TUSCL Ultimate City Tournament Elite 8: Miami vs. Tijuana

avatar for Muddy
On to the elite 8. Remember all matchups include that cities suburbs as well, not just city proper. COI/Anaheim goes to LA, West Palm and Pompano go to Miami etc. If you don't have experience in whatever city, go off what you heard on here or what you would most like to try out in the future. Dancers are more then welcome to vote too. Future matchups will be Detroit vs. Toronto, LA vs. Providence, Tampa vs. New Jersey but right now we got a bi-coastal battle of Miami vs Tijuana. Let's do it.


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avatar for Garfield84
2 years ago
Tijuana .

Miami/ Fort Lauderdale has gotten two expensive . It’s more clubs but unless you go to pompano you’re not getting a deal. Hong Kong alone makes Tijuana a winner. I’ve pulled some bad ones in Adelita too
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
I'll go with Miami, and the inclusion of Pompano and WPB seal it. Miami has strip clubs with and without extras. Places like Cheetah's, where the girls sit with you for extended relaxed conversation. Tijuana has brothels, and conversations without bilingual parties are limited to Google translate.

Tijuana would win a sex or a brothel competition, but this a strip club competition. Miami takes this round.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
avatar for doctorevil
2 years ago
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
Even though TJ is a fantastic value and Hong Kong is probably the best strip club in the entire world. I'm gonna pick Miami. There is so much to do in the city besides the clubbing. The beaches, the restaurants, the casinos, the night clubs. Hell, just walking around at a mall, you see all kinds of young honeys wearing hardly anything.
avatar for Electronman
2 years ago
Even with my limited Spanish, its TJ for me. Lots of hot chicas, interactive (and penetrative) stage shows, attached hotels for extra curricular activities, reasonable costs.
avatar for TheSingularity
2 years ago
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
avatar for Huntsman
2 years ago

I like things to be easy and simple in terms of not having excessive logistics involved. Miami may be more expensive but I’d rather show up, enjoy my time at the clubs and in the city, then move on. TJ would be a fun visit someday, sure. But if I’m traveling to a place where the standard advice seems to be don’t stray beyond the club/hotel, I’m looking for a different destination.
avatar for Evasparkling
2 years ago
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
I also vote Miami. Staying in country, having other reasons to be in the city and not having to worry as much about crime or corrupt police tipped the balance for me. I’ll also concede a bit of ignorance as I’ve never been to TJ, but hey, elections are often swayed by ignorant people.
avatar for Dolfan
2 years ago
Miami, for the diversity of options available. Some of our strip clubs are more like whore