
Comments by casualguy (page 66)

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    17 years ago
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    Merry Christmas to all. May Miss Santa be very nice or very naughty to you ... depending upon how you like it. :)
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    17 years ago
    How angry did you ever get a dancer?
    I actually was surprised by her reaction that night. She acted unreasonable and started calling me names because I wouldn't buy her some contact lenses. I'm thinking "I have only bought lap dances from her, what does she think I am, an ATM machine?" Never understood why she went on a tirade that night. That was part of my introduction to stripper shit or something. Many years ago. hmmm, maybe she thought I would be a nice guy and just give her money. I don't equate nice equals stupid.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Texas "pole tax" law, what do you think?
    Is the state of Texas going to start promoting strip clubs now since that is going to be part of their tax base? Sounds like it. If you think about it, if Texas promotes more strip clubs, they collect even more tax revenue with this law. Of course they'll have to relax some other laws so that lots of patrons visit the strip clubs as well if it's a per person tax as you enter. This law sounds bad to start with but as a way to make strip clubs be a legitimate part of society with less restrictions, it might be a good thing. Almost sounds like a devious plan the religious folks never thought about so they aren't complaining. Many years ago, I bet religious folks wouldn't want money they thought was tainted. I just read an editorial listing dozens of taxes we already pay. This country was founded partly as a result of people revolting against taxation. Over 100 years ago this nation was prosperous with a surplus of money and didn't have a gazillion different taxes. We're heading in the wrong direction.
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    17 years ago
    Publically Traded Strip Clubs
    I remember several years ago I thought about investing all or a lot of my money in internet stocks because they were doing so great. I was really glad I procrastinated when many of those stocks crashed.
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    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    hmmm, if I've ticked off more than one dancer on more than one occasion, does that rule you out of the nice guy category? I thought no. That's just ordinary life. hmmm, I just thought of another topic.
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    17 years ago
    Nice guys finish last - even in strip clubs
    This reminds me of one dancer that wanted to hook up with me. She came after me pretty strong. I met up with her outside the club and we had fun. I thought things might be over between us when she was ticked off at me for spending so much with another dancer. I didn't realize she was watching me and didn't think anything of it. I mean she's dancing for other guys, I didn't see the big deal in me getting dances from several dancers even though I just slept with her recently. She was angry at first, then she wanted to sleep with me even more than before. I was also wondering why I was still getting lap dances from multiple dancers when I could just go and do all I wanted with the one. The only thing I thought of is because it was fun. Well, it's possible she thought I was looking for someone who was better than her. I don't know where some girls think of this stuff. I'm just a nice guy like everyone else.
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    17 years ago
    Publically Traded Strip Clubs
    I've noticed PTT has really jumped up in price. I just don't know enough about the stock myself to want to jump into it. I don't even know what strip clubs that are owned by the holding company. I don't mind hearing stock tips but it seems more like gambling not know much about a stock you might think about buying.
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    17 years ago
    I usually think of ATF's as dancers I had a relationship with outside of the strip clubs. I believe all of them got into sexual situations with me of one sort or another at different times whether I knew it was coming or not. I didn't have sex with all of them but might have or could have if I had taken advantage of every opportunity. The question about what makes a girl an ATF is like asking what makes a guy and a girl boyfriend and girlfriend. Now if I never saw the girl at all outside of the strip club, I just call her one of my favorites versus one of my all time favorites. If you go by the technical definition, you can only have one All time favorite but I like to think of the term with an s on the end and call them ATF's.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip business in decline - the anecdotal evidence
    California seems like an extreme example but I believe all the houses cost about 4 times as much as here in South Carolina at a minimum. I can imagine if you told someone in California, take only 25 percent of the perceived value of your house and that is what you can get it for in South Carolina, some might be in shock. Maybe with this mortgage crisis, the ratio is only 2 or 3 times after their house is devalued. Part of the big problem is when the value of your house is a lot less than what you still owe on the loan, there's a chance you might just default on the loan. If a bunch of people do this, the houses may get auctioned off and then the value of all the homes go down farther and farther. I think it helped me that I never thought of my home as a way to make a lot of money. I just thought of it as a place to live and stop throwing money away on rent so I bought a small one that was somewhat energy efficient.
