By RACHEL GRUNWELL Four women - including one who may be permanently scarred - were burnt after sitting on public toilets smeared with what an expert believes was an over-the-counter chemical.
The most seriously injured woman suffered second and third degree burns and is in Christchurch Hospital after sitting on the gel-smeared toilet seat in Sydenham Park early yesterday.
The woman may have to undergo plastic surgery, while the other three are recovering after medical treatment.
Christchurch police senior sergeant Neru Leifi said a white-ish gel-like substance had been placed on the seats, press-down buttons and the building's walls.
"Whoever did this was quite vindictive," said Leifi, who hoped a sample of the substance would be identified by ESR scientists this week.
Plastic surgeon Janek Januszkiewicz is not dealing with the case, but said the woman's length of stay in hospital would depend on how deep, wide and severe the burn was and what substance caused it.
He said people could recover from superficial chemical burns within days but if skin grafts were needed it could take about four weeks for them to settle.
"Generally when people need skin grafts there is long-term scarring and long-term disfigurement," said Januszkiewicz.
ESR general manager of forensics Wayne Chisnall believes the substance would be something easily obtainable from stores.
It could be paint-stripper or a household cleaner, possibly a caustic substance or made up of sodium hydroxide, he said.
"These things can be very aggressive on skin and should be washed off immediately."
The seriously injured woman's family said they were shocked but would not comment further.
Leifi said the toilet block was near a fast-food restaurant and a popular hang-out for teenagers who gathered there at night because there was no liquor ban.
WiseGuy, that was an interesting link. The site has an instrustional guide, "Crapping 101." Perhaps Homer would find that helpful so that he could learn to pass shiat though his ass instead of mouth like he usually does.
Print this page Streakers watch as car stolen From correspondents in Spokane, Washington 16jan04
THREE men who went streaking through a restaurant were chilled and chagrined when they spotted a thief drive off in their getaway car, their clothes inside.
Naked in the minus seven degree Celsius weather, the three young men huddled behind cars in a parking lot until police arrived. "I don't think they were hiding. I think they were just concealing themselves," police spokesman Dick Cottam said.
The three entered the restaurant before daybreak yesterday, wearing only shoes and hats. They left their car running so they could make a quick escape.
But the streakers watched through the windows as a man who had been eating inside the restaurant drove off in their car.
No charges were brought against the streakers.
"I think it was just three kids who decided to fool around," Cottam said. He added: "We always tell people to not leave their car running."
I love it! Great article! One thing for sure - looks like those people are REALLY "in the crapper"!!
But all kidding aside niceass, the reason for my absance on the board these past couple of months was just plain boredom on my part. In other words I need a change in my personal life. So quit my present job, got a new job, got married, went to Africa to save the elephants, joined the Peace Corps and became a "Born Again Christian".........NOT! HAHAHAHAAAA!! BUT really just took some time off to regroup and enjoy life in general. Thats all......
last commenthttp://www.crappersquarterly.c…
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Streakers watch as car stolen
From correspondents in Spokane, Washington
THREE men who went streaking through a restaurant were chilled and chagrined when they spotted a thief drive off in their getaway car, their clothes inside.
Naked in the minus seven degree Celsius weather, the three young men huddled behind cars in a parking lot until police arrived.
"I don't think they were hiding. I think they were just concealing themselves," police spokesman Dick Cottam said.
The three entered the restaurant before daybreak yesterday, wearing only shoes and hats. They left their car running so they could make a quick escape.
But the streakers watched through the windows as a man who had been eating inside the restaurant drove off in their car.
No charges were brought against the streakers.
"I think it was just three kids who decided to fool around," Cottam said. He added: "We always tell people to not leave their car running."
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One thing for sure - looks like those people are REALLY "in the crapper"!!
But all kidding aside niceass, the reason for my absance on the board these past couple of months was just plain boredom on my part. In other words I need a change in my personal life. So quit my present job, got a new job, got married, went to Africa to save the elephants, joined the Peace Corps and became a "Born Again Christian".........NOT! HAHAHAHAAAA!! BUT really just took some time off to regroup and enjoy life in general. Thats all......