We all complain about the odd on stage treatment that strippers give to the bachelor when his buddies pay to have him molested. You know, slamming into his lap, writing with markers and whipping him with his belt. None of this sounds like fun for him or us, and their real purpose should be to let him know what he is going to miss. Since club managers and a few strippers follow these discussions, let's give them some better ideas for bachelor-on-stage shows.
Strippers at the Bare Chest in Beloit used to hand-cuff the guy to the stripper pole, blow-up a condom with whipping cream and give him a pretend blow job with the inflated condom positioned at his groin. Now that was entertainment.
At a minimum the girls should make him feel like Hugh Hefner for a few minutes - maybe a couple of topless girls escort him on stage. Maybe they hold him spread eagle while he line-up rotates through giving him mini bed dances. Maybe two girls make out on top of him. Maybe they do this during a shower show. Let's get creative and get this mean thing changed. What stuff have you seen at clubs that you frequent?
Let's not forget using a belt as a dog collar and walking him around the stage. I thought that was more or less a standard procedure.
But let's not forget it is entertainment for the rest of the bachelor party. Which is why it probably will stay. But assuming there are at least two stages, you could just go to the other one.
I guess what I think they should do, is give up on the HURTING him and move on to HUMILIATING him. Like, tie him to a chair, get him down to his undies, and then one hot girl with wonderful natural tits just sits on his lap and requires him to lick and suck her nipples for a whole song. Then he has to stand up and try to keep his boner in his pants. Then we do other things.
I guess that would be mildly better than what they do now.
In fact, I can't stand it when bachelor parties usurp the show. Do clubs make good money off this shit? Men who don't usually go to strip clubs (and therefore tip less?) sitting around having themselves and their asshole buddy as the center of attention (do dancers get paid to participate in the bachelor-in-a-chair act?) while the rest of us hustle our way off the main floor and into the VIP with some hottie as fast as possible ...
... except that all the best girls are on stage jumping up and down on some dude in a chair.
I'm not a big fan of watching the bachelor up on stage and all the rest of the stage dancing stops. I have seen some pretty bad spankings or lashings. When you hear a CRACK or WHAAACK all the way across a large club above the loud music, you know they whacked the hell out of that guy. And then they do it again and again if he's still standing. Some dancers have been pretty wimpy in their spankings. I'm talking about getting hit hard enough that it leaves marks for at least 2 weeks if not longer. I have wondered why the guys think that is so great and keep wanting to have bachelor parties where the bachelor goes up on stage. Maybe every club is different. I didn't mention the rude DJ comments and to end it up getting the crowd to yell "ASSHOLE" to the bachelor. Of course some jokes are funny. Instead of yelling a name I heard a couple of times "Come back for the Divorce party in 2 weeks".
It might be funny if the last song played was "I'm the DJ from Hell" song. I'm not sure if that is the song name but I remember hearing that in the song. In some clubs I've seen where they had the guy strip down to his underwear and then tie up his hands. I remember a couple of times the guy kept his pants on but the girls gave him a wedgy and slowly but surely ripped apart his underwear if he was lucky. If it didn't rip, he had to be in pain.
I thought this was pretty common but ending the little party by tying the guy's belt around his neck and having him get on all 4's and crawl around the stage with a dancer on his back. Maybe that symbolizes what he has to look forward to. Oh, just remembered I usually hear the DJ have the crowd yell "DUMBASS" to the bachelor instead of what I said earlier.
Maybe if the dancers didn't whack the hell out of the guy on stage that would be more sane. Some clubs only have wimpy hits if any though I suspect. I also prefer the guy keep all his clothes on. The dancers don't need to undress him at all.
Maybe if instead of parading the guy around at the end like a mule on all 4's if instead they put a pretty dancer in the chair and get the bachelor off stage. Then show him an example of what his future wife must be doing at her party with all the dancers going at the girl in the chair. Maybe the dancers could bring up phallic shaped large candy and the girl in the chair starts sucking them off to simulate her party. That would be different and I think still funny. I don't know, just brainstorming.
I really enjoyed something different not too long ago. It was a dancers birthday and she got on stage and sat in a chair. Then, a whole lot of very pretty dancers with nice tits were all over the place. Then the entire crowd was invited to come up and tip the girl a dollar or more if desired for her birthday. The dancers were tipping too since this was immediately after the big show of tits and ass all over the stage.
