
Comments by casualguy (page 48)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are crazy dancers a dime a dozen or only 1 in a 100?
    The other politicians I worry about are those who seem to be on their own religious mission. In my opinion they should practice their religion themselves, not try to run for office and impose their religious views on me and everyone else. For instance if you think lap dances are immoral, fine, don't got to strip clubs. Don't run for office and try to get a bill passed banning it to impose your religious views on me. Have they ever played a card game or used dice in a game (at least here in South Carolina?)? If they are trying to impose religious views on me, just think, they already violated the religious views from someone ages ago. At least most of those old laws are not enforced. I think many would be pissed if the police broke into their homes and arrested them because they were playing a game of cards.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are crazy dancers a dime a dozen or only 1 in a 100?
    Meanwhile I seem to be getting more and more calls from politicians or people running for office. Today I had another message on my home answering machine from someone running for one of the local offices saying I was invited to something. I'm wondering if they think I'm related to one of the more visible politicians because my last name is the same. I don't know. Maybe I should write down cell phone numbers etc. that some politicians are giving me. That might prove useful one day instead of just ignoring them. I have to admit, I don't ever remember any candidate for a local office making door to door visits in my neighborhood asking for your vote. I'd rather elect an ordinary guy who understands how it is for all the ordinary people rather than some elite rich guy who doesn't have a clue. I think the elitists don't care if their new law or bill is going to fuck up your life.
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    16 years ago
    no longer customer, beyond
    Emmy thanks for posting and sharing. I fell asleep tonight watching tv and have been sleepier than normal this week posting a bit more crazier than normal this week I believe. My thoughts on this are if a guy is paying a girl to sleep with him, that seems more like a business arrangement. I don't see that progressing into any sort of loving arrangement. I think more highly of a relationship where money is not exchanged. A relationship in my opinion is not one where you have to pay a dancer or any other girl to get what you want. Of course the whole subject is debateable because some would argue marriage is a much higher price to pay for a guy to get want he wants and that is what some relationships lead to. Brushing aside other debates, a regular relationship between a male and female in my opinion is what can lead to a deeper relationship. Not knowing your situation or your thoughts, I don't want to put ideas in your head. I do not feel like you are being stupid not charging him like some of your dancer friends may do with other guys. Those aren't real relationships they have, those are business deals for a profit. Guys in my opinion will treat it that way as well. However some guys can be harder to judge, some guys and girls as well sleep around with lots of members of the opposite sex just because they enjoy it. A few guys may act like that as well but many guys do not find picking up dates as easy of a task as they make it sound. Then there is a good chance they don't care for her as well after they know her. You have something special it sounds like.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are crazy dancers a dime a dozen or only 1 in a 100?
    By the way, I like dancers who are not ordinary so the more crazy dancers there are, the better for me. I think most of society is insane especially politicians. I prefer a little bit crazy a lot better. They are the sane people living in an insane world.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another TUSCL change.
    I didn't notice any change. Look for the post on spell checks. I went to the third page and posted to it. The last post was around 05/03/08.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Spell checks.
    I'm just posting here to prove shadowcat wrong. The last post was on 05/03/08. That's more than 25 posts ago.
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    16 years ago
    Obama and strip-club employees
    Another reason not to vote for Obama in my opinion. Many want change but I certainly do not want a change for the worse. I may have to explore third party choices for a protest vote.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    and joking about this topic, one dancer wanted me to go down on her but I told her I wasn't into that. I didn't tell her I just wasn't into that with her because I was afraid of how many people had been there before.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why so down on the dancers?
    If you've met enough strippers, you might realize without a doubt why you can have a love hate relationship with a number of dancers. Sometimes your hot, other times you're not. Sometimes you're just ignored, sometimes you may even get ripped off or get money stolen from you if you're not paying attention. However the majority of dancers have been nice and look good and have been quite friendly to me. However late in the evening on a strip club site, talking sweet thoughts about dancers isn't always the first thing on my mind. Besides many of the nice dancers probably would like it if I didn't talk too much about them on the internet. One dancer doesn't even like me to mention the prices she charges me in the club because she says that's a lot less than I charge anyone else in her words. Then the next weekend she raises her price up 5 dollars. I don't need any dances from her so I'll just take a break from her discounts now.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    So I guess the general answer is 85 percent yes. However in a strip club you don't know if she's into that with a guy or with another girl or both. I like thinking if she has a tongue ring, she likes to use that on something.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are crazy dancers a dime a dozen or only 1 in a 100?