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    17 years ago
    Strip business in decline - the anecdotal evidence
    I heard some of the same news about discretionary spending getting cut in proportion to the percentage of home equity lost. If this is true, states and areas with the greatest home equity lost are getting hit the hardest. However I believe many people don't feel it yet if they aren't trying to move and/or have fixed rates for their mortgages. I certainly don't sense it if I keep hearing housing prices are still increasing in my local area. However if I lived in California and knew my house was devalued by about 200,000 dollars, I would be feeling a lot poorer.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers unsolicited makeout sessions with ROCKS
    Lap dances are better though.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers unsolicited makeout sessions with ROCKS
    I have gotten a lot of zero cost action. Well one dancer had me rub her back. I remember one time she wanted me to rub her where her bra strap was and she actually took me in the back just so I could rub her back without her bra on. No cost to me. She often sat in lap just to warm up. She was one of my favorites and I usually spent anywhere from 30 to 60 dollars on her during the night for either 2 or 4 lap dances. Another dancer liked to rub her hands on me in a nice way for 15 to 30 minutes to warm me up before I got a lap dance from her. I don't know what happened to those two dancers. Other dancers just routinely brush up against you or see others doing the same thing and just repeat the action asking for dances. You can get a dancer to remain longer. I remember a few dancers who I did know from elsewhere liked to just sit and talk with me. In one club one dancer was the same age as me and I think wanted to date me for a while. I remember she thought it was amusing when 2 guys asked if I was her boyfriend. I think it had something to do with her spending so much time with me and I wasn't spending hardly any money.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers unsolicited makeout sessions with ROCKS
    Lately in the last couple of months, I have been only spotting 2 or 3 favorites on many club visits in the club I usually get lap dances in. I think dancers sense I have some money or believe I do even if I don't.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers unsolicited makeout sessions with ROCKS
    Maybe the dancers are making out with rocks but they are just that in the club. Outside the club they have relationships with the dancers and/or are boyfriends. I don't know. I found out I can be a rock in one club, never getting dances, those dancers typically do leave me alone. It's the new dancers that don't know though. I often get dances in another club but usually don't see all the dancers who work there. I remember before I left last time I was just standing near the entrance watching. One dancer came up putting both of her breasts up against my chest. Then she asked me a question or two. Maybe her hands her roaming too but I don't remember. Wouldn't be unusual. After a little bit of time she asked for a dance. I declined. I was standing there like a rock. I might wonder if some people who have dancers all over them and don't get dances might have an outside the club relationship with the dancer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strip business in decline - the anecdotal evidence
    The federal government requiring proof of income would either cut dancers out of home ownership or make them pay taxes on their reported income. I can imagine many dancers won't be happy to learn about new laws being proposed or possibly already on their way to going in effect. However the banks probably have already imposed tougher lending standards. Maybe customers aren't spending as much in the strip clubs and I just don't know. I heard discretionary spending on food and energy is taking a much bigger bite out of everyone's pocket.
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    17 years ago
    Strip business in decline - the anecdotal evidence
    I was thinking it would be nice if I had more time to analyze and watch all the strippers in strip clubs. I haven't noticed any decline in customers or any decline in the amount of people in strip clubs. I'm wondering though, I heard the carolinas were mostly unaffected by the housing mortgage problems. My house was only appreciating 2 to 3 percent a year and I heard lately prices are still going up in my local area. When I got a mortgage, they wanted proof of everything. About the only thing I didn't have to give was a blood or semen sample. However I was wondering the other day, I wonder how many dancers got those adjustable rate mortgages and are in danger of losing their homes when rates readjust upwards. I heard some people will have to pay 1,500 more per month for their large homes in many parts of the country. A dancer would have to work a lot more to pay that. Maybe not in some places but around here I think so.
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    17 years ago
    OK YOU WIN IM OUTTA HERE Shadowcat its all yours
    I think about the only time I read anything on the pink site was when this site was down and I was feeling a bit bored. Then I accidently created the same username as someone else except they had capital letters while I had lower case. My only interaction I had was a female who emailed me thinking I was one of her friends. She thanked me for letting her know and then I still haven't been back there. Anyone who is a regular at Platinum Plus has to know how to have fun in my opinion. I would have been having fun at the sister club tonight except I thought I was going to have 3 teen age relatives spending the night. They decided to stay at my mothers place so I'm off the hook. I may seriously think about visiting a club on New Year's eve if all my relatives are gone by that time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers Berating me for $1 Stage tip . . .
