
Comments by casualguy (page 76)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Has an ATF type dancer "fired" you " for turning cheap?
    Just disappear for a month or few months along with several other customers, then the dancers who fired you can complain and wonder "where are all the guys disappearing to?" Bones I got the solution, just think of one other word SHE LIKES ME MONEY - SHE LIKES ME MONEY - SHE LIKES ME MONEY
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bikini Clubs
    The only bikini bars I've been to used to be nude or topless and were required to change to stay in business due to some court ruling or a change in the law that the club lost. All the ones I'm familiar with went out of business shortly afterwards.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who are you going to vote for?
    I wasn't sure about some of the questions. Anyway my candidate was one I never heard of until now. General Chuck Yeager supports the same guy. I guess that could change depending on how I viewed some of the questions. Hillary as I expected didn't do so well. However she still managed to get 3 in agreement. I must have gotten 3 wrong answers somewhere.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you enjoy giving a dancer a back rub?
    I never realized back rubs were so common. I think anyone who does a lot of computer work, paper work, etc. instead of manual labor will have soft hands. Either that or they've been pretty slack in doing yard work around their house. One hour massages? I get tired of giving someone a back massage after 5 to 10 minutes. 15 to 20 if they're lucky and making me feel good with the position they're sitting in. I think one of the first times I was asked to massage a body part in a strip club it was a dancers breast implants. I'm not counting that since that seems like too much fun. I could massage those for a long time. The girl I'm thinking about grabbed my hands and had me rub them while tipping her on stage. That was something and still is something I'm not used to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    I'm very happy with lap dances and the occasional stage tip. I prefer contact whether it's during a lap dance or a dancer asking me for a dance or just chatting with me. Apparently I get more contact just talking with some dancers than some guys do during their dances in other clubs. I remember one dancer asked me to rub her back recently and I enjoyed the spot she sat in better than the dance she did when I was done rubbing her back. I'm not sure why she asked me to rub her back unless she remembered another dancer doing that with me. I must be better than I thought. I have a feeling that customers giving a dancer full back rubs wouldn't be tolerated in some no touch clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
    I just remembered one that a dancer told me. The dancer tells a customer the price and even reminds him after each song or group of songs he asked for and if he wants more, then after she's done, he doesn't want to pay her the money he owes or not the full amount. I think that just pisses off the dancer if it happens in a club where the bouncers won't enforce it. Especially if the guy goes and gets dances from other dancers right afterwards. What I found interesting was how much she was charging someone else who wasn't a regular. A lot more.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Club race problems?
    In a strip club I will discriminate based on good looks and if a dancer is nice to me or not. If she looks good to me and is nice to me, that's who I'll go for. I think who looks good to me is more in my genes than anything else. I expect most other people behave the same way but I'm sure a few will say they don't.
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    17 years ago
    Improving health, improving fun in strip clubs
    I found the article. It was a Bottom Line Health advertisement article with the Title Nobel Prize Winner's Breakthrough Prevents Heart Attack and Stroke, Relieves Impotence" What I found interesing was that the article claims the discovery won the Nobel Prize in medicine and the claims were 1. lowers cholesterol by 10 to 20 percent 2. reduces arterial plaque by as much as 50 percent 3. and 4. expand blood vessels reducing blood pressure and controls platelet function so you're less likely to get blood clots Then the article states you can take 2 supplements available at any health food store (I wonder if that's true though). They are L-arginine and L-citrulline and the article goes on to say these supplements have been proven effective in numerous studies. Maybe not enough studies have been done to prove it or not enough people care to make money on it if it's using natural substances to promote it. It makes me wonder though especially when I did an internet search and found articles supporting it. Seems like someone would be selling a vitamin supplement just for that. Maybe they are. The article starts off by saying if you're an American over 40, you have a 50% chance of having a heart attack or stroke one day. I may try to find the stuff and take it and try it out. Sounds like it could enhance the strip club experience by increasing the levels of nitric oxide which improves erections. I have to wonder if it really works that great, why isn't the medical community jumping on it to promote it. Is it too new and revolutionary or just a dead end money maker because they can't sell drugs for natural substances?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New to this site and wanted to introduce myself...
    Hi Taylor. Feel free to join in on any of the discussions you want to. I won't bite. ... unless you like that sort of thing. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    It seems to be in the clubs I visit. However I read somewhere on here that dancers do make a lot of money on stage in some clubs. I'm just not familiar with those clubs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    strip club joke
    an old one but still good.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Agree or disagree? the level of physical attraction we feel is determined by..
    I sometimes wonder what might be in my genes when I see a picture of a pretty girl on a book cover with 2 nice long sharp eye teeth but she looks sexy. I believe just a few hundred years ago, some of my ancestors were called Barbarians by the Roman Empire. The Romans just couldn't beat them in battle so they gave them a bad name. Someone once jokingly called me the last of the Vikings, instead of laughing, I started wondering if I might have some Viking blood in me. I thought it wasn't a bad fantasy to see yourself as a Viking in a strip club, looting all the booty.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
    to sum up, tell a dancer you'll call her when you have her number but then don't. Should please them every time. Ok, satire off.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
    I just thought of another. A dancer you just met asks you to call her. You tell her you have a good memory and can memorize her number and you agree to call her the next day and meet up for lunch. (I'm thinking now, don't believe a guy who says this if he's drinking beer even if he can remember her number in the club.) The next day you forgot or transpose two numbers. Oops, you think she gave a bad number. You go visit her club again later that night. She tells you she waited or someone else tells you she waited an hour by the phone but no call. I think she was more disappointed than irritated though. So was I.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Club race problems?