    I think I'll joke about something safer. If I don't stay away from crazy dancers, then may the sun grow dim for a few days and the Earth get cold if I don't. There that phrase sounds a lot safer to say. I don't like joking about something that happened half a continent away even if I was joking before anything happened. No harm intended. On the other hand if there is more than just a coincidence between actual events and my jokes, all of you are in big trouble already because you're nothing more than a simulation I dreamed up and I'm living in a virtual reality world. Either that or I really am crazy and am currently stuck in a virtual reality world where I created all of you and they are just waiting and hoping for me to wake up one day into the real world. I probably shouldn't joke like this. I can just imagine a big dust cloud dimming the sun now for a few days and a big rumour getting started that this is nothing but a simulation and one day the guy dreaming it all is going to wake up and end the game. In case you didn't notice, I have a good imagination. Is it even possible to stay away from crazy dancers in a strip club? Probably not.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strip clubs safe from terrorists?
    I guess they were having some fun before their journey to the fire and pit in hell. There they burn for all of eternity unless someone gives them a break. Fat chance. That's a great lie to sucker them into hell if some of those guys still believe they'll get a bunch of virgins for killing others. Their programming is so good, you can tell them the truth about going to hell and they won't believe a word you tell them. Brainwashed at an early age they are. Just my opinion. Brainwashed idiots can be very dangerous.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New Bill before Congress.
    On the other hand, maybe this is a good thing. Let our worthless congress waste more time debating and proposing bills that mean nothing in the end. That way they can't screw up the rest of our economy any worse than it already is. Lol, if this bill isn't dropped, I can see the headlines now. CONGRESS declares sex magazines on military bases is the biggest problem facing the US economy. Stock market rises 200 points relieved that the credit crisis and bad economic news is behind us.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    New Bill before Congress.
    It's no wonder congress has a lower approval rating than President Bush. They are worthless or getting closer to it for not dropping such a stupid bill in the first place. If someone wants a magazine they can just go off base. It's nice to know one congressman thinks he needs to babysit our military men because they aren't old enough or wise enough to judge for themselves what they think is ok. Ok that was sarcasm if someone didn't get it. I'd like the congressman who proposed the bill spend some time patrolling Iraq as a serviceman and then see if he still believes in restricting tiny little things some of the military guys may buy in their free time. If he does then he really is an a....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    This can apply to girls in general and not just dancers. Any opinions?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Economics affecting strip clubs in your area now?
    I read somewhere that there may be a correlation between how much money people are willing to spend compared to how much wealth they feel they have such as the with the value of their house. If their assets are increasing in value, they are more willing to spend discretionary money and visa versa if their home value is dropping. With that in mind, I was surprised today to hear home values in the Spartanburg area of SC increased 10% versus last year and Greenville, SC homes increased 6% versus last year. Some parts of California decreased 29% versus last year. I think I know who might feel like spending more money. However I'm reading some free investment advice from more than one source that is predicting the economy to get worse and several more chapters to run in this credit crisis. Bernanke seems to agree that things are not normal.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The Number One Rule for Going to Strip Clubs
    My #1, go to strip clubs to have fun. If I'm not having fun, there's no point in me even setting foot past the door.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Learning the truth (about dating Dancers)
    I'm glad I only run into dancers that want to skip all the dating stuff and get down to business. First time I visited the VIP... Just kidding. Dancers lie all the time about not being involved with other guys especially if she thinks you care about that. They see hundreds of guys every week if they work in a busy club. As a guy if you worked in a club and you had hundreds of girls wanting to get dances from you and several wanting to screw you and you told a few that they were special and you weren't sleeping around with anyone else, how many girls do you think would believe you? Probably a few.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Actually I don't know if that was an old lady or not, much too kind, that was a bitch that lived down there. The speed limit in the neighborhood was 35 mph. One morning I drove down the street (at the end of the same street I lived on) and I was going 33 mph. The bitch called the police to complain about me speeding down the street saying I could have hit someone. There wasn't anyone near the street. One of her kids was standing about 25 feet from her house but well over 50 feet from the road. I got a better understanding of the word bitch after that, using the police for her dirty tactics was something they probably didn't care for because they didn't call me to complain. The police can cut you a break and I believe they get harassing phone calls as well from people I just described.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I haven't seen a raid but I have occasionally seen police officers in uniform in a club. I went ahead and tipped a dancer like normal. No problem. My brother and I had more of a problem with the police in one small town we lived in at one time. Actually he got blamed and the police were ready to harass but they left it at that because he wasn't doing anything illegal. Occasionally someone in the neighborhood (probably an old lady with a beef to grind complaining about my brothers loud car) would call up the police and complain about seeing a car and hearing a loud noise. She probably made it sound like he was tearing down the neighborhood. About the only thing he was guilty of was purposely irritating the old woman by revving his engine after she called to complain about him. After that it became like a little feuding match with her calling the police every time he drove by. I think of number of the policemen have an attitude and it's best to stay off their radar screen. They will go after drivers if people keep calling and complaining in a small town.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Soft core or hard core?
