Platinum Plus Club - Columbia, South Carolina

Trend = EVEN
Top 40 Rated Clubs - Rated 5th; Rating - 8.274; Reviews - 56;
The club has HOT dancers! The club DJ has turned down the music volume.
The club has a great layout with 3 VIP areas! The club beverages are decently priced! The club has a 'happy hour'! The club sponsors
'shadowcat'..... AKA "The Candyman". The club welcomes TUSCL members!
So, let this be the HOST club for TUSCL's 1st Annual Reunion or Convention in late October!
Please feel free to add your comments! Thank you and goodnight!
last commentI'll see if I can make it.
I was just thinking (maybe it's the beer I had) I haven't gone out with hardly any dancers from the PP club in Columbia. The only exception being a dancer who already knew me from NC who called me up to tell me she was working there and asked me to visit. She said they had a no tip out night meaning she could keep the tips. Does the club still do this every so often? I was just curious. Seems like that might be a good time to visit. After sitting in a local club waiting for a bikini contest to start, I start thinking about what else I could have done with my time.
Fascinating. How come nobody has told us about this club before?
What time do they open and do they serve lunch? If I make it I will be fairly early. And can someone give me directions - I'll be heading south on I-95 and then west on I-20. Thanks.
You guys are a riot!
chandler - LOL - This used to be a well hidden hideout until The Candyman started spouting his conquests at the club all over this strip club website. NOW.... we're all stuck paying $25 and $30 for 2fers!
FONDL - LOL - This club opens at 11:00AM, but if you get in at 10:30AM, they allow you back in the dressing rooms to help the girls into their outfits. The DO servce lunch, but bring your own "BIB" back to the LD area, as some of their "lunch specials" get moist real fast! As for the Y-mca special, always a good choice! As far as directions, do what I do..... set your G.P.S. for "pussy palace" and the 'scent' takes you right to their front door!
FONDL: From I-20 go east on I-26. Keep left and take I-126. Get off on Greystone .Turn right. Don't go to the zoo. Turn left at the 1st traffic light. Go about 1/2 mile and you will see it on the right.
On Fridays they do serve a free lunch buffet. Not fancy but free. I prefer the Waffle House just down the street.
I'm going to fix you up with chandlers favorite dancer.
FONDL: Remember to tell me how she looks when you're sober.
But seriously, Shadowcat, I wouldn't dare to "fix up" FONDL with any particular dancer, knowing how much trouble he has finding a girl "he really likes". But if I did, I suppose I could do worse than A. (who actually looked good after only two beers).
Chandler she looks even better now that she has lost 30 lbs. Down to 105 lbs and very tight. She has been taking lessons from another dancer that snowtime mentioned in his last review that I know is into physical fitness programs. As an instructor. Plus A--- has a great personality.
Oops. Bones said 5th place on the top 40. Now I see #4. Unbelievable to me. There are clubs where the mileage I am sure is much higher but so are the prices. For value for your buck, the club deserves the rating.
Chandler, I wouldn't say that I'm difficult to please, just that my tastes in a strip club are probably a little different. I like a girl who is small, young, attractive, personable and intelligent, and who treats me like a real person rather than an ATM machine. That shouldn't be hard to find but it often is.
Cat and Bones, thanks for the info and directions, that helps me a great deal. And the fact that it's on the east side of town improves the odds that I can make it. If I get there it'll probably be around 1 pm.
FONDL: Don't give me any of this "IF" shit!!!
How many dancers are usually there at that time of day? When do they start the main stage dancing? Most clubs I'm familiar with don't even open until later in the evening and the dancers don't start dancing on stage until much later. I guess I could ask a PP dancer I know but this is easier. She doesn't work at the Columbia club that I know of. She may not know either. She seems to show up late about the same time I'm there. I know because she was stuck in the same traffic jams a couple of times as me and another dancer. The other dancer spotted me walking around and called over to me. Traffic jams after midnight or at 1 AM are quite annoying. Accidents turn the interstate into a big parking lot no matter what time of day.
Just thinking, how many guys can say they ran into one of their favorites while stuck in a traffic jam?
FONDL, if you read this the exit for I126 is immediately after the first exit going west to I-26 if you're coming from the east. There is often a lot of traffic waiting to get off on the westbound lanes during busier times of the day in Columbia. You can often skip this traffic and cut in right after the westbound exit. At least that is what I've noticed in the past. You'll want to stay in the 2 or 3 left most lanes on I-26 to go into the downtown area where the road changes to I-126. Otherwise you'll veer right and stay on I-26 and head towards Charleston.
I don't think traffic gets bad until around 5 PM but I don't live there.
I remember several years ago I started wondering, why is this club getting so crowded on the weekends now? Now I know who to blame. Just kidding shadowcat. I was a regular here when there was a better nude club in town. There aren't any good nude clubs in Columbia now are there? I like to watch for a while and then get lap dances later, usually.
