
Requiring the Covid Vaccine

Anywhere there are Titties.
Saturday, March 27, 2021 2:15 AM
And it starts. Rutgers has announced that they are going to require all students to have the Covid vaccine in order to attend classes in the Fall. [view link] But if you think about it, this is not really out of the ordinary. If any of you have had children, you have to prove immunization for multiple things. So why not add the Covid vaccine ? What other schools, businesses , events have announced similar requirements ? If you wanna get everyone to get the vaccine in the South, just tell the SEC fans that they have to have the shots to go to a game. Alabama will be at Herd immunity at no time.


  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Don’t mind me, just waiting for this discussion to be a dumper fire 🍿
  • Sgtsnowman
    3 years ago
    It's not effective enough for Dr Fakey to let up on the double masking dream that he has. But it is so effective that we will mandate its use. THEM: "Everyone take this vaccine!" US: "Oh does it protect us?" THEM: "Yes. No. Well sometimes."
  • SteveSutton
    3 years ago
    It's inevitable. Iceland just opened up for tourists ... provided you have proof of vaccination. International air travel is 100% going to be requiring some kind of vaccine proof to travel by end of the year. Some countries will likely require proof as part of immigration entry requirements (certainly island countries like Australia, New Zealand and even the UK). When required, proof of vaccination will be via a phone app and likely be integrated into apps you already have. I'm sure that Apple will be at the forefront and integrate this into "apple health" or whatever they'll brand it. Within the USA, I think it'll be hit and miss. Any private company will try to make that decision no different than "no shoes, no service" and it will likely follow the red/blue divide, so more of those kinds of restrictions in LA and NY, and probably none in the middle of the country. Very interesting will be large scale events like festivals, sporting events, as well as zoo's and theme parks. The debate will keep talk radio happy for years to come. Of course, there will be numerous legal challenges to any vaccine requirements and ultimately a case will end up at the Supreme Court, and my guess is this will be a key election topic for 2024. I don't think it will be impossible to "live life" if you decide for whatever reason not to get vaccinated, but there are going to be limitations, both within the USA, but especially for any international travel. PS - I personally will get vaccinated. I'm ~50 years old and in Holland it'll be my turn in June. Having a family but playing around on the side ITC, OTC, and via sites like SA almost requires it, though I guess that's a personal decision. I understand life is not without risks, but this is one I want to minimize instead of giving up the hobby altogether. It's already been 1.5 years since I visited a club or had a SA date, so it's well overdue.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    There will always be retards who won't wear masks or get vaccinated. But they have no right to endanger others with their irresponsible actions. If the anti-vaxxers had their way, they would bring back polio and smallpox.
  • Heellover
    3 years ago
    I think/am pretty sure sporting events (NBA) require some sort of vax proof if you are sitting within 30 feet of the court. A friend of mine went with his wife and kid to a game recently and was saying how expensive tickets were. Here's the thing this family is rich beyond belief and wasn't sitting in the front part that required this. They were even going to go to another game (weekday game) and he said too expensive. That one worked out because he's a big warriors fan and Stephen Curry ended up sitting out anyway last minute. Last year pre corona they went to see the Lakers (team was healthy) and dropped 6-7 hundred on the tickets no problem. So for him to say it was pricey is like wow. Hopefully when its not such limited seating, it goes back down. But I have chosen not to go to the games for many years now. Just not worth it to me with the parking costs (not a lot but another nickel and dime kind of thing), tickets themselves, traffic (normal years as stadium for basketball and baseball right in downtown Phx which is still far for me anyway). plus stars sit out randomly and team can have a bad game any night. Oh and baseball I find boring so that's not high on my list to begin with.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I have no issue with this. I don’t understand the reason to be against this. Colleges are great breeding grounds for this virus - and great places to produce variants. Students living in dorms - and eating indoors in cafeterias - can spread the virus quickly. Each college has adopted its own rules for students when they are on campus, and those rules help. But what about parties and off campus interactions? If we didn’t politicize the virus, mask wearing, and vaccines - we would be in much better shape right now. I think we’ve gotten so caught up in our freedoms - we’ve forgotten about the greater good of our country.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    So to be clear, they're going to force low risk young students to get vaccinated, yet for high risk university staff it's voluntary? Sounds a little ass backwards to me, lol.
