
Odd computer issue

Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Monday, August 28, 2006 2:49 PM
I'm having a "thing" with the type of pages that TUSCL uses. These ".asp" documents don't seem to come in for me, if I click the link to them A LONG TIME after having arrived at the page where the link is. This is weird to me. I can't really describe it more explicitly -- sometimes they come right in. But on those days when TUSCL seems cranky and isn't coming in lickety-split, the things that are NOT coming in are those links which I waited a while to click. So, for example, if I want to post to this discussion, I have to hit the "Post It" button quite soon after arriving at the "Add Discussion Topic" page. If I spend a while typing in the "Enter Message Here:" box first, then my access to the ".asp" page may have timed out. The solution is to copy what I want to say to the clipboard, back up one page (or simply hit re-load, though that sometimes won't work for the same reasons the "Post" button won't), return to the page I was just looking at, and then QUICK cut-paste my reply and hit "Post It." This seems to take care of the delay. What gives? Is this me? I find it happens with Netscape or Explorer, but only on some occasions with TUSCL. It's almost as though, the system at TUSCL's server is giving "priority" to mouse-clicks that are on "more recent" pages. Do you see what I'm trying to explain? Is there something I can do to alleviate this problem?


  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Mick: Ironically, the answer is in a post I wrote a few weeks ago, which I'll try to resurrect if I can find it.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Mick: It was in answer to your question on a thread you started, 'Search Capabilities'. In your browser's location box, replace the "94879" at the the of this page's URL with "93846" to see it again.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Actually I thought TUSCL was a bit slow and hung up at times. I have high speed DSL and don't have this problem on other web sites. I'm usually on this site when it's not quite so busy though. It's annoying when it is slow.
  • Mickkeyc
    18 years ago
    Chandler, thanks! Mick
  • Mickkeyc
    18 years ago
    Another odd computer issue - how does one board regular resurret old posts from several momths ago??
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    TUSCL occasionally times out for me while transferring data and displays an incomplete page with an error message. However, it's rare and it's not dependent on how long the previous page was displayed. I assume it's caused by the level of traffic on the site, but I've never needed to find out. It might be more frequent since the club map feature was added. I usually just click the reload button after a few seconds and it works fine.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    So other people don't experience a "permanent" delay sometimes on TUSCL?
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Book Guy, have you tried Firefox? I use it on my Mac for sites that don't work well with my main browser, TUSCL among them. It goes about interpreting pages quite differently from the way other, non-Mozilla-based browsers work, so it's always worth a try as an alternative.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    OK, here's another description of the problem. Sometimes TUSCL simply doesn't respond. I click on a given link, and it gives a "page loading" response and just sits there. Forever. In most instances I woulud simply interpret this, as the TUSCL side of things being slow. However, I have found a solution. Back up, come forward, and try again. In other words, if TUSCL doesn't respond, you can FIX it by taking one step backwards and then taking two forward. Example. I want to read pages A, B, and eventually C. I start at A, then go to B. Then, however, when I click the link to C, it delays. One solution, is to back up to A, then go quickly right through B without delay. The link from B to C will work. If I sit at B long enough, it will "time out." Weird, no?
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I'm using a state of the art 386 machine and not having any problems.
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