
Comments by dirtyburt (page 3)

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Enjoying that friction room grind
    Mixed Wednesday Evening at the Flight Club
    @Friction said “ Has been my favorite Detroit area stop for quite a while, but mixed results this visit”. So I suspect he would have know of the high possibilities of extras in the club. Friction, probably likes to spend on a few dances before hand to get to know the dancer…..But, the dancers want the extras money, and sometimes seem to be too aggressive in their approach. I have seen it scare more guys off than seal the deal. It seems like the same old story here at the FC. The prices are up, but the talent is down and the Cubans are here to stay. Last week, I spent a few hours 12:00AM-2:00 AM at the upper bar, and only saw one dancer go back to the VIP in the 2 hours that I was there. Now that’s a big change from the old days… Be Safe all, Burt
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Pricy, but can't complain about quality!
    I was there last Friday, and there were only two dancers on the main stage with an additional three dancers on the other three poles. So a total of five dancers dancing per song. After 1:00 AM they shutdown the pole to the left of the stage ( when viewing the stage from the bar). Maybe maybe what you saw was three dancers in a Log Jam or some confused dancer that didn’t know to move to the next pole……
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Pricy, but can't complain about quality!
    @Johnnyeng4242 I can’t agree more with your statement…….. ** To be honest previously I haven't been very impressed with this place as far as the enthusiasm of the dancers** Maybe it was “ New Employee Enthusiasm” or something. Not sure it will go away anytime soon.I also long for the “ Old atmosphere and energy of the FC”.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Flight Club is my current favorite club in the country
    I just Ubered in two days ago without issues. @Aham5144 I also got jammed up once trying to get an Uber to take me back to the hotel after 2:00 AM. If you can't get a Taxi, work with the Bouncers. That's why it always pays to tip the Bouncers & Valet.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Mimi at flight club
    I sent you all a DM………with the answer.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    when traveling I like to get a hooker
    Good Lord, I don’t want to go here…
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The best dancers for extras and sugarbaby/otc activity where money is no concern
    Aham, I agree….. 95% of us PL’s are slightly twisted in one way or another. My point was, the PL needs to watch his actions, because IF the FC Girls become uncomfortable with him, he is as good as Burnt Toast at the FC. The news travels fast in the back room. I have even seen the bouncers tip off girls to watch a certain PL. Dirtyburt
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The best dancers for extras and sugarbaby/otc activity where money is no concern
    Everything, You need to realize, If I give you three names like Abby, Bambi and Cici, what works for me may be a train wreck for you. If money is no object I suggest that you bring about $1000-$2000 into the club, get a booth near the stage and start throwing some money around… You will need to interview the girls, to see if they are what you are looking for. After about three trips like that you should have some rapport with the dancers. Once they know you have money, you should not have too much of a problem…… unless you have been labeled a “Perv” by the dancers. Then you are done at this club.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    How do I know when I receive a Message????
    I am using an iPad, and I can’t see anything flashing. Maybe on a PC it is different. I also found about 5-6 messages already a few months old, so I guess it’s just not me. Guess we need to check more often????
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Mimi at flight club
    I saw her in August and I haven’t heard that Mimi has left…… Maybe it’s that time of month for her and she is taking some time off. Stopping in later in the week, so I will see if she is around, and let you know. DM me if you want me to ask her anything …….. DirtyBurt
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Last stop on the tour, pulled a rookie move
    Rabbit, Were the two dancers Cuban….??????
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    That’s my BubbleYum…… you tell ‘‘em baby. I wasn’t too fond of all the whore name calling either..if you think the dancers are that bad than “Stay Away”. Dirtyburt
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Discrimination against non-black dancers?
    Management needs to be able to stand up to the”Goons” that don’t spend $$$$ which in turn forces out the PL’s which supported the Club, by spending $$$$. Management also needs to “Keep the Drugs Out”…….that the Goons bring in…..
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Time for some dance lessons
    I agree …. Things seemed kinda slow when I was there last week. And a few dancers friends confirmed it has been kind of slow also. It may be due to Holidays / Summer activities or PL’s just hanging on to their money.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Wham!!! Bam!!!