  • boomer79
    3 years ago
    Georgia opened up and I ran into a lot of local students at Walgreens getting vaccinated. They were pretty enthusiastic about it. The people I know with the most reservations are generally older or uneducated people. Personally I just got my second dose of Pfizer. In 10 days I’ll be fully covered. I’ve been careful and will continue wearing a mask and not go to very high risk places for transmission If others will be responsible maybe we really can get back to normal this Summer.
  • BumHip
    3 years ago
    It could have a side effect of indirectly forcing the unmasked, unvaccinated to gather together. Then, in turn, we may have fewer people pretending the pandemic is not a big deal. You ca ndecide for yourself if that's a good, or bad thing. In Vegas, The Golden Knight's President has said he is trying to have a full house of over 18,000 for the NHL Playoffs. The catch is one must prove they had been fully vaccinated more than 2 weeks before gameday.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    I plan on getting the vaccine as soon as I can find availability. Assuming it works as it should, I couldn't care less who else gets it or doesn't get it. If I'm in a stadium with 18,000 people and 6,000 of them are NOT vaccinated and therefore susceptible to Covid or perhaps even already sick, what does it matter to me as long as I'm protected? Once there's the opportunity for everyone who wants it to get it, ditch the masks, capacity rules and social distancing bullshit and let everything go back to normal. Everyone should be free to do whatever they want.
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    The concern is the 6000 not protected could harbor infections that allowed mutation to variants that could then leave you once again unprotected.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    In my America great freedom carries with it great responsibility, the thing that is missing from this discussion is citizenship, your rights are only as secure as your willingness to protect the rights of others.
  • ime
    3 years ago
    I'm passing on it being under 40 with virtually no chance of death, and working with actual pharmacists who aren't getting it i'm good. If it makes people comfortable getting it more power to them, and they can wear as many masks as they like.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    There are people who complain about - the quarantine - having to wear a mask - having to get a vaccine Why is it that the Venn diagram of these groups probably looks like a solar eclipse? Don’t want stay at home, to wear a mask, or get the vaccine? Fine, go ahead. Just STFU about it and let the rest of us do us. How’d I do, Spice?
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    Nicespice said "Don’t mind me, just waiting for this discussion to be a dumper fire 🍿" ^^^ ima bout to trow a dumpaload dumper fire party!!! Wooo Hooooo🤡😎
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Some of you seem to be getting so much self righteous pleasure from this virtue signaling circle jerk that I almost hate to throw any cold water on it. 😉 But...wait for it...like it or not, not everyone is going to choose to be vaccinated. *GASP* Hey, I'm as shocked as the rest of you. After all, why wouldn't 20 something year olds, regardless of their low risks, line up to get a vaccine shot so that already vaccinated old people can feel even more safe? Sheesh, how selfish of them. 😒
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Rick, that is the point of my thread. Are there going to be rules put into place that will force those 20 something year olds to get their shots ? How about you can't go to that concert unless you have your vaccine ? You can't go into that bar unless you have your shots ? Will that happen ?
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ Anything is possible Warrior, but I somehow doubt it. Seeing a university try it is not surprising given the oddities of academia, but for most commercial enterprises that seems like a good way to lose customers. I also don't see most politicians touching this with a 10 foot pole. I could see big event venues requiring masks and even negative PCR tests for a while longer until the vaccine is readily available to anyone who wants it, but even that will eventually go away. Shit, in a number of states you can already go into bars and restaurants at will, with even such elementary requirements like masks loosely enforced. Florida is a great example.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    If it gets enforced, probably just have to show your cdc vaccine card. If that’s the case, it would probably be super easy to circumvent. So basically, no big deal. Universities and employers would probably require something better documented tho. I wouldn’t be surprised if it became required, flu shots were mandatory for a lot of people it seemed this past season. ...Makes me wish I was a bit less sloppy writing on my own card now that I think about it. I forgot to even write the lot number for the first dose 😅 Oops
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    Government officials like Fauci have been saying we need to reach seventy to eighty percent vaccination rates to reach herd immunity. They ignore, though, that many people have already had the disease and developed immunity from that. Some people also have T cell immunity, meaning they will never get it because the natural defenses of their body will fight it off. Once RO falls below 1, the disease quickly dies out. We may have already reached that stage. There have been big drops in case rates even though only a minority of the population has been vaccinated. Trying to force that last ten or twenty percent of people who are recalcitrant and don't want to get the vaccine to get it may not be needed. Vaccines normally go through a three or four year testing process and these were rushed through in nine months. The vaccine companies were also given immunity by the government to any legal liability involving bad side effects. So it's not totally irrational to be worried about the long term safety of these vaccines.
