FYI, Columbia, SC club news "club manager got shot"

avatar for casualguy
FYI for those interested, the night club manager of Chastity's Gold Club got shot and killed by an attorney.…

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avatar for chandler
19 years ago
Strip club related, non-troll and non-troll feeding thread, so BUMP!
avatar for davids
19 years ago
AN: Actually I was going to research the question a bit later. Some of us actually are too young to collect social security so have to work during the day to support all the old people. I'll check sources I consider credible, ask some black people and get back to you on that one. I am just reluctant to trust anything you say, however, since this one isn't in webster, and you don't exactly have a track record for credibility. OTOH, you no what they say "even a stopped clock is right twice a day", so this might be one point for you!
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
Hey, davids: What state are you from other than a state of ignorance?
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
I would love to see davids go into the 'hood & call some homies cotton pickers just to see how far his ass is dropped kicked! What an idiot he is but even when it's pointed out that it's a racial slur he still won't aplogize to all those he's offended. Wonder if he's ever called a black stripper a cotton picker? If he ever did he'll be picking his ass up off the floor!
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
So you don't like my reference. I provide you with others. You can't be bothered, and therefore dismiss them. Like I said, you can not be wrong. Try my experiment then. Call a black man or woman a cotton picker. If you don't like being beaten up, just ask them politely if they'd consider it racist.

This really is pathetic. You could have just said you weren't aware that it was a slur and appologized, but you had to be smarter and right and I had to be wrong.

As for your posts, I explained this before. I typically don't bother to read your threads. I've obviously slipped a few times in my resolution. I guess I was drunk. Within other peoples threads I usually skim over your comments. I don't usually respond because what you say is very seldom of interest to me. Your posts are all the same. I do often find it a little amusing the lengths you go to to try to get someone to respond. The cotton picker post just begged a response because it was fairly clear you were trying to insult people as poor uneducated laborers (which you seem to think is somehow contemptable) and didn't know cotton picker was a racist slang. I was also fairly sure you'd be unable to admit that you didn't know or were wrong, so I couldn't resist. I've had my fun with you, you can go back to ranting. Don't worry, I don't really think you're a racist, you're just not very smart.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Dude, I do not have time to look at every bogus web reference you can paste.

I looked at wikipedia since I generally trust that source, however, at the top there is a warning that the article is in dispute, and further down I see that "English" is a "disparaging term for non-Amish whites". So I am not too worried about these reference you provide.

If you can find it as a disparaging term in Webster or some credible English language reference then I will gladly apologize the second I read it.

Finally, I see another one of your strawmen (Does it ever end with you? Can you make it one post without one?). You say that I've said that no one here could possibly know something I don't. Of course people here know things I don't. JC knows exacly how parody likes his dick sucked. And I am sure that you know your way around DC strip clubs better than I do. Hell, I don't even know where a single DC strip club is: so that's something you know that I don't. WHopppeee-do!
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
OK, so you only claim to be the smartest person on the board, not a genius. So now we can assume you are just a racist and an idiot, but not one who claims to be a genius. "Cotton Picker" is common slang. Read a book, google it, look it up. Up till about the 1950's about the only people who picked cotton were poor blacks. After that it was mechanized. Don't like Urban Dictionary, I picked it as the first entry Google gave me. If you want others try these:……………

I used to find you kind of amusing, the lengths you would go to to try and provoke someone into engaging you by insulting everything from the military to apple pie. Now I find you contemptable.

The other possibility is that you just plain didn't know cotton picker was a racist slur, and an apology would be in order, but that would be understandable. But then that would mean someone else on the board knew something that you didn't, and that can't happen, so you have to re-create reality and say it isn't a slur, that I just made it up. If it isn't racist, try calling a black man a cotton picker to his face.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Hmmm... For "picking cotton" they also have being "ridiculously drunk". Again not a reliable source.

And no, I never claimed I was a genius. You are back to your old strawman tactics. I just said I was smarter than all regular posters here except for RL. But that's not saying much. Anyone with an IQ greater than 87 could honestly state that they are smarter than all regular posters here (excluding RL and myself).
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Um, I've had to say it before, and I have to say it again. You are a fucking retard. (Also a liar for saying you don't read my posts or respond anymore, but that's a different story.)

Just for fun I looked at "urbandictonary" and it has all kinds of crazy meanings for words. For example "cotton candy" means "pussy". Um, ok, whatever. The problem is that it is self proclaimed dictionary of slang. Try Webster, you supposed professor. Fuck you're a god damn retard... By "cotton picker" I meant someone who picks cotton. If you think that means only blacks, then you, sir, are the rascist. Won't surprise me one little bit give the rest of your redneck beliefs.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
So davids, we all know what a klansman is and what a hick is, who are these "cotton pickers" you are refering to? Well in my experience it is a racist slur one step below the "n" word. I checked "The Urban Dictionary" since you like references.…

1. cotton-picker A racist slur to represent a black person, or person of African heritage......this word is used because in the Age of Our Founding Fathers, when blacks were slaves, they were known to mostly pick cotton.

You can also google. Anything that doesn't refer to the actual machine confirms this is a racist slur.

