
Comments by casualguy (page 82)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What is a Regular?
    At one time I used to start my night at a regular sports bar. I liked playing the arcade games. I usually didn't stay there more than an hour or so. I remember one girl kept me there half the night. I only got to visit one strip club that night. hmmm, I wonder if they still have those games there. I have spent up to five dollars on quarters before visiting strip clubs. I used to play the Indy 500 style racing and shooter style games with plastic pistols. Drinking a few beers would improve my dexterity or hand eye coordination and scores. I used to wonder if that seemed normal to feel like your brain was accelerating with an energy rush but you can still move fast. After a few though, things did go downhill. One strip club had an old game called Galaga I believe. After a few beers, I played that game for over an hour on one quarter one night. It was like it was in slow motion but I could move fast. Ok, I'll stop rambling now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What is a Regular?
    I might visit 2 or 3 clubs in a single night. The most frequent I have visited on a regular basis would be once a week for a total of about 4 times a month at most. That is on the high side. I might only spend $30 at one club including cover, around 30 to 80 at another depending if I get any dances and/or drinks, tips etc. and then I could spend up to 100 to 200 at another club depending on the dancers and how things are going and how much money I have to spend or feel like spending. If I'm trying to save or spend my money for something else, I either stay home or don't buy hardly any dances anywhere. I'm about to cut back on my spending very soon and/or possibly the number of times I visit clubs. Unless my spending goes down without even trying. That does happen. With the economy appearing so dead in my neck of the woods for the time being, I'm thinking I need to start saving more and spending a lot less. Of course if you have a few bad nights at strip clubs and don't spend hardly any money anyway, you'll be longing for the days when it was a lot more fun. The only inroads I try to make with dancers is a good lap dance at a good price. I'm not trying to date or see any dancer. I visit strip clubs just for entertainment and fun.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    In all fairness to Miss Teen South Carolina, I read in California when there was a black out in San Francisco many years ago, many grown adults were calling the police to report UFO's all over the sky. Apparently the grown adults did not know what the stars looked like at night.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    Didn't even notice she was drunk. I thought maybe her geography skills in knowing the lower elevation might be lacking. Maybe South Africa or The Iraq should help us build safety nets for young kids who don't have maps and know about those sudden drops near those stripper pole like things. :) It's sad to think one out of 5 US Americans doesn't have a map and would not be able to locate the US. When I was young, gas stations would give away free maps. I could even locate the general area of our solar system on a galactic map of our galaxy. I never realized how much education gas stations were providing. Maybe young students should complain about lack of foreign aid from South Africa. Obviously they cut back too far. It's very sad. I wonder who did the poll or survey though? Maybe ex World Weekly News reporters who were unemployed after Americans stopped buying the stories about Britney Spears having an alien baby or whatever they cooked up? Do you know any young students who can't locate the US on a map? Maybe their parents don't know either if the survey was accurate.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Crunch time. Oct 26 meet up.
    For a housemom, shadowcat sure does talk funny. LOL. You would think he was a dirty old man or something.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Crunch time. Oct 26 meet up.
    How many dancers are typically there at that time of day? I may end up visiting this club again in another week or two since I think I will be in town. The end of October is still a long way off for me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ironcat, I know what you mean by regular dance prices around 2 for $30. I do pay even less from some dancers if I continue getting dances. As a regular, a few dancers will start dancing on songs and say that doesn't count. It should't matter as much to dancers here since the house doesn't take a per song take. If a dancer wants to sit and talk for 30 minutes and then do the 2 for one dances and dance an extra song or two to make me happy at the price she charges, she's still spending a certain amount of time with me to keep me happy as a regular. Then one dancer comes along charging prices higher than everyone else with a long list of rules. I remember one dancer had a rule where she said no licking anywhere. She actually seemed afraid of saliva. If I was afraid of that, the dancers who got my ear wet on occasion would have freaked me out sticking their tongue there. Thanks for the warning, I kind of doubt she'll continue working there for long though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ironcat, thanks for the warning. Jersey girl with cottage cheese thighs. I don't know if she works as late as I tend to visit though. I usually stick to regulars and may bluntly ask a dancer a question if I don't ask a general rule about her rules after I talk about the dance price. I was about to leave the club last night but wanted to sit and watch the dancer on stage for a few minutes. Suddenly Celeste showed up. I'm familiar with her and lots of other dancers. I was thinking about sneaking out before she spotted me. I thought that might be hard to do all the way from near the main stage in a mostly empty club at 4AM. I was glad I didn't. She told me she was hoping I would be there. I didn't have much money left. I like it when you're a regular and dancers offer even better dance prices to keep going. I need to start remembering dancer names better. Maybe then I can ask if you've seen dancer xyz on an earlier shift. I'm thinking about 2 favorites of mine who I haven't seen since they both came at me at the same time. I left one and went and got a dance from the other one. Was wondering if those two got in an argument. ok back on topic I guess.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    Someone already answered the question if Miss Teen USA would make a good dancer. Maybe, maybe not, while watching Miss Teen USA spoofs, I found this girl dancing around a pole on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyMjH19dl-Q&NR=1 Could it be?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    Correction almost 12 million views and over 40,000 comments on just that one thread. The most popular popped up first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    Jpac, if you search for youtube and search for Miss Teen USA and find a video with over 2 million views, you found it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Miss Teen South Carolina
