
Comments by casualguy (page 77)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What makes customers most irritated with dancers?
    good ones chandler. Let me try to remember. I had one more. Ok, here's another. A dancer who keeps dancing without telling you the agreed upon number of dances (say you agreed on a 2 for one) is over and she's doing another song. Very irritating if she tries charging full price and you're wondering because of the strange songs if it's some techno mix and isn't another song or if she is giving you a freebie or what is going on. I have to agree with chandler, I find it boring to keep hearing about how big a dancer's vagina is.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What makes customers most irritated with dancers?
    Most irritated? I can probably read off a list and then maybe decide along with others that people post on here. 1. Starting a lap dance on a partial song and counting that as a full song for the lap dance count. 2. Ask me if I want a dance and I say ok. Then she disappears and seems to go off with someone else or who knows where. Not a biggie for me since I will disappear too rather quickly. However why bother asking me and get me expecting you to come over if the dancer isn't going to right away? 3. Maybe this one is biggest, lying to me about the cost of the lap dance or changing the price and lying about it. ROB. Doesn't happen very much but a few dancers are ROB's. You asked and she said for instances 2 dances were a total of 30. Then at the end she either says that's $40 or it was 3 dances. That really gets me irritated. One good reason for not getting dances from new dancers or if you get a ROB vibe from one. Really stupid for a regular dancer since I won't ever be getting any more dances from a ROB. 4. A dancer with bad body odor or smells likes she's been in a barbeque pit with the smoke smell really bad. A repeat from the first one I believe. 5. A dancer who sneaks up from behind you and says "wanna dance?" without even letting you see her. 6. A dancer who sits down with you and immediately presumes you're interested in her and wants you to buy her a drink. 7. Dancers with an attitude problem when you tell them no, no thanks, maybe later, or don't want to take a no answer at all. They may make some rude comment or snotty remark to you as they leave. 8. Dancers who not only seem to not know what no thanks means, but want to sit and argue with you about it. Or pulling on you and your chair or continuing to argue. If she keeps arguing for 10 to 15 minutes, it will get me ticked off at her and I'll leave. 9. Dancers whom you tell them they can dance for you and they say ok but then they're too busy to walk over to your table. Just slightly irritating since I figure she's going after the bigger money and I don't usually want to spend that much. 10. This may not apply to everyone. Dancers who want to play games telling you they want to go out with you and they give you their phone number. They tell you to call them etc. Then she starts telling you she would like to go out with you sometime. You finally decide well ok. Then when you call and leave a message, she doesn't return the phone call but at the club she makes up an excuse of why she couldn't make it. But then she says she still wants to go out. Do this twice and I call it bullshit. Plus she wasted my time I could have spent with someone else. I seemed to have reached a dead end. Now all I'm thinking about are ways a dancer has been nice to me. Fortunately I have a bigger list or more memories of nice dancers than I do of bad ones.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Did I fuck up again?
    awww, it's not any fun if I agree too much. Shadowcat, you fucked up big bro. She'll probably hate you as long as she remembers you. I'm guessing that might be 2 or 3 days. Then you can take comfort that you're going to make her wonder and start questioning for days on end "do these things look ugly to some guys?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you met many dancers that remember when they first met you years later?
    True but entertaining, I remember on two different occasions a female asked me if I remembered her. I probably looked a bit puzzled but then said no. On two different occasions, the girls lifted up their top and flashed me their tits, then asked "now, do you remember?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "You are a friend with special benefits" fuck buddy?
    I remember one dancer that really liked me. Some of the time I think she just wanted to go visit me and go to sleep. Would sleeping for a few hours with a naked dancer be a turn on before she woke up and you did her? She always took a quick shower first to get rid of the strip club smell before crawling into bed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has an ATF type dancer "fired" you " for turning cheap?
