
Comments by casualguy (page 49)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Economics affecting strip clubs in your area now?
    I guess all these high costs of food and energy will cause more people to just want to sit and watch. You have to cut back your spending somewhere unless you were saving money before. If you were saving money before, you'll save less or nothing at all. I was saving money before all these higher costs came about. Of course I set myself up to live beneath my means so as to have lots of disposable income for spending cash or saving it or however I wanted to use it. (ie, bought a smaller house than I could afford, not going out and buying the latest gadget, living closer to work, less than 8 miles one way, consolidating trips to the grocery store, bringing bag lunch to work most of the time).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How long with your ATF?
    I'm broadly interpreting ATF's as #1 or #2 favorites instead of a single all time favorite.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How long with your ATF?
    Some ATF's can by like yoyo's. You think they are gone but they keep coming back after disappearing for a while. If they are gone long enough (years) I may have forgotten all about them and won't remember unless they tell me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How long with your ATF?
    As long as it stays fun. 6 months sounds about right for dancers you only know in the club, now if you're talking something more and she's good, then it could be longer. However I typically like to avoid making the dancer seem to think we are suddenly boyfriend and girlfriend just because we hooked up and had some fun. However what I think isn't always the same thing as the dancer thinks. When a dancer starts talking about a future life with you, it's usually past time to find another. You only wanted to have a little bit of fun, she's gone way past that in her thinking. I don't know if that happens much though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format...
    I took a while to post a message. Actually I typed up one or two, deleted it, then posted a new one. It posted but I was immediately logged off as well. I thought that was fixed but I guess not.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Burma. Another tragicy
    Maybe the international group doesn't know how to work the corrupt politics over there. Maybe a few bribes and kickbacks to the right people and then some more aid will start flowing. It's obvious the government doesn't care that much about all the population living in their country. Ok, I'll put this topic back into stripping. We need to send a plane load of strippers to the government officials, actually I think they need more than just strippers, but I guess that is another topic. I'm just thinking what an all powerful group would be interested in. Maybe money, maybe sex. Probably not too interested is seeing their devastated country on the international news if foreign tv cameras came in with any aid. Just my opinion of the government there.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Compliments? Do you feel good giving them and or receiving them or are they just
    I don't know of anyone who doesn't like compliments as long as it's not overdone or seems fake.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format...
    I noticed when looking at reviews and clicking on hide snippets, it doesn't hide them anymore. The other thing that I could get used to but still am not is that after logging in, I'm used to the page format changing. Now I get logged in and almost don't notice it. I could get used to that but that definitely seems like a change. I guess I'm used to the login part of the screen disappearing every time everywhere else (all other software) but it's not a problem.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Rumour is that murder was involved. Obviously if that is true, then that would be hidden information or someone would be trying to hide it. I can easily imagine a number of powerful people who could be involved but I don't know. http://youtube.com/watch?v=bSl_bLi3EjM&feature=related
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the most unusual feature of a strip club that you have seen?
    I got it. The first time I visited the Masters at Myrtle Beach, they had a few large TV cameras and spot lights focused on the stage. They were performing several Las Vegas style shows I heard about 15 minutes per dancer. Those were real cameras I found out and they were filming for a DVD they made. That was the most unusual feature I've seen in a strip club even if it wasn't a permanent feature.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the most unusual feature of a strip club that you have seen?
    I'm trying to think. I know of clubs that have jacuzzis or hot tubs that you can get in with the dancer for some big bucks I believe. That's probably not unusual. A private room with a door for just a lap dance might be unusual. However those rooms have monitored cameras in them. I remember one club had a shower area that dancers could shower in as part of the show. It was set farther back in the club and not always used. The Crazy Horse in Myrtle Beach has a spinning table platform on top of the stage that seems different. Nothing I'm thinking of seems to really stand out though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Maybe a different line such as. "Sorry if my fat ass just about knocked you out. I would really be disappointed if I missed out on all of your snappy lines that cheer everyone up so much. You want another drink?" I'm thinking there's a good chance he's not sober if he's that clumsy. No need to antagonize him even more. Drunk people can be easily manipulated towards anger if you're not careful.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    The other thing to consider is if anyone even remembers the incident after a week or two. If no one remembers, then you can forget about it too. Or you could joke about it yourself acting like you don't care. Tell a clumsy DJ, yeah you better believe my fat ass is going to block your way, you have to be sober to get past me. I'm so big I can knock you down by just turning sideways. However I'm sorry for knocking the crap out of you, I'll try to watch out for you next time. That would be a good comeback line or two.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    My comment about co-ed dorm rooms, playing strip poker, snowball fights with thousands of college students disappeared into limbo. I was really surprised to hear there are now 12 colleges with co-ed dorm rooms (yeah, not just a suite or building but a male and female sharing the same room). I didn't even have co-ed rooms when I was growing up. It was all boys in one room and all girls in the other.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When Law Enforcement Isn't Funny
    Yep, in the US, arranging paid sex between two consenting adults could put you away for a long time. Sex is dangerous, you could be spawning the next Hillary or Bill Clinton or George Bush and end up killing many people or creating a new dangerous society. Yep, I don't blame the US for having a law trying to stop that dangerous practice. The next step might be restricting that act among married people if you supported the losing party that didn't make it into office. Obviously if they supported the losing party they must be a bunch of retards breeding and that should be eliminated don't you agree? Ok, sarcasm off. I was demonstrating how stupid I think these laws are and could become with politicians pushing for more and more restrictive laws that don't do much to protect society.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What to do when the music is just too loud?
