Has anyone here gained a few pounds this year

avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement

I know that in December a few months after I sold my business I had gained 25 pounds, even though I had been diligent about my exercise and eating habits, I guess that the change in my routine had been detrimental to my overall fitness. I have again modified my diet and increased my vegetarian intake my exercise, and stopped eating red meats completely and I have managed to rid myself of about 15 of the excess pounds My swimming daily hasn’t changed but I have added about 4 hours of walking weekly to my regimen and that seems to be making a difference Does anyone have any suggestions I have to be careful as I have cervical disc damage and all of my exercise needs to be low impact type workouts


last comment
avatar for shadowcat
3 yrs ago

Try fucking.

avatar for MackTruck
3 yrs ago

I loose about 10 tons every time I dump a load!!! 🤣🤣😍

avatar for Longball300
3 yrs ago

Elliptical or rowing would be my suggestions depending on your spine.

avatar for rockie
3 yrs ago

A recumbent exercise bike for those days that it's not comfortable outside. The common complaints (besides boredom) of most exercise bikes is the seat being uncomfortable and that's not an issue on a recumbent bike. To overcome the boredom - set up a situation to entertain yourself with audiobook, music, or whatever your interest is on TV.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

I have gained a few since working from home. I was a distance runner up until about 3 years ago. During the spring and summer I kept working on my distance - but my knees got very sore. I decided to stop the running as I thought the impact was getting to be too much.

I got an elliptical trainer in January, and I’ve been using it 3-4 days a week to get decent cardio. It’s a smooth motion and it’s been good so far. It’s a transition from being outdoors and enjoying things to being inside and watching ESPN.

The impact is gone - and my knees are fine - which is what I wanted. The downside is not being outdoors - and having it in one of the main rooms in my house (as it requires more headroom - and being tall adds to the headroom needed).

avatar for jackslash
3 yrs ago

I exercise every day. In the summer I bike 10-15 miles a day, and in the winter I have a recumbent exercise bike. I started a diet 2 years ago (more vegetables, less meat and bread), which has resulted in a 27 pound loss. I'm now in decent shape for an old man.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

I’m going to look into a recumbent exercise bicycle, I have a treadmill and an elliptical in my clubhouse that’s part of my community, I have tried a rowing machine that left me with my neck so sore I required a shot of cortisone two days later If the recumbent bike doesn’t cause me any pain I will purchase one to put in my rec room where I have a 71” television screen on the wall, with a full suite of cable channels plus Netflix & Amazon Prime TV not worried about boredom.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 yrs ago

I already exercised at home, so that didn’t change but my daily routine did for a while. Less activity commuting, outdoor activities, etc. I gained a few pounds around the holidays which is typical, but it was a lot harder to get them off than in past years.

avatar for datinman
3 yrs ago

Sounds like you have cardio covered. Are you doing any resistance? I love my Bowflex adjustable dumbbells. Less space than a full rack and a quick twist to raise or lower weight as you change exercises. If done sensibly and progressively, you should be able to work arms, shoulders, and chest without exacerbating your cervical condition.

avatar for Vipluvr
3 yrs ago

Weight loss is 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. Meaning we have to be careful about calorie intake more than exercise. I'm not knocking exercise but you can think that you are making progress exercising but it's all for naught if you have a poor eating plan.

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

I actually lost about 10 pounds when I got Covid last July. It got me motivated and I've lost another 10 since. The motivation is a 25 year old Sugar baby ! :-)

avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

I played basketball up to 3 days a week and would swim 1 day a week pre COVID. I’m very lucky to have only put on 13 pounds considering how bad I ate during all of this. I think what saved me is I am waiting at work and I walk 5 miles a day just at work. I have started “dieting” and have dropped 4 so far, goal is to lose 20 by July, that works to about 1.5 pounds a week.

Before I was 40 I could drop 10 pounds in 5 weeks like nothing, now it takes effort for me to drop weight.

One positive of all this, not playing basketball for over a year has entirely healed my body. No more foot and knee issues!!!

avatar for mark94
3 yrs ago

Gained 10 and have now managed to lose 20. Its all diet. Mostly avoiding carbs. No big secret. Avoid potatoes, rice, pasta, sugar, bread, etc.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

Gained 20 pounds after a back injury kept me out of the gym. Lost 5 after cutting out carbs, more forthcoming. I'm a dedicated lifter, cardio is torturously boring.

avatar for Lil Jayne Doe
Lil Jayne Doe
3 yrs ago

Watch your meal sizes,and stay hydrated. Drink a bottle of water about 20 mins prior to your meal, you'll feel more full sooner eatting and lessen your intake which can help train yourself easier into cutting portion sizes.

Small snacks through the day, helps your metabolism stay steady and consistent. Try not to eat after 7pmish also in average anyways.

Stick with exercise also, add a few walks in a week especially with the nicer weather coming in. Annnnd good sleep is key!

