
Comments by blockbird (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The end of a Seattle adult entertainment empire?
    This is very sad. I lived in Seattle for 9 years, during which time I progressed from a total newbie to a dedicated PL, primarily in Ricks and Sugars primarily, but now and then in Honey's and Fox's as well. And in the process I got to know a fair number of fine young ladies, not just because of their looks, their curves, or the services they provided. These were real people, dealing with their very real issues the best way they could, and in the process giving a fair amount of pleasure to a fair amount of guys. And yeah, I enjoyed a lot of nice handsy laps and expended countless loads, but it was somewhat covert then, before the semi-closed off VIP areas that I read about but never experience, but where the activity was apparently so overt that nobody could miss it unless they were blind and deaf. Maybe that became the problem. It's not even that wide-open on the Block. These were good clubs..yeah, the Colacurcios weren't saints by any means, but compared to some of our Wall Street pillars of industry that we've come to know the last year or so, who's to judge. So now the cops and politicians are pleased with themselves for the fine work they've done. And a fair number of young moms are on the streets hooking, or panhandling, or dealing drugs, or whatever. And guys with shaky home lives are hanging out in bars, cruising the streets, or jacking off in booths. But justice has been done. So it's said. R.I.P, Talents West et.al. I feel sad tonight.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you get any sense that customers are spending less and Dancers are more Despe
    Yes, bigtime desperation. I was in a club in the Block that normally charges $70 + tip to get to the semi-private area in the back. I was offered this for $45 + tip, and when I hesitated they made it $20 + tip. That never would have happened a couple of years ago. Plus they throw in a free beer when you buy a small drink for a Blockette, another recent bonus not seen previously.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Yes, on the Block, very often. Maybe not the wisest thing to do, but..hey, I love DFKing.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Better Mileage Near DC: West Virginia or Baltimore?
    As Wallanon alluded to, the only source of major mileage around here is in Baltimore, on the Block...Baltimore Street, just off the Inner Harbor. Showcase in Beltsville is OK, if you can deal with an outrageous cover charge and if covered grinds with titty grabbing work for you. Similar deal at Players Club in B'more. For the real deal, go to the Block.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Don't know if it's a "hood spot." Maybe I'm to old to know what that means. But I've had a couple of satisfying times at the Atlantis. When I'm up that way and don't feel like crossing the river, that's where I go.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Some questions to customers from an ex dancer
    >>What is your outlook on dancers all together? Above all, I like a tease. The mechanical "wannadance" gets nowhere with me. Beyond that, physically, I don't like overweight women... hell, I was married to one of those...been there, done that. A dancer doesn't need to be gorgeous...an average or below face isn't a problem for me, but she does need to be height/weight proportionate. And, oh yeah...I hate implants. Absolutely. Small and natural all day long for me. >>What is your tipping style? Examples - Strict $1, what do you expect when you give a dancer a tip, etc..? At most of the clubs I habituate, the dancers will do a stage dance and then circulate. I'll tip a robo-buck and dismiss those that do nothing for me. More than that for those that I want to get to know. >>What do you expect out of a lapdance and VIP rooms? I like to be teased and flirted with...those that can make me feel like the virile 22-year-old that I once was, back in a different universe...damn... will suck lots of money from my wallet, guaranteed. With that foreplay having occurred, I do like to get off. Hey, I'm a guy, and guys are animals down inside. I plead guilty. But...FS is not required,in fact I'm not going to pay a big premium for that when Harry James is ready to sing for lots less money. >>Do you pay for talking time and/or do you offer to buy drinks or will you buy the dancer a drink if she asks? Or do you refuse under all circumstances to buy a dancer a drink? Absolutely, I'll buy a drink or two for a dancer who is friendly, flirtacious, and, especially, a bit handsy. I enjoy the talking time, given the feeling that more might be coming... >>Are you the type of customer that likes to approach dancers your self or vice-versa? If you only like certain dancers and one you don't like approaches you, how do you react to her? I like them to approach me. If I'm not attracted, I'll tip a buck and say "thank you." My tone of voice and facial expression will get the message across. >>What kind of club attracts you and do you ask dancers for extras? If you ask for extras, what is usually the percentage that agree to extras? I like the clubs on the sleazy side...hey, I do hang out on Baltimore's Block, as well as a couple of high-mileage places in New Jersey. The issue is not the percentage, it's what they want me to pay, which unfortunately on the Block has gotten kinda outlandish in most cases. The NJ places are still within reason, knock on wood..
