
Comments by WiseGuy (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    who are you??
    When did you start visiting SC? ...consistantly starting in late 80's When did you start dancing?(dancers only) What is your favorite club? ...still looking for it. A few in Dallas are on the list. Who is your favorite dancer? ...current dancer girlfriend. What would your dream dancer look like? ...Victoria Silvstedt, Liv Tyler and (of course or she will kill me) current girlfriend. Are you a club regular? ...use to be off and on thru the years but not lately. Would you rather have good coversation or a kick ass lapdance? ...conversation because most laps are good. The older i get the less i remember the laps but i sure do remember the relationships. Would you ever date a dancer? ...already doing it. Do you drink? ...a few beers when i go out. Do you smoke? ...no Do you do drugs? ...no Do you attend neighborhood clubs of big city clubs? ...big city Would you ever talk to a STRIPPER who has been FUCKED for MONEY!!! ...yes and i would PAY her for CONVERSATION about it!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Kingpenny said: "It's obvious you can relate to being rejected by dancers". Please try to keep up with current events here when attempting lame comebacks. Everyone here has known for months i have a dancer girlfriend. Like i said, fools never are able to express themselves clearly.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    ...hmmmm, kind of like your "pretend" club you own.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I am a lurker lol
    Toplessdancer, be advised, the women haters like Clean and Sober, Kingpin, Homer Simpson, etc... insult, provoke and bait dancers with questions. They then take what the dancer posts, twist their meanings, and feign ignorance to get dancers pissed off.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Message for NiceAss
    veracious, why do you consider yourself qualified to mention IQ tests?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Kingpenny and Veracious, it must be humiliating for you to wake up everyday and think about a woman's world (strip club) which has absolute power and control over your thoughts.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    ............The Key to Strip Club Etiqutte............... Revealed by Lily Howard Your father may have taught you how to change a tire; your mother, which fork to use in a fancy restaurant. Your friends may have contributed their knowledge of microbrews, and you learned on your own not to mix Budweiser and Chablis. But there is one monumental lesson which very few men are given: how to act in a strip club. The adult entertainment industry is growing in leaps and bounds and the cultural interest in it is evidenced by books and movies. Chances are good that you'll soon venture into, if you haven't already (or don't already spend a good deal of your time in) a strip club. I have been a dancer on Bourbon Street in New Orleans for more than three years. I've seen many things, but what I've seen most often is that the majority of men have no clue how to conduct themselves in a club. You don't want to be the only man in a group who gets drinks spilled on him or is treated with contempt by dancers. In the hopes of avoiding such occurrences, I have carefully compiled 10 Golden Strip Club Rules designed to have dancers singing your praises above all your envious friends. Rule #1: Time is Money In spite of the sequined bras, come hither looks, and lacy garters... this is still a business. If you don't keep the dollars flowing, we will have to move upstream for better bait. It's nothing personal, but if you were a car salesman, would you waste your time and energy on someone looking to buy a Gremlin if you had a room full of potential Porsche purchasers? Although we show our skin to make a living, we are there to make a living. No one enjoys working for free so, if a dancer smiles at you and gets up from your table to sit at another, don't curse her; have empathy. We all have bills to pay and we all need bills (particularly fifties and hundreds) in order to pay them. Rule #2: Don't Try to Get a Date Consider visiting a strip club to be the ultimate date. Your date laughs at your jokes, sympathizes about your horrible boss and, when a good dance number comes up, strips her clothes off in front of you. Chances are, you won't be getting that lucky with dinner and a movie. Aside from your late night dreams, the only place you're likely to have this happen is under black lights in a strip club. Okay, I admit it, some girls have gone out with customers. Some dancers have even married customers. Couples have met under stranger circumstances. But the numbers are slim. I've danced for men and within five minutes they've thought I was obliged to go with them to the nearest watering hole and then to their bed... simply because they'd seen my bare breasts! Contrary to moronic belief, we are dancers, not prostitutes. Spending 8 - 10 hours a day, three to five days a week talking to men means our daily rate for being hit on is astronomical. Most of us have supportive mates waiting for us at home. If, by chance, you are asked out... consider yourself blessed. Rule #3: Stay Reasonably Sober Alcohol can turn the most mild-mannered accountant into a drooling, wiggling, pants-dropping idiot. Alcohol makes ordinary men want to wear bras on their heads and dance like Madonna. Liquored men will jump on stage and proceed to strip. Hey, that's our job! Alcohol also provokes such memorable lines as, "You have more legs than a bucket full of fried chicken," and, "your nipples make me want to go home and slap my wife." Topless dancing can be a very private experience, but you're still in public. Watch your alcohol intake, and if you need to throw up run, don't walk, to the nearest bathroom to do it... don't use the stage or a dancer's shoes. Rule #4: Unless She's Cool, Leave Your Wife/Girlfriend at Home Two years ago if someone told me I'd hear, "My wife loves you and I'll do anything if you come home with us" on a weekly basis, I would have split my bra from laughing. Women are curious about topless clubs (I know I was) and look at them as an adventure. I've seen women come in with their spouses and yell, clap, and tip just as much as the next guy. One slow Monday a couple came in to celebrate their 42nd anniversary. The husband was recovering from a stroke and had lost his speech and the movement in his left side. His wife hired six of us to dance around him. She even helped put the tips in our garters. Another time, one of the local judges ventured in with his wife and staff. His wife kept yelling at him, "Ask her if she went to high school. Ask her if she comes from a broken home." My reply? "Ugh. Yes, stripper can read. Stripper's parents still married." One evening a man came in and sat at the main stage with his plump and pretty girlfriend. She sat next to him with her arms crossed, red-faced and obviously uncomfortable. He leaned over the stage with his tongue (literally) out, throwing dollars and sexual comments at us. His date was not enjoying herself and he was irritating us. Finally, one of the dancers "accidently" kicked his beer in his lap. If your partner is curious, bring her in. If she's uncomfortable, leave (you can always come back later) and respect her feelings. And ladies, if your man is thoughtless like the guy above, dump him. You deserve better. Rule #5: Obey the Rules Different clubs have different standards, but when a dancer tells you a rule, pay attention! Where I work, we have a strict "touch and go" policy. Touch a dancer and you go. Bouncers and managers can't see everything, but you never know who you are grabbing. You probably don't want to have to explain to your wife that your black eye resulted from grabbing the butt of a stripper with a mean left hook. It took all my self control once not to tighten the tie around a short, fat man's little neck after he'd poked me with his wet, smelly cigar and asked me if I shaved all over. Instead, I smiled, stepped away, uttered a mild obscenity and left. When I'm not dancing, writing, or going to school, I study kick boxing. Rule #6: Be Inquisitive Here's a quick tip. A lot of dancers are single mothers, but not all have sets of triplets at home that need new shoes. Dancers have the best stories. Ask about the celebrities they've danced for, the bar fights they've been in, or what their last term paper was about. Then swap some stories of your own. Yes, we've been called topless therapists. We'll listen to your problems with your mate, work, or frustrating sex life... just as long as it's within our comfort zone. I love hearing about the police officer who got drunk and stole the station wagon (remember, this is New Orleans) or the man who shot a hole the size of his fist in a crocodile's head and still got bit. You can learn a lot in a strip club. Dancers are like everyone else; we love a good conversation. If you're a dull person by nature, money still talks.. Rule #7: Just Because We Show Our Boobs Doesn't Mean We're Brainless Once a circle of men were arguing while I danced. "What's that thing called? You know, when you put your feelings on someone else." I stopped doing my stomach roll to pipe up, "Transference." The man's face turned red. "Where do you get off knowing what transference means?" His friends were so embarrassed by their ignoramus friend that they tipped me an extra ten. Don't fall off your chair in shock if we know who the speaker of the house is, or who won the NBA tournament, or the true meaning of existentialism. Not all dancers are rocket scientists, but they don't all drink rocket fuel, either. Rule #8: Learn to Say No No in a strip club? Isn't that a contradiction? No. If you're sitting with a dancer whose company you enjoy and she has to go on stage or reapply her body glitter, and another dancer sits down and puts on the full court press, recognize it for what it is. She saw you spending money and wants a piece of it. I'd love to say that it's a big happy topless family and back stabbing doesn't exist, but it does. If you like the dancer you're with and sense she's only smiling to prevent herself from ripping another girl's throat out, politely tell the intruder you're not interested. Your dancer will love you for it, trust me. Don't be hustled by a cut throat. Allow your preferred dancer the hustling privileges. Rule #9: If You Can't Say Something