    Ok fellows here’s a Recap on Thursday…….It was a just FC quickie. I have known this dancer for quite a few years, but haven’t seen her in a while due to scheduling conflicts. Once the curtain closed she dropped down to her knees and the show started and was over in way less than 10 minutes… since it was getting close to 2:00 AM. 5 years ago, our old price was $150 and I would tip $50. So I tried to do that again as a joke between us. I threw the $200 on the ground, so she would have to crawl around for it(another joke between us) Back when we first met, she would always disappear very quickly, before I could get any information from her. ( Hence the Tail Light comment) I texted her afterwards ….. and she “ Face timed” me around 2:30 AM after I got back to my hotel. Her response was “ It has been so long since you visited me that I wanted you to remember what it was like back then”. Plus you always told me that I should “Fly First Class”, so you just upgraded me for my July 4th flight out of town…..and stuck her tongue out again. It was just Game- Playing between us….. Hope it continues for another 5 years, but I could do without the “Short Session” next time.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Friday before Memorial Day
    Killed about 1 1/2 hours at the FC, So, I was considering myself lucky @ $95. I walked in with $1400 and walked out with over $1300.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Thursday and Sunday
    I woulda been on that Brunette with braces in a heartbeat…. lol Didn’t see her there last Thursday, but I left around 7:30 PM. But I think you made the best choice holding off, if the liquor was running the show…..
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Are there just an infinite amount of Cuban strippers?
    When I was at the FC in early April there were about a half dozen Cubans in a gang on night shift. Going to try to head back up to FC within the next two weeks and see how many Cubans are there now, and what I can negotiate for a VIP Trip. Not that I’m interested, because the FC Cubans did not look near as hot as the south Florida Cubans, who you can have for $150 ish. If the FC Cubans under cut the American FC Girls, we will see the great American exodus, and the end of some top tier American Talent that is hard to find in most other clubs. We have already seen the recession, cause some top talent to leave…..and the Cubans are filling in that void. “Guess we wait and see"…… Glad I had my share of fun at the FC already…….. If all else fails, then it will be Sugar Babes for me here in the USA & Mexico.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Follies, a look back
    Hey Muddy, Ya didn’t miss much IMO. I was at Follies at least 6 -8 times before it supposedly went to shit and I can say that I “Struck Out Every Time “ that I went there …….. lol I just couldn’t get a rhythm going in the place. Way too noisy and to me seemed very chaotic. It just never panned out. Basically after about an hour in the joint, I said “Fuck It"………..I will save my money for the Flight Club.. I guess I never saw anything better than what the Flight Club had to offer, with a lot less chaos. Later Dirty Burt
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    VIP with two or more dancers at the same time
    The problem with doing a dance with two dancers, is they control the situation. I would much rather do a one on one, where I control the situation. I had to scold my ATF a few weeks back, because lately WHEN we meet ITC, she’s always insisting on bringing a second dancer to try to help them out financially. Plus, the second dancer is usually no way near as hot as my ATF. Personally, it just doesn’t cut it for me, and I always walk out, just shaking my head.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Fun Sunday Evening
    Yep… You need at least $1000 if ya want to “Whoop it Up” a bit..and have some bar / table side fun with the dancers.. And throw in at least one trip upstairs, with the one you have the most fun with. One of my most memorable nights was on a Sunday at the FC, about 8 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    What is it about Cuban strippers that make them eventually take over a club?
    The Cubans pack up for Power & Control of the club. Once they Take Over the club, they own it.. The other Non-Cuban girls usually leave or don’t stay too long if they just got hired on. Once the Cubans take over a club, ” the Cubans then have a tendency to forget almost all English when they go to the VIP……. Watch Out Flight Club……… Your Next..
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Monday Night in Motown
    Or else the Dancer really wasn’t attracted to the person inquiring…..about dances. Never sure of the reasoning, but it happens.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    The FC is dying……
    And if the owner Allen has “Plead Guilty to Tax Evasion” like my source told me"……… then Allen’s mind ain’t on the FC right now. And the managers won’t / don’t have a clue on how to generate revenue or hold on to the “Top Dancers”.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    The FC is dying……
    I must admit, the original FC Cuban did not act like a member of the South Florida Cuban Wolfpack. Other than my in-depth conversations with her plus her accent, her demeanor was not of a “Typical Cubana Dancer”, so I would have never guessed she was from Cuba. Let’s see what the next few months bring to the FC, if the FC customers fall for the “Lowball Cuban Action”, expect to see an additional influx of Cuban Dancers, and the exodus / exit of some of the better looking higher priced American Talent. @Mr. Tibbs"…….. the original Cuban A****a “Looks way hotter, than the new imports…….IMO A****a is a High 7 or 8ish And the Cuban New Talent pushed at tops a High 5‘s up to a 6.5 If I (you) want a Cuban Dish, just go to South Florida, where you can lock onto some 8-9’s for $150 including tip. And I do Hope & Pray that I’m wrong on this one. Dirtyburt