
Comments by zipman68 (page 81)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Every wonder about who is ignoring you?
    Fair enough rockstar. I don't dig the homophobic bullshit either. But I take a lot of it to be the South Park usage, where "homo" and "fag" are generic insults disconnected from actual homosexuality. Don't know whether I'm correct, and I don't use homo or fag in that context myself (unless quoting another, but then it has been to criticize the use). Overall, we should be less hung up about names. That said, I don't see a reason to use slurs.
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Nina from Stripperweb and TwoSheds
    I don't know what the issue with strippers who say they don't do extras is. Joking aside, my feeling is that people should do what they feel comfortable with. Why not take Nina at her word and say "cool, she is living your life in a way that you feel good about..good for her."? I am surprised that we never get an extras girl posting here (well, except BBBJBecky, and we all know she is totally NOT a dude pretending to be a stripper). Could be that some girls are lying or could be a self selection effect (extras girls, on average, go home and don't want to talk 'bout stripping on "teh interwebz" and/or have other issues). But it is more appropriate to take folks at face value unless they are obviously lying. TUSCL is anonymous (or at least it SHOULD be...). No need to lie (unless it give you or others the LOLZ, o' course). So, to summarize...Nina, you go girl. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. Dudes who respect personal choice will be cool with it. May not patronize you if they be XXXtras hounds, but they should be coo-el with it.
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    11 years ago
    Veteran's Day - 11/11/13
    Hear, hear
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Every wonder about who is ignoring you?
    I think Clubber wins the thread...his reply was like one of those classic Trek episodes where they defeat a superlogical computer by presenting a paradox. How could you reply if am on ignore...sputtering...but you would be lying if I am not on ignore...illogical...illogical...DOES NOT COMPUTE!!! (system failure ensues)
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Every wonder about who is ignoring you?
    Oh yeah mo'head...I guess I have said one or two things that might be offensive to the easily offended. I feel really bad about that ;-(
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If you got stuck in the future with no strip clubs but you had personal holodeck
    Now you're talkin' Mr. Shark... If I hacked the holographic universe I'd summon a 19 year old Vulcan that loves to give BBBJCIMNQNSQWERTYUIOP! With XXXtra QWERTYUIOP my friend. Woot! Woot!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    The BagBoy's mating call...
    Ooooo... Drama!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Cut!
    Juice! Juice! Juice! Wait...that should be... Drac! Drac! Drac! Or maybe we should stop celebrating individuals... TUSCL! TUSCL! TUSCL! I don't friggin' know...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    The BagBoy's mating call...
    TumblingDude...was that YOUR mating call? The bag boy has a chance with my hot neighbor. But you don't my friend...'cos you don't live HARD!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    lupDujHomwIj lubuy'moH gharghmey
    Make that मेरी मँडराने वाली नाव सर्पमीनों से भरी हैं Would you and Dallas stop conspiring with the eels! Eels! Eels! Svifnökkvinn minn er fullur af álum!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    lupDujHomwIj lubuy'moH gharghmey
    Bonerbreath...I have one thing to say to you...ჩემი ხომალდი საჰაერო ბალიშზე სავსეა გველთევზებით
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    @Dougster...Dallas...a CHRISTIAN?!! Whiskey tango foxtrot! How can that dude have ME on ignore. Probably worried I school him with my innovative hermeneutics and blow his simple little mind!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    with respect to Alucard...I honestly don't have a read on him. That is the big reason I've laid off him. I'm happy to joke with people. I'm happy to spar with people. I'm happy to engage anybody in an interesting exchange of opinions. I'm not quite sure how to do that with Alucard right now. I will say that I think he's actually a pretty reasonable guy behind it all. I disagree with some of what he say, agree with some other things. I suspect I'd enjoy a chat over a non-alcoholic beverage with him though... On the other hand, I find it interesting that Monsieur Dallas declares that I'm on his ignore list then proceeds to ridicule me...a sure sign that he doesn't want a respectful dialog. I suspect that I'd find him a stupid, ignorant blowhard if I had a beer (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) with him. Now I don't care about him ridiculing me...but the fact that I'm on his ignore list (if I really am...) raises an important question. Given that he doesn't want a respectful dialog and purports to be ignoring me, how am I going to get some LOLZ from the guy?
