Stop the presses, take away Al Gore's Nobel Prize, Global Cooling is coming
Yes, it's true. Apparently scientists have discovered that how hot or cold the planet is has a bigger factor than how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere. The bigger factor is the sun. Less solar activity and less sunspot activity correspond to hot and cold climates here on the Earth and other planets in our solar system. Scientists thought the next cold chill or mini-ice age may start up as soon as a few years from now since the thinking was solar activity had been increasing and would peak around 2012. Now scientists are nervously noticing that sunspot activity seems to have recently died out. Get your snow shovels ready. Global warming might be postponed for 200 years due to snow and ice.……
Here's another link.…
I'm also not a fan of global warming, and I do think that another real Ice Age will come along in another few thousands or tens of thousands of years. What the hell do you think a "solar storm" is?
PS. A massive solar storm could knock out power all across the planet for months blowing out a lot of equipment that would take that long to replace. Talk about making life miserable. I hope that never happens. Somehow watching a stripper dance in candlelight while someone beats some drums doesn't seem as much fun as electric lights and an electric sound system. Just joking, I don't think I would be going to strip clubs if that happened. I wouldn't even be able to drive anywhere with power out at the gas pumps and I'd be more concerned with food, water, and living. Hopefully that won't happen this time because I doubt any of us are prepared for it, even though it probably has happened several times already in the last several hundred years and will happen again sometime. Hopefully the only way that will happen is if someone detonates an electromagnetic bomb. Next 2 years should warm back up. Everyone can just forget what I said.
So, you're talking about solar radiation knocking out satellites and power grids...well, that is a real threat. It's already happened before too. That's why the Space Weather Center out in CO was formed. They do a good job watching the Sun IMO.
If Obama wins, and the odds look high given there is a recession on the doorstep, you will be surprised how the debate will change in regards to the man-made global warming issue, because the lefties will have to put up or shut up, and since the GW debate is currently 98% political - they won't be too anxious to bash Obama (even though he's a man-made GW hypster)- who obviously will not be interested in entering the United States into a 100 year depression to (theoretically) drop the temperature approx 1 degree by the end of that period
Oh I forgot Kerry supposedly lost in Ohio because of the Diebold voting machine conspiracy too, 4 years later
No need to worry, dems will win the next one………
Try actually reading what happened after those recounts were done Davy. Gore won FL. Gore won in 2000. The totally bogus Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore was apparently the ONLY bit of caselaw from the Court that can never be used as precident. The Court EXISTS only to set precident, period. Even the Court knew what they did was wrong.
While there were irregularities in OH in 2004 (like more votes being recorded for Bush than there were actual voters in a county or two), I don't think that Kerry won. It's just that Bush should have never been there as an incumbent in the first place. Hopefully, for the first time in 8 years, we can have a clean election this year.