with it but it is probably not prevalent.
  • Electronman
    4 years ago
    I've made three trips to HK, none recently. I have never seen a couple or female customers at HK. This club is pretty crazy and fun so they might be open to a couple at the club. You're probably aware that some strip clubs discourage female customers under the assumption that they might be hookers and be competing with the dancers for customer attention. I think its cool that you're arranging a trip for you hubby. Talk about a gift that a guy might have on his wish list. If you send him on his own, let me know and I'll keep you company.
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    Lol thanks, I try to be a fun wife and not the wife that leaves something missing or unfulfilled. I find it makes things much easier to talk about and neither of us ever hide anything from the other since we are both so open. But Yikes. I guess the thought never crossed my mind. I mean I think it’s obvious that I am very clearly not a sex worker 🤣 but who knows. We’ve visited Cabo a few times in the last two years and I’ve always accompanied him to the strip clubs there and it’s never been an issue. The girls that I took back to the room with us never mentioned it either and didn’t seem uncomfortable. I’m going to be so bummed if I don’t get to go. I guess I can just find my own trouble in San Diego for the night ☹️☹️
  • booji boy
    4 years ago
    If you go back quite a while, about eight years ago I think, there are some couples' reviews. I've seen plenty of women in HK, especially on the weekends. They will give you a bright wristband at the door to mark you as a customer (more for your own protection, I imagine). You might find that some girls will not want to go upstairs with the two of you, but many will. I say go for it, with the proviso that Baja California is still at orange w.r.t. Covid and the border is restricted. I don't know if your flight plans are fixed, but one way around the latter is to fly directly in to TIJ.
  • Heellover
    4 years ago
    it sounds like you are the wife of the year...I mean decade...I mean century! Lucky husband you have!
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    @desertscrub ?????? Are you lost?
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    "Is it frowned upon to bring your wife to watch? Should I send him alone?" Plenty of couples party at HK, so the club will accept your money as long as you are spending it. The issue of "watching" will depend on what you want to watch and what you are willing to pay and the bargirl. If you want to watch or be "involved" in the arriba session that should be "clearly" negotiated before going arriba, I would suggest enlisting the assiatance of an English-speaking water and letting him know what type of fun you are seeking. Whatever your plan is be prepared to pay more than the typical fee, not sure how much you should try to negotiate for but I might suggest for watching $140 for 30 minutes (or $200 an hour) and for participating $200 for 30 minutes ($300 for an hour). Since this is not a usual request do not be surprised if some (most) of the BGs pass on the offer but as with most things in TJ if you have money you will find someone willing to take it.
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    I speak Spanish fluently so I will not need assistance negotiating and I tend to make friends easily with most women I bring home to my husband. You just have to remember everyone has a number, it’s just a matter of how bad you want it 😘
  • Greanbeans
    4 years ago
    I have to agree with @Cristobal, I have seen plenty of couples, even a small group of girls partying @ HK. One time this mixed group was having such a great time, the cute girl in the group got up on stage to have an even greater time. I dont know about prices and activities for couples. Like are you wanting to “watch” or participate, but definitely don’t be sheepish. (Something tells me this wont be a prob). But the $$ above sound close. Not knowing your dates and Covid shutdowns in CA, keep an eye on HK website and TUSCL. Have fun! Would love to read your review
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    It's actually relieving to see people saying that couples are welcomed at HK. I know at some brothels and FKKs in Germany female customers aren't welcome at all, so it's advised to call the place ahead of time to verify that info before going and having to take an awkward leave. (Don't know if the same applies to couples) So I wasn't sure if HK or places like it operated in the same fashion until reading through the comments.
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    @Eve it’s so mind boggling to me. I guess it shows what a privileged world I live in. Why can’t women want to fuck just as much as men? Or watch beautiful women? So obtuse.
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    @greenbeans you may be surprised to find I am actually submissive by nature. Just very much a planner. I like to have all the kinks worked out beforehand so my husband has nothing to worry about and zero stress. I would also be happy to review our experience 😘 Fingers crossed covid lays off
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    @desertscrub wtf does that even mean? I look like a troll?