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    I should probably clarify my position for those who actually are engaging in some reasoned debate. I'm not going to directly address address Dallas because a) he claims to be ignoring me; and b) I've never had a high opinion of his intelligence. Not really worth my time...unless of course he does something funny in response (please Missa Dallas...I wants ya to do somethin' funny 'cos I need some LOLZ) I will, however, address one issue for the interest of those who actually want to hear something besides their own voice, like ol' Dallas. Dallas is correct that people have successfully been prosecuted for dissent in America, beginning as early as the Alien and Sedition acts. However, such actions on the part of the government were fundamentally contrary to the spirt of liberty. First amendment rights are meaningless unless one can express ideas that would logically correspond to dissent. We are, unfortunately, returning to such dark days. I wonder if Dallas ACTUALLY believes in liberty or actually doesn't give a fuck as long as "da gummint don't take his gunz". I took no position for or against Monsieur Dallas' posts until he characterized Alucard as an amoral asshole for disagreeing with his position. To be fair to Alucard, he never advocated doing anything he said through any means other than the democratic process. Above I stated my own position on gun control clearly. I also did not accuse Dallas of restricting Alucard or anybody else's rights. I'm sure he doesn't have that power. however, the characterization of one's opponents as not just wrong, but evil, if not exactly a pathway toward reasoned debate. I specifically called bullshit on that part and stand by that.
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    11 years ago
    Gun fire in Jersey Mall
    I'm going to call bullshit on dallas702's comment about people "opposed to the US constitution" living in the US being amoral assholes (or asswholes, as the case may be). A major POINT of the constitution (right up there in the first amendment, doncha know) is protecting the right to dissent. Moreover, the constitution has a mechanism to be amended. It is the RIGHT of anybody to speak out against any constitutional provisions with which they disagree and advocate repeal of that provision by assembling as a part of a group (another constitutional protection, doncha know) to advocate an amendment to accomplish this goal. Now, repeal of the 2nd amendment isn't going to happen. Not anytime soon, at the very least. But your argument about the CDC study is specious. The strong opposition to the seizure of privately owned guns is why the 2nd amendment isn't going to be repealed. If popular sentiment were such that a repeal were possible the landscape would be fundamentally different. Now personally, I'm not a gun control advocate. I think people who use guns in crimes should get very severe sentences (more severe than is typical now). I also think existing laws should be enforced. But I support the right of law abiding citizens to purchase guns and keep them. However, I call bullshit on any dude who supports on provision of the constitution out of one side of his mouth while telling people who exercise their rights under another provision that they are amoral assholes out of the other side. Now, you have every right to say and believe that shit. Just as I have the right to call you on it. If you're going to sling shit at Alucard that is your right and within the rules of this unmoderated board. And it is Alucard's right to sling shit back at you. Or choose not to. Hell, you are entitled to the opinion that Alucard is whatever you think he is. But don't pretend to be supporting liberty while calling people who want to exercise their rights in a way you disagree with amoral assholes.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Speaking of old porn...
    I'm just not sure the money is worth the troubles unless ol' ilbbaicnl is broke...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If you got stuck in the future with no strip clubs but you had personal holodeck
    Sharkdude...this shit is friggin' coo-el. I'm from the 24th century and have a magic had that gives me a lot o' pleasure. I'm like the demon with the glass hand. So I knows where you're comin' from brother. BTW, were the hot girl aliens actually gray beings with big eyes that gave you an anal probe? Or were they reptilians from Zeta Reticuli? Or were they hot chicks like the girls in "Dude, where's my car?"
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fuck That Faggot RickyBoy !
    Man-DANG-A-LOW !!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fuck That Faggot RickyBoy !
    Man-DANG-A-LOW !!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fuck That Faggot RickyBoy !
    Man-DANG-A-LOW !!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A lesson from the System
    Slick my friend...Vespas are way cooler than any friggin' motorcycle. Zoot suit, white jacket with side vents five inches long...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keeping Records ?
    JackFrostDude...you should try to deduct lappers and whatever else as business expenses. I'm sure the IRS will be cool with it!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bring back Juice! I bet he could hid 10K in a month or two. Fuck, I bet he could reach 10K in a week if he had access to enough NoDoz and Red Bull. Juice! Juice! Juice!