
Why is Bonerbreath a RACIST PRICK?

the speed force!
There is probably some deep dark event in Bonerbreath's past that explains his racist behavior. Let's speculate about what it was:

1. He is a closet case that stalks boards where heterosexuals post, pretending to like the girls. But he is actually attracted to African American men. So he finally went to a gay club and convinced a black dude wearing some SERIOUS beer goggles to hook up with him. But when he showed that dude his minuscule pee-pee (Boner is too small to merit the term "dick") his potential lover just laughed and said "I'm outa her you pathetic loser." This scarred Bonerbreath and made him hate that which he actually lusts after!

2. Boner once had a wife but he wanted to be cuckolded by an African American dude. His wife agreed but once she saw a REAL dick she left poor Bonerbreath. He now hates his ex-wife's lover and all black men.

Bonerbreath...buck up lil' guy. If it is the former there ain't much you can do. But also realize that people of ALL RACES think you have a tiny dick. So don't be a racist. If the latter, realize that most dudes have a bigger dick than you...so, once again, don't be a racist. The problem isn't black people. It the fact that you're a pathetic sack of shit.


  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Oh, and...fo shizzle mothahfuckah!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Q: Why did BonedBrother join the KKK?

    A1: because he refuses to accept the fact that his stupidity is the main reason for his failures in life and wants to blame the Jews, niggers and Catholics instead.

    A2: Because no other organization will let someone as dumb and hateful as him be a member!

    A3: Because he likes to be boned by the brothers
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    zip, I don't dislike you or anything, but you're a weird poster. I know you aren't a member who purposely trolls the board like many others here, but what's the point of a thread like this? Can't you see the board is already littered with too many silly threads?
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    Govikings- HAHA...it is so true that he is a weird poster.

    Zipperturd- Can you answer the questions as to why your propping me close to 10 times in one night when you were complaining that I propped you twice? You probably have no answer to this question
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Dougster - I'm reminded of an old Rodney Dangerfield line: "I wouldn't want to join any club that would have me as a member."
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    @gawker: LOL! Yes, a classic line. But wasn't it from Grucho Marc first?
  • BagBoyJames
    11 years ago
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    @VikingsDude... The purpose of this thread is, at one level, obvious. It is to get Boner's goat.

    Here is the thing...I like reading the silly threads. This board used to have a nice mixture of threads. Some silly, some not. Some folks avoided threads of types they didn't like. For example, shadowcat doesn't appear to like the silly threads. I say that 'cos he doesn't post on them. Maybe he reads, chuckles, and moves on. Maybe he totally ignores them. I don't know and I don't care -- he is doing his thing and that is coo-el.

    But there is a small group of non-contributors that really get in the faces of those they dislike. I'm talking here about "bones-I'm not a racist but I likes to use racial slurs-brother", 23cambyman, TDHQ, and Unchill Palmer. None of these three post or review much. But the constantly clog and derail joke threads with complaints. Is it really that hard to put Juice on ignore? OK, to be fair, you have to ignore the Juice aliases as well. But most of the issues could be eliminated by people ignoring those they dislike.

    Personally, I think Bonerbreath, Cambydude, and TDHQ are the real trolls. They want attention. So Boner constantly says racist shit and whines like a little bitch when he gets called on it. TDHQ talks of "firebombing" the trolls by...what was that?...being a troll. And Cambyman props me up to 20 times a day with some BS 'bout me not being a coo-el dude. C'mon dude...get your own lingo, don't ape mine. Well...to be fair...maybe I can be magnanimous and grant Cambydude use of my lingo 'cos he clearly has zero creativity. Also, he has cut back to only two props at a time (perhaps his doctor adjusted his meds).

    But the big point is these are people who COULD have taken the high ground and said "I don't like all the trolling...maybe cut it back" when Juice was in his heyday. Maybe actually having a mature discussion. With the exception of a few shitstorms there REALLY WAS NO ISSUE UNTIL THE TROLL CREW CREATED ONE!!! But the troll crew tried to out-Juice the Juice crew. But they aren't energetic or creative so the troll crew posts are just stupid...not funny, informative, or even that insulting...just stupid.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    So to summarize...we have an infection of BORING TROLLS. There are people who cannot have a respectful dialog with anybody. The simply deserve derision...