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    @desertscroll I mean I am 5’’1 but no one has ever called me a troll
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    I mean I enjoy doing things with my husband..... that’s why? And if you must know it was only $68 round trip each so why would we not fly?! Please enlighten me on where in the continental US I can acquire sex workers better and more fun? Because I’m 99% sure I’ve covered the hand full of good ones in the US as well as most southern swinger clubs. Not that it’s any of your business what I decide to do with my money, my husband, and my pussy, or where I decide to do it at. There’s only one man I answer to and it’s not you friend. I’m sorry you’ve had such a horrible experience with women that it isn’t even in the realm of possibility in your world that a wife would want to surprise her husband with some side pussy. Sucks for you 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you have any more issue with me find your way to my inbox otherwise stay off my thread unless you would like to be helpful
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Scrubby is loneley and impotent. Don't mind her.
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    @skibum609 I bet he’s run at parties
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
  • J33504
    4 years ago
    I'm married and my wife and I go to Hong Kong quite a bit. Well before Covid that is. Havent been there since March before the shutdown. We have seen other couples there as well. My wife likes girls too so you have to ask not all the HK girls play with females so it's hit or miss. Other times we've taken two girls up one for her one for me (the most was 4 at one time!) up but I'd have to say I have better experiences when it's just my wife and I and one HK girl. My wife and i can't wait to go back when it's time. Sigh.
  • RTP
    4 years ago
    I am with desertscrub on this one. Totally an troll. Come on. This is just like Juice and the fake 18 year old that half of you bought plane tickets to meet in South Florida.
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    I'm not totally closeminded. I'm allowing for the possibility that OP is a rainbow colored unicorn.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Dear Penthouse Forum...
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    Wtf is even going on here. If I’ve learned anything, especially based off the private messages I’ve received from people posting here, it’s basically that this “community” is wildly unwelcoming. Who knew a wife booking a trip for some fun with her husband was such a rare occurrence that it is completely beyond the realm of possibility. Sad for you 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thank you to the ones who offered genuine advice and insight. I appreciate it. Maybe we will cross paths next month if Covid plays nice. At very least my husband will get a good laugh out of me being “a troll, a speckled unicorn, or an 18yr old with juice boxes in Florida” Lessons have definitely been learned.
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    Lots of misinformation offered here. I have often seen couples in the clubs, including HK, CC, and AB. Some of the women get raunchy and participate in the stage shows and that adds a lot to the fun. As mentioned, you get a wrist band to identify you as a civi. In Tropical Bar, local couples actually go there to dance. Session prices with a bar girl are typically $80-$100 for 30 minutes. Paying more would be total BS. I have had 3-ways with two bar girls for an hour for $100 each (for the record, one such encounter was at AB on a weekday day shift and I was the girls only customer that whole day which is primarily why the price was so low). Our sessions included things like BBBJ and an offer for anal ($20 extra). Often I have taken local girls into the bars as a couple. It is true that some bar girls will not be interested, but some will. Surprise from Captain Obvious, that is the way for all things. Example, finished a session with hot little 22-year-old at CC that I found out was a fabulous actress, as when the session was over said that she was bi and would rather "have a girl down there." Deflated my male ego for a bit, but we were having an honest conversation. Out of the hundreds of girls in the Zone, you will find what you want, probably easier than you imagined. Please go and enjoy yourself. The virus is going to be a big issue, but that is discussed elsewhere. Getting across the border will be your biggest hurdle. Don't forget your passport and a few dollars for bribes...I mean fees.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    baby... wish my wife was like you. enjoy hk. i’ve seen some couples and numerous civie ladies there. desertscrub is just grumpy.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    if you drive into mexico much less chance of entry problems with mexican customs. driving into usa can be a bitch time wise.
  • babyisabadgirl
    4 years ago
    Desert pain in my ass, kindly fuck right off. If you had two brain cells left to rub together, you would be aware that there has, in fact, been a global pandemic that has nearly ruined the airline industry, thus, most prices have rock bottomed. If you must know DFW-SAN is $66. Perhaps you yourself, should hop on board, fly on down, and have the stick in your ass left over from your last trip finally removed. It must be uncomfortable by now.