Nice, Don't Say Anything at All This is a basic school yard rule but it's also a rule for dancers. A classy dancer will never slam or belittle her fellow dancers. So don't comment about other dancers to the one you're with. Cutting down one dancer will not bring you up in another's eyes. If a certain dancer doesn't appeal to you, simply smile and say no thank you. It's a business of rejection and we understand that we're not going to appeal to everyone who walks in the door... just like not every customer who walks in the door appeals to us. But be nice. Rule #10: When in Doubt, Tip I saved the best for last. This is the most basic and important rule of all. Pay attention! If you're sitting at the main stage, tip. Dancers do not make the bulk of their money while they're on stage. Our main income is from private dances. Tip. When we're on stage a tip is an acknowledgment and a sign of appreciation. While it looks like we may be rolling in it, dancers are typically considered independent contractors and have to pay daily rent for the space they work in. Everyone takes a cut and sometimes it takes a while before we actually start making money for ourselves. It's insulting for a dancer to perform on stage and have someone sipping beer while enjoying a free show at the dancer's expense. Enter a strip club with the notion that you're going to part with some cash. Tip. Tip. Tip! Now that you have been briefed on the mystical power of strippers, you can walk into any strip club establishment with your head held high, a self-assured smile, and your wallet ready and willing. While you're in the strip club of your choice sit back, enjoy the atmosphere, and admire the scenery. Eat, drink, be merry, and tip freely. The point is for you to have a good time and our job is to ensure that you do. It's your fantasy to take pleasure in, but remember... it's our reality, so respect it.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    Kingpenny, it is pretty pathetic how you try to provoke, insult and bait Dusty. Inventing stories about her then drawing false conclusions to support your insults. It is sad to see you basically talking to yourself to convince yourself your thoughts have merit. Try a new angle, no one including Dusty is buying it.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    ...inventing insulting false stories again in a failed effort to impress the ladies. How sad that Kingpenny needs to put down women to fill the void eating at his empty life.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    Kingpenny ...does your tolerance for strong men mean you are a top or bottom or are you ashamed to give a direct answer?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    ...kingpenny can break out of that mental stupor for minute and "translate" it coherently for us?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    (JimJazz take note on this one) ...Kingpenny i wondered if that topic would have significant meaning to you. Care to explain why and how you know your bartender is gay? What kind of club are you a regular where you "hear these things all the time"? I never hear it in the strip clubs i frequent.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Again these NEWBIE RULES need to be reposted for the PATHETIC LOSERS.
    ...i am pleased you read it and learned something from it. Keep learning from those i previously mentioned.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    This thread is for all you losers.
    ...kingpenny dodging questions he is afraid to answer again. The truth hurts.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Where are the strippers who've EVER LIED, CHEATED, STOLE, or MANIPULATED custome
    Good question RL. Why not be REASONABLE about dance prices and pay $20?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Would you pay a stripper for CONVERSATION if she had EVER been FUCKED FOR MONEY?
    RL you really need to stop "talking" to your topic headings and respond to posters instead.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Some strippers may be CUMMING on customers in an ATTEMPT to transmit STDs
    I think "diseases" like you should not be allowed in strip clubs RL.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    THOUSANDS of strippers are in DENIAL about their HARMFUL ways
    ... and "denials" name is RomanticLover.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    If you are a stripper that HAS been SEXUALLY abused, PLEASE tell us about it.
    That is correct RL. You are beginning to accept that FRIENDS do that.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    MANY strippers have been SEXUALLY ABUSED and FONDLED and FUCKED in the ASS
    RL you seem worried now. Are you registered with the Houston Police Department as a convicted Sexual Offender?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Strippers often have FILTHY homes. Why do they CHOOSE to live like PIGS?
    ...what about the FILTHY customer RL?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    ...kingpenny it must lonely needing forum strippers to validate you feelings. They have such power over your life.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What's the most disrespectful thing ?
