
Comments by casualguy (page 65)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messages...
    If we get the option to add a photo, I would suggest the ability to hide the photo to VIP members only and/or to all members but not the public. Then there might be the question of how risque a dancers photo can be. Wouldn't bother me at all if dancers posted naked pics of themselves on here for other VIP members to look at. However some dancers might like 2 photos, one with clothes on so we recognize them and maybe another to entice us into their clubs. I don't want to see any pics of naked guys on here and not be able to block it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Brand New Car or an equivalent dollar value of Dances?
    Now if I was driving somebody else's car, I would seriously consider spending less on dances and spending money on a car. I would work on a budget if my money was that tight or needed to be. You can still have fun in strip clubs without spending a fortune. If you can't, I would look for a cheaper hobby and/or a second job and make a list and keep track of where every dollar went to. Just what I would do. Obviously I'm not the average American because I pay off my credit card balance every month and have no debt other than my mortgage on my house. I tend to save money before I buy something and I'm saving for retirement as well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Brand New Car or an equivalent dollar value of Dances?
    My car works fine. I'll take the dances if I had to do things over again. Of course I would want good value for the dances I got. Now if someone offered me a choice as a prize, I would take the car and probably sell it. Then invest some of the money and spend the rest as I pleased. Probably some on dances.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Says She Doesn't Like or Respect Me . . .
    She can give advice. If you don't like it, just tell her "yeah but it's my money to waste and throw away. If you don't want it, I'll find some other dancer who does." Maybe she was in a bad mood. Maybe she was trying to help you. In the end it doesn't really matter except if you enjoy how you spent your money. Different females have different ideas of how every guy is supposed to be. Many females think guys should be married and supporting their wives and kids. A few guys just want to be single and have fun. A few married women think of their husbands as ATM machines and drive them to bankruptcy. Good luck having fun.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messages...
    I just noticed the "messages" link at the top right of the screen so I just answered my other question.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messages...
    Ok, thanks.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stranded in a Strip Club - What City ?
    I'm not sure if I would want to get stuck in an extras club spot or not. I worry some dancer may give me something extra I don't want. Hopefully I won't ever get stuck. I don't seem to fly except once every few years. If I was stuck though, I would prefer a place with lots of hot looking dancers and reasonable prices.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do we really care what they (strippers) think about us?
    I do like some dancers who are very friendly to me. hmmm, do I care what they think about me? I hope they don't think I'm a jerk or worse. Do I care that much about dancers I've never seen nor talked to? I only hope they have a decent attitude towards the customers and guys and gals in the clubs even if they don't care about us. Now if a dancer thinks she wants to go to bed with me I would like to know that. So I guess I would like to know or care about what some dancers think. Now if she's fat, ugly and repulsive, I don't care that much and just want her to leave me alone. She can go work at Walmart or somewhere else. That's all she needs to know. Fortunately, I don't see too many repulsive dancers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private Messages...
    Thanks, I like what I see. Does the site record these messages are all they automatically deleted after so many days?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    It's That Time Again - New Years Eve (NYE)
    I might decide to party at PP in Columbia or somewhere. My relatives and in-laws will all be home by then I think.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Greatest compliment a stripper has given you...
    I can't decide. Many dancers remember my name even if they only saw me once or twice. I don't even remember half the dancers who remember me. I remember one dancer said she really likes me. She said she liked me better than all the other guys she's been with. Then she said that's really saying something because she's been with a lot of guys. All of which was supposed to be a compliment but actually alarmed me a bit. hmmm, the same dancer was 30 years old but told me she remembered seeing me for the first time, when she was 16. I thought Wow. She spotted me walking out of a strip club and remembered me all that time. I thought remembering me for 14 years when I didn't even recall her ever dancing for me was impressive. She even knew where a picture of me was in one club I used to go to and I never even knew it was there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Years Resolutions
    jablake, thanks for the luck. I need that and to learn how to better invest. I think I am learning. Tonight I learned that about 150 million out of about 200 million working households probably are not saving much if anything for their retirement. I am one of the 50 million who is. Not having a plan and hoping something works out seems to be the American way unfortunately. Good luck to everyone who really wants to carry out their resolutions or objectives.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Years Resolutions
    hmmm, maybe I should check into getting a massage sometime. The only ones I've had are the occasional dancer that wants to give me one but usually they want to charge me 5 dollars.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How many favorite dancers do you think you have?
    If you only have one or two favorites left in a club, you do tend to look for more so that you're not left out in the cold mainly because some of them keep disappearing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Years Resolutions
    You guys have any?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Years Resolutions
    My other resolution. Learn how to be a better stock trader and make more money.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How angry did you ever get a dancer?
