
Comments by evilcyn (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The bare look
    Dancing or not, I have and will stay shaven...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the average life span of a stripper posting on here?
    So chandler, what stage am I at ????
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper as therapist
    FONDL, I agree that relationships developed in this bis can be therapeutic. My ATF who I have spoke of manytimes, has been a great friend and great therapy at times and I know I have as well for him.. .. When the right connection is there it is bound to happen..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the average life span of a stripper posting on here?
    Shadowcat, I have beat the 60 days at least.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Angry Wife?
    Mae West Quote " Never ask a man where he has been. If he is out on legitimate buissiness he doesn't need an alibi, and girls if he has been out on illegitimate buisness, its your own damn fault." I love Mae west, she is my hero...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Angry Wife?
    Ok, how about an angry daughter.. We had a guy in the champainge room getting a dance, next thing he knows his daughter is swinging on him and screaming " how could you do this to mom" I have never seen him again..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    TV Sitcom Fantasy MILF
    I was gonna say Mortisha Adams, she is one of my favs...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Trying to avoid 1 dancer but want to see another 1 at the club
    It is sad that they just don't get the hint and leave you alone.. I am there to make money sure, but its up to the customer who to give their money too.. I don't understand this mentality in some dancers that it is a matter of freedom of chioce when you come into a club.. As a dancer, I say if they don't get the hint, be rude and tell them to go away, yes they may walk away calling you as asshole, but they'll get over it..you'll get left alone and be able to enjoy yourself more..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "Black" Stripclubs - The Customer & Dancer have an understanding
    As a dancer I have only worked in white or mixed clubs.. I would love an environment where girls are not trying to cheat and or just right out lie to make their money...I love dancing but hate watching head games that go on between dancing.. It is up to guys not to be played by dancers, as much as it is up to dancers to be honest with their jobs..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Scrunchers: Pro or Con
    I do ask this, if you are sitting to up, I can't get in there, zippers are rougher to when sitting to upright.. Being a small dancer, I like to climb all over too, this way I don't dig to much with my legs as well because it gives me more lap to balance on.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Best pants for lap dances.
    I like when it makes it easier to give you a dance, there is nothing wrong with getting the most out of it, and making it easier on our skin as well..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio Senate Bill 16
    I talked to almost every customer I could last night.. Nothing will change about losing freedoms if we don't use freedom of expression in the first place..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio Senate Bill 16
    To me, I feel either it won't fully pass, and or won't be to enforced if it does, now though because it is spearheaded by a group that feels they have the right to chose for us. Now it is personal to me.. To tell me you morals are better then mine. That as an adult I can't chose to show my tits.. UGH!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all the support.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio Senate Bill 16
    The one spear heading this whole thing is Phil Burgess of Citizens for community values, he is a ex-porn addict he clams and so he feels that no one should be exposed to things sexual in nature because he had issues.. Ya gotta be kidding me... He has been quoted in Saying that if people can't live morally, they will do it for us !! WHAT!! Why does one have the right to chose for us all..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Bird brains
    LOL@FONDL, it is alot like some of the girls I have worked with over the years... They get drunk, and at the end of everynight, they are crying.. We had one bartender I told her next time she cried when we worked together I was sticking her head in a sink...She never got drunk enough to cry when she worked with me again...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Little things: Do they enhance the expirence?
    FONDL, carama, destiny, or what ever works in mysterious ways.. Guess who calls me yesterday afternoon, My ATF, his best friend was in town ans wanted to bring him out to meet me.. I hadn't seen him since Dec. I can't believe of all days, after talking about what an affect he has had on me as a person. He makes in.. Reminded me of all those little things so much more, I was reaching dancer burnout a little, he fixed it right up, and reminded me why I love this job..I will have a big smile on face on stage for the next few weeks..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Little things: Do they enhance the expirence?
    FONDL, I so agree with thee intelligence some people have just in their own right. Education means nothing on how you view and deal with the world. I have found some of the most educated people I have run into are so set on their ways of thinking, they can no longer learn anything else.. My ATF and I, and complete opposites in regular life, never would have given the time of day to one another I bet in any other situation. We have learned alot from one another and I will always be thankful for that..He taught me about the "little things" in this thread without even knowing he did..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Little things: Do they enhance the expirence?