If the fiancee is cool and he is cool, then you could have the bride do a surprise lesbian show in front of him with one of the dancers. Perhaps the dancers could all wear masks initially. First to reveal her face would be a hottie. Secound to reveal hear face would be a hottie. Third to reveal her face would have horrible pus filled sores and large and small pock marks. Fourth to reveal her face would be the fiancee. After appropriate teasing he could then be included.
Of course, I'm assuming the fiancee is hot. If not, then do a feel test where he is blind folded and has to pick her out of the crowd by with the sense of touch alone.
Based on what I've seen since Friday night and Saturday nights are my free nights, I wouldn't want to be a bachelor on stage in most clubs I've been to. I guess the guys buddies have a laugh.
Yeah, I'd never let my best man take me to a strip club if I were getting married. Not unless it were to one of the dancers that I was getting hitched! :)
I've been at the Memphis PP when they've had bachelors on stage. So fucking humiliating! Beatings with the belt, pulling shirt and pants off and giving wedgies, etc. Most humiliating is the DJ as they slam both the fat guys and skinny guys with dedregating comments like, "You're so skinny dude! You must have to dance around int he show to get wet!" Etc Etc Etc
OK, OK, We all agree that beatings aren't fun for anyone. BJ's on stage aren't going to happen, but the concept of giving him a taste of what he'll be missing is right on target. Let's give the dancers and owners some real viable ideas about what we would like to see.
Getting the guy wet is a good idea because he won't be unnecessarily embarrassed if the sensory overload causes him to blow his load. Not all clubs have showers but they could take off his shirt, make him lie down on his back, throw a bucket of soapy water on him and girls could take turns giving him a Thai Massage.
I assumed that everyone is familiar with Thai Massage. If not this video might give you an idea what the bachelor might expect on stage, except of course that he would be wearing pants or shorts. http://www.yourfilehost.com/me…
last commentBut let's not forget it is entertainment for the rest of the bachelor party. Which is why it probably will stay. But assuming there are at least two stages, you could just go to the other one.
I guess that would be mildly better than what they do now.
In fact, I can't stand it when bachelor parties usurp the show. Do clubs make good money off this shit? Men who don't usually go to strip clubs (and therefore tip less?) sitting around having themselves and their asshole buddy as the center of attention (do dancers get paid to participate in the bachelor-in-a-chair act?) while the rest of us hustle our way off the main floor and into the VIP with some hottie as fast as possible ...
... except that all the best girls are on stage jumping up and down on some dude in a chair.
I got one idea to improve the concept. Call up some escort service and have them do it in a private hotel room.
Actually, I don't mind the whole spectacle. I just heckle the whole thing.
I thought this was pretty common but ending the little party by tying the guy's belt around his neck and having him get on all 4's and crawl around the stage with a dancer on his back. Maybe that symbolizes what he has to look forward to. Oh, just remembered I usually hear the DJ have the crowd yell "DUMBASS" to the bachelor instead of what I said earlier.
Maybe if instead of parading the guy around at the end like a mule on all 4's if instead they put a pretty dancer in the chair and get the bachelor off stage. Then show him an example of what his future wife must be doing at her party with all the dancers going at the girl in the chair. Maybe the dancers could bring up phallic shaped large candy and the girl in the chair starts sucking them off to simulate her party. That would be different and I think still funny. I don't know, just brainstorming.
If the fiancee is cool and he is cool, then you could have the bride do a surprise lesbian show in front of him with one of the dancers. Perhaps the dancers could all wear masks initially. First to reveal her face would be a hottie. Secound to reveal hear face would be a hottie. Third to reveal her face would have horrible pus filled sores and large and small pock marks. Fourth to reveal her face would be the fiancee. After appropriate teasing he could then be included.
Of course, I'm assuming the fiancee is hot. If not, then do a feel test where he is blind folded and has to pick her out of the crowd by with the sense of touch alone.
Hello shadowcat,
I hope you're embellishing and NOT speaking from experience.
Getting the guy wet is a good idea because he won't be unnecessarily embarrassed if the sensory overload causes him to blow his load. Not all clubs have showers but they could take off his shirt, make him lie down on his back, throw a bucket of soapy water on him and girls could take turns giving him a Thai Massage.