FONDL: I was just joking about your inclination to spend the whole time with one girl. I'm probably harder to please. But, to be somewhat serious, it's fine to try to introduce a guest with a stripper you think he'd like, as long as you're prepared to let go of it if he doesn't care to pursue her. It gets awkward and boring when a host acts let down because his guest prefers a different girl rather than his recommendation.
On the 12th Bones said it was #5 on the top 40 list. I said on the 13th that is was now #4. Today, the 14th, I look and it is now #3. I doubt that it will be #2 tomorrow but it will be #1 in my book for the next 3 days.
Chandler, maybe you were just joking but I think you made a valid point -everyone's tastes in women are different and I don't think anyone can predict who someone else will or won't like. I can't even predict myself - I've met plenty of dancers who I really liked who didn't fit my description at all, and plenty who did meet that description that I didn't care for. You can improve the odds but you can never guarantee that sparks will or won't fly. And I have no idea why that is.
I don't know, either, FONDL. There must be more to it than you can sum up in a formula. I'm just glad it's as unpredictable as it is. That's the reason sparks do fly. If it was something you could be sure about in advance, there wouldn't be much to feel excited about.
I was thinking along the same lines last night. One dancer didn't really seem to have great tits (actually small). However her bikini bottom didn't seem to cover her up as well as all the other dancers. Suddenly I had that spark of interest in her. I noticed after a few minutes, a few other guys got a spark of interest in her as well. I've seen some dancers wearing 2 thongs as if they are in a plate mail suit of armor for strip clubs. Seeing a dancer with a pretty smile in a skimpy bikini was a turn on.
I think whether or not I like a girl has as much to do with me as it does with her. If I bring high expectations I'm less likely to find someone I like. Ditto if I'm not in a great mood. Ditto if the place turns me off. But the biggest factor is the smile - they gotta have that great smile, and it has to be (or seem) genuine.
Happy hour is the best time to visit. It's not too crowded but there's a great variety of dancers. If the g-string is any bigger than this one, it's too big.
Pop, my idea of a great G-string is a single strand of fishing line. Kinda like I've always said of a girl's bathing suit - of it can't fit in a shot glass it's too big.
FONDL.... don't get "THAT" fishing string mixed up as a "TAMPON" string!! LOL :-)
Which reminds me of a joke!! Why do tampons have strings? So we can floss after we eat! yuk yuk
I see PP has moved up again in the ratings. Maybe we should make it a requirement that anyone attending the fall meeting must give the place a 10.
I'll rate it however I like. I usually rate it good though. As a local club, I may rate it lower depending upon how good a time I had. Maybe not rate it at all. In terms of the furniture such as sofas and chairs, there are some in need of repair (sofas at least). The sister club in Greenville has some hard spots in their sofas as well but at least they stay still. One or two of the sofa seats in Columbia has been known to move around as if the plywood is not nailed down underneath. Make sure to bring ear plugs whenever you visit a PP club especially the one in Columbia in case the DJ from hell is working. In Greenville, I've heard that song a few times. Of course the lap dances are the main ingredient in the rating but if your sofa seat is hard or moving on you, it's not as great.
I haven't decided when or if I might return here yet.
I don't really save very much money compared to the sister club in Greenville and it's more of a hassle for me here since the place is much smaller and more crowded on the weekends when I typically have time to visit. If I was new to both clubs, it would definitely be cheaper for me to visit the Columbia club.
I thought I read somewhere that the music had been turned down? If I can't talk to a girl and hear what she's saying, there goes my 10 - that's a biggie for me.
I made my monthly trip to the club on the 15th-17th. See review. I gave it a rare 10 because the music was a little less loud but mostly because none of the DJ's were obnoxious. I usually give it a 9, just because of the dancers. This visit was a little different, in that I don't know where all of my favorites were. But I made some new friends that have made it to my favorites list. My previous #1 favorite has not been seen at the club recently but there are 2 dancers, make that 3. that are vying for the top spot.
FONDL: I know that you can't read the reviews. Just as well. This one might have made you blush. I might have gone too far.
Bones: Boy, have I got some shit to share with you. Look for an email in the next day or so.
Re Oct 26: I did talk to Terry the manager of the Extended Stay America about group rates. He said that he didn't think it would be possible but by Oct 26th they will be back to their off season rates. Probably $50/night but will give me more info next month. I spoke to Aljo, the day shift manager at PP. I gave him a copy of the TUSCL top 40 rated clubs and explained that the guys that would be making the meet are the ones that put it where it is. I asked about an extended happy hour for our group. 1:00 P.M. until 4:00, when the real happy hour starts and goes until 8:00. He said that he didn't think that upper management would go for it but that he would ask about comps and let me know next month. I did tell a dozen or so dancers to circle Oct26th on their calender and told them why. Some asked me later to repeat the date. Organizing this meet is a dirty job but somebody has to do it. lol...
Oct 26 Oct 26 hmm Oct 26
Great work, Shadow. Nice of you to put in the effort.
Way to go CAT! All you can do is try for us. Man, I can hardly wait till Oct 26th, but have to! Be looking forward to grinding and "whatever" else takes place with Ea and Ti!! I'm getting laid (OTC) one of those nights there during out meet! YAHOO!!!!