
Comments by casualguy (page 47)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    I really believe paying her money will only make it seem like business to the guy while many females do get emotionally attached especially if you sleep with her. Being young, she may not even realize she has gotten attached to you and have feelings. On the other hand, she might be your future wife if things progress.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    I remember when a dancer told me she wanted me to go to Vegas with her. I said no pretty fast. She actually got a bit upset and went off and started sulking. She eventually asked me again and I asked if she was paying for the plane tickets. She said no. I thought so. She wanted a paid trip to Vegas and probably wanted me to pay for everything including some gambling money I bet. A while later she thought of another trip, she asked me to go with her to some gambling boats off the coast. I tried to indicate to her that I wasn't made of money even though she acted like I was. She indicated to me she would get naughty at night but that wasn't any enticement since she wanted to do that all the time anyway. I've taken a trip to the beach with another dancer and I paid for the hotel room and gas (it was cheap gas back then) and that was it. I don't necessarily approve of married people cheating but as far as prices go, whatever you both are happy with price wise seems to keep people happy. Instead of paying someone per day or job, I might have it more detailed, pay for airplane ticket, meals, some entertainment service, some gambling expenses up to x dollars and everything else is up to her. Unless you just want her thinking you're going to pick up and pay for whatever she wants while on her trip. Maybe she thinks it's ok to blow a thousand or so at the gambling table, maybe spend a few hundred on some clothes, if you're not happy about other possible expenses, I would be upfront.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    If police were authorized to execute people on the spot based on their own judgement, we would suddenly be in a mad max world. I would arm myself and get trained and be prepared to use it because I would never know when a lunatic police officer wanted to shoot me because he had the power to get away with whatever he wanted. I believe most other men in my state would feel the same way. Society would not be safer. If you make guns illegal, only illegals will have guns. Having the right to have a gun was met to protect the people from an oppressive government. You have a democracy if the government fears having all their citizens angry at them. You have a monarchy or tyrant if the people are in fear of their government. Back on subject, a clit stud might imply her pussy is tight. At least that's what one dancer kept telling me all the time. She wanted to get a tongue stud too but I talked her out of it at the time.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Your ideal strip club
    Oh, one more thing, when a dancer climbs down off the stage and sits on your lap, no more bouncers coming over to warn the dancer. She probably would have been ok if she hadn't left the stage or been completely naked. She did have shoes on so I guess she was partially clothed. I was thinking that is what I call close. A bit surprising as well. hmmm, she didn't know the club rules and I didn't try to take advantage of her. I don't know what's wrong with me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Your ideal strip club
    Yeah, lol, good shooting, hey, I just had another idea, what if the lights were just slightly inside and it made her pussy glow in the dark? I'm not sure how a sensor would pick up the infrared beam unless a tiny part stuck out a little. I can imagine some feature entertainer eventually trying something like this instead of the dollar bill toss and give out laser guns and have them shoot them at her pussy or a tiny spot on her pussy from their table. Then a wireless device could light up on their table if they hit the bulls eye and they get a free lap dance or 5 dollar rub on the stage. I don't know, that might need a few more bells and whistles to make it fun. I would give dancers a wider age range. 18 to 45 is ok with me if they look good and fit. Actually if you can't tell that they look too old, I'm ok. Maybe it should be a requirement that hot female customers have to go topless at least once when they go to tip a dancer on stage. I think that would be nice. Some do already though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper With Smelly Vaginas
    I remember smelling one dancer as I approached to tip her on a satellite stage. I decided to quickly give her a dollar tip and get the hell away. My first thought was that she must have a yeast infection or something going on. I realized why nobody else was approaching the stage after that. I know some dancers do care a great deal. I've met some sweaty dancers and they told me they were going to clean off and/or shower and then come back. I've met a few who did so too. When I first heard that, I didn't even realize some strip clubs had showers in the back for the dancers. I'm not sure how many strip clubs have showers for the dancers. Is that normal?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drunkest dancer I ever saw...
    Alcohol also increases the chances of women getting breast cancer. So if you see a dancer drinking, maybe we guys should offer free breast exams as well. One dancer seemed very interested. I told her I didn't have any medical training but I did see some videos on youtube about how to do breast exams.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drunkest dancer I ever saw...
    hmmm, now if a pretty dancer seems drunk and asks if she can go home with me, I might feel obligated to take her with me. Lol, maybe I should tell her I have beer in my fridge and a satellite dish. A lot of dancers can't handle too much beer. Most men have an enzyme that digests the alcohol while females do not in general. I've heard about a study that men and women can drink the same amount and the enzyme in the men will knock out the alcohol in men a lot faster than it goes away in women who lack the enzyme. Plus that doesn't take in account that most men have a bigger body mass than women and the effect of the alcohol in one bottle of beer has less impact on a bigger body mass. Therefore most women get drunk a lot easier than men.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Drunkest dancer I ever saw...