    However, I believe in the potential for redemption. If one (or all) of the Troll crew wanted to initiate an actual discussion about the social compact on this board I'd engage respectfully with that. But I don't think they want that. They are laughing about how "clever" they are, 'cos calling Juice a "coke-head nigger" is such a scathing insult. Real Algonquin round table stuff right there! But, as Tittyfag's pappy used to say...stupid is as stupid does.

    Wait...that was Forrest Gump. Tittyfag...was your pappy a beloved fictional character with a developmental disability?
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    Zipperturd- How about you answer my question again?!?! You allegedly say that I propped you 20 times but you propped me 6 times in one night...or you referring to yourself when you say these things...and you can't put one person on ignore when they write 20-30 posts a day and then have multiple aliases. I also did not like the fact that he was writing reviews that were fake and also making fun of shadowcat. Answer those questions why don't you?!?!
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Wtf are you doing here camby? Aren't you a bigshot lawyer thus you have no time for propping. Or are you really just an internet lawyer with an online 30 minute certificate?
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Okay!This is what I see.Instead of Foxy Boxing at PP Cola we put Juice and Bonerbutt in the ring with Zippy and Camby as the undercard.I know the undercard will be called,"The Vanilla Thrilla",but what are we gonna call the main event?Please send all suggestions to,Don "Dice" King.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    The Bad and the Ugly
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Good one esta
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I like you trying to justify posting crap because other people post crap you don't like.

    Strong strategy.
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    Estafador- I know you have been on my ass ever since I said that zimmerman was innocent and OJ was guilty. I know as a black man you were infuriated over those comments. I empathize with you as I am a black man myself, but let it go. I was just stating the facts...just because you are black and there is another black person and there is some racial tension associated with it, does not mean you should side with that person just because they are black. I have a kid your age (I am assuming you are in your 20's)and I try to instill the best for him because it is tough out there for young adults. I tell him I want his pants at his waist and to not use the N word, even between black people. I have had to put him in his place from time to time because of this new culture, and don't think for a second that I wont put you in your place. As I have explained this before and Dougster has been accused to this too, I am in different places. I have lived in various states throughout my life but I also travel frequently...so my times zones vary. I also have had to cut down on my work as my health gradually declines. The last few months I have stayed in a vicinity where I am near 3 major health systems to help me fight my illnesses. So as i wrap this up, Estafador, go pull up your pants before crazyjoe or zipperturd fuck you in the ass...because you like to receive! Remember, I get what you get in 10 years, in 2 days BITCH!
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    Zipperturd- You still havent answered my questions why you prop me so much...and if you want to talk about reviews...you just have a couple more than me and you have been here a lot longer on this forum. I also remember your reviews being blasted on this website because how horrible they were!
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    @JesterDude -- You don't seem to be keeping up. I try to make my stories 'bout the Troll Crew creative to amuse and delight. In contrast to Bonerbreath barfing up pointless crap with a heavy dose of racism I tell a delightful story 'bout how TDHQ was born 9 months after a cheap whore fucked a retarded German Shepard. I bring some panache to the game. Not just moronic repetition (unless, of course, the repetition is the point).

    I'd gladly treat Cambytude, Unchill Palmer, and even Bonerbreath with respect if they treated me with respect. My crime in their eyes is supporting Brother Juice. Now the Juicedude has been over the top at times...but he is also friggin' funny a lot of the time. Don't agree. Your prerogative. But a number of folks find him funny. What did I get from Cambydude in response to saying "dude...I find a lot of Juice's posts funny and so do others...ignore him if you don't like him"? I got BS about "you're sucking Juice's dick" (BTW Camby, 3rd graders everywhere called...they want their insult back). Why the fuck shouldn't I throw shit right back in that dudes face?

