I've never really had the courage to see an escort even with proper research you never know if your gonna get bait and switched or robbed or caught in a sting. I also really prefer the laid back vibe of SC's and variety. The only way id consider trying an escort is with a pornstar. I wouldn't waste too much considering the rates but thinking of trying a half hour just to get the escort experience without the paranoia or subscribing to a review board.
Never hired a pornstar as an escort but I imagine they would not be worth it. In addition to charging way more than a standard escort or dancer, I would imagine they would mostly be either near the end or past the end of their porn career before they would see random Johns on the side. If they are truly a "star" level performer they would be risking too much by escorting on the side.
I'm sure there are a few current legitimate stars who take the risk out of greed but they are probably way to expensive to be worth it. Also, from what I've seen of pornstars working as featured dancers they rarely look anywhere near as good up close without the professional makeup and lighting.
I met a girl before she did porn and the sex wasn't bad but nothing spectacular other than she was 21 and I was in my late 30s.
She subsequently did porn for about 18 months and I noticed her blowjob skills improved 100 percent. She was still one of the worst kissers I ever met. She just opened her mouth very wide and sat back. Any French kiss isn't terrible but her technique wasn't very engaging.
Nope don’t do it. I met 2 “amateur” or “low level” porn stars back in the day. One I knew she was a “porn star” before the meeting, the other told me during the meeting.
They both acted just like women did in porno movies back then. I touched her back and she’s already moaning like she’s about to orgasm. I’m like “give me a break,” just keep silent instead of faking it. Strangely they both acted the same exact way. Real turn off...
I have had the pleasure of a couple legitimate pornstar escorts. You are correct they are not cheap, but IMO they were definitely worth the money. There is something very hot about being able to watch movies of a hot check getting fucked hard before you meet her, then being able to do the same to her. By virtue of their walk you know they are good at what they do. You pay a premium because you know they will be good. I would not limit it to 30 mins - most legit porn stars I have seen have a min of at least an hour.
I agree with @Wiffle Waffle - there are a lot of very hot porn stars (like her) that also meet fans.
I've heard from most fellas, its lackluster especially for the pricetag, and quick trip back time reality once your payment time allowed runs out and shes already dressed before you open your eyes lol
I'm sure not all are like that, but I've heard mostly like that, and that it's very much more mechanical and again which maybe some dudes dont care about.
You could get just a hustled by a stripped as an escort, they just rob you while dancing and leave you to not realize it until you snap back to reality lol
IDK if it's still operational, but TheEroticReview.com had a good rep for finding escorts since the escorts were reviewed by clients so this cut-down on the ROBs/DUDs
From what I’ve heard, you are paying a premium because the girl is a porn star. It doesn’t always equate to a porn scene type of sexual experience. I would keep that in mind when looking. If you are hung up on a specific porn star, it can be a let down, as she might not live up to her on screen persona
If you connect with a star through social media and can setup an encounter, I wish you the best! If you try one of those escort websites, be careful, as it could be a bait and switch thing.
Back when I was young - you could find stars working some of the filthy Times Square porn spots. But, porn wasn’t as profitable for the stars back then. .
It's as impossible as anything else to make generalizations about. I've heard first-hand from close friends stories both good and bad. A brother of mine from college became a custom & classic car appraiser and broker, with offices in LA and NYC. Mike always had the hottest girls in college, and almost exclusively dates models and club hostesses to this day. We joke that he, Tiger, and pre-POTUS Don had a running contest. Some of his porn star dates were like throwing a hot dog down a hallway, while others were the most mind-blowing sex imaginable. Like any hot girl, it's the luck of the draw.
I don’t think the topic can be generalized. A lot of the experience will probably vary from one situation to the next. As far as trying it? Sure, if it interests you, give it a try.
" TheEroticReview.com had a good rep for finding escorts since the escorts were reviewed by clients so this cut-down on the ROBs/DUDs"
It's always YMMV but during my escort phase a few years back I was a member of TER. Back then you had to review 2 escorts a month to keep your membership active. I didn't have a problem with that because on average I was seeing an escort per week. But, I noticed that it led to lots of fake reviews from others. One guy reviewed an escort who had died a couple months before the review. There were other incidents of obvious fake reviews.
TER was moderated by guys that were more interested in making the escorts look good over accurate reviews. I had reviews declined because I was honest about my experience and the honesty didn't equate to showing off the escort in a positive way. I also had reviews censored because of my honesty.
