
A Real Relationship or A monthly Stripper Allowance

No One Cares
Wednesday, February 9, 2005 12:16 PM
Imagine that the government outlawed marriage and in place of it gave every man a monthly Stripper or Brothel Allowance. How would this change your life??


    19 years ago
    I was comparing us to 20 year old strippers. Besides, it's really sick to be a dirty young man or even a dirty middle-aged man. But a dirty old man is a classic. We can't let the young girls down. It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it.
    19 years ago
    We may not get a discount but I think we do get extra attention. A lot of these girls seem to really go for us old farts. It's the main thing I like about strip clubs. Maybe they should be called dirty old mens' clubs.
  • StripShopper
    19 years ago
    First Discount to be discussed on national TV Headlines: Strip Club takes advantage of Dirty old men hehe
  • StripShopper
    19 years ago
    FONDL: Friggin Great response..... I wonder what would happen if they put strippers in nursing homes?
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    Yes, social security sounds like a stripper allowance now that I think of it. :)
    19 years ago
    I already get a stripper allowance, it's called social security. Which strikes me as a good name for it, after all it's very social and it's pretty secure. What could be better?
  • Kyle1111
    19 years ago
    Hi Fondl, Unfortunately, the government is still in the marriage business. And, I'm not receiving a my monthly stripper allowance--but do pay various forms of stripper tax. :( Eliminating government licensed marriage has a lot of merit as does a monthly stripper allowance for no and low income men.
  • TopGunGlen
    19 years ago
    If the government outlawed marriage, I'll bet a lot of women who don't give their husbands any honey and still take his money would become homeless...;-)
  • StripShopper
    19 years ago
    Frankly...I'd hire a maid and a dog walker!!!! Just can't determine if I'd miss the hair in the Drain?
  • StripShopper
    19 years ago
    FONDL: LMAO :) Good one!!!!!
    19 years ago
    Hey I'm greedy, I want both. But it sounds to me like Shadowcat and Kyle already do what you're suggesting.
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