Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!

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Some of the strip club customers who post here have buried their heads as shown in this URL - http://www.4freeteens.org/extr… It's a sad state, but unfortunately true for many who chose to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil - when it comes to strippers and strip clubs.


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21 years ago
SQUID, you read and remember my comments quite well - I'm impressed. Where did you read that comment?
avatar for SQUID
21 years ago
verfolgung: I am not in college. I brought up GPA because a while back mousy said he was in college(psychology major I believe). Mousy is very cocky, I just wondered if he had any reason to be.
avatar for verfolgung
21 years ago
SQUID: Not that I'm coming to Mouse's defense (I'm sure he neither needs nor wants my help in any way), but what does GPA have to do with anything? Are you still in college or something? I think for most of us our school days are long in the past, and if your not still is school why are you still dwelling on GPA?
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21 years ago
SQUID, I said get a brain and then come back - you still show no evidence of having a brain.
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21 years ago
I agree with Yoda. Hey what meds are you on? Mousy what is your grade point average? You need to wake up and work harder.
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21 years ago
SQUID, you're clueless as to what's going on here - get a brain and then come back.
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21 years ago
Mousy what is your grade point average?
avatar for Yoda
21 years ago
Mouse: You're right about the entertainment value here, but it doesn't neccasarily relate to the topic at hand. I read all of the threads and I respond to oter posters with my opinions. That's what a chat board is for. I don't have to like wat you are posting about to have an opinion on it. Most of the entertainment value on this thread is watching as you try to convince us all that, because are fascinated by this stuff, that we must be too.
avatar for Yoda
21 years ago
sorry for all the typos, clearly I shouldn't be posting before meds....
avatar for Mouse
21 years ago
Come-on Yoda, if you didn't care about this thread, you wouldn't be posting here. You're here "rubber-necking" for the entertainment - you love it!
avatar for Yoda
21 years ago
Mouse: I didn't open the link. Weather you agree with the expression or not, continualy posting descriptions of what go's on on these sights, and constantly pleading with all of us to check them out, even after we tell you we don't care, IS attempting to "shove it down our throats" in the figurative sense. Why not just post the link and leave us to decide? Since you keep finding these sights and seem so desperate to have us see them, the only conclusion I can draw is that YOU are the one who enjoys this stuff. Honestly, I could care less, whatever gets you through the night mouse...
avatar for Mouse
21 years ago
PeeeeeHead, did I hurt your little feelings? - too bad. Such a "big" man hurt by such a small furry creature. You must have a massively - vulnerable & insecure - ego. I bet you couldn't kick the ass of an ant let a mouse, who you could come close to catching if you tried. Maybe you should quit the Board to let your blood pressure drop - that is, before you stroke out. Hehehehe...
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21 years ago
...couldn't come close to catching...
avatar for verfolgung
21 years ago
PINHEAD: Ouch, I wouldn't go as far to call mickey as bad as RL. BTW, why not just type up a quick review and get an extesion?
You're probably right V, but he is a low rent punk that needs to have is ass kicked and stuffed back into that little hole in the wall he crawls out of. He's got a way of stirring things up that gets on my nerves.

I know I can extend my membership by posting a review, but I still haven't made up my mind on whether I want to or not. We'll see.
Mouse, a) I never opened it
b) my membership expires on friday. If this is any indication of where this boarding is heading, I think I'll pass on renewing it. You're fuckin worse than RL.
avatar for Mouse
21 years ago
Yoda, it's hard for me to imagine how anything posted here could be shoved down anybody's throat, since this is an entirely voluntary Board (also only virtual) - even all the posts can be read or not read as we all choose. Thus, if something is being shoved down your throat, it's because you (yes, you Yoda) choose to have it that way. My conclusion is that you and Pinhead must LIKE IT! Tell us about it - how does it feel to have a horse dick shoved down you mouth?
C'mon Mouse, help us out. Don't you have any interesting
comments to add about any of your sc experiences? Do you try to develop a repoire or have a friendly conversation with any of the dancers, or is it strictly business as usual? All I remember is that you were burned pretty bad by a dancer and that you seem pretty determined not only to never let it happen again, but unable to ever give a dancer the benefit of the doubt.
avatar for Yoda
21 years ago
Mouse: You are of course free to post whatever you like here but I really think you should be looking for some kind of fetish board to post on. I think it's obvious from the responses every time you post about this stuff that no one alse accept you really seems to care about it. If you want to liven things up a bit why don't you go to a strip club or two then come back here and post about your observations. Boring or not, we come to this site looking for discourse about a particular hobby/entertainment/occupation that revolves around strip clubs. The URL's you are trying to shove down our throats have nothingto do with strip clubs.
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21 years ago
Verfolgung and Pinhead, this Board is dying. It desperately needs something SHOCKING to get it going! Whatever meaning that URL has, it is clearly SHOCKING. Even a horse dong would not satisfy that lady - not even an elephant DONG. Actually, I must admit, I've met a few strippers, who I wish, would let me do the same to them - but, then, this is not a perfect world.
avatar for verfolgung
21 years ago
MOUSE: Not sure if that person would want to open their eyes; however, I doubt its sound proof, and I sure one could speak. It would be a little muffled but not impossible. BTW, what does this have to do with SC?
Mouse, I'm not sure who you're referring to as the 'see, speak and hear no evil' crowd, but do you think maybe it's because for the most part, they've got no reason to bash? There are some posters that have mis-
interpreted the sc experience and have turned bitter, or maybe were intentionally mislead by a disingenious dancer, but then again there are others that have had a rather enjoyable experience each and everytime out and it's reflected in what they post. The sc world can be inconsistent and complicated if you let it, but it doesn't have to be.
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21 years ago
Yoda, you must agree that the guy in the "deep state" depicted in the URL above would be totally unable to "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil." Yes?
avatar for Yoda
21 years ago
Mouse: What does any of this have to do with strip clubs? People who engage in these activities and people who watch them are doing so of their own free will. If you like this stuff thats fine, surf to your heart's content. Your starting to go a little Nice Ass on us here....
avatar for Mouse
21 years ago
Come-on Pinhead, you can go there. It's worth it!!
fill us in Mouse, I'm not opening that up.
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