    ...kingpenny, is your gay bartender part of your game?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    That's a good question niceass. If he/she is, then in my opinion he/she is a mentally disturbed person with some kind of multiple personality disorder. Women haters here, in my opinion, mostly just like to get a thrill from making dancers mad. RL is different, he does not care if they get mad or not. I sincerely believe RL is a threat to a dancers safety. Let me mention some history i've seen. I guess i've seen RL around stripper forums for about 6 years now. Whereas Mousy feels RL is a genius only spewing shock value statements, RL has not carried much of a conversation here to add credence to that genius status. Ignoring or responding to RL has no affect on his continuous drivel postings. RL only backs down when webmasters ban him or warn him. RL is driven to SEE his topics posted and when he is banned it bothers him. RL once posted his drivel with the disclaimer that "he didn't want to elaborate (post disgusting details in CAPS) because the webmaster said he would delete my posts". RL is simply the Internet's stripper forum spammer. RL is a forum disease that can only be cured by the webmasters. On other forums, in the past, RL has carried a limited conversation and it gave a better insight into what he/she is all about. Every forum poster generally has a certain writing style, attitude, topic, agenda, etc... as you know. I've looked at those clues to see if other people are RL. RL has been banned in most forums. I have seen him reappear in those banned forums under anonymous names and toning down his topic but his theme is always the same. I have noticed that about 1% of the time RL will suddenly post under his registered name in length using a different writing style, proper english and carry a brief conversation. Remember when i asked if you were "Jeff"? Jeff was a great poster on another forum and he gleaned some info from RL. (Remember him RL?, he had you on the run) There was a massive forum flame war at the time and RL was in the middle of it. RL has discussed getting dances and cumming in his pants and letting it dry on his leg as he continues trying to get dances (the context could have been a female point of view). He has mentioned several times that dancers must be crazy because they "freaked out and ran to get the manager and had him thrown out". He claimed on several forums that he has "stripper friends and semi friends" that he/she has seen in and outside the club. The context of that statement has been gender neutral so RL could be female. He admits to getting a STD but wont tell what type. RL once said he was about 30. He says he plays video games a lot. None of the KP,CS,HS personas were present posting at that time. On another upstart stripper forum, RL argued in length with a dancer named "heavy metal lust queen" about his same inane topics. That forum is gone, i think. RL was looking to discuss, with dancers only, detailed degrading sexual activities to fulfill RL's perverted fantasy. Again, none of the KP,CS,HS personas were present posting at that time. On another stripper forum RL's IP address was also posted next to the name ID. Yoda may remember which one that was, "ExoticDancer" i think. Dancers BF (reputed to be Raymond a financial advisor from Clearwater/Tampa Florida) also posted there. RL only responded to dancers. I traced RL's IP and it tracks to Houston. In that forum RL also very briefly posted a conversation in proper english and a different writing style. However, it matched the same IP as RL's other posts. Another person posted 3 or 4 times using RL's name, style and topic but the IP traced to a different IP in Houston. It might either have been a friend of RL or RL using a different computer. There were a few women hater types posting there but their IPs were not RL's. I cant ever remember him ever giving out a dancers, bartenders, or waitresses name/description or describing in detail what the inside a particular club looks like. Nothing to prove he was ever in a club. As much as he reads ASPD and what they post, he would be heading down to Michael's (their term - TGSOE), finding the girls they talk about, begging for $5 dances and posting his success. Because he doesn't, it tells me RL must be a fraud and a LIAR. (Post here RL, and we can prove it otherwise) I have mentioned to a few girls to be on the look out for RL types. The last report i had was some 22 year old skinny kid claiming he only pays less than $20 for dances. He/she has done a pretty good job of not leaving many clues to figure out who he/she is. Based on observing his past posting history, i've concluded he might live in NW Houston. RL has had [email protected] service for some time (i think it is on a swbell backbone) so he must be making a paycheck somewhere unless mommy is paying for it. Niceass, you could always ask Founder who's IP matches whos, as an indicator. Founder could turn on the IP number next to the name even if the name isn't registered. It wont help if someone is using a proxy but its a start. That's all i can remember this morning, maybe i'll add to it later. As far as i can tell, Kingpussy does not seem to fit RL's posting habits on other forums over the last 3-6 years. Kingpussy is merely a wannabe stripper worshiper. ....but you never know, RL's psycho habits could be getting worse. PS ...Dusty, women haters post empty hateful words trying to get a response because they need attention from women to make them feel complete inside. Their life is dependent on putting women down who they cannot control and have power over them. Never take it personal.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Toilet seat burn victim hospitalised
    Any guesses on which crapper Homer was found passed out in the other night? http://www.crappersquarterly.com/miami.htm