
Private membership clubs, asking too much information about you?

Avatar for casualguy

I arrived early at a private membership club and they asked for my drivers license to put some information in their computer. I agreed but didn't really like giving them the extra information. Then she asked for the last 4 digits of my social security number. Would you have given it out? I do not like giving out that information.


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Avatar for gt80rider

are you nutzz??? no, no and NO personal info to a strip joint.... if they want the last 4 digits of your SSN, they can blow it out of ya.... short of that, it's none of their business..

Avatar for Crosscut

Had a similar experience at the Gentlemans Club in Charlotte (not to be confused with the Men's Club). Was asked for my license, no problem. Kind of funny considering my age. Next thing I know, she swipes it through a card reader. I hadn't even thought about it being encoded.

I was annoyed enough by the presumptuousness of the whole deal, but compounded by a generally unsatisfactory club experience, I've never gone back.

As far as the SS # is concerned, if they have your driver's license info, virtually your entire life is available to them. I watched an escort pull up my social based on her clearance from her day job at a financial institution .

It's a cold world out there.

The poster formerly known as Fantasy Camper

Avatar for minnow

No, which is why I don't go to clubs that require you to divulge such information. The only thing I'll show those places are my heels as I'm walking out the door.

Avatar for ShotDisc

It is time to BOYCOTT membership clubs like those in Charlotte.

Avatar for FONDL

I've been to several membership clubs, a couple of which I really liked, but have never been asked for that kind of personal info. Usually the only info they ask for is a picture of Andrew Jackson or so and a name. The idea of having a private club actually works well in some areas where it allows a bit more freedom in what they can allow, which can be worth a few extra bucks on your first visit.

Avatar for Clubber

A private club as FONDL indicates would be no problem. I did, however go to a local club and they handed me a form that they wanted filled out. After seeing the first few items they wanted, I handed it back and left. I would never give them ANY information!

Avatar for casualguy

What was worse was that this was a club I've visited before and was never asked for this information that I remember. I asked if it was secure thinking, they probably don't have their information secure or encrypted. The girl said oh yeah. Then another dancer said "we'll go on a spending spree tonight". I didn't think that was funny at all. I thought about leaving on the spot but she already had my drivers license. Maybe the computer is not linked to the internet. Hackers can easily break into so many different computers it's not funny at all especially the way some people think the information is secure just because they have a little password on their pc.

Avatar for casualguy

I think I was nutz. Instead of taking the drivers license out of my wallet, I handed over my wallet (all in my view though). I immediately started feeling very uncomfortable about the whole situation though.

I remember another club in the area tried swiping my drivers license one night. I believe it didn't read right and they just let me in.

Avatar for nj_pete

Way too much info being handed over if they take a phono copy of your drivers license or worse, swip it, too many seedy characters in some of these clubs that may use this info to obtain identity theft.

Masybe I'm paraniod, but I woudl not give this info over, its OK for them to glance at a drivers license for ID, but no copies.

Avatar for casualguy

How about if they enter your drivers licence number into their computer system? Tonight the girl at the front asked for my name. They've always had a policy where you had to sign your name in a book. If I wasn't already familiar with the club or it looked seedy, I definitely would have just left and never gone in.

Avatar for DandyDan

There was one club near me (since closed) which had you give them your license and then they would write down all kinds of stuff before letting you in. I usually got irritated, but I went there because this was a period where it seemed like all the clubs near me sucked and they had a few highly rated girls. Of course, this was also the club where they had a bestiality show once the cops busted in on and it closed after the owner got busted on federal weapons charges. I worry to this day the police in Lincoln, Nebraska are going to bust me for having visited this club even though its been closed for at least 3 years.

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