
Comments by parodyman--> (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    founder: question?
    You must be trashing some of your emails. Slow down. Read.
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    16 years ago
    I'm ready if you are
    Can we be done with this now?
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    16 years ago
    Chi-town 6:37 est here - are you on?
    Polarman is a funny guy!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm ready if you are
    critical response? fuck no. just the opposite. it is about time that someone sees this quest for redemption for the turd hunt it is. This stuff does not belong here. Unfortunately from time to time someone will say something we take personally, my advice, grow a thicker skin.
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    16 years ago
    why the continued personal attacks?
    "Also I tend to try to help random dancers out now and then by buying dances from them - even when sometimes when I have near zero interest in them, plus I don't usually buy 1 or 2, its like 4 or 5 dances with these random types, and there are a very large number of those in the past year " Not only is he James Bond... He's Albert Fucking Schwitzer <sp>
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    I see dead people...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm ready if you are
    That's not exactly what I meant David9999. This whole quest for the redemption of your credibility is an exercise in turd hunting.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm ready if you are
    And people think that I can be childish...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    VERY (VERY!) IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER (everyone please read!)
    njscfan, I hope your cries to the founder are answered. God knows the importance of everyone believing every single word on TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why the continued personal attacks?
    Q: "why the continued personal attacks?" A: Because you are crying like a little bitch and your detractors can smell blood in the water.
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    16 years ago
    "Chi-townLawyer" - if you read this
    I hope chitown refuses this request because it is fun to watch this fool twisting in the wind.
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    16 years ago
    I like the entry in the topic line. "IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER" This must be the most important note the founder has ever received. In fact I’ll go as far as to say this may be the single most important message on the entire internet, no wait, on the entire fucking planet. How do I know this? Well, I submit that it was written by a six foot six, well built, masculine alpha male who happens to be a high powered attorney. How could it be anything other than true? Did I mention he beds three to seven high quality women <In the 9.7+ range> every single night? David9999 is THE MAN! Don’t fuck with him.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Here we go. The thin veneer of reason is starting to crack. casual guy: “I tend to believe those who may be atheist haven't seen anything to change their views. I have experienced and seen a number of things that defy any scientific reasoning. I do find it interesting that some people believe in God but not in Satan. There are even some people that believe in a Galactic Federation of alien species in this galaxy but they don't believe there is a Satan or an evil fallen angel. ahh, I wasn't planning on talking about this subject on a strip club site.” Parodyman-->: Once again you start out with some truth. As an atheist I haven’t seen or experienced anything that defies scientific reasoning. Jews don’t believe in a devil. Why is it so hard for you to believe that not everyone thinks there is a devil? I know, it is because you have been brainwashed. I am assuming that your galactic space alien crack was in reference to the Scientologists. Yes I think that a dead science fiction writer’s book is a silly basis for a religion. In fact it is just as funny as your bible to me. Now this fallen angel business is even funnier. Who tripped him? If you read this and get mad please do me a favor. Before you perform any exorcisms, roll on the floor speaking in tongues, or handle poisonous snakes, set up a video camera. That way you can put it up on you tube and give those of us who are rational a good laugh.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Casualguy, Please take this in the “spirit” <pun intended> that it is offered. I am not trying to be confrontational. I am just hoping you will clarify a few things for me. casualguy: “Just in case some people didn't notice, I happen to be a conservative Christian. Do I go off spouting about it on here trying to convert others here? I think not. That must mean I'm tolerant. I've met a number of conservative Christian dancers in the strip clubs. I don't usually talk about religion when going to a strip club but some dancers will take offense if you start talking about all of them not ever going to church etc. The subject probably came up after the common question "what did you do today?" I often go to church once a week and then go to a strip club afterwards that evening.“ parodyman--> What do your conservative Christian friends think of your strip club activities? Would they approve of those dollars being tucked into g-strings? Or would they suggest your expendable income could be better used lining their collection plate? Another question I have is an afternoon all it takes for you to lose that spiritual high you get from the word of God and end up in the local den of iniquity <strip club>? casualguy: “I believe it's the hardcore extremists who believe in imposing their religious views on everyone else. At least that has been my experience while living in South Carolina. Maybe the Baptists teach looking down on anyone who isn't part of their religion but I'm not sure.