Comments by wallanon (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament Elite 8: Miami vs. Tijuana
    "I'd say if you've never been to the city or sc's there you can't vote for it." That would make this type of thread really difficult to pull off. I've seen almost all the places in the bracket, but not all and most of them not in years. I was looking at going to Miami next month, but decided on a different place because of all the press it's been getting about the crypto collapse. But I have seen TJ. If I'm picking for myself for a quick trip, I'd say TJ. As much hype as it gets, there's a reason I haven't gone out of my way to go to Miami. But for the sake of the casuals and middle 80 I was probably going to vote Miami, and I'll get there one day.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament Elite 8: Miami vs. Tijuana
    "I think people are answering it as 'Where would I rather go?'" And that's fine, but it kinda highlights why the dabates in here go round and round because people move the goalposts to fit the answer they want to give. I actually agree with you about the Hong Kong club. It's pretty competitive with any club I've ever seen. I still say the best club I've ever been to was in Switzerland, but objectively Hong Kong would be what most would prefer for the vibe, number of girls, talent and mileage. At any rate, I was actually leaning toward Miami (barely) but hadn't gotten around to writing out the why. I can tell you it had nothing to do with anything other than ITC factors, but since I hadn't been there some of it was taking the word of semi-reliable witnesses lol. Here's what I'd typed out, third paragraph not in there yet... If it's strip clubs vs strip clubs, where would Miami have the edge? This is a US bracket, so if you don't speak Spanish there's that. There are clubs in the US where language is also a factor, so it's not the clear cut equalizer it would appear to be. Then there's the inconvenience factor of having to go to another country. There's more variety in the girls in Southern Florida, so that's also an advantage. And less hustle to pick a girl and go. Now to TJ. Price per mile is not even competition. You can get model quality whichever way you want it for under $100 with privacy. That's unicorn territory in the US. It's a lazy argument calling the clubs brothels instead of clubs because there are clubs with stage shows and lap dances and a party atmosphere, with a hotel attached. I saw a club this year in the US where dudes were sitting around with water bottles waiting for their chance to poke whatever was coming out from behind the VIP curtain. Etc...etc...etc...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament Elite 8: Miami vs. Tijuana
    So are we comparing clubs in the cities or the cities? I'm not particular which way the vote goes (I have a post half-written about it) but the rationales here kinda went all over.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    DEBATE TOPIC: What is a ROB (Rip-Off Bitch)?
    Friendly reminder not every post is for the diehards. CMI took the time to post a thread about when to callout a ROB, when there still are probably plenty of dudes wondering about "did I get ROBbed?" after a misadventure. It's ok to throw a bone. And as I think I covered already, for me being a ROB is not necessarily a deal killer lol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    DEBATE TOPIC: What is a ROB (Rip-Off Bitch)?
    I guess I'll rewrite what I posted up near the top. It was a little narrow. A ROB makes like she's going to do xyz and then doesn't or drops a big upcharge. Then maybe still doesn't deliver. Wants money for stuff she didn't do. Steals from you. Lies to try and get more dollars. What's missing?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    DEBATE TOPIC: What is a ROB (Rip-Off Bitch)?
    2icee, it doesn't really look like there's much arguing going on here in this thread. At least so far. It's ok for people to speak their minds even if you don't agree with it. This ROB topic always get waved off like everybody sees it the same, but like anything else there's some nuance there.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    DEBATE TOPIC: What is a ROB (Rip-Off Bitch)?