    Minnow, she would be the hottest girl in any club that I know of if she were a dancer. I thought she could have won the Miss Teen crown. She was in the top 4 selected by a panel of Judges. However, could she be a good dancer? I don't know, I would have to see if she can shake it and dance. :) Jpac, yes, if you missed it somehow, watch youtube to see what a massive blunder she made when asked the final question. You'll feel dumber just by listening to it. Should be called definition of blonde moment or something else like that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    I could truthfully tell a dancer, "one hour seems far to you?" not after you've been to every single state in the union except for Alaska like I have." I don't remember many states in the northeast and the southwest very well though. I spent all my summer vacations on the road when I was young. I once wondered if it seemed dumb to go to a local bar and bikini competition down the road from my house. I had to wait 2 or 3 hours. The only seats they had because the place got crowded was towards the back of the club. The girls never got topless of course. The only good thing after being there for 4 or 5 hours was that I could be home in less than 5 minutes. I was thinking I could have driven one hour to a strip club. Seen all I wanted to. Have a great seat and lapdances, then drive home in less time. hmmm, Maybe I should just go to Platinum Plus in Columbia the next time I want a change. I'll stop rambling for now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    If a stripper acts like you are dumb for traveling one hour, start talking about that seems like nothing compared to the trip you had to make half way across the country in the dead of winter etc etc. Then ask her how many times she has had to fly across the country. Many "local" dancers haven't ever flown before and probably would be lost just driving around in a far off city. Until about 10 years ago, I wasn't familiar with the highway lane markings in bigger cities for multiple occupancy vehicles or motorcycles. Or traffic lights mounted to the side of traffic poles. Here in South Carolina, we just have the standard lanes and traffic lights are always hung overhead so if you're in a small car behind a big truck, you can't tell if the light is red or not.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    I better cross my fingers or knock on wood after typing that message. I don't enjoy traveling half way across the country for work too much.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    My relatives have told me I'm lucky I don't have to travel for work more often than I do. My younger brother has to go to Mexico every so often. My older brother has had to travel overseas for work a lot more than he wants. Seems like Germany one week, then at another time, he has to travel to Malaysia and another week to China. My "long" one hour trips seem pretty short in comparison.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    When a dancer asks where I'm from, I used to be surprised if they even heard of the place. More lately in the last few years, I have been running into some dancers that not only know of the city I live in but may live nearby or have relatives or friends here. I remember at one club I heard one dancer was from the same city. I have to drive at least an hour to get to a strip club because I don't know of anything closer. However after one hour, I have lots of choices depending on which way I'm heading. I once thought asking where you're from was just a conversation starter. I think for many dancers, they're just collecting information to see how big a regular target you could be. I have a sister-in-law that put 100,000 miles on a vehicle in one year. She doesn't even have a job. She could have been a truck driver as much as she likes driving around.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip Club Patrons' Nicknames
    I often get called by my first name. Otherwise I don't usually get called anything.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Your Favorite Seats
    I like to move around a club. Generally I like having a seat with some room around it but a good view. I once used to sit at the stage a lot but in more recent years, I've seen some dancers I don't want to get too close too. At some places, it may seem like I'm playing musical chairs. That probably means I can't find a decent seat anywhere in the club. Unless there is a hot dancer at a stage I want to visit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you prefer different clubs for different activities?
    I do go to different clubs for different activities. I visit a nude club just to watch the nude girls. Dances are high priced and so is the beer. Another club has great looking girls and very reasonable table dances and they serve reasonably priced beer until late at night. Then another club has lots of dancers wanting dances and a number will offer better dance prices than the overpriced clubs. No one club seems to have it all.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    Most or many dancers I meet live 30 to 60 minutes away. Some are from other states and if I say one hour away, it doesn't seem like a big deal. I think a dancer who thinks 1 hour is a long way doesn't get out very much.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever had a stripper act like your dumb for travelling so far??
    I haven't had a stripper act like I was dumb for traveling an hour or so away. However there have been a few that thought that was a long drive. For many dancers though, they drive just as far or much farther sometimes even from 2 states away. One hour seems close to them. When there is a big void of strip clubs, you have to drive a while to get to anything decent. I have mentioned to a couple of dancers there isn't a whole lot to do where I live late at night unless you want to stay home and play games on the computer. They usually say they're happy I chose to visit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I rarely tip dancers except for dancing on stage. Then they usually do a little bit of work for their tip as well. That is if you call moving around a little bit and showing themselves to be work. I guess if you're not really that interested in getting a dance from a dancer but you agree to do that, that should enough reward in my opinion. If they don't like that, they won't ask me anymore and that will be fine by me. Of course if you always tip, they will keep asking you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I remember a double team of two dancers asked to sit with me at the back side of a club one night. They didn't take more than 2 minutes to ask for a dance. I said no thanks. Then they asked for a tip. I proceeded to give a dollar to each dancer. The one prettier dancer acted insulted and displayed a very bad attitude looking disgusted and saying "you better keep your dollar, you probably need that." The other dancer seemed to reluctantly give me back my dollar as well. Stupid bitch came back later and asked for a dance again later as if nothing had happened. Yeah talk about stupid dancers, tick off a customer with your bad attitude after you turn her down for a dance, then come back again later as if nothing happened and ask again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    My idea of tipping is to become a repeat customer of hers, a regular. She gets automatic dances from me and I get good dance prices and good dances. I remember one dancer who went a bit far on her lap dances with me, what she wanted from me was to hook back up outside the club for some fun without bouncers etc. I don't think I ever tipped her anything extra in the club. The dancers who ask for extra tips and I just met them usually turn me off immediately. I typically avoid such dancers. Especially the ones who seem to come from some other part of the country and think they deserve a tip just for walking around and asking for a dance. Every year I seem to run into a few dancers like that, I don't know where they come from. I sometimes give them a dollar and don't think too much about those dancers except to avoid them. Most dancers I'm familiar with would never ask for a tip if they're walking around asking for dances. Seems pretty cheap to me.