“ parodyman--> Perhaps you should talk to your pastor. If he is an honest man, and I have no doubt that he is, he will tell you it is the duty of every good Christian to convert the unsaved. That is their basic mission. This is a universal thing not a denominational edict. casualguy: “seen enough strange things to believe God does answer prayers. This may seem funny but I was just thinking, if people don't believe in God, that means they definitely should not believe in Satan. I remember meeting one atheist that did not even believe in the paranormal. He had a serious crisis of faith after living in the same suite with me and seeing and hearing things I said and did. I didn't even know I could accidently put someone into crisis mode. Satan worshipers haven't been trying to impose their views on me so why should I try to impose my views on others? Let's just all get along without forcing our religious views on everyone.“ parodyman--> This last paragraph is a lot to handle so I will tread carefully. You are correct in as far as the fact that I do not believe in God leaves me no room for the devil, pagan religions, superstitions or the paranormal. Is there a chance that your friend’s “crisis of faith” was aided by the ingestion of psychedelic drugs? The other thing that confuses me about this whole paragraph is that you mention Satan worshipers not trying to convert you. That is because they do not follow the Christian mission. You will also notice that Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, those who practice Hoodoo, Voodoo and Santeria don’t actively recruit either. Indoctrination of the non-believers is left to the Christians, the fringe cults and those dudes who believe in “magic underwear”. <Mormons, although they are also technically Christian.>
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    Dudester, You are the exception man. Be proud of yourself! You were able to lay your theological cards on the table, say this is my life then stop there with no judgements about the rest of us. I am glad you found something that makes you happy and certainly didn't mean to lump you in with my experiences.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who gives a fuck?
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    The war on drugs is a failure. Time to decriminalize! Also: It certainly isn't the government that makes the good things about this country so. It is the people. If you can't see that you must be fucked in the head.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Join the Club
    "maintaining a generally pleasant demeanor, and avoid criticizing each other." -- Havent seen these qualities in many of CarolinaWanderer's posts.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .
    In my experience Christians are some of the most hateful, hypocritical, self serving, ignorant bastards to infect the gene pool. From what I have observed, morality is flexible. Their concept of forgivness applies only to themselves. And even then the absolution is doled out only among those they do not personally find offensive. I personally do not believe in God. Nor do I spend my free time bothering others about their spiritual beliefs. Part of the Christian mission is the saving of souls. They take conversion seriously! Maybe they get extra heaven points for each person they brainwash. What really gets me is the intolerance they have towards others along with the face of righteous moral indignation they love to wear. That and the way they have bought their way into the political arena in the eighties. Now that they have gotten their foot in the door, getting them out of government is as pleasant as scraping dog shit from your shoe with your finger.
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    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    Don't want to sound bleak but I see no evidence of an afterlife. Dead is dead. In the ground you lie stinkng from rot.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's always about the money. Is It?
    Just like some of our "senior" posters.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most erotic expereince with a sex industy worker...
    At least you were smart enough not to look through the hole and get your eye poked out.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    Two Things: 1. I fucked up. "David9999 needs desperately for the regulars here to bwelieve he is the man." Yes I can spell believe, it was a typo. 2. "What a sick puppy. Prime candidate for Suicide." I guess in SC tree stumps and rocks are stiff academic competition for the elderly. No arguement, no point, just a call for someone to end their life. The quality of posts on TUSCL is significantly lowered by Shadowcat.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    MORE IDIOCY FROM OUR PAL ZERZAN ----------------------------------------------------------------- “Excusing our forefathers the ownership of slaves is a total copout. Anybody with half a concience knew that it was wrong to hold somebody a slave. There is plenty of evidence that Washington and Jefferson were uncomfortable with holding slaves, and yet they did it anyway.” – the great Zerzan Has anyone pointed out to you the fact that Washington and Jefferson are long dead? What will make this right for you? Would you dig up the bones so that they can be violated to a degree that will appease you? ----------------------------------------------------------------- “Irregardless” – a Zerzan word So you will not sound as stupid as you have in the past consider this: Usage Note: Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing. Coined in the United States in the early 20th century, it has met with a blizzard of condemnation for being an improper yoking of irrespective and regardless and for the logical absurdity of combining the negative ir- prefix and -less suffix in a single term. Although one might reasonably argue that it is no different from words with redundant affixes like debone and unravel, it has been considered a blunder for decades and will probably continue to be so.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer kisses. what to they mean?
    Don't think I could play that game with clubber. He dosen't get the concept of friendly. But If I were to make a mama joke at his expense...