
Comments by casualguy (page 75)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stage tipping, you like to see her tits, she wants to show her ass
    Of course she won't be looking if she's turned around.
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    17 years ago
    Stage tipping, you like to see her tits, she wants to show her ass
    It's kind of hard to talk to a dancer when the music volume is deafening loud. I had trouble hearing one who was talking almost in my ear. That's just too loud. Maybe we need to make a hand signal indicating, we prefer to see tits instead of ass.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Clubs with Amateur Nights
    I thought a couple of clubs in Greenville SC still has them. I see it listed on the schedules for 2 clubs. Platinum Plus in Greenville used to have them on most Saturday nights very late. I think they advertised it to be around 11 or 12 PM but often they didn't have them until 3 AM if I remember correctly. I believe they got moved to a different night. I found a few of them to be amusing. I remember one night a big fat girl got up on stage and whoever had to vote apparently thought it was funny to vote for her. She was in 2nd place that night. I could see her from all the way across the club. Usually the girls looked better. The Trophy club might have them too but I haven't been there in a long time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Sex with Robots
    I can think of a lot of other applications though. Might be a bit scary having an army of robocops with guns. Might be useful to send robots to war but then what if the robots start taking over or just killed everyone without mercy when the enemy tried to surrender? Terminator 4 coming soon to a street near you.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Sex with Robots
    I don't believe a robot will look exactly like a human female in only 10 years. Of course who wouldn't want a robot servant to clean the house and take out the garbage and cook, etc. Then after it's done, you could check out it's sexual functions. Or better yet, have the robot do all the work while you and your human girl have all the fun. The next thing you know, someone will make a female robot brain that behaves too much like the real thing. Seems like that would be pointless to have a robot that behaves just like a person unless there's a shortage of people.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stage tipping, you like to see her tits, she wants to show her ass
    I was at Platinum Plus in Greenville. I encountered at least 3 dancers that wanted to try a poorly done booty shake when you tried to tip them. They all had nice looking tits. I would have gotten a better view by sitting in the crowd. I didn't tip them anymore during the night. You might think they would get a hint when not that many are tipping them but apparently not.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Novelty, risk, or waste of time?
    If you have a friend or tour guide and he suggests visiting such a place as a fun evening, then sure why not? I wouldn't be trying to visit new places just to visit a strip club though. I would like to see the new cities and special scenic sites first. I would also be leary about the customs and definitely would not want to get mugged or arrested in a foreign country. Having a guide or friend would be great. Without a guide, I would be a bit cautious about where I traveled.
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    17 years ago
    Some police are only collecting revenue instead of promoting safety
    Now that I think about it though, I should say he was doing a fine job watching the empty road. Best time of day for the police to keep our roads safe. However if he worked for a corporation, his job would have been cut a long time ago as a cost savings or he would have been transferred to a day shift so that he could collect more revenue.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Clock ticking on [Ohio] strip clubs
    Get ready for the businesses to start leaving Ohio. Just remember, it was the idiots who promoted this bill that started it all.
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    17 years ago
    Clock ticking on [Ohio] strip clubs
    Sounds like a bunch of idiots if they think stopping a guy in a strip club from touching a dancer is going to reduce crime. More likely to increase crime. Of course if it's a crime to do anything, than everyone will simply stop caring except for the idiots. I guess if no one reports the crimes, the idiots will be happy and think the crime rate fell. I'd hate to live in a place where it is illegal to hug a dancer or even to touch her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Leading a Dual Life
    I don't feel like it's a dual life. However it's not everyday I see a bunch of naked or half naked ladies parading around and eager to get my attention whenever they spot me. Usually most people have more clothes on. I suspect most girls wouldn't so easily flash me for a dollar either. Many wouldn't do it, some might want something else or more money. I guess my alternative is to become a muli-millionare day trader and establish a playboy type mansion and have all the pretty girls want to come over to visit. I'm not there yet.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Getting Taken with Dance Overcount
    The cheap dances are minimum 15 dollars where I visit. Some dancers charge as much as 50 per dance even though I would never pay that. If a dancer like that overcharges for 2 dances, you would be arguing about a lot more money than 10 bucks in pocket change. Of course the few dancers who do try to rip me off only mean I'm that much more reluctant to get dances from any new dancers. I have to get the vibe from a new dancer that she's not going to try to be a thief or get away as fast as possible. If a dancer comes up and says "wanna dance?" it's an automatic no thanks or maybe later. no dance
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lady Friend Insists A Woman's
    Just driving to a strip club can be very hazardous. Over 40,000 people die each year driving around in the US every year. If those kind of numbers happened in the Iraq war, we would think we lost it big time after 2 years and over 80,000 dead. However that's how many died here in the US just driving around. Some dancers seem to interact with your body and get you excited while others don't. Some don't look that sexy to me either and as far as excitement goes, I could be looking at a blank sheet of paper and get just as excited. I don't get too excited looking at a blank piece of paper. Then there are dancers that are like eewww, put some clothes on. I wish I had been looking at a blank piece of paper instead of her.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Getting Taken with Dance Overcount
    Some of my favorites give free dances or reduce their prices to keep dancing and/or start dancing on a song and don't count that. That's why they are my favorites and I keep spending money on them when I see them. I call a dancer trying to count extra dances a Rip off Bitch or ROB. Report her on here and to the manager if she's a real bitch. She's probably temporary anyway though. At least the dancers I've encountered like that have been temporary.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers in HEAT
    The pink site is for girls who want the rosy picture. I don't waste my time looking at anything over there. This thread seems to be getting a bit analytical though. I just occasionally visit strip clubs to take a break from my busy life and have some fun. There doesn't seem to be enough time to do everything.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Improving health, improving fun in strip clubs
    Maybe some companies that sell Men's products might be interested. They could do a study and if it produced positive results, they could sell the product like the http://www.mlmwatch.org/04C/Herbalife/niteworks.html company is doing but market it based on valid controlled human studies. I'm rambling and speculating.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Improving health, improving fun in strip clubs
    I thought I read somewhere that looking at female breasts also had a positive health effect. I wonder if the government needs some volunteers for a control group. I could be in the control group for watching and feeling breasts versus the only watching group. Maybe I might be in the control group taking L-Arginine, L-Citrulline, and watching female breasts. Sounds like a plan. Just need someone to get government approval and a plan. I'm thinking the drug companies aren't going to do any studies to help sell natural products. Heart disease kills half the American population and we're left with little stories and no controlled human studies on natural products. I think it's a shame.