    Several years ago when I was still relatively new to visiting strip clubs, hanging out with a dancer that was about the same age as me didn't seem like any big deal. If I met her first in the club and she liked me and asked me to go out to eat with her or go over to her house we were acting sort of like we were friends and I wasn't expecting that much. I didn't pay the dancers for their time or anything else in those situations. Well I may have offered to pay for their meal but I'm not sure if they always took me up on that. I was a bit surprised one night when the one dancer I was hanging out with wanted to do a lot more one night. One dancer who I originally asked out not knowing she wanted to do a paid private dancing party where she danced for money just not in the club, I did enjoy her better in private. All she was doing was dancing so that made her unique because she was the only dancer that treated me like a customer for a while. Other than the time I was sitting at her place drinking a beer or two and maybe watching a tv program with her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Agree or disagree? the level of physical attraction we feel is determined by..
    There is something about the hair that can be attractive or unattractive. I'm not sure why that is. I do know all my sisters are brunettes and I find blondes to look better. It doesn't seem to make much sense to me unless I reason that my primitive brain senses a greater difference in genes. The same girl will look better to me a lot of the time if she has blonde hair instead of brown. I tend to believe our more primitive brains have a lot of influence over who we are attracted to. However I guess more recent experiences could alter that perception. ie you remember having some hot times with brunettes and you suddenly feel very attracted to or turned on by brunettes as a result. That may have something to do with endorphines getting released in your brain associated with memories. I'm not really sure though. I think much of what everyone does is following some very old attraction laws that evolved in our brains long ago. If someone does something different, they may have learned how to break away from their more animalistic urges. I'm only speaking about my opinion of the male brain. I'm not sure how similiar the primitive female brain may work. I suppose females want a dominant male but also able to provide and care for her. The so called alpha male seems to attract women easily. He may not be the nicest guy around but he's dominant and seems to be in charge. I'm not really sure though, some women seem to like being the boss around the house and telling their husbands all the work that needs to be done. Maybe being attracted to the dominant male is all a ruse until they get married and then she changes. Just speculating.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Agree or disagree? the level of physical attraction we feel is determined by..
    Well I wasn't going to post anything else on this but I did a quick search on pheromones. quote from http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/women/9906/25/sexuality.scent/: According to an article in "Psychology Today," how our body odors are perceived as pleasant and sexy to another person is a highly selective process. We usually smell best to a person whose genetically based immunity to disease differs most from our own. This could benefit you in the long run, making for stronger, healthier children. Once again our primitive part of our brain according to this idea is making other people smell better to us without our intellectual part of our brain necessarily being aware of it. Actually I've had several dancers tell me I smell good and I'm still not sure why because I don't put any cologne on. I never really thought a dancer might look good to me because my primitive part of my brain thinks she could produce genetically superior children when combined with my genes.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Desperation
    I'm wondering if more people are staying home due to economics or it was just the local football team losing big time. I guess it's not all bad if you have a night that partially sucks, you still have most of your money to try your luck on another night. I can always visit a former too busy to visit club to get the same level of dancers and typical strip club experience. When a club drops down to only a dozen or so customers during the busy time of night and there are only a few dancers showing up, it doesn't seem as exciting to me especially if all other things remain the same.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Did I fuck up again?
    I don't think shadowcat fucked up either. Tell her the truth now, let her be upset at the truth or let her discover it. Then if she finds her income goes up without the piercings, she may be thankful later. She may even enjoy the drama and come back and thank you. Either that or you did fuck up by being so blunt with her. If it's a phase she's going through, she might take offense at being told what she should and shouldn't be doing. I've had dancers take offense to something I said when they didn't even hear what I said correctly. They thought they heard something else. I remember one dancer I think her name was Ivy had nice new implants and asked me to massage them. The next time I saw her a few months later, she had piercings all over the place. You might have thought she was attacked by a piercing tribe or something. I thought she still looked good but I thought it took away from her looks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Did I fuck up again?