If that fails.... get like a stomach ulcer after having covid.... that also seems to do the trick!!! 😂🤣

I've lost dramatically since December and continue to do so, just get yourself in a groove.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

I’m small-boned/small-framed (I’m ~5’10 but only wear a 8.5 shoe and could probably fit a size-8 but it’d be tight); and I’m a 34-waist (35 or sometimes 36 depending on the slacks but usually wear 34)– as a junior in HS I was about 130-lbs at ~5’10 – growing-up I was a hard-gainer where my issue was putting on weight – in my late teens I was diagnosed w/ a thyroid-condition – when I got meds for that I quickly went up to ~155-lbs and after a few years on meds went up to and stayed around 175-lbs – I then had to have my thyroid mostly removed in my early-20s and went from ~175 to 180-185lbs for a few-years and for the last 10+ years have been steady in the low-190s where I’ve stayed w/o going up or down – due to my smallish-frame/small-boned I’d probably be better-off being b/w 170 and 180-max although I tend to look skinny at that weight (last time I tried losing some weight and went down to about 180 everyone was asking me if something was wrong) – due to my frame I tend to look skinny vs in-shape when I get below 185 – unfortunately b/c of my small/narrow-ish frame, w/e weight I put on shows mainly around my stomach vs my arms or legs - my weight has remained steady the last 10+ years eating pretty-much w/e I want and whether I exercise or not and have stayed around the same weight thru the pandemic even though I haven't hit the gym in over a year (although when I used to hit the gym I barely did any cardio and it was mostly moderate-resistance-training) - w.r.t. my diet I don't have much of a sweet-tooth nor snack much - I mainly eat 2 sometimes 3 meals a day and maybe only one of them may be a heavy-meal but I kinda eat what I'm in the mood for vs the healthiest option - I def should eat better/healthier but eating what I'm in the mood for is one of the few pleasures I engage in.

avatar for JimGassagain
3 yrs ago

What’s your point? You should be counting your blessings knowing you can get fat during a worldwide pandemic.


avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

I would think it'd be hard for the OP to be able to do any kinda worthwhile resistance-training given his cervical-disk issue; one would think just about any kinda force puts pressure and causes muscles to tense up - perhaps the OP can consult w/ a specialist to see if there are specific exercises/techniques where he could do some resistance-training - but swimming is a good low-impact way to get resistance-training and probably best to stick to that and cardio as to avoid aggravating the situation (my unscientific 2-cents)

avatar for ATACdawg
3 yrs ago

I've actually lost about 10 lbs of my pre-COVID weight. I accomplished that by eating only two meals a day.

avatar for CJKent_band
3 yrs ago

I have not gained weight this year, because I follow Robert De Niro's Penitentiary Workout for Cape Fear.

A) Low carb diet: Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, high-fat dairy, fats, healthy oils and maybe even some tubers and non-gluten grains.

B) Low impact exercises: Tai Chi. Yoga. Pilates. Exercise walking. Elliptical trainer or step machine. Stationary bicycling. Swimming and water aerobics.

C) Getting a healthy amount of sleep is a key in getting in good physical shape. Healthy sleep also strengthens the immune system and makes it easier to maintain a healthy diet.

avatar for TheeOSU
3 yrs ago


And the penitentiary is exactly where you belong you FUCKHEAD!

avatar for Huntsman
3 yrs ago

My weight is pretty much the same since the pandemic started.

As far as weight, that’s pretty much a function of eating, not exercise. Cut out processed foods and you’ll likely lose some weight. Easy to say and very effective but we Americans have a hard time accomplishing that.

As for exercise, it’s not a big weight loss tool for the average person but it’s extremely important for good health. Pick something you’ll actually do consistently and do it. That’s 90% of the battle.

avatar for bdirect
3 yrs ago

the democommies and their lock downs and shut down gyms/parks and beachs in blue states,want us all to get fat and die from over weight issues

avatar for bdirect
3 yrs ago

i agree with all the posts, great ideas for healthy life, and a long retirement

avatar for dirtyburt
3 yrs ago

Mostly avoiding carbs. No big secret. Avoid potatoes, rice, pasta, sugar, bread, etc.

Agree with Mark 94 I lost between 15-20 since COVID . Also avoid excess alcohol which slows down your metabolism. Drink water water water.........go with vodka or some tequila at night. Or a low carb beer. Mich Ultra or corona premier. 2-3 works fine for me. I also exercise like hell, and don’t eat breakfast or lunch. Water &black coffee only till 4:00 or 5:00 then let it rip. Eat as much as you want ( I am never hungry ) Stomach gets used to it. ........... cholesterol BP and sugar all perfect. No drugs for this old man.

avatar for Jascoi
3 yrs ago

dang. i gotta cut back on the potato chips and booze.

avatar for bdirect
3 yrs ago

dirtyburt: thanks for telling us how you did it, it good to hear a positive story, considering the times we are in now. now you should fly down to TJ and those young girls will treat you like a king and make you feel 30 years younger

avatar for MackTruck
3 yrs ago

I am a fat mother fucker

avatar for blahblahblah23
3 yrs ago

Never heard that alcohol slows down the metabolism. I've heard it does bad shit to your skin over time? Obviously never researched it. I never really had a drinking problem tho

avatar for bdirect
3 yrs ago

i got to get fit for that mexican pussy, the will lay the pipe to you, i dont want to get a heart attack

avatar for wallanon
3 yrs ago

Lost weight. Started exercising more when stuff was shut down.

avatar for Muddy
3 yrs ago

Initially I gained the COVID 19lbs but I've since shed it.

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

^ 'scrub. You're scaring me just a little there. You are way too familiar with Papi's private parts.

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