
Comments by casualguy (page 90)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    "4-Hour Work Week" your thoughts?
    In the past I have seriously thought about starting my own business and actually went and got a business permit. I've tried some money making schemes and made enough to break even or a slight gain on one or two of them. I believe at the time I decided I'd rather have a better regular job and figure out a way to make my investments grow into a million. I've got quite a ways to go but I haven't gotten too serious yet. Stocks and investments seem to be like a game to me but I want to know more of the rules before I start playing around too much. I seem to be busy a lot with work after work or some fun time at strip clubs instead of studying a plan I had originally. I'm learning a bit at a time. I think I accidently got on somebody's mail list. I just got some mail the other day claiming they turned $100,000 into something like 1.4 million in as little as 9 years following their recommendations. I'm left wondering "why are they trying to get me to pay to subscribe to their service then?" sounds suspicious.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Paid for Porn
    Ok, didn't mean to divert. Get back to your porn.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Paid for Porn
    I have never seen a flying saucer that didn't come out of the kitchen. The guy I talked about was a practical joker as well. He once set up a program on a CNC machine so that if a series of incorrect buttons were pressed, some music started playing and a message appeared saying that all files were about to be deleted. He was on call and got a message one night he told me. He said the guy on the other end was all nervous and panicking. He laughed after he heard the music. He also secretly lowered my bosses chair every morning before my boss came in. To my surprise, my boss had secretly thought it was me and didn't tell me about it until the other guy had changed jobs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Paid for Porn
    I forgot to mention I once visited a hacker chat room online. They didn't know I wasn't one. I suspect that was the reason one hacker decided to play with me since I didn't have some software installed at the time to stop what was called a nuke attack I believe. Whoever it was cut it out after I said something about it online. One guy I thought he was joking but wasn't sure said he already looked at my pc but didn't see anything good. I had no idea who he was. I stopped visiting those chat rooms. I guess maybe I stumbled on the chat room in the first place and I was curious. One guy actually invited me to join their group. I wasn't interested after I saw the web site they set up. Guess I decided to play it safe. If you can call things safe. I found out a bit about how unsecure the internet is. I have a suspicion that I have known one or two hackers. I know one guy was pretty smart. He was an inventor and told me how at one time he wanted to be an MP. He took a test required for the military I guess to see how good your skills are. He told me he had every branch of the military coming by saying he could work just about any position he wanted, except an MP because he was too short. I don't know, maybe he was a bit crazy. He's the only guy I knew of who claimed to have seen a flying saucer hovering over the field he was in at one time. Another time he said he invented a 3D TV but had one major problem. He couldn't figure out how to reduce the laser power so that it didn't slice you in two. Maybe a little bit crazy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    "4-Hour Work Week" your thoughts?
    As a little side note, I believe many if not most major US companies have already done a cost benefit analysis about moving operations overseas. If there is little to no benefit to moving, then that's why they are probably still here. Reducing the number of employees, automation, and very high capital costs and existing equipment already here will help companies stay here. The companies have been very good at squeezing out profit but they are also squeezing out the salaries of the common office worker as well. The company gets record profits, you get to work harder and harder, and then you're supposed to be happy with a cost of living adjustment to your salary. I think many of us are familiar with this rat race.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Private" Dances
    If you think the dancer may have the hots for you, you might be much safer by bringing a condom but not bother telling her unless things start heating up. If things do heat up, you'll look smarter and ready and stay safe.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Private" Dances
    Every girl or dancer can be unique. Some may allow a lot or some may be restrictive. In this case it sounds like a dancer is willing to dance for you in a private setting for money. If you like her and you're lucky things could get more exciting. However she might just be using you to pick up some extra cash and not bother to tell you she already has a steady boyfriend or in some cases, husband. It would be hard for anyone to tell you too much not knowing anything about her. If she wants money, then for her it is about the money. I know that's why dancers work in strip clubs but that doesn't bother me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    "4-Hour Work Week" your thoughts?
    Book Guy, if you're serious about this, please let me know how it works out for you. If it does work, I might be doing something wrong with the rat race I'm in. I have already eliminated a lot of email already and constantly looking for ways to automate and make my job more efficient. My company and bosses encourage this so that I have more time to work on projects to benefit the company. I've been told I work in one of the few companies that still has most employees working in the US.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    "4-Hour Work Week" your thoughts?
    Then since half your day is set up as computer work, they'll outsource the computer portion of your job.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    "4-Hour Work Week" your thoughts?