There were tons of shill reviews. Average chicks that would rate a 6 on looks or service were given 10 ratings.
Anyway after a year or so of the BS and my declining interest in escorts I let my membership expire and left the site. I do believe TER is still operational but if it's the same as it was when I was there I'd take the reviews with a grain of salt. YMMV
TER is still up. I don't trust the reviewers on there or on USASG. They're comprised of angry clients who want FS for $100 from a super model willing to do everything bareback. All of the girls are fat, use candy, have pimps, blah blah blah. Fuck those guys, and if you reading this are one of those types of guys - fuck you, too. Those reviews are full of judgement, bias, and inaccuracies. There are two sides to every story.
Check out this companion's story about being raped by a client. https://www.reddit.com/r/SexWo… This is her side of the story. But what is the client's side? Clearly, he isn't going to say what he did to her if he were to review her. He isn't going to admit to being a rapist.
The reviews on here are also biased. "She was a 7.5." Everyone has a different definition of what is and is not hot to them. Everyone has a different perspective on what "good service" is to them as well.
Now back to the subject matter, one issue with hiring porn talent (actors and actresses) is that we have way more to lose than the client does. If we're "active" with our agency or booked for a shoot, we *have* to be STD tested within 14 days of the shoot and Covid-19 rapid tested within 3 days of the shoot. If one or both tests come back positive - we're done. I have a whole ass discussion thread about this in VIP (or Verified members?).
Then there is the potential to ruin careers. Imagine (as cool as it would be for some of you) if your life revolved around and was supported by being a client and you were being reviewed. One negative reputation ruining one-sided review and then nobody wants to book with you or your business slows significantly to where your income is impacted. That is what happens to us as companions and as porn talent.
This is why rates for porn talent are higher. This is why it's harder to book an appointment. "Star level" or not.
A lot of the other talent I chat with who I know escort book incalls only. We don't want clients secretly filming shit either. And it has happened to others. Some talent will use a different name other than their stage name for the reasons I stated above. If you had a porn talent as a companion and you didn't know she does porn, you would be less likely to brag about it or try to fuck them over (negative reviews or who knows what else) if they were uncomfortable with a request. I am assuming that solely based off of how companions are reviewed and what I read.
90% of talent offer companionship or dance when not active in porn.
Nobody can answer the original question because all the original poster is going to get are biased answers based off of the expectations and (one sided experience) stories of the commenters.
^not comfortable in your opinion though. The disappointment comes when the client doesn't specify EXACTLY what s/he wants. If they don't communicate, then the companion won't know.
I have no clue but as an outsider I would guess that a regular escort would be cheaper and maybe more eager to please. Whereas your pornstar might be well known and in very high demand so she can likely get away with whatever she wants to an extent. 🤷🏼♀️
Depends on the girl. Good friend knows an A-list porn star who does escorting, but she advertises exorbitant rates to scare off all but the most determined, and is by her own admission a shitty lay. I'm sure others like it though.
I say you live once...... then try it once. It’s only money. What maybe $1500 for an hour. Personally I am not sure about all of the vetting process, giving all of my information ( name, driver license, employment information etc). I know it’s necessary for the safety of the young ladies, but I need to think about my safety and privacy also......I haven’t figured that angle yet, so it’s not for me. On the other hand, add to the above stories that some of these girls just don’t cut the mustard, why risk spending $1000-$1500 for a disappointing time. That’s why I don’t mind spending a little more with a club girl that I can relate to. Many of my club friends tell me it feels like they did a Porno Shoot when we have finished anyhow.
I understand the pitfalls of making generalizations, as they are prone to error.
I also appreciate the insight from other members who have indulged in this experience. I thank Waffle for her industry insight as well.
I still caution guys from putting a porn star on a pedestal and then setting up a date with such high expectations, as the experience may not reach the expectations in your fantasy.
last commentI'm sure there are a few current legitimate stars who take the risk out of greed but they are probably way to expensive to be worth it. Also, from what I've seen of pornstars working as featured dancers they rarely look anywhere near as good up close without the professional makeup and lighting.
She subsequently did porn for about 18 months and I noticed her blowjob skills improved 100 percent. She was still one of the worst kissers I ever met. She just opened her mouth very wide and sat back. Any French kiss isn't terrible but her technique wasn't very engaging.