    I haven't really noticed any race problems. However I only tend to visit the more popular upscale clubs in the local area that I'm already familiar with. I'm not picky about who I tip on stage either well she just needs to look good or decent to me. If she's fat and ugly, I may not tip her and won't approach the stage. If she looks good, I'm there, doesn't matter what race she is. I have noticed at times I may be the only one tipping a black dancer in a mostly white club but at other times it seems to be the same way with some of the white dancers. Even in a mostly white club, I usually see one or two black dancers and a black bouncer. I haven't ever noticed a problem. I might think some black girls might think I look like an ATM machine too but that wouldn't be fair to all the other dancers, white, asian, etc. that acted the same way. About the only racial thing I've heard in a strip club was a dancer making a comment to me about a bunch of mexicans in a typically normal club. She said something about she didn't like all the cheap Mexicans. Once again, it didn't sound like she was discriminating on race as much as their wallets. She had some bad experiences with Mexicans being super cheap apparently. I was secretly laughing at her when she was telling me her story which I've forgotten. With over 10 million illegal aliens in this country, I wondered myself how many were legal. I guess if they're working, they are paying taxes here anyway though so they are helping our economy. I've met some hot sexy South American dancers myself. I have enjoyed them more than some of the normal white dancers. I guess if you boil down to it, every dancer has some pink under that thong. I'm not saying I don't have preferences but that I haven't noticed any problems.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Making Demands to Dancers
    I don't believe I've been trying to physically move a dancer into any position except if she asks or I get tired of her staying in the same spot. I did hear one dancer talk about another guy putting his hand on the dancers head during a lap dance. She said if some guy tried that with her, he would quickly know that she didn't take too kindly to that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Making Demands to Dancers
    I've met a few dancers who will ask me what position I prefer her to be in or what I like. If I tell a dancer this information without asking I don't consider that to be demanding. I don't have too many favorite positions and if it's a new dancer, I'll just let her move around on her own. I usually just prefer to enjoy the view without being a back seat driver. A few dancers have found my favorite position though without me telling them. I guess some dancers like requests and others don't. They just want to do their own dance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
    I remember I once arrived at a club a few hours before closing time. One dancer came over and sat at my table. Then she told me she wanted to sit and talk with me the entire rest of the evening. I probably said well if you want to. I may want some dances from other dancers before the club closes though. I spent $30 on her for the 3 hours she sat with me. It was her choice though. She told me she had to get a minimum $10 table dance every hour. She was an exception and I think wanted to be friends with me not just in the club. Now a number of other dancers, they may only sit 15 minutes and occasionally one will act irritated if they wasted that time because I didn't get a dance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Will the stripper be replaced?
    FONDL, sorry if I may have accidently offended you by implying or putting you and others in the group looking for sex with strippers. I go off on a joke or rant occasionally without proofreading. Actually I watch a recent sci-fi rerun last night and it must have been an episode where I fell asleep on it. Basically there was a line that said about everything I said. Basically if you reduce the male back to his animal self, you have someone trying to spread his genes with a number of females. I must have heard that in my sleep. However as we all know, we don't act like animals (at least most of us) and we have control. I'm not familiar with strip clubs where you can have sex with strippers either so that's another world for me that I don't know about. Unless you talking about the exception to the rule, the stripper who might do something in one dark corner of the strip club but get fired if she gets caught.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
    Oh, I just remembered one way to really irritate a dancer, told to me by a dancer who had this happen to her only a couple of minutes before she approached me. The dancer politely asks some guys if they mind if she joins them. One guy says "Go away bitch, we don't want any of your fucking dances!" She started to get upset when she asked to sit next to me and I said something about not wanting any dances. She said she didn't ask for any dances. So then I said, well ok have a seat. I told her I think she was following the path of a dancer with a real attitude rejection problem ticking the customers off. Of course if a dancer just asks me if I mind if she sits at my table and I say I don't mind. I don't think she should be upset if I decide not to get dances just because she took 30 minutes to ask.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What do you think customers do that irritates dancers the most?
    hmmm, I never even thought about bragging about the square footage of my house. I thought for a second about trying out some of these tricks on a dancer I want to leave my table without being too rude. However that could really backfire on me if the dancer I want to get rid of actually wants me. I may try that line "well I don't want to take up any more of your time" and add in "I'm waiting for another dancer to come over to my table" ahh, I might just use the second part since saying that after 30 to 60 seconds might sound a little bit too fast.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What makes customers most irritated with dancers?
    One more, dancers who like to talk a lot during the lap or table dance or seem to be more interested in looking around for somebody else to dance for while they are dancing for you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What makes customers most irritated with dancers?
    I guess if you didn't agree to get any more than say two songs but she wants to continue dancing anyway, you shouldn't have to pay her. I like the dancers who will automatically stop or at a minimum ask and say, ok that's the end of the two for one, do you want another at such and such a price or should I stop?