    FONDL, I want to say like 8 years older... We had so many things in common, and musical taste happen to be one of the biggest.. I love to dance to old school blues.. The first time we ever made eye contact I was on stage doing a blues set, and from that second it was history.. It feels like we have known eachother forever, and the fun we always have around one other is such a great energy..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More questions for EvilCyn...
    FONDL, It is a total neighberhood dive.. I do miss the niceness of the bigger clubs.. What I can make bartending here though is more then worth it being a dive to me Raincoat, Thanks, and I learn from here as well.. lotsoffun, No in fact some days make me horny as hell..My husband and I have been swinging for 15 years,so this in a way only adds to sexual energy for me, and yes, the stripper heels and clothes get used as much as possible at home too...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Little things: Do they enhance the expirence?
    FONDL, I have one ATF that I met 8 years ago that I could spend the whole day with him and not care if I make a cent from anyone else for the day.. He doesn't have a ton of money ,so its not like he is making up for what I could be making, I choose to spend the day, or what evertime he has.. I would do dances for him, and the rest of the world does not exsist at all. My club now is far away from where we met, and it is rough, he calls me like twice a year, and comes to see me, I wait on pins and needles till he does... He is one that changed my life, makes me a better person, and I have the stripper attitude I do.. I hope that some of you guys realize that some of you really do mean something to us..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Boxer Rookie
    LOL@ Book Guy, yes, I do, work out eat right, expect on Sundays, I eat what ever I want, and keep drinking at work to only certain days, and or with certain regulars who come in to spend quite a bit of time...Hair and nails, and all that stripper stuff that must be done....
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More questions for EvilCyn...
    Ok. holy shit, heres comes some typing..LOL Lets see, dancing for 10 years, Where I work I bartend 3 shifts and dance 3 shifts, I think that makes it easier to not get burnt out on it.. I have busted one, from a good relationship I may have with a regular, and things just work well together.. Normal friction sometimes if I haven't gotten any ass due to I have been around my husband to get some I have a things for youngins, seeing I am an older dancer, I can bust one on a cute young thing anyday.. *evil grin* Yes who I am dancing for can tell if I bust one thats for sure.. I will do my best to help someone bust a nut for the most part, as long as they are nice pleasant to around ect.. If they are difficult to dance for, then its their loss and I won't try.. I don't expect more if they bust one, and I may discount the dance count if I did, and or it was a long stretch of dances.. If someone is trying to press my limits, I just move the hands, Life is to short for me to spend it mad. If they keep trying , I will finish the dance father and father away, and then just not do anymore for them. No DFK, to me that is misleading and more intimate then I would want to be, a nice kiss, but not deep tongue.. No a hot guy does not get more leeway then any other, a hot guy can be as much of a dick as he can be a nice guy. All dancers are different, I compete with girls that do alot more then I do everyday, and yes, single girls, or ones in bad relationships are likely to give more in a dance to someone they maybe attracted too..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Boxer Rookie
    Book Guy, thanks, I want you to know, I really strive not to be one of those that dish out stripper shit, and or lie to get what they want.. I pride myself in being a honest stripper..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Little things: Do they enhance the expirence?
    I had one guy brighten my day yesterday. As I was posting that messeage yesterday, a few were running through my head, and low and behold one of them came in yesterday.. He is one of my ATFS to dance for, we always have so much fun, laugh and just click so well..
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    More questions for EvilCyn...
    I don't mind the questions at all... My husband and I have been together for 22 years, since we were 15, and married for 18.. He takes it as a compliment and does not get jealous, he knows I am coming home to him, he knows, he is what gives me my stability and confidence to do this job. I get asked everyday almost, everyone, has a magical number, and I would never do anything behind his back.. I am not offended, I take it as a compliment..Most OTC offers comes from single guys it seems, and they want to hang out and party, and then see if they get any.. Yes I have busted one giving a dance. Some of my best regulars have been married, and most don't look for OTC, they just want some fantasy for a little while with no drama (me being a stable married stripper) to go home and bang their wives. I love questions, and I love popping in on discussions on here, it helps me be a better stripper...