  • Lil Jayne Doe
    3 years ago
    People can not get it.due to religious or health reasons and beliefs, any place that requires this will lose business. It's not a one time shot like vaccines that are required for children to enter the school system, people wont keep up with this "vaccine" years from now , its gonna loose steam just like the flu shot does for many , the covid shot will turn into the same standing where many dont bother
  • Lil Jayne Doe
    3 years ago
    Smart business, colleges and venues will begin to not require the shot for entrance and reap the sales and attendance others are brushing away
  • CarlitosPeligro
    3 years ago
    And many doctors predict this virus will never go away but like SARS and H1N1 it will become part of the seasonal flu soup that circulates every year and kills some people every year. I hate anti-vaxxer nonsense but I also hate hand-wringers. The human race has always been kept in check by disease. We don’t like to think about that. We seem to be able to knock down most of the infectious diseases to a manageable level and now this one is one of those too. And we’ve always had forced vaccinations for schools. None of this is new. None of this is a big conspiracy. None of this is a bill of rights issue. We are just trying to find the balance where we get to keep as many people healthy as we can, at an acceptable level of inconvenience. Antivaxxers have brought back measles and mumps outbreaks to the US. if they get any more traction we will have the same track record as Haiti or Somalia against infectious diseases.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    It was the emergence of all these more transmissible, severe, reinfection/antibodies-dodging variants that caused me to change my mind about being vaccinated. It's all summed up nicely in this article. [view link]
  • Lil Jayne Doe
    3 years ago
    Not anti vaccinations.... just saying, the flu shot is not a requirement for schools for kids to go to school, its optional, why? Because it's not a one and done vaccination shot to rid yourself of every having it or carrying it, it's an OPTIONAL YEARLY VACCINATION AGAINST ONE STRAND.... So if the covid "vaccine" is more like a flu shot for this strand of the coronavirus why make it mandatory if it doesnt protect you life long to rid the world of it? And if it is made mandatory, well why isnt the flu shot deemed mandatory and why are so people okay with everyone not getting that? Why are politicians, schools, music venues, air lines all talking about requiring people to be "vaccinated" for this years, or last years or next years flu shot in order to attend?
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    Why would anyone in the sex industry discourage an older person from getting the vaccine? Not very smart if you want repeat business.
  • Lil Jayne Doe
    3 years ago
    Who is doing that
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ I think that Uptightcitizen confused your position against universal COVID vaccination mandates as some active effort to discourage people from making their own choice to get it.
  • Lil Jayne Doe
    3 years ago
    Well it's also funny bc I never said my personal view on getting it, having had gotten it or wont be getting it. I'm just saying why isnt and havent the same ppl been this uppity about the flu shot not being mandated? Helps the same and works the same ..... ?!?