    I read about a drunk 23 year old girl was driving down the interstate the wrong way the other night here in South Carolina and crashed head on with a semi. I can only hope if people choose to drink, they have already found somebody else who can give them a ride home. Even riding home with a strip club customer if he doesn't look shady probably would be safer than driving drunk. Not that I really want a dancer to wake up and wonder how she got there.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    Some people might say that 2 or 3 wrongs don't equal a right. Using drugs, having a baby when you're single or getting an abortion are not good things to do by themselves. Combining them or only doing some of them isn't necessarily smart either. I thought this topic was stupid or definitely one that many would disagree with. However I decided to post to it since if those 90 million people who had been aborted during the last 20 to 30 years got to speak, they might see things differently. 90 million dead. Just think how many strippers have been aborted that could have been giving extra competition in the strip clubs. I think abortion is wrong. That might be surprising to read from someone who posts on a strip club sight but apparently the dancer above thought having the baby would have been better as well. Apparently she knew better but made bad choices.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's up with the delayed text?
    I might need to invent my own algae oil company if someone doesn't get cranking away faster on some better energy alternatives. Darn electric plug in hybrids are still 2 years away. It's as if the oil companies want every day Americans to start up their own biofuel companies. I guess if I want to be a billionaire, I could start up a company that did conversions on your car to run on alternative fuels and provided biofuel stations in enough locations. Looks like all the other rich folks are content just to drive up the price of oil rather than help the ordinary people. hmmm, do I want to go thru the hassle of being a billionaire? nahh, I wouldn't have any time to go to strip clubs anymore. On the other hand if I stay home long enough because the gas price is too high...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's up with the delayed text?
    Just ignore the posts above. I found the problem and it wasn't this web site. Somehow some kind of market oracle was running in the background on my pc. Forgot I even had a web link for that. Said something about uranium breaking out. If you think oil is high, China is building over 30 nuclear reactors and will be buying up that stuff too along with every other country that wants to go that route. However the price might suffer with the stocks crashing down a bit during the summer. Ok enough of my ranting.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's up with the delayed text?
    I don't know what's wrong with this site. I haven't experience this problem on any other site.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Your ideal strip club
    To add to the laser tag strip club arena, a laser tag sniper rifle and scope would be pretty cool to for those really long shots. If the scope magnified the dancer so you could see her good, all the better.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Your ideal strip club
    hmmm, I don't know if my club would be a strip club. Maybe instead of a sign that said 2 drink minimum required that you didn't see right away, a sign that says, you must receive at least 2 BJ minimum, on the house of course. Free drinks, free food (hot pizza, hamburger and fries, lots of hot naked dancers. Then even an arcade car racing area and some other video arcade games for when you want to take a break but don't want to take a long break from the regular strip club. Then for when you get tired of a regular strip club, a laser tag strip club where the dancer dances on stage like normal but you can shoot her with an infrared beam and light up her lights near her nipples and lower regions if you score a hit. As a reward a couple of other hot strippers race up beside you and kiss you on both sides. Then you can walk into another arena and it looks like the bordello of sexy vampire strippers with very pretty dancers with real looking fangs with devishly good music playing. In none of these places does the DJ talk very much.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's up with the delayed text?
    I guess it's not just the text, scrolling around this web site seems to hang up or lag a lot, very annoying.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper With Smelly Vaginas
    Well since I'm not in love with any dancers like one poster might be, I will state the truth as I see it. Having met a lot of dancers up close, most smell ok. However a few do smell bad. Some dancers may not realize they have a bad body odor if they have been working and sweating for a while. A bad odor from their vagina instead of just bad general body odor is even rarer as might be expected. I will tend to not get any dances from a dancer if I notice a bad smell. With thousands of dancers in this country, I am sure a few probably have bad smells and they may not care. However all the dancers I routinely see apparently do care.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    ever have good food at a strip club?
    I sometimes eat the pepperoni pizza at Platinum Plus in Greenville, SC. It's good. I used to eat the hamburger and fries in a little add on restaurant with an open door at Mickey's in NC. I thought that food was good. It's been a few years since I've been there though. I remember the little add on restaurant at Mickey's to be very convenient and prices actually close to a regular restaurant price.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    My only memory of the 50's is from watching Happy Days on tv with the Fonz. It would have been quite shocking in that time if Richie and his friends went down to a local strip club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are strip clubs safe from terrorists?
    Today it seems like a large percentage of the population is wondering if 9-11 was a secret conspiracy not from terrorist groups but from another group for either money and/or power. If you told someone several years prior to 9-11 that a handful of guys with box cutters on airplanes could take down two large city skyscrapers and make the US go to war, most people would have thought you were crazy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    no longer customer, beyond
    I think the posters here are ordinary people. In fact we may be better off than many other people in society who are having problems with drugs or money. Most of the people who use this web site probably do not even post here so I guess we may be more strong willed than all the quiet people.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Economic Stimulus Payment Incentives
    My first ATF took a check. I didn't write it for very much and I can't remember why I even wrote it. Actually I don't even remember if it was her or some other dancer I knew. My biggest concern was not writing the check but giving her something with my name, address, etc. on it. That was ages ago though. I wouldn't do that now unless I trusted someone. The dancer probably believed me when I said I haven't ever written a check that bounced. Besides I think the dollar amount was small something like 20 or 30 dollars. I just didn't stop by an ATM machine. I can't remember any details.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Economic Stimulus Payment Incentives
    Has anyone actually received an actual check? I thought everything that everyone had received so far was mainly from direct deposit. I guess if you say you have cash and claim it was from a stimulus check, they won't care.