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    17 years ago
    Improving health, improving fun in strip clubs
    As a cautionary note, I read people should not take L-Arginine if they expect to be undergoing surgury or have a problem with bleeding. I believe something in it may reduce the tendency for blood to clot which would increase the amount you might bleed. I think it helps the body produce nitric oxide which we all know also helps with erections and that would boost the strip club experience naturally without any drugs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Improving health, improving fun in strip clubs
    I don't think these supplements can legally make claims here because then these substances would have to be labeled drugs and then that would make the manufacturers be illegal drug producers without getting FDA approval first. I'll try to briefly summarize what I found and believe. These natural substance seem to take 1 to 2 months on average to start having an effect since they are natural and not drugs that kick in like aspirin. Anyway if you're not young in your teens or 20's with an abundance of these natural substances, I believe they may have a beneficial effect. The original story I posted about L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. Here's a story on it. http://www.mlmwatch.org/04C/Herbalife/niteworks.html and a link to his book http://verywellsaid.com/titles/n/no-more-heart-disease-how-nitric-oxide-can-prevent--even-reverse--heart-disease-and-strokes-0312335822.php?reviewid=1343113 Apparently a guy who "shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research concerning nitric oxide as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system" linked up for money with a company selling a somewhat rather expensive product. He claims the study was done prior to his linking up with the company but the results were published after he linked up with the company and the study wasn't done on humans. The link provides the ingredients. It sounds like a rather expensive product from the company he linked up with. I found the same ingredients minus the lemon flavoring cheaper via other sources. Some can easily be found in a Men's multi-vitamin. Other supplements can easily be found in a Walmart much cheaper. Last night I did a quick search and found info at this website with a number of positive reviews and claims by the reviewers (a sneaky way of getting away with a manufacturer not making any claims) at this site. http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-L-Arginine/cas-1 If you find out anything new or experiment. Please let us know what you think. Whether it was a waste of money or you think it helps. Maybe the effects are minor but positive and take a few weeks to really kick in. As a little side note, I bought another supplement from Walmart and just checked my blood pressure at my mothers house. It dropped from the normal 116 on the top side to 108 after sitting down for a few minutes. That's a little bit lower than normal for me and I haven't been doing any regular exercise for the last month. I haven't been even been doing much walking except as needed for work or to run errands at Walmart etc. I know some people walk 2 to 3 miles just to get the exercise. I'm wondering if Hawthorne really does lower blood pressure. I don't think I need to get mine much lower though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Hell has no fury" like when a REG goes cheap
    Thanks for the definition of CR.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Improving health, improving fun in strip clubs
    To sum up, it does appear that nitric oxide is beneficial for everyone especially as they get older. I read you can get some naturally in certain foods and by exercising and eating a low fat diet. You won't get as much as found in supplements though. I doubt a young person in their 20's or younger would see any benefit from it though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Improving health, improving fun in strip clubs
    I guess the formula may be questionable since I did some checking on it and apparently only studies on mice were done and not humans. However I have been taking some L-arginine for a few weeks to try it out. I have to say I am getting hornier recently than I have in a while. I did read some studies that indicated some people thought their cholesterol and/or blood pressure was lower. Actually I think I read someone thought their blood pressure dropped after taking Hawthorne for a few weeks. Apparently these more natural substances may take at least a few weeks to be noticeable. Of course they can't claim to do these things or they would be labeled drugs and the manufacturers would be shut down for selling drugs not approved by the FDA. It would be nice if a supplement company did a controlled study on the effects of L-Arginine and L-citrulline. Apparently the body builders already know about those two since I read they have a much faster recovery after working out and were driving up the price especially for the L-citrulline. You would think there would be a lot more research on things like this with 50 percent of Americans dying from heart disease or clogged arteries/ and or heart attacks if it could improve the quality of life for everyone. Oh well, I guess the drug companies will keep selling their drugs and tell everyone, just take what I prescribe and see me in a week or two. I'd rather not see any doctor nor ever need to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers in HEAT
    Of course some of the time, you might not realize a dancer is horny until she puts her head down near your crotch and then gently bites down. Then you hear another dancer explain her by saying, oh she's horny tonight.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers in HEAT
    If a dancer seems really into you, seems horny at different times of the month, it's not that hard for a guy to pick up on it and then he may easily get more dances. I've noticed several dancers seem hornier at different times. I enjoy getting dances from the horny dancers instead of the dancers who seem pretty ho hum, another guy wants a dance, guess I gotta go do a little dance and make the normal fee. A dancer can let a guy know she's horny by the way she looks at you, or starts touching you in a flirting or frisky kind of way. I don't think this is acting most of the time. If it was, I would enjoy the dancers doing this all the time but they don't.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Hell has no fury" like when a REG goes cheap
    I forgot, what does CR represent?