    This plan might work for an executive who I wouldn't be surprised does have extra time already to think up such a plan. However for the rank and file office workers, many already have more than they can do in the day already and are often faced with working overtime for no extra pay since they are salary or working as fast as possible and trying to delay other projects until they can get to them. Any time I hear of some brand new scheme, it usually means more work and more trouble for the average user. Sure it may save some money looking at some big major purchases but cost the whole company money because the executive doesn't realize how much extra time it takes to click on a million menus and type and search through a bunch more and enter all that information for a 2 dollar screwdriver the rank and file worker may never need to order again. However repeat this several times a day and sure the executive points out how much money the project saved. Meanwhile the rank and file worker is pulling their hair out trying to find the time to get the rest of the work done. Cutting corners if it doesn't need to be done right away is the routine I believe. There are always higher priority things that need to be worked on. Maybe I'm just a lot busier than many others. A 4 hour work day sounds great but I don't know anyone who would go for it unless I could do the same work from home. The company might counter with yes, sounds great, we'll just lower your pay by 50%.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus Club - Columbia, South Carolina
    I was thinking along the same lines last night. One dancer didn't really seem to have great tits (actually small). However her bikini bottom didn't seem to cover her up as well as all the other dancers. Suddenly I had that spark of interest in her. I noticed after a few minutes, a few other guys got a spark of interest in her as well. I've seen some dancers wearing 2 thongs as if they are in a plate mail suit of armor for strip clubs. Seeing a dancer with a pretty smile in a skimpy bikini was a turn on.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Paid for Porn
    A couple of times I even wondered if hackers are redirecting my web surfing. I still remember surfing upon a hacker index site several years ago. I clicked on one link and it was a page listing the hacker and his famous accomplishment, ie which company he broke into and want he did while there. One or two hackers actually told the company what problem to fix to increase security. There are good white hat hackers out there but the bad ones can be thieves and they sell credit card information online.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Paid for Porn
    I had a hacker or two messing with my pc online several years ago. I still don't like the thought of using my credit card online for anything. Now if they have a phone number and I feel safe with the company, there is the possibility I might call. I'm not familiar with any porn companies so it's easy to figure out how likely I am to use my credit card. I haven't even used my credit card in cases where I read they wouldn't charge my card but needed it to guarantee I was the proper age. I might have used a credit card online if Citibank had followed through on their advertising several years ago to send me a free smart card and reader. The only thing they sent me was a credit card. False advertising. I'm waiting for better security before I start buying anything online. I might stop hesitating if we had smart cards and physical readers that a hacker could not break into. The companies accepting payments online need much better security as well. I keep reading about hackers or thieves stealing the databases of online companies with all the customer information. That information probably is not encrypted either but I guess a few smart companies encrypt sensitive information. Since I don't feel safe, I'm not using a credit card online. I don't think I'm alone on that one either.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    If a dancer did play a game like that to me and I fell for it, she would definitely be an expert. As it is, if I see her again and have a chance to talk to her, I'll ask some questions I don't typically ask. Such as if she has a boyfriend or some friends and family she can talk to. She confided in me and said some things that left me concerned for her. Actually if she had wanted to go out with me, she could have just asked because I would have immediately. She looks good.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    Well I've never had a dancer play a game with me where her makeup is running down her face from crying. She wasn't at all interested in getting dances at that point either. Other dancers were definitely taking notice that she was upset. I usually see her looking happy and even somewhat playful. Someone said something rude (I didn't want to upset her anymore by asking more details than she told me). I've been friendly with her in the past and was a familiar face to her. I'm hoping she's better and continues working there since at one point she said she was fed up with the whole place. I know customers can upset dancers and then they may quit working at a club. I was hoping this will not be the case since I enjoy seeing her when I visit. Some people are easily upset. I still remember when one dancer got a bit ticked off at me because I refused to buy her something. I didn't know why she was so upset. It wasn't like we were boyfriend and girlfriend or anything like that. At least I didn't see it that way. I don't know what she was thinking but she quit that club for 3 months.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    I'm glad I had fun last night because now I need to go over to a relatives house and help her figure out her taxes. The IRS said she owes over $2100 in taxes. Apparently my older brother who helped her either didn't know about a couple of things or forgot something. At first I was wondering if it was mistaken identity or a stolen identity problem. I don't think it's that bad though after looking at the IRS letter. It's things like this that make me happy to get a break from reality and enjoy my chance at strip clubs to forget all about everything else. Right now (crossing fingers), everything else isn't that bad. It's just work, life, and a little bit of drama. That's life though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    I remember a couple of situations in clubs that weren't crowded. I tipped a few girls on stage and then decided I just wanted to sit at a table for a while and not tip some of the dancers. I thought the dancers I didn't tip started acting like little kids not getting the attention they wanted apparently from me. They weren't happy and one time I heard second hand from a bouncer about getting warned about getting too close. Sounds like a tactic an upset dancer might do. Make up a story and have a bouncer warn me. Apparently an upset dancer was trying to get back. That worked great. I left that club and didn't come back for months. I empathize with guys caught in that situation along with guys who run into a dancer that doesn't know when no mean no. I remember she seemed somewhat rejected the rest of the evening. I would have thought most girls especially dancers would know it's better to use charm than argue with a customer in trying to get a dance. Last night I ran into a pretty dancer who's always been nice to me. She said "save me!" I was empathizing a bit with her. A rude customer apparently said something to her about her mother (who had recently passed away in front of her). She was in tears and very unhappy. She told me she had no one. I told her I would be happy to be her friend before I started to think that sounds like a bit of a line especially when I offered to give her my phone number if she needs a friend to call. She ignored me on that. I don't know why some people are so rude. It kills the mood of some dancers. Maybe the rude guy didn't know how sensitive the issue was. I didn't ask too many questions. I did understand a bit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where are the hotties other than strip clubs?