    Oh, you just made me remember a lot of dancers confiding in me. I didn't make them angry and they enjoyed talking to me but I heard several stories. Some dancers do have a lot of quiet anger at some customers and don't show it. I've heard stories about dancers silently passing gas on purpose with her back turned on a customer while she's dancing for him and doing other nasty things. One of the best stories I heard was a dancer angry at telemarketers before the Do Not Call list was around. We both thought it was funny. She had purchased some type of gas noise making machine. Turn it on and it sounded like someone had a bad gas problem. Anyway she told me a telemarketer called her up. She asked him to hold because she just ate a bean burrito. He did. She put the phone next to the machine and turned it on. 3 minutes later she said he was still there. Then she spoke to him and said sorry, please hold. Then made him wait a few more minutes before he finally gave up. I thought that was funny.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Publically Traded Strip Clubs
    I think the stock RICK is about to go down. The earnings reported later in the day today I thought were below expectations. I might be wrong but that's what I thought I read. That stock looks outrageously high to me. If I was more of a gambler, I would sell it short but I don't know how many traders really like the strip club stocks even if the PE ratio is above 50.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Exotic Dancers" who are not exotic
    It's kind of like that now. The strip clubs charge the dancers to work there. They aren't going to keep working if they are losing money. Customers selectively pick dancers or should based on who they like. There are several strip clubs I no longer visit and some I never have. If they fit somebody else's tastes, they'll stay around.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Winter 08 - prepare for violin music, sad stories & tall tales
    I didn't really think about this before but some dancers have been telling me "I'll be here next weekend. Will you?" For me the answer has often been no, if I have company visiting. I expect the economy will take a turn for the worse in 2008. I could be wrong about that though. I thought I read today the Bush mortgage bail out plan will only affect about 250,000 people or so leaving up to 3.5 million other people unaffected and in danger of losing their homes. That seems like a high enough number to create a drag on the economy. Just think, if Hillary was president, she could raise our taxes and let the government take care of everything. Then we wouldn't even need to worry about strip clubs because we wouldn't have any discretionary income to spend.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Exotic Dancers" who are not exotic
    They are just strippers if they're working in a strip club that is. Now some of the girls I knew in college, they would be "exotic" dancers if they worked a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Exotic Dancers" who are not exotic
    Part of the problem is some customers have different tastes in what they like. To get consensus in this society, you seem to have to offer everything to everyone because someone might get upset. I still believe the majority of guys prefer dancers who are fit and have good skin tone. A pretty face helps too. I agree the term exotic seems to apply to something you don't typically see. I can see ordinary girls next door or Walmart girls everywhere. They aren't exotic. They are just strippers.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How angry did you ever get a dancer?
    Some dancers get very emotional and upset easily. Of course I don't have to tell you guys this. For a few drama queens, I think life wouldn't be normal without something to go off on. I prefer less drama but at least you know where you stand with them because they tend to speak whatever is on their mind when they get angry. That is if you're still talking to them. What you really have to watch out for are psychos. I remember one guy was sitting in a club and a female came in from behind him and knocked him out with a beer bottle to his head. Someone told me it was his wife before they called the paramedics. I didn't even see her. One minute everything was normal. The next a guy was laid flat on the floor.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How angry did you ever get a dancer?
    Too bad this site doesn't have an edit function, hopefully what I typed above is readable.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How angry did you ever get a dancer?
    I didn't even get upset at the dancer who was going off on me either for no good reason I thought. I was actually I had time to enjoy the other dancers better without her interfering afterwards. Like I was thinking, after 3 months or so she showed back up but with a much better attitude. I remember one time (actually more than one time) but that time I emailed the management of the strip club chain after telling someone at the club of a crime she committed. She held my hand cleverly around her waist but I felt her hand in my pocket. She ran off and then I remembered I had money in my pocket but now it was gone. I came back to the strip club which and was going to tell the manager there about the incident. I didn't know if I was going to get booted out on the spot or laughed at. To my surprise the manager thanked me, gave me back the money that was stolen and told me about an investigation they did afterwards. Then he showed me the drivers license of the suspect. I confirmed it was her. He said that made his decision that much easier. I didn't see her working there anymore. She used to be one of my top favorites at that club too before she did that. I bet she was pissed she only got tip money. I had a wad of 40 ones. However as the manager said, she didn't know if it was 20's or 100's or what I had in my pocket. She apparently stole from other customers and customers were getting upset and leaving but he didn't know why. I guess when a dancer steals from one of her regulars, she's really asking for trouble. I even told a bouncer at the next club I found her working at to watch her because she picked my pocket at another club. 6 months to a year later I relented and didn't tell anyone at another club I found her working at. I even got a 10 dollar table dance from her but never did tell her it was me that got her fired in the first place. I figure she stole from so many people, she didn't know who caught her and turned her in.