    BTW, the dude is clearly obsessed with me. Props me twice every time he logs on! I like deleting his props 'cos it gets his goat! I left one up this time 'cos i thought it would be funny that way. I bet if I push him I can get him to prop me 50 times in one sitting. YOU HEAR THAT CAMBYBITCH...PROP ME MORE YOU SACK O' SHIT!!!!
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    And Esta...IF Camby is a lawyer I'm certain he went to a third rate law school. And he probably couldn't pass the bar 'til his fifth try. I wouldn't want that dude handling anything of importance. He really isn't very smart. Just read his posts. No creativity. No panache. I suspect he practices law the same way.
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    Zipperturd- If you look at my profile there are 2 idiots whom have propped me with plenty of love...and that is you zeroturd and shittyjoe! So isn't it ironic that you say that I allegedly propped you 20 times yet you and shittyjoe do the same thing...I think I will prop you 20 times...maybe even more you hypocritical BITCH!!!
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    "Why the fuck shouldn't I throw shit right back in that dudes face?"

    I think I'm keeping up just fine.

    I also find it interesting that you mention "people that really get in the faces of those they dislike" but fail to mention the king of that description, the only user who has been doing it nonstop for several years: Dugly.

    Back to my original point, you're simply crapping on those members you don't like/pointed out you talk about juice a lot, and using that as a justification.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Well for starters, I forgot all about you disagreeing with me bout the Zimmerman case.way to bring up adead topic. For a laywer who is making chris Brown money, (I don't believe you) you spend far too much time here. Either your business is down on shit or it cease to exist. Either way, your full of shit. I didn't read your entire rant because its full of rambling crap that does not concern me, but I don't even talk to you bro. Since its a possibility your a dad (and can afford strip clubbing extensively, there's a whole lot of contradictions here) I'll tell you to kindly shut the fuck up already. I don't care if old. You pay to fuck your son's girlfriends...you see where I'm going.

    Oh and stop being a hypocrite and riding the "lets drag juice through the mud" cock. Your as bad as juice. Plus mozt of your threads hVe been absuing ogher members as aell. Your as mature as those you ridicule. Ass
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    And your psycho. You made two comments towards me in two threads I had no part of
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Esta- Don't get involved in these flame wars, just ignore that bullshit and keep doing your thing playa. Let them trolls fight it out.

    I agree with Shadow that certain people have turned the propping thing into a joke.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    With due respect ranukam, the propping thing is easily solved. Took me less than a minute to remove Camby's props. And I find it funny to think that Camby is compelled to communicate with me by propping, a venue I control.

    I think Esta is trashing Camby 'cos Camby attacked him too. I reiterate the offer to Camby...if he wants to have a mature dialog with the group about how much folks should post and on what topics I'll engage in that discussion rationally. I'll even take the dude off ignore (which I'm only doing to get his goat anyway). But saying that I'm "sucking Juice's cock" isn't mature rational dialog.

    Frankly, I'd much rather read Alucard's complaints on the topic. Alucard is much more rational and consistent in the way he approaches this topic. I still disagree with him. I enjoy reading the silly shit. I still think Alucard is too easily hurt and reacts to that hurt by lashing out, but I've come to be convinced that he is actually a pretty nice guy under that. I suspect I'd enjoy chatting with him over (non-alcoholic) beverages.

    I think 23cambyman just attacks those with whom he disagrees, period. I say I like many of Juice's posts...bam, I'm an asshole sucking Juice's dick. Esta says Zimmerman is morally culpable for killing Martin even if he got off, bam...Esta is an asshole that knows shit about the law. Camby goes from 0 to attack dog in less than a second. And Bonesbrother seems UNABLE to write a post without racial slurs. My attitude toward Boner would differ if he called Juice and idiot and/or asshole and cut the slurs. I'd disagree -- when I've PMed Juice he is always a nice guy. But it is Bonesbrother's prerogative to think Juice or I or anybody else is an idiot. Just dial back the hate.

    Do I hate either of those guys? NO. This is a joke. But I ain't gonna give those guys respect unless the act respectfully. Why exactly do the attitudes and behaviors they put out there deserve respect?
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