    "To be a Rip-Off Bitch, she has to be dishonest, thieving, or otherwise not acting in good faith." That might also describe my 4th ATF lol, which means her upside was way, way, way up. All time high. But yeah, technically one of my ATFs is also a ROB. I don't see the two things as completely incompatible, but occasionally messy. More on this later.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament: Sweet 16 Edition Vote Off
    It's all in good fun. There's no "right" answer on things like this, so I think it's interesting just to see what people say.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament
    So the guy who took a past its prime Seattle scene over the entire state of New Jersey maybe needs to have his monger privileges revoked lol. Seattle still has it's bright spots, but that's not a fair contest.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament
    "Like are there really lap dances and mileage in the club in TJ?" Yes. Unless they just stopped doing them I've gotten lapdances ITC in TJ. And I did a pretty hot VIP in one of the clubs, but again that was years ago. And I also had some pretty ridiculous fun in a club's basement while guys were walking in and out from the alley. But again that was years ago, but it's a reference point and nothing I've read about recent years has me thinking you still can't get lappers at Hong Kong if a dude wanted. TJ is like the old 60's Celtics that won like 8 championships in a row without an MJ (ATL with Follies would be the 90's Bulls). They just win with the system and all around top shelf talent lol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament: Sweet 16 Edition Vote Off
    1. Miami - Miami(1) vs. Akron (16) 2. Detroit - Detroit (2) vs. Philadelphia (15) 3. Los Angeles - Los Angeles (3) vs. Atlanta (14) 4. Tampa - Tampa Bay (4) vs. Las Vegas (13) 5. New Jersey - New Jersey (5) vs. Seattle (12) 6. Providence - Providence (6) vs. Phoenix (11) 7. Houston - Toronto (7) vs. Houston (10) 8. Tijuana - Tijuana (8) vs. Dallas/Fort Worth (9) Commentary - Commissioner Muddy has been answering questions about the seeding, but the tournament is underway! Social media is still buzzing about the inclusion of Toronto and TJ over some other worthy cities by way of the Expansionist Rule, and there was definitely some under the table handshakes happening for the entire state of New Jersey to get counted as a city. The boo-birds are out in Philly as it goes down early, and Toronto gets upset by a game Houston who might be a dark horse as Dallas goes down to the TJ juggernaut...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament
    I wasn't saying to take NYC off. It's just a crazy huge place that can probably stand on it's own. I haven't actually ever clubbed in NYC itself, so if you say it rates then why not?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What do dancers think of club managers?
    That's like asking what dancers think of customers. It's a little broad.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament
    Maybe you'll want to reclaim the state of New Jersey from the NYC and Philly? Philly doesn't need the boost, but maybe NYC does...?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament
    I don't think San Antonio really rates being added to the bracket, even though it's a decent club town. I'd put Austin up there first as a low seed like Akron. To me Lexington didn't have enough clubs and the one I saw (Cowboys) was good but not really in the same class as the clubs we're talking about in other cities. Indy sounds like its club scene is busted up right now, but I haven't been there in years.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament
    It's just easier if you keep it US-only and split one of the smashed together metro bundles to fill the Toronto spot.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    DEBATE TOPIC: What is a ROB (Rip-Off Bitch)?
    This one's easy. Makes like she's gonna deliver on xyz and then doesn't. Implied services count.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament
    It wouldn't need to be more than 16. That's probably more spots than you need already.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Run ins with strip club security
    " all worked out fine for both of us and it even saved us from having to give the club their fee for the 8 or 9 songs we had been back there already since they didn't ask to be paid for the songs as they were kicking us out." So the lesson here from whodey is when you're ready to leave just whip out your dick and you get your dances comped.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Do customers just have no concept of gross?
    "Most strip club customers are weirdos who can't have contact with a woman any other way." Too broad. That's like saying a dude who takes his car to a car wash couldn't wash it himself if he wanted to. People pay a premium for convenience all the time.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Life changing events
    Correlation, causation and coincidence - primer from the Open University.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Do customers just have no concept of gross?
    "I don't think strippers get an accurate idea of what the average male is like because strip club customers are more pervy than the norm." Don't strippers see them everyday outside of the club? I wouldn't say strip club regulars are more pervy than the norm, but we are more liberated. And the hard core dudes are probably a little more creative because they have to fit their appetites in with whatever OTC bankrolls their fun. "Do most of you just not think about stuff like 'I wonder where that's been?'" We do. The girls do, too. In the moment the question is "do I want this to happen enough to overlook a thing or two?" And there is smell versus stink. If I like the way a woman smells then I don't care. Now if I think she stinks, then that goes back to how badly I want whatever she's got. Earlier this year I spent all day waiting for this chick to get to my hotel. When she finally showed up she was clean but had eaten something I wasn't a fan of. We'd never done it before and she was nervous, so it was either go down there anyway or I wasn't gonna get another chance lol. A good time was had by all. "...or don't care if someone is all sweaty or just not fresh or whatever." There's a difference between sweaty and dirty. If she just got off stage and I don't mind the way she smells, then it's all good. Or if she's sweaty because she's put in work during sexy time then all the better.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Your tax dollars at work
    "This coincides with the purge of true warriors from the ranks and emphasis on diversity, gender awareness, proper pronouns, and other wokeness." The military is no more 100% "woke" than the country is. Don't believe everything you read. And complexity doesn't imply fraud. Would you rather have something that works and is a little opaque or something that's completely transparent and doesn't?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Dinner with a stripper
    "Works every time." Just like Sex Panther...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Alright that's it, no more meet ups. All TUSCL meet ups canceled.
    When I was in North Carolina Juice and I were supposed to meet up, and I canceled because of stripper drama on my way outta town. And then the crazy cow didn't even show up because I didn't want to meet her halfway lol. I'd already had some really hot sex with her so at that point it was just another chance to make some mem'ries. In hindsight I should've gone to meet Juice.