    I say one thing and then last night I ended up tipping one dancer with a number of piercings a few times on different stages. If she looks good, I think she would have to have an ugly nose ring or something awful to keep me away.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you met many dancers that remember when they first met you years later?
    I believe some dancers do have very good memories. I may have to reconsider all the crazy stories I've told a few. I try to make it sound like I'm normal though. I guess if a dancer remembers you, you may be like a character in an Indiana Jones movie where he is supposed to blend in with the local population but sticks out instead like an orange golf ball on a green putting course. Sounds normal to anyone who plays golf but anyone could easily spot that golf ball among the grass.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    There aren't any brothels where I live at so I wasn't even thinking about brothels. Please don't group me into that group either.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    I am speaking for myself and my opinion and that's what it is, just my opinion, not yours, not shadowcats, not bookguy's, not anybody elses unless they say so. Let me clarify, I am talking about sexual desire in one's mind and the fantasy not the reality. I find it hard to fantasize if you trully believe that it's impossible. In reality things like going too far with a nice looking dancer will never happen. I'm not going to fool myself and say I have no sexual desire whatsoever for a dancer if I see her scantily clad in a strip club. I could say I have no desire to have sex with her but deep down in the subconscious male brain it is there. Our more intelligent brain is ignoring it. Otherwise I wouldn't feel that primordial attraction I feel towards a nice looking dancer or girl. I consider everything past watching a dancer to be some type of sexual relationship and fantasy even if it's never fulfilled to the primordial brains content. This is just my own opinion. FONDL, I understand you disagree with my view and opinion but I'm not changing my opinion because of that. I'm not even sure why you brought up brothels. I was talking about the fantasy of going all the way in the mind seems impossible if your mind doesn't believe it could happen. Brothels have nothing to do with fantasy in my opinion. Ever notice a girl looks better with lipstick on? It's our male brain I believe confusing sexual signals making her look better to us because our male brain is reminded of those red sexual lips. Maybe most other guys haven't noticed but I thought they did. Maybe most guys don't realize it's their more primitive brain making her look better and increasing her attraction. Sorry for the rant. FONDL, you made your point that you disagree with what I was saying but I'm wondering if you got a different interpretation of what I was thinking. I believe if you lost all sexual desire, the female of concern wouldn't be the least bit attractive to you. Sorry for the rant if it seems like that. I might be slightly offended at being put into a brothel group when I didn't mean to imply someone actually wanted to have sex, I was merely talking about the fantasy of going all the way deep down in the primitive brain which I try to ignore but know it's still there and affects how attractive a girl looks to me. I type fast as I'm thinking and don't proofread so I may have said it wrong about wanting to go all the way. I meant going all the way in the primitive brains fantasy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to date a stripper...
    I actually had the opportunity to really date the first and only dancer I decided to ask out at one time. She called me asking to go see a movie with me one night. Little did I realize she had broken up with her boyfriend and maybe she didn't realize it but she was also pregnant. One of my friends joked you could go from single to instant family, haha he was laughing. I didn't think that was funny. I turned down her movie offer. She lived too far away. I'd thought I'd share since that is the only case where I chose a dancer to try to have some outside the club dating. She was 9 years younger than me. All the other times, the dancer chose me and persuaded me if I was able to be persuaded.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to date a stripper...
    One thing I didn't realize at the time was that some upscale clubs had a strict no phone numbers with customers policy while other clubs were not that strict. The club I asked in some dancers were doing something called private parties. They would dance for a customer in a more private setting. Nothing more though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How to date a stripper...