They both acted just like women did in porno movies back then. I touched her back and she’s already moaning like she’s about to orgasm. I’m like “give me a break,” just keep silent instead of faking it. Strangely they both acted the same exact way. Real turn off...
Nope. Wrong.
Porn Companions. Google it.
Also wrong. There is a ridiculous amount of us who work as companions outside of porn. It's quite obviously you are only assuming.
I agree with @Wiffle Waffle - there are a lot of very hot porn stars (like her) that also meet fans.
I'm sure not all are like that, but I've heard mostly like that, and that it's very much more mechanical and again which maybe some dudes dont care about.
You could get just a hustled by a stripped as an escort, they just rob you while dancing and leave you to not realize it until you snap back to reality lol
If you connect with a star through social media and can setup an encounter, I wish you the best! If you try one of those escort websites, be careful, as it could be a bait and switch thing.
Back when I was young - you could find stars working some of the filthy Times Square porn spots. But, porn wasn’t as profitable for the stars back then. .
It's always YMMV but during my escort phase a few years back I was a member of TER.
Back then you had to review 2 escorts a month to keep your membership active. I didn't have a problem with that because on average I was seeing an escort per week.
But, I noticed that it led to lots of fake reviews from others. One guy reviewed an escort who had died a couple months before the review. There were other incidents of obvious fake reviews.
TER was moderated by guys that were more interested in making the escorts look good over accurate reviews. I had reviews declined because I was honest about my experience and the honesty didn't equate to showing off the escort in a positive way.
I also had reviews censored because of my honesty.
There were tons of shill reviews. Average chicks that would rate a 6 on looks or service were given 10 ratings.
Anyway after a year or so of the BS and my declining interest in escorts I let my membership expire and left the site. I do believe TER is still operational but if it's the same as it was when I was there I'd take the reviews with a grain of salt. YMMV
Check out this companion's story about being raped by a client. https://www.reddit.com/r/SexWo… This is her side of the story. But what is the client's side? Clearly, he isn't going to say what he did to her if he were to review her. He isn't going to admit to being a rapist.
The reviews on here are also biased. "She was a 7.5." Everyone has a different definition of what is and is not hot to them. Everyone has a different perspective on what "good service" is to them as well.
Now back to the subject matter, one issue with hiring porn talent (actors and actresses) is that we have way more to lose than the client does. If we're "active" with our agency or booked for a shoot, we *have* to be STD tested within 14 days of the shoot and Covid-19 rapid tested within 3 days of the shoot. If one or both tests come back positive - we're done. I have a whole ass discussion thread about this in VIP (or Verified members?).
Then there is the potential to ruin careers. Imagine (as cool as it would be for some of you) if your life revolved around and was supported by being a client and you were being reviewed. One negative reputation ruining one-sided review and then nobody wants to book with you or your business slows significantly to where your income is impacted. That is what happens to us as companions and as porn talent.
This is why rates for porn talent are higher. This is why it's harder to book an appointment. "Star level" or not.
A lot of the other talent I chat with who I know escort book incalls only. We don't want clients secretly filming shit either. And it has happened to others. Some talent will use a different name other than their stage name for the reasons I stated above. If you had a porn talent as a companion and you didn't know she does porn, you would be less likely to brag about it or try to fuck them over (negative reviews or who knows what else) if they were uncomfortable with a request. I am assuming that solely based off of how companions are reviewed and what I read.
90% of talent offer companionship or dance when not active in porn.
Nobody can answer the original question because all the original poster is going to get are biased answers based off of the expectations and (one sided experience) stories of the commenters.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Personally I am not sure about all of the vetting process, giving all of my information ( name, driver license, employment information etc). I know it’s necessary for the safety of the young ladies, but I need to think about my safety and privacy also......I haven’t figured that angle yet, so it’s not for me.
On the other hand, add to the above stories that some of these girls just don’t cut the mustard, why risk
spending $1000-$1500 for a disappointing time.
That’s why I don’t mind spending a little more with a club girl that I can relate to. Many of my club friends tell me it feels like they did a Porno Shoot when we have finished anyhow.
I also appreciate the insight from other members who have indulged in this experience. I thank Waffle for her industry insight as well.
I still caution guys from putting a porn star on a pedestal and then setting up a date with such high expectations, as the experience may not reach the expectations in your fantasy.