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
    57...occasional clubbing 30 years. Clubbing "with intent": probably 13-14 years or so.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone any celebrity?
    Erin Burnett or Trish Regan of MS-NBC. Their business updates on the Today show translate to morning wood, guaranteed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL names..
    Because I hung around Baltimore's Block quite a bit at one time, when, if my rapidly receding memory is correct, it was often a pleasant and economical way to consume a few watered-down drinks and have certain physical needs addressed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    Rick's Seattle, at various points, lived up to its rating, if not moreso. I lived there for 9 years, and I've experienced its ups and downs. Sounds like now is horrible, but a year from tonight, after the elections, the erections may be back..who knows. Those owners are cats with nine lives... Right now a couple places in NJ may be among the best, but they can feel the heat from time to time also. The Block... just go with no expectations. You may be pleased, you may not. Just as it's always been.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    strangest thing seen in clubs?
    A semi-sleazy club near the L.A. airport (you know the one if you've driven to the terminal). As the big sign indicates, yes, they are nude on stage. In the middle of a stage dance, a dancer's period starts...profusely. Like... we're talking hemorrhage. She calmly finishes her set as if nothing is unusual.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Who Pulls It Out?
    When it seems like mileage is likely, I ask, "Mind if I unzip?" Her response directs me appropriately. Except for a certain club in Pemberton, New Jersey, where willy is freed in the first half minute, as she undresses, as a matter of course.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    New Dollar Coins- Potential Effect on SC Experience
    Should be a non-issue, because there is no push to eliminate paper dollars any time soon. People will still prefer the rag dollars, as always, relegating these new dollar coins to the status of mildly interesting curiosities, nothing more. Just like that Sackies, Suzies, and Ikes that preceded them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    On the Block in Baltimore, I had already bought a girl 2 small drinks at $25 each, and given her a couple $10 tips. She then had to go on stage, but promised to be right back after her stage dance. She knew I was good for at least one more, and perhaps a bigger drink. She was a lot of fun, so I was game. After her stage dance, she was making her rounds collecting dollars, and came to me. I said, "Just hurry back." At which point she started screaming at the top of her lungs, so everyone could hear, "Look this f**ing jerk, he won't even tip me a dollar!!" Needless to say, I was outta there. Haven't been in that club since.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The DFK: The Last Frontier?
    One of the things that got me going to the Block 6-7 years ago it that frequently a Blockette would just walk right up and start DFKing you, as a way to say Hi." One of the things that got me to virtually quit going the past couple of years is that this now rarely happens.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What would it take for you to rate a club a 10?
    I've only given a 10 rating once, to a club that had: -Low cover ($5) -BYOB (sure hate paying $8 for a Coors Light!) -No annoying DJ -Friendly and fun casual atmosphere -Music the right volume: conversation possible -Reasonable selection of decent-looking dancers ( I don't require all 9s and 10s..) -Nice 2-way contact as dancers circulate for dollars -Private lap booths with doors -Happy Ending guaranteed. (and no, this club isn't on the Block!)
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Love Canal
    Hell Of A Lot Of Hustling
    I was there last fall, and had a very different experience as far as dancer quality. Almost all were young and beautiful...very few below an 8. And very fun, especially if you were buying drinks. I took one back to my hotel for long-time and had a great night...and morning. I hope your experience was an aberration....I wonder if it's a low-season - high-season thing?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    A wholesome good time
    Doubtful it's a club ad. It's an accurate description.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Awesome review!! I have been considering a trip there. You sealed the deal.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    A good local hang out joint
    Nicely written summary. Indeed. I get so sick of reading posts by semi-literates on this board. It does make me wonder about the state of American education, etc. Sorry for the rant...
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Afternoon at the Blue
    OK, Scrub. We all have seen by now that your sole mission In life is to identify what you seem to think are shill reviews. Maybe some are, but there is a "Flag" option for those. To say you have gotten tiresome is the understatement of the year. Just go away.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    give me all the bacon and eggs you have
    Back to Bogies I go! It...
    Well-written review
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    This is for 3 visits Sun...
    Excellently written!
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    There is this club named after...
    nicely done. Poetry on TUSCL is a rare thing indeed...
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    first nite-time visit-as a gold-plated cheap...
    fabulously written piece