
Comments by lopaw (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Seen At The Club Tonight
    lol @ subraman
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What Would You Change About Your Favorite Club?
    Get the lazy bitches out of the DR
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    8 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Train wreck tonight
    Yeah it happens. After having a great run the last few months my outing yesterday was way less than stellar. And I tried 3 clubs and they all pretty much sucked. I came home with all but $40 of a sizable budget spent. It was bad enough to have me want to take a break for a while to (hopefully) regenerate my interest again. When clubbing becomes a task more than a fun adventure, it's time to step back.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    My day at the designer vagina showcase
    Yikes. What some daft women won't spend their money on.
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    8 years ago
    This is bullshit....we should all file a complaint with hr
    I buy my hootchie calendar each year online. Less than $10. Mailed out in a suspicious looking black envelope that I know my mail carrier is eyeballing.
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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Demi Lovato Tuend Into A "10"?
    Like chessmaster I always had the hots for her, regardless of any size fluctuations. But now she's lookin really fresh!
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    8 years ago
    Club Music
    I like ED, house, old grunge....and anything that gets my dancer in the right mood ;) I do not like country or classical. Also not a big fan of classic rock, but i can tolerate it.
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    8 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Aly Raisman in So swimsuit issue!
    Dang! She's hot af! I'd dump a ridiculous amount of money on a dancer who looked like her.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    "The top earner at my club is a lesbian who does not accept OTC experiences, even to the extent of dinner." I want a shot at her! ;)
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    8 years ago
    The inquisitive stripper.
    Oh I can't resist this one. Ok here are my fuckin answers: 1. I've never heard a pickup line in a stripclub directed towards me that didn't do it's job. 2. I prefer a table seat about 6 feet away from the stage so that I don't have a mile to walk to tip someone, but I'm not stageside so that dancers will approach me. 3. I don't want a regular. I am there for the variety. I already have a wife at home....I don't want another one in the club! 4. What gets MY PUSSY WET is heavily dependent on my mood and the type of club I'm in. 5. I insist on a dancer that can at least spell her own name. You'd be surprised. 6. Yup - alot. And when a dancer pulls her hand (or tongue) out of my wet box she always has a very satisfied look on her face, as do I. 7. I don't let her shoes get anywhere near my face, even in a 69.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OTC Checkpoint
    Lol can't say as I have! This type of thing comes up a lot on the pooner boards. Many noobs get really nervous hanging out in a hotel lobby waiting for that 2 call system to get them up to the room. They think that every eye in the place is on them, when of course it's just their nervous paranoia kicking in. All the people working there are focusing on is their job, and all of the patrons are just going about their business with no concern for anyone else.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    SJG - You sure are the pot calling the kettle black in terms of touting superiority. You've taken a simple notion about makeup and somehow dragged lesbians in stripclubs, evolution as you see it, and women dancing for women into the mix, while never even bothering to address the overwhelmingly anti-excessive makeup opinion shared amongst your "peers" here. Nonetheless I am done with this issue. I have succinctly made my point and stand by it. I am moving on. And let it be known that MY tolerance stops at YOUR claims that your POV somehow overrules MINE. For the record I never claimed superiority, though you seemed to bristle at the mere thought that I would DARE question your opinions. That is YOU attempting to take an authoritative position in a condescending way, and I will not have it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    @rockstar, twentyfive - I know, I know .......it's like wrestling with a pig. You just end up getting dirty and the pig loves it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    Not to marginalize sex between two women? Are you serious? What do you think a statement like "sex between a woman and a man is a much bigger event than sex between two women" implies? Do you know what the word MARGINALIZE means? It is EXACTLY what you wrote. You are so busy trying to discern the differences between sexual goals between women & men that the simple commonality of it all has blown right over your oversized head. As far as men wanting something different in stripclubs than women - let's take this thread as an example, shall we? The bulk of the responses have been from men, with the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY NOT WANTING EXCESSIVE MAKEUP ON STRIPPERS. YOU STAND ALONE ON THAT. Are you so enraptured of your own small world view that you can't even see the writing on the wall? Jeezus Christ man open your damn eyes! If everyone on this site who argued with you over your know-it-all attitude and lack of basic understanding of simple concepts was given a dollar, none of us would ever have to pay for our own lapdances again. I am hardly alone. And I am ready too.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    SJG - Lol about your "event" statement. That certainly is YOUR opinion, and not mine. My sexual escapades are a far bigger event to me than anything that occurs between anyone else, regardless of the genders involved. That is true for ALL people. What they do in the bedroom is their focus, not what happens elsewhere. By attempting to marginalize sex between women you have really just made yourself even less credible than before, if that is even possible. It shows a complete non-understanding of the dynamics of sexual variety and as usual, a vast display of clueless arrogance. I am fully aware of what this thread is about. I usually won't look for a fight, but I sure as hell ain't gonna back down from one if it's pushed upon me. Remember that.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit 3PMer
    ^ Yup. Very pretty 19yo AA dancer. She definitely wasn't ghetto, but rather naive in her view of the world. She talked a lot about heading down to Miami to dance (I'd say heads up Papi but this gal ain't nearly curvy enough for him!) but also talked about heading back to Detroit. She'd only been in LA a short time and sadly her dances weren't up to muster, especially since she chose to work at a COI club - big mistake. I suspect that her low mileage dances soon got her no custies and she's already moved on to who knows where.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The 5 Worst Strip Clubs In Vegas
    Sheri's Cab might have started strong but boy did it become a clip joint. Complete ROB experience from the moment you were given that lame guided tour by a stripper (no better than a 5) up until the constant upsell of a bunch of lies about what would be delivered but never was.
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    8 years ago
    Four new articles posted
    I saw only 3. Did one fall on the floor and break? ;)
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    8 years ago
    Detroit 3PMer
    I wonder what became of the dancer that I met recently who was from Detroit and decided to use that as her stage name. Maybe she returned to Detroit. Very pretty (tho naive) gal.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    @ime lol - its completely fucking exasperating with him.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    ^Yes it has. By me. Many many times. I think that I'm just a bit more qualified to discuss what gay women look for in a stripclub than you are. Time to rethink your philosophy. You are wrong and there is absolutely no question about it. Accept it and move on.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    And again I will correct you that your assumptions about it being different for women dancing for other women are WRONG. The "high heels and makeup" are FAR FROM SECONDARY. AFAIK you are NOT a women nor a lesbian, so you are just going to have to take my word for it that the SAME EXPECTATIONS IN DANCER APPEARANCE, COSTUME & MAKEUP APPLY REGARDLESS OF THE GENDER OF THE PERSON SEEKING DANCES. Are we clear now?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Are Your Favorite 80's and 90's Porn Stars Up To
    Janine still looks good. Her tats are out of control. I love me some tats, but I'm sure all that ink limited her ability to get consistent work.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is there a such thing as too much makeup?
    @SJG - when I leave the club and there is more makeup on my clothes then left on her face....it's too much.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    Who is crazier Sanjoseguy or Alucard?
    Lol Orange Twitler! I love that one. I prefer Cheetolini myself. And yeah I doubt it that he'll make it 4 years. Way too many bulls eye's on his back.