    I'm not trying nor do I have a desire to date any stripper. I wouldn't have even hooked up with any either but some dancers have a way of persuading a guy at times. How to date a stripper? I had about 2 visits to strip clubs under my belt. I saw some hot dancers and asked someone if dancers ever went out with guys in the club. He said no. For some reason if I heard no back then, I thought I had to try it. The second dancer I asked if she wanted to go out she said ok. Little did I realize she wanted money for her time for going out. I was ticked off at her. I had plenty of cash at the time so I gave her something to keep her happy after she started crying as well. Never went all the way with her but she became friends with me after a while without asking for any money when we met up after she got to know me better.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    A brothel wouldn't even be up for discussion. The guy pays and he gets want he wants. End of story. There isn't any fantasy to keep stringing a guy along. No long lunches thinking she likes him etc. etc.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    Lets not forget that what dancers ultimately offer is real. The chance to score with a hot girl. I don't know of too many guys who fantasize about simply rubbing a girls tits and don't ever go farther than that. Strippers are ultimately about the fantasy of getting more and getting her as a girlfriend. If they can't offer that, there can't be a fantasy of it in my opinion. Hence robo-stripper would have to be able to offer it. However as with a real stripper, the chances for a normal guy to get it would be about zero. He can fantasize about it though and spend money on laps and go out to eat with her on long lunches as long as she keeps getting her money and she keeps the fantasy alive in his head.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The Pink Board
    Are women attracted to those who will cheat on them? Yes apparently. I don't think they do it on purpose. They see someone they like and aren't thinking, oh he's probably going to cheat on me. They listen and believe all the stuff he tells her. I remember encountering one dancer who wanted to sleep with me really bad the first time I remember meeting her. She claimed she knew me several years ago but I couldn't remember her at all. However she remembered details about my past. I met up with her. Didn't think too much about it. Then I got surprised in the club when I was talking and getting dances from another blonde dancer. Well when I left the lap dance room I found out the dancer I slept with was pissed. Apparently she had been keeping her eye on me and accused me of sleeping with another dancer. I don't know why she was thinking I was sleeping around or why she was so pissed off at me. I told her no but I liked getting lap dances from several dancers. Maybe she was crazy, she started calling me a player which is something no other dancer had done. However she seemed to like me even more. Not knowing what is going on in a dancers head makes it seem like they are crazy at times.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you met many dancers that remember when they first met you years later?
    I guess not. Nobody replied.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    Did someone already post something about robo-stripper? I could have sworn I read that somewhere. Maybe I was asleep and I read that in a dream.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    Will the stripper be replaced soon? I don't know, have the Japanese invented robo-stripper yet? Robo-stripper needs to know how to manipulate guys into paying lots of money for dances by either being a regular or fooling the guy by thinking the robo-stripper wants to go out with him. The robo-stripper should have sexual capability or the fantasy of scoring the big score will be gone. Other odd ball dancer quirks like squirting milk in a customers face or dramatic drama scenes are not required.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Private membership clubs, asking too much information about you?
    How about if they enter your drivers licence number into their computer system? Tonight the girl at the front asked for my name. They've always had a policy where you had to sign your name in a book. If I wasn't already familiar with the club or it looked seedy, I definitely would have just left and never gone in.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention is now only 1 month away. Oct 26th.
    I was there starting about 6PM on Friday. It was pretty good. The music volume was reasonable I thought. I told a dancer and she thought they would probably turn it up unreasonably loud later in the night. Even at 9 PM, it wasn't as bad as I remember with the crowds or music volume. I probably would have been happier here than at the sister club in Greenville Saturday night since the dancers I know disappeared. I actually recognized a lot more in Columbia than I did in Greenville this weekend. Would have never expected that. A dancer at Heartbreakers even recognized me. I remembered. She thought she just saw me last week in Greenville. I think she was right. Heartbreakers had their air conditioning set about 61 degrees I think and I put in my ear plugs there because the music was deafening. Much louder than Platinum Plus that particular night. I might be able to visit but it depends on work and if other demands pop up or not. Seems like there were a lot of dancers there at 6 PM. I wasn't left alone more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time it seems. If Clemson loses a football game and South Carolina doesn't, I'll be back on the weekend since Greenville Platinum Plus sucked tonight.