Some of the strip club customers who post here have buried their heads as shown in this URL -… It's a sad state, but unfortunately true for many who chose to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil - when it comes to strippers and strip clubs.
last commentI know I can extend my membership by posting a review, but I still haven't made up my mind on whether I want to or not. We'll see.
b) my membership expires on friday. If this is any indication of where this boarding is heading, I think I'll pass on renewing it. You're fuckin worse than RL.
comments to add about any of your sc experiences? Do you try to develop a repoire or have a friendly conversation with any of the dancers, or is it strictly business as usual? All I remember is that you were burned pretty bad by a dancer and that you seem pretty determined not only to never let it happen again, but unable to ever give a dancer the benefit of the doubt.
interpreted the sc experience and have turned bitter, or maybe were intentionally mislead by a disingenious dancer, but then again there are others that have had a rather enjoyable experience each and everytime out and it's reflected in what they post. The sc world can be inconsistent and complicated if you let it, but it doesn't have to be.