    If my ears start ringing shortly after entering a club, I know I should go someplace quieter or put in ear plugs. Hearing loss is supposedly permanent so I want to protect my hearing. I don't really care to visit places where I feel it's necessary to wear the ear plugs. I do take them out if I move to a quieter location within a club where the dancers aren't shouting at you but can talk at a normal level. As far as the brand I picked out I wasn't that concerned with the brand as I was the shape (yellow round like a small cylinder) and the rating on it (good for 29 decibels or NRR 29). Then you just have to squeeze or roll it up and then it can neatly hide away in your ear canal as the foam expands back out and many others may not even notice you're wearing them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Pseudocyesis 4 $$$ - I was right :)
    I haven't ever heard of a dancer claiming a false pregnancy. At least I don't know of any dancers claiming they were pregnant when they weren't. I think of pregnancy as a bit of a turn off in a strip club setting. She'll get bigger in the stomach area and will need to stop dancing for a while. I wouldn't give her any money or dances just because of that either. In fact, I'd be ready to run the other way unless I liked her already.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When a visit to an escort goes wrong....
    I suggest the people of Illinois cut back on their police budgets or direct the police to solve real crimes like murder and robberies. Maybe a politician is running on family values and a crackdown was what he needed to talk about his family values. There always seems to be some bs political crap involved. However a lot of the police believe in enforcing whatever law is the law even if doesn't help too many people. If BJ's are illegal in Illinois, I bet a politician would be pissed if the police broke into his house under the suspicicion that an illegal act was being performed between his wife and the politician. Then he could get charged with a crime against nature. Ok, sarcasm and ranting over. Some of the laws in this country suck or rather ban sucking.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    When a visit to an escort goes wrong....
    "against the peace and dignity of the said People of the State of Illinois." What a joke. Most people in my opinion don't care if two consenting adults are engaging in a sexual act in private somewhere. I really think it would be a good idea to legalize prostitution, maybe even tax it and provide condoms and std education with the tax money. Instead tons of money is wasted on crack downs and police stake outs arresting people trying to have sex. I would rather the taxpayer money be spent on the police looking for people out to commit crimes like murder, theft, and other things that could cause a lot more harm than a woman on a street trying to have sex. However the people believe in wasting money across the nation like we'll never run out of it. They don't demand changes to the law or try to stop the wasteful tax spending. Just let our government borrow more money and waste it. Don't worry, your taxes won't be going up yet until we're close to a national bankruptcy. Ooops, we're almost there but most of the general population is too out of touch with financial news to even realize it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What to do when the music is just too loud?
    By the way, I've talked comfortably with several dancers with ear plugs in. Some of the dancers would hurt my ears in that loud environment when they shouted in my ears so ear plugs can really help. If someone whispers I wouldn't be able to hear them in a loud environment with or without ear plugs. Good luck.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What to do when the music is just too loud?
    I thought you lost your hearing with age so it seems like older folks wouldn't be hearing the music quite as loud as I hear it. I guess if they had a hearing aid, it would be extremely bad and they would have to turn it off but then not hear anyone talking. I can see that situation being bad. I have in the past been able to listen in on people's phone conversations including the person talking on the other end of the line. That's if I'm within a few feet of them. I only hear one person talking if I'm in another cubicle but I try to block out all the noisy distractions. Right now for me, birds chirping and noisy neighbors are the big noise makers especially when I try to sleep in on the weekend. However I still bring ear plugs just in case when I go to the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What to do when the music is just too loud?
    I went to the local drug store and picked up the small all foam 30 decibel ear plugs that can neatly fit in your ear. If the music is too loud, I squeeze them, roll them up and insert them all the way into my ear canal for a proper fit. It blocks out a lot of the noise but I can still hear conversation pretty good because usually the people are talking a lot louder than they realize. Actually the brand I picked up recently was at Walgreens Flents I believe rated NRR 29 or 29 decibels. I thought they worked pretty good. I haven't even worn them in a while because I thought the Platinum Plus clubs had turned down the music volume off the deafening roar they used to always have it at. There are spots in Columbia that are definitely very loud near the speakers. If it hurts to visit a club, I won't be visiting too often. I have worn ear plugs to sleep better if it was noisy outside, however it bothers me a bit to sleep with the ear plugs pressing into my ear if I sleep on my side. I have occasionally noisy birds at 6 AM and all day and the occasional noisy neighbor.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the strip club review list, comments, possible changes Founder could make?
    Thanks again for the comment Founder, I know you're busy. I'm busy and I'm not running a web site either.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the strip club review list, comments, possible changes Founder could make?
    If you go to internet chat sites like I did early on when I first used the internet, there are a ton of hackers running loose on there. I haven't been chatting on there for a long time now though. Lots of hackers, outlaws, and LE on there all chatting away along with the general public.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the strip club review list, comments, possible changes Founder could make?
    Ok, thanks. If you don't clear your internet cache, all the web sites you visited and all the trash your computer picked up during web surfing stays on your pc. I have an older pc and I routinely clear my temporary history to speed up the internet and in case there is anything bad in there. Right now my pc is a whole lot slower than normal and I don't know if someone hacked into my pc or what. Anyway I routinely try to delete temporary files and usually turn off my pc when it's not in use because something or someone tries to use my internet connection. Probably hackers trying to use my bandwidth. Some might think I'm joking about the hackers but they are real and I've been contacted by a couple. One time someone was playing a game with me. Another time someone invited me to join up. Some others just want to mess around apparently because they have nothing better to do for a minute or two. One time my pc even mysteriously got fixed after web surfing so not all hackers are bad. In case no one picked up what I am talking about, if you make selections on a site like this that isn't permanent to your profile but just stored temporarily in a cookie, then you delete temporary files routinely, all that information gets deleted as well. Then I have to select everything all over again for each web site I visit if it's not permanent to the login profile. Just wanted to let everyone know.