  • boomer79
    3 years ago
    I also get the flu shot and would strongly recommend it. The two years I forgot I did get the flu. Not the end of the world but it is certainly a drag and it’s easy to spread.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I'm interested to see what percentage we get stuck on when it comes to vaccinations. Maybe 75% then the other 25% is not hearing it. I guess we'll find out pretty soon.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ I doubt that the adoption rate will be anywhere close to 75%. Right now vaccinations are chugging along because the focus has been on the high risk population, but they are the same people who commonly get the flu vaccine each year for the same risk reasons. Keep in mind that 20+% of the population represents children, for whom none of the vaccines have even been approved yet. Also, if flu vaccination rates are any indicator, the adoption rates could be well south of % in the 18-39 age bracket, which kinda' makes sense. A lot of people are not going to want to get vaccinated for something that is predominantly a Boomer Remover, especially of the Boomers themselves are already vaccinated. My guess is that this thing stalls somewhere between 50-60%. Then we'll go through a period of time with lots of virtue signaling and PSAs encouraging more people to get the jab until finally the melodrama dies down as our vulnerable stop dying off and emergency rooms are largely clear of COVID cases. How many people go back the following year remains is very much up in the air, but once again if the flu vaccine is any indicator, it will be around 45-50% of the population.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    That was "well south of 35%" for the 18-39 age bracket, lol.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    This very well may depend on where you live. New York is coming out with a Vaccine Passport : [view link]
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Like someone else said if you need proof of vaccinations to enter football stadium or to view a NASCAR event there’s not much discussion that will take place so screw the goofy platitudes like virtue signaling and let’s see where the science actually takes us.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ Sure, and if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its ass on the ground. 😉 Now I'm sure that some venues will experiment with it, but it will doubtless be short lived. More likely is that everything will calm down once enough of the scared vulnerable types feel sufficiently protected. If we were actually following the science, we'd acknowledge that only a small % of the population is seriously at risk from COVID and thus far there has been a very high vaccine adoption rate from that group.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    More goofy platitudes from the master of the straw man argument don’t you ever get tired of looking for an argument and actually discuss an issue with some respect for other POV s
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ My argument was directly on point twenty. Feel free to disagree, respectfully or otherwise. Or you can have another one of your drama queen moments and start shitting on the carpet again. Your call I suppose.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Oy if a frog had wings would it fly or would RickiBoi try to make it into another one of his dumbass remarks I suppose, yawn what a pain in the ass you are
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ And of course you chose Option B - shit on the carpet. No surprise sadly.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Go back to the kiddy table you’re too annoying for any adults to have any interest in listening to you prattle on option b lol dumb fuck.
  • CarlitosPeligro
    3 years ago
    I hear you Jayne. This thing is not being driven by science alone. Lots of fear including fear of liability and reputational harm for any org or event seen as a super-spreader.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Does it benefit me? Does it benefit you? Here’s the best logic I’ve heard yet. I have a friend who owns a small company and has an office full of staff. Maybe 10 people work in that office and there’s a dozen or so people that work remotely (traveling sales reps). He went on and on about to me about how all his employees better get the vaccine and how he would hold it against them if they didn’t. Then I asked if his wife was getting it and he said “no, she’s not because her sister is an anti-vaxxer and she talked her out of it.” I just kept my mouth shut. My point is that’s the logic that we have to deal with today.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Back to Rutgers . . . It's their house. (Currently) You can't come in my house - unless you're masked or vaccinated. But you can wear your shoes. I have friends that insist you not wear shoes in their house. I'm okay with that. I understand my house (castle) isn't the same as a University, but the concept is the same. And the intent is the same. I don't want the possibility of the virus spreading into, or out of my house (castle).
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    Dick Dugan thanks for posting a weak sauce insult in a thread where you were not addressed. You really need to find time for better use of your time.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Uptightcitizen, so only the person you are addressing is allowed to correct you when you erroneously conflate two different concepts? Good to know. Please feel free to post a complete compilation of "Posting Rules by Uptightcitizen" so that we can all know what we can and can't do. 😉
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    As far as Rutgers requiring the vaccine, a number of other university systems have come out with statements indicating that they are NOT going to mandate vaccinations. Apparently there is a lot of debate as to whether venues and employers are allowed to mandate vaccines that have been approved on an "emergency use basis and have not been subjected to the full FDA approval process.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    3 years ago
    I hope everyone gets it. My entire life is on hold now from getting it from anti-maskers. Please get the vaccine and please wear a face covering in public.
  • dirtyburt
    3 years ago
    Started working up some counterfeit cards about three weeks ago. I’m taking this one to the bank fellows. They Zig and I Zag. Who said growing up on the streets, and running numbers as my first job, wouldn’t get me any where.....??????? BTW...... they are being marketed as Replacement Cards..Who needs Social Security???
  • NJBalla
    3 years ago
    This is actually common for universities especially those with international students. I remember when I slacked off and didn't get my MMR vaccine in time the university had a way to lock my keycard from getting into any building. Interesting though as Rutgers has a ton of students from China. They are usually from wealthy families and spend the weekends driving exotic cars and partying. Mom and dad love the prestige of American university diplomas but the kids just want to party and do drugs.
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