    I should rephrase "if a guy tips more than a dollar, he probably not a regular", I mean for the majority of people I see in local clubs. Although if I tip the same girl on multiple stages, I guess I am tipping her more than a dollar. Another way to look at it, a dancer can take my one dollar tip and look happy about it. More guys often follow me if I look happy as well. Then I might follow her to another stage and tip her a dollar again. If she's obnoxious about a one dollar tip, she can forget about me looking happy or tipping her again that night and she can also forget about me spending 30 to 40 dollars or more on dances. I get the impression many clubs across the nation may have higher tipping standards but South Carolina where I live has a lower cost of living.
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    17 years ago
    Dancers Berating me for $1 Stage tip . . .
    I think some of these dancers need some common sense or maybe learn more about dollars and cents. A one dollar tip for 30 seconds of dancing on stage is equivalent to 120 dollars an hour. Now if the stage tip was even quicker than that say maybe 15 seconds, my one dollar tip is equivalent to 240 dollars an hour pay rate. About 8 seconds of dancing for my one dollar tip is equivalent to a pay rate of 480 bucks an hour. In effect if a dancer is not happy with a pay rate of 480 bucks per hour, I don't want to bother her. It's not my fault that there isn't a line of guys trying to tip her the rest of the hour. If a guy tips more than a dollar, he's probably not a regular. A dancer can make a lot more money from someone who is there about every week versus someone who shows up 3 or 4 times a year. Dancers are young and some may not think too much about economics. However it also means if a guy with loads of money wants to throw it away, a regular may have to wait for that guy to throw his money away that particular night. I remember someone rained money on stage for a dancer. Then I went up and she did her normal stage dance tip for me all for one dollar. The stage tips are more like signals to dancers of who might want a dance and a chance to warm a guy up for a dance. A smart dancer won't care too much if it's a dollar or two dollars. The real money in my local clubs is in the table and lap dances. However if some guy tips a girl a 20 versus someone who tips a 5, she'll probably give dances to the guy who tipped a 20 first if that's what he wants.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancers unsolicited makeout sessions with ROCKS
    I myself find it impossible to be a rock. Dancers have radar and I seem to be on it. I am close to being a rock in one club except for all the stage tipping I do. However I am a rock for 15 to 30 minutes at a time if that counts. I'm not really sure what you're talking about at the back of a club because that's where I often sat in one club and the dancers routinely came by that area. It took me a while to realize I could hide better closer to the front area of that club. Now unfortunately, the club management decided the back area of the club was so nice they roped it off and have it reserved for VIP parties. I've had a number of dancers sitting on my lap giving me more contact just talking to me for up to 30 minutes at a time than apparently many guys get during a lap dance. Of course I think most of those dancers I called one of my favorites and many of them did or do like to talk for a bit on occasion unless they just wanted to warm me up for a lap dance. I remember one dancer was cold all the time and just wanted me to warm her up. She would take breaks by sitting on my lap and warming up. I did enjoy that.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    OK YOU WIN IM OUTTA HERE Shadowcat its all yours
    I don't mind chatting with females on here. I don't usually get involved in any debates. I've been very busy lately though with the holidays approaching and now here. Come back again if you just want to chat. I might have up to 3 teenage relatives staying at my house for a couple of days. Then I should have a little bit of time. I hope.
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Texas "pole tax" law, what do you think?
    I think there should be a one dollar a word tax on politicians for every word we don't like coming out of their mouths. The revenue collected could be used to reduce the taxes working people pay.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    ummm YES im a girl WTF?
    Proof you are a female? I'll take your word for it but I do enjoy seeing the proof.
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    17 years ago
    Some dancers seem to take rejection a bit too hard
    Yoda, that's why it was very unusual for the dancer not to take my tip. All I did was turn her down for a dance earlier. Maybe she had something else on her mind and didn't want to bother me. However I remember it was at the same club not more than a few months ago, one dancer refused to leave my table after telling her no thanks, no, etc. for over 12 to 15 minutes. I finally left that dancer sitting at the table because she was getting me upset by arguing with me. I guess there's a 5 percent chance she looked up at the lights and got temporarily blinded and couldn't see me. That particular club did install new lights a couple of months ago but I thought they only blinded the customers sitting at the stage and they aren't as bad now as they used to be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Newbie here
    One term I sometimes use from internet chat is LOL, or commonly known as Laughing Out Loud. It just means I thought something was amusing.