First billboard for new club: FAIL!

avatar for Estafador
Churches and strip clubs usually don't go together — let alone share a space.So local leaders were less than thrilled to see a billboard for Roadhouse NYC go up above the New Hope Baptist Church on busy Northern Blvd. in Corona.But following a Daily News inquiry, the billboard is expected to come down on Thursday.

Good Lordy Sweet Jesus, another church to strip club fiasco


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avatar for jester214
11 years ago
Nice of the club not to fight about it.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Club didn't fight because they know they'd look like jerks. But this actually sucks. What the fuck gives a church the right to say you can't advertise X near me. Would this have come out the same if some strip club had complained about a Christian group putting up a billboard saying "Repent of you LUST: Ephesians 5:5"?

Would the city coucil dude have said "of course the church has the right to say what the is a free country...but I hope common sense would prevail and the stop trying to interfere with a lawfull business bringing jobs to my district"?

No bloody likely!
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
Strip club church is a great idea
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I second Gator on that.
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
That's a sad attitude zipman. Civility reigned supreme here and that's a good thing.

I'd feel the same way if Budweiser slapped a billboard above a AA meeting spot or a recovery center.

If more people acted this way we'd live in a better world.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
@jester...I think you are actually the one with a sad attitude. My point was that there is a fundamental asymmetry in the direction of "civility" in this country.

If the church had asked the strip club and the club took it down to be nice folks....well that is their prerogative. I'd say cool. But my point was that the club didn't really have a choice. If they had said "we purchased billboards for advertising so we don't want to take it down" do you really think the church would have dropped it? Not bloody likely.

The problem I have with many (not all) churches is that the feel entitled. They get to say what they want but expect to be able to control the speech of others.

Just look at the atheist monument in north Florida. Christians put a 10 commandments monument in front of their courthouse. Why do they want to do that? Violating most commandments isn't even illegal. Indeed, America protects the right to violate many of them...and those that are illegal are hardly unique to Judiasim or Chritianity.

So Atheists put up their own monument. I wouldn't have bothered, but we do have speech you know. None of the pictures show anything clearly intended to be offensive to Christians. How long do you think it was before some dumbass redneck vandalized it?…

To be fair there is no indication the dumbass redneck is directly affiliated with a church. But it still illustrates the asymmetry of these demands for respect. They are saying "can put up a 10 commandments monument AT A COURTHOUSE MEANT TO SERVE EVERYBODY and funded by everybody's taxes (the courthouse that is..the monument was privately funded) and if you don't like it, FUCK YOU". But if another group says " speech..we'll share our beliefs too" then folks protest and some dumbass vandalizes it.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Maybe we need to stop calling the places we visit strip clubs or men's clubs and put up statues of Venus and start calling them temples to Venus, goddess of love and make it a house of worship with religious rights just like all the other churches. Practioners would worship Venus, dancers that is,by dancing nude or topless and others would drop off their donations or tips and obey the faith by getting lap dances, etc. The church of Venus could be located next to other churches, lol. That is until the religious right started fuming about too much religious freedom.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
In the Church of Venus, you would be expected to observe titties. lol
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I'm down with The Temple of Aphrodite.
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
avatar for jester214
11 years ago
@zipman, sorry man you're just flat out wrong on this one. You're hung up on the religious aspect because of a lot of things you think MIGHT be the case.

There is no fundamental direction of civility in this country, because their is no civility. People's gut reaction is to yell, make demands and call their lawyers.

You don't like religion or churches and you're pissed they got what they wanted on an issue you don't agree with, so you toss out a lot of "if" statements to make it seem reprehensible.

The strip club unintentionally put a billboard up in a place a lot of people would call offensive. They apologized and promised to get it taken down. That's something to be happy about, I wish everybody including churches would take that line on things.

You sound a little like a kid trying to justify not sharing because the other kids probably won't share either.
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