    Are you asking for help from your buddies here on TUSCL? Someone take the girl on the right and I'll look for the girl on the left and then we can compare notes. Better yet to be scientific, we buddies need to sample all the girls along with a third control group girl to make our evaluations scientific. hmmm, this could take some time. Are you sure you want our help on this shadowcat? I didn't really want to hook up with any dancers but if a buddy really needs some help evaluating dancers... :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Amateur nite in GA, AL, SC or FLA?
    Some of the dancers in Greenville at Platinum Plus will encourage a female tipper if they know she's willing to go topless on stage with them or just lie back on the stage with their feet on the steps. She could visit Saturday night and if she finds the right dancer after tipping a few, she might have an opportunity to go topless or let the dancer pull up her top and flash the crowd for a few seconds without going through all the trouble of an amateur contest. I often visit very late Saturday and would enjoy seeing that as well. I think if a hot 10 wants to encourage dancers to help her flash her tits, that would be encouraged here.
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    16 years ago
    Amateur nite in GA, AL, SC or FLA?
    The Trophy club usually isn't that crowded either and I believe they may still have an amateur night as well. I'm not sure. It seems like many clubs have an amateur night around here. Platinum Plus used to have one on Saturday night. I think it got moved to a different day not long after a 200 pound girl got voted the winner or runner up as the crowd thought it was a lot funnier to cheer for her rather than the other much more attractive contestants. I've noticed many amateur contests do seem to have a stripper or two from another club competing in the contest. I don't know if they lied on their forms or if that's acceptable but I've seen it happen several times. Sometimes the biggest factor of who wins seems to be how many fans the girl brought with her to the club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Amateur nite in GA, AL, SC or FLA?
    I thought at least 2 or 3 or more clubs in the Greenville, SC had amateur nights. I don't remember which nights they are. I suspect the best choice would be to call and ask. I thought Platinum Plus in Greenville still has an amateur night but I don't know how crowded they are at the moment if that's a factor or not. The crowd was light last night. Nepals I like but I don't know if they have an amateur night or not and they require membership or a hotel key if visiting I believe. I enjoy seeing hot dancers but am usually too busy or too tired to make any weekday visits to strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Economics affecting strip clubs in your area now?
    I've heard that the rebate checks are having a big effect in some stores here in South Carolina. I heard a relative say that Lowe's was so crowded the other day you would have thought it was Christmas. My local Lowe's (home improvement hardware store for those that don't have one) didn't look that bad today. Walmart looked a little bit crowded. All the restaurants looked crowded. It was Mother's day so no surprise there. The 2 clubs I visited last night were a lot less crowded last night then they had been. I suspect that might be more related to Mother's day and/or the bad weather we were having. Maybe it's because people weren't paid yet either unless they got a rebate check. I got mine early via direct deposit. I got worried for a second when I realized that I hadn't been paid yet on the 15th that I might have withdrawn too much money. No problem, rebate check was direct deposited early on the 5th. A long time ago when deciding how big of a house to buy, I decided I would buy below my means and have a more energy efficient house expecting the price of energy to go up a great deal. I decided I didn't want to be making a lot of money but be cash poor. I'm glad I made that decision because it's make it a lot easier to handle unexpected increases in expenses elsewhere.