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    If you plan to spend any time in SD, know that indoor dining is currently prohibited in SD. The numbers have gone up a lot since Halloween so I don't see the situation getting better through December. You still have options to eat outside but they are limited in space. We still have public transportation running and the trolley stops right at the border if you don't want to drive across. However, I don't know if it's possible to walk across with the current border situation.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    Shiit, if my partner would renew his passport, I'd be down to flying cross-border with him to go to a club or brothel. Wouldn't be the only activity while we're there of course, but I wouldn't want to leave until we check them out.
  • mf92802
    4 years ago
    Going to the TJ clubs as a couple is one of my favorite things to do and is how I go most of the time these days. I will take my girl to the various clubs where we will drink and make new friends. Some clubs will allow you to "buy" a couple of songs for $2 if you wish to pole dance. At the end of the night we will either go up to the Jacuzzi with a new friend or just go up alone. It is always a wonderful time and we never feel out of place or looked down upon. I hope that the two of you go and have the time of your lives.
  • latinalover69
    4 years ago
    Babyisabadgirl ignore or block desertscrub. He thinks he is the wizard of strip clubs but he is actually a pathetic little putz with no stripper game. I would block him but it he is kind of amusing in a silly sort of way.
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    "Sex worker" is a completely stupid term.
  • 623
    4 years ago
    OP, I have been with my wife to HK a few times and we’ve always enjoy our cells quite a bit. We have more fun at swingers clubs but Hong Kong has a special kind of fun. New line new line she has always been the one to organized trips to clubs and such so I understand the desire to be the one to set things up. We’ve actually had more fun on swingers cruisers or clubs in Europe but so many things depend on the night and the luck of the draw. I applaud your open mindedness and hope that you get a chance to make the trip and that you will report back in a review here. One thing you may want to check out is a website devoted to Tijuana, Chicabow dot com. There is a lot of very current information there on border crossings, hotels, driving into Mexico (not really possible with a rental car). There is also a number of great Mexican do you wanna restaurants listed on that site.
  • 623
    4 years ago
    Voice to text but you get the idea.
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Highly amusing seeing desertscrub get totally owned by the new girl. Handed him his ass on a platter. Can't get airport taxes for $68 lol I routinely fly to Socal for $49 and that was before COVID. Anyways I have nothing to contribute but as a huge fan of HK I also look forward to your review should you write one.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    shit. just read on a couple of tj sites that tj is now condition red starting monday. that means bars/clubs/restaurants shutdown again. and my plans are tj monday thru wednesday this week. :(
  • mf92802
    4 years ago
    I have been told that Hotel Cascadas 7th floor will be in action. I will let you know when I have confirmation.
  • mf92802
    4 years ago
    I have received confirmation from my regular waiter that 7th floor is up and running. Not the same as the bar but still can be fun. If anybody wants his contact info PM me and I will give it. He is not a pushy bottle shaker like his peers. He simply waits for me to call him if I need anything.
  • Greanbeans
    4 years ago
    HK website confirmed HK is closed. But upstairs is open. News article calling out “semaforo rojo” (CA purple tier): [view link] Take care
  • Cookie Monster 187
    4 years ago
    I went to hk a week ago, my girl was with me but didn’t try the upstairs, I’m pretty sure for the right price they wouldn’t mind, good luck
  • Cookie Monster 187
    4 years ago
    By the way It was the 7th floor which is a maze to find!
  • Littleboots
    4 years ago
    @babyisabadgirl. So did you ever end up going? I personally believe you will have a blast. How many times do people say that won’t be fun but you make it fun. That’s how I do it too. Well. If you have any updates we’d love to hear. And if you have single female friends with same or similar mind set. I’m single and looking for that one to love life with. I’m in San Diego so you can message me as I have a lot more info than most. Take care and have a blast.
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 years ago
    I knew a dancer who went to TJ and asked a cab driver to take her to a donkey show. He basically told her, if I take a woman to a donkey show, she'll end up getting put in the donkey show.
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