Surely a genius such as yourself would understand the racist connotations of that charaterization. Hmmm, that would make you either an idiot or a racist. I vote for all of the above.

Certain irony in you calling Shadowcat a klansman.
avatar for davids
19 years ago

"If I don't make any sense, only an idiot would respond to my message. I see who responded now."

Hmmm... Apparently casualguy has been taking logic lessons (and perhaps oral sex lessons, too?) from driver. Since you respond to Rl's posts when you claim that he doesn't make any sense, then you must be an idiot by your own logic.

Fucking retard.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
obviously logic has no place in any intelligent response to whatever davids post. It might make sense but does it really matter to an idiot?

davids has his own signature to describe himself, I'll think I'll start doing the same

clue provider

avatar for davids
19 years ago
casualguy: maybe if you weren't just some ole hick from a poor, backward state that is still living in civil war times, you would have a clue to provide. Anyway, I guess I should be grateful: it has been most amusing watching you tie yourself up with your own words, "logic", and generally lack of education over the last couple of weeks. Sorry you are such a retard.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
If I don't make any sense, only an idiot would respond to my message. I see who responded now.
avatar for davids
19 years ago

"I didn't state that a stripper has to talk to davids so I have no clue what nonsense you are blabbing about. "

So now you are saying that you did? Fuck. Get your story straight, you fucking retard.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
casualguy: Got any clues into Iranian history yet? Fucking hick from south carolina with no mind.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Of course posting clues is a waste of time to someone who just doesn't understand.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
davids you actually have one good point, I am clueless when it comes to whatever nonsense you are talking about. I didn't state that a stripper has to talk to davids so I have no clue what nonsense you are blabbing about.

However, I just felt a little bit sorry for whoever runs into davids and happens to have that misfortune of accidently talking to davids. That would be a truly bad day in a strip club.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
casualguy: you so fucking retarded: here's what you wrote

"it must be for the strippers who ****have to**** talk to him in a strip club."

Get a fucking clue, you fucking retard.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
FYI, just in case davids takes everything I say literally instead of getting the meaning of what I'm saying, I meant that if a stripper had the misfortune of talking in davids presence, then I would feel sorry for that stripper. I just wanted to post a clue for a clueless poster who actually believes he is superior to everyone else here.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
davids was just displaying his intelligence.... or rather the lack of it and also his superiority complex. Just imagine how awful it must be for the strippers who have to talk to him in a strip club.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
Congrats to Steelers fans.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
I would like to apologize those from South Carolina for saying that the state was nothing but a bunch of hicks. That was clearly wrong. There are also plenty of cotton pickers, and klansmen (like shadowcat) around.

Here's a clue to casualguy who is desperately in need of one: No stripper "has" to talk to anyone. Clue in, retard.
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
davids: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on! Have you ever been to South Carolina? If not just keep your fucking comments to yourself about everyone in the state being a buch of hicks. YOU are the biggest hick on this board!
avatar for Shekitout
19 years ago
The info I got was that he left the club and fired from his car as he left. It was not a boucer who was killed but the club manager.
avatar for dawg
19 years ago
I just posted more info in the review section - this local lawyer was apparently a regular, paid $250 to go to the champagne room, and the bouncer went to tell him that there was going to be a delay. When the bouncer got there, he found the lawyer getting naked and proceeded to toss him out. There was a big argument in the parking lot, the bouncer went back inside, and the lawyer fired a bulled into the door as he was leaving. The bullet went through the door and killed the bouncer. The entire incident was captured on surveillance video and the lawyer was apprehended a few hours later.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
In terms of "shot" he had a bigger gun than the deputies according to the article. I was thinking I hope it wasn't bigger than the guns the deputies in my town carry. I saw a pic the other day of the police where I live at and it looks like they could be in the military with their heavy duty guns. Maybe they carry bigger guns where I live after the shootout last year where one landowner didn't want to give up a foot or two of land off the front of his property for a wider road. People got shot and killed on that occasion as well. That was over a couple feet of land though and not a bar tab.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
The link worked for me. According to the story, basically a 62 year old attorney married with 2 kids, is accused of shooting and murdering the nightclub manager at Chastity's Gold club. It says a flash was seen from the car the suspect was in and the manager got shot in the head. I think perhaps he took his bar tab argument a little bit too serious.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
"Herring"? Sounds fishy to me. Is this made up?

No, I've never taken off my clothes in a strip club, but on at least two occasions they have been taken off for me in a way that would subject me to the public indency laws.

He may in fact have misinterpreted the phrase "all nude gentlemen's club. I believe last year he was arrested for theft over when he took a TV set from a motel whose lighted marquee read, "Free TV."

He will get anywhere from six to 18 months off.
avatar for minnow
19 years ago
Couldn't get link, but what kind of "shot" are we talking about here. John Wilkes Booth or Pee Wee Hermann?
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Isn't South Carolina just a backward state entirely full of hicks anyway?
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
The attorney mis-interpreted the phrase "totally nude gentlemen's club". An honest mistake.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I haven't ever been here but have wondered what the club was like a couple of times.
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