    I believe my older brother said it's best not to date people at work or your neighbors. I guess you don't have to worry about the breakup as much that way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where are the hotties other than strip clubs?
    I meant to say 4 free passes. It's late here and I type somewhat fast.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where are the hotties other than strip clubs?
    I see good looking girls a lot of the time when I'm just traveling around town or going to the local store. There's a local college with mostly females. Females own the houses on both sides of me on the street I live on. I even had a female corrections officer living across the street from me. She moved out and there is a guy with girlfriend there a lot of the time now. I see one single girl walking up and down my street a fair amount but she never wear shorts and seems to just look average to me. She's not fat so she would be a big improvement over some strippers I've seen. Many or most young females I've seen around my town would be a big improvement over some of the really big obese strippers I've seen in one club. Now, single, hot and available is a different story. I find it boring but maybe I should go to the local bar more often. I remember one night the female owner of another bar rubbed her tits against me and said I was the kind of customer she would like to have in her club. Then she gave me 4 for passes. I forgot all about that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus Club - Columbia, South Carolina
    I remember several years ago I started wondering, why is this club getting so crowded on the weekends now? Now I know who to blame. Just kidding shadowcat. I was a regular here when there was a better nude club in town. There aren't any good nude clubs in Columbia now are there? I like to watch for a while and then get lap dances later, usually.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus Club - Columbia, South Carolina
    Just thinking, how many guys can say they ran into one of their favorites while stuck in a traffic jam? FONDL, if you read this the exit for I126 is immediately after the first exit going west to I-26 if you're coming from the east. There is often a lot of traffic waiting to get off on the westbound lanes during busier times of the day in Columbia. You can often skip this traffic and cut in right after the westbound exit. At least that is what I've noticed in the past. You'll want to stay in the 2 or 3 left most lanes on I-26 to go into the downtown area where the road changes to I-126. Otherwise you'll veer right and stay on I-26 and head towards Charleston. I don't think traffic gets bad until around 5 PM but I don't live there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Platinum Plus Club - Columbia, South Carolina
    How many dancers are usually there at that time of day? When do they start the main stage dancing? Most clubs I'm familiar with don't even open until later in the evening and the dancers don't start dancing on stage until much later. I guess I could ask a PP dancer I know but this is easier. She doesn't work at the Columbia club that I know of. She may not know either. She seems to show up late about the same time I'm there. I know because she was stuck in the same traffic jams a couple of times as me and another dancer. The other dancer spotted me walking around and called over to me. Traffic jams after midnight or at 1 AM are quite annoying. Accidents turn the interstate into a big parking lot no matter what time of day.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Are you smarter than a stripper?
    I haven't heard of a stripper with a Masters degree. Must be one in 10,000 or higher if she was telling the truth. It's true, I can't take off my top and demand people give me tips either. They might run the other way. I'd probably be worried if they didn't. I didn't know they were going to have a stripper on the radio since that was the first I ever heard about it and there was no advertising over it. I think it may have been a one time thing a local station did. Maybe they were paid by the strip club to get extra attention. I don't know. Some of the strippers I know are pretty smart in the way they manipulate guys in the clubs having many regulars trying to keep everyone happy and then having a boyfriend and other friends outside the club. Some dancers aren't too bright in trying to keep customers happy. They go from moment to moment and give meaning to lots of phrases that go along with not too bright.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does tuscl club review page display ok
    I am wondering what's your screen resolution or text size set at. I don't know if that matters though.