
How many favorite dancers do you think you have?

I usually don't see them all the time but was wondering, how many do you have? I usually have 2 or 3 at one club but I don't usually get any dances from them. Then I have up to 4 or 5 or so at another club and will get table dances but not always. I usually don't see them all at one time. Then at another club I have possibly up to a dozen or so but I usually only see a max of 4 working at one time. I do get lap dances there. There are two or 3 dancers who I enjoy tipping on stage and they seem to like me but I never get dances from them. I spend enough on the others already. hmmm, that makes it sound like I have 18. I usually end up seeing only a few favorite dancers in a single night though. Many aren't working all the time.


  • BobbyI
    17 years ago
    I get a new one every month or two.
  • Yoda
    17 years ago
    LOL, at least two in every club I go to...which is about six different clubs...
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    About 20 and all at the same club. My favorite club. The number fluxuates all of the time. I lost 2 last month but gained one new one. It can get kind of hectic when there are 6 of them in the club at the same time but none of them are the jealous type and are willing to share me. I have found myself doing more and more 3 some's lately. I know the pros and cons of 3 some's but mine have been great because I know the dancers well and they know each other well.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    If you only have one or two favorites left in a club, you do tend to look for more so that you're not left out in the cold mainly because some of them keep disappearing.
  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    I really only make visits to three clubs anymore. My favorite club has 2 who are indisputable favorites who are always there, 1 who was my favorite, but has slipped, and 4 who are sort of my favorites, but could be higher under a different set of circumstances. At my number two club, there are 3 who I always get dances from, 1 I always get dances from if she would happen to be there when I was there, and about 2 or 3 more I get dances from if the mood is right. My number three club has 2 favorites and basically the rest is hit or miss. I guess its 15, but that could always change as some of the dancers come and go more frequently than I like.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    17 years ago
    My answer depends on the number of clubs I am current visiting. Since I frequent only one club now, I have 2 FAVs.

    When Tunica Cabaret was my regular club, I had 3 to 4 FAVs, but they didn't mind sharing. In fact, it was somewhat of a competition, as all my FAVS knew what I liked and expected.

    Of course when I was conducting road trips, I had no FAVs as I pretty well knew that each club I stopped at, my "ass" wouldn't be back, and that still stands true to this day. Road trips are fun, sometimes exciting, but very costly.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I have four favorites. If you have to estimate how many, how favorite can they be?
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    >If you only have one or two favorites left in a club, you do tend to look for more so that you're not left out in the cold mainly because some of them keep disappearing.<

    I'm always looking for more. Not so that I can have them as favorites, but simply because I like meeting hot new strippers. And they're always disappearing, so I guess I'm always being left out in the cold, although I don't think of it that way.
  • minnow
    17 years ago
    Every time my lower head "does some thinking", I have a favorite dancer.
  • parodyman-->
    17 years ago
    Favorite would imply one.
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Enough to maintain a regular rotation at at least three clubs--usually three per club. Nine? But keep the visits spaced out so you don't burn all of your cash at once.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    I've only had 3 or so strippers that I've considered ATFs...with maybe double that amount considered "favorites" (ones that I would get a dance from in sec., but they really didn't know much about me) in my book. It gets expensive when a lot of them are working on the same night at the same club though...lol...
  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Two per club and three clubs. Try to keep one on day shift, the other night.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    I remember my first lapper from a girl named ... wait, now, let me think, I'm sure I can come up with it ... Dana? Dambi? Debbi? Oh whatever. For a while I thought she was my all-time-favorite. Then I found out that most girls at that club were full-service and I was a royal sucker for only getting bikini dances.

    There are some girls I can remember. What's-er-name at PP in Memphis, for example. I can still see her face. Another girl of similar build at a low-contact non-lapper club in Pinellas County Florida, I think it was Diamond Doll? The club, not the girl. I recall a really cool chick at Houston's famous ... umm ... can't remember the club name .. Treasures. Yeah. She and I really "clicked", we talked for hours. I genuinely believe that she was beyond the "stripper shit" routine, because she wasn't making any money off of me. She even bought her own drink. She consistently, for three or four repetitions, refused to offer any extra behavior at all. I think I remember her because of that.

    Are any of those a "favorite"? I dunno. I know of one girl at my current local main haunt, who is super-hot to me and with whom I "click" to some degree or other. She'll last as long as the other ones in my memory, I'm sure.

    Also, when I was in Florida I lived next door to a frighteningly obese woman named Holly. She had three young daughters, Sierra, Destiny, and Cheyenne. I always considered that family my "favorites" among stripper names. I used to dog-sit for them. So, you could say that I'd done it doggie-style with Holly, Sierra, Destiny, and Cheyenne outside the club, if you wanted. I used to joke about it, and with my friends (when Holly wasn't around) I even joked that she had named her daughters with stripper names, and the next one would be either Bubbles or (if a boy) Dirk Diggler. Har har.

    But then Holly confided that she used to dance at a club in Toronto. I think she felt comfortable telling me, because she assumed that the fact that I had a lot of family in Florida meant I was a long-time resident. But when she named the club and the location and the dates when she was there, I was pretty sure I was able to confirm that I had been in that very club while she was dancing, quite regularly. She said she had been freakishly skinny at the time. It was a full-service club. So, maybe I was Destiny or Sierra's father.

    So I've done it doggie-style with my own daughter? Does that make her an all-time favorite?

    Just fuggin' weird, is what it all was.
  • MisterGuy
    17 years ago
    "Doggie-style with my own daughter"...I think we've strayed dangerously off-topic here...lol!
  • AbbieNormal
    17 years ago
    I have six. Sadly none of them are still stripping anymore.
  • ShotDisc
    17 years ago
    I have really cut back on the number of clubs I visit. I now have one favorite at each of the two clubs I visit regularly.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    I think if you're trying to save money, it works out good when your favorites disappear. Then I'll just need to cut back on the quantity of dances I get from favorites. Maybe later works good without getting too many questions instead of saying no thanks or not tonight.
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