
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas at the SC?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 9:45 PM
A club website is advertising an XXX-Mas Party tonight and Christmas Eve (club is closed on Christmas). Based on the number of dancers scheduled, they must be expecting a good crowd. Anyone planning on visiting the club over the next few days and/or have experiences from Christmas past?


  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Most local clubs to me had their Christmas parties during the past 2 weeks.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Kahoot's already had their x mas party. Dreamgirls already had their xmas party on the 17th. They offered a free xmas gift to the first 50 people but I did not bother because that club is notorious for their false advertising. I once showed up expecting there to be raffles and the manager told me it was a misprint in their ad. I also went once when they advertised a shower show but the manager said they decided to cancel it because there are not enough customers.
  • Philip A. Stein
    15 years ago
    Every stripper in Detroit I've talked to has had a shitty December and are planning on making it up this week. Gotta think it's a buyers market
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Yeah I agree with PAS about the buyers market. I have received a record amount of text messages and calls from strippers this month offering extras.
    15 years ago
    And to think a couple of threads back, the one Steve posted about hitting the strip club prior to the storm, I advised him to hit the club tonight because of the confluence of factors: 1) Storm wiped out last weekend's take from the dancers 2) Christmas is coming fast along with the end-of-the-month, and the press for extra cash is on! 3) The economy on Main St. is still sluggish, leaving less money to be spent at strip clubs = The Perfect Storm! Time to hit the club(s), Steve! Just remember to play "hard-to-get", for you don't want the night out to result in a black hole in the wallet...
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    One year, I vowed to go to the local pastie bar on Christmas, just to say I went on Christmas. (They are open 365 days a year.) And Christmas is on Friday. But naturally, this is the year my brother moved to BFE, and we are having Christmas there, assuming I can beat the blizzard, so no. No where else near me is ever open on Christmas, although I believe the Out House in Lawrence, KS is open 365 days a year as well.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I haven't been to a strip club in weeks due to getting ready for Christmas early and lots of relatives visiting. Now that Christmas is here, I finally get peace and quiet. I'm resting and relaxing. That is before I start a plan for world domination. Ha ha. :) ...PC games I've had for a long time and haven't played in a long time. Plus researching whether I want an I-phone, blackberry or whatever wireless internet device and costs with each. I want a secure connection and cheapest cost. Apparently I will have to get a voice plan too. It would be my first cell phone. I enjoyed people not being able to contact me.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    Two clubs near me are having Xmas parties on Xmas night. Should be interesting.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    Stopped by a local club a few hours a go to pick up a calendar. Was pretty dead in there.
  • Priapus
    15 years ago
    On a similar note: What's it like at a strip club on New Year's Eve?
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    In town here (New Orleans) all the strip clubs are closed on major holidays. Christmas eve (24th) they closed early, or just didn't open at all; Christmas day (25th) they weren't open; Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving day, they're closed, too. It might be a local ordinance or something. Some clubs do still have parties to commemorate these holidays, but they have those parties on the days leading up to the holiday, not on the exact day. There were two Christmas parties at Visions, on the Fridays one week before, and two weeks before, Christmas, for example. I am planning on hitting a club or two tomorrow evening (26th) to see what's up. I have seen some developments in the reviews of my local clubs (Yes! I always read the latest developments, in the TUSCL reviews! don't you? :) ... ) and I want to check for myself that the allegations are true ... or false. :)
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    Another problem with going out to a SC on the holidays is that most of the other businesses in town are closed. How could you explain to the wife that you were out at Lowe's for 1 hour when Lowe's is not even open!
  • If u are in a sc on christmas eve u really have problems
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    ^^^LOL! Just tell her that you are going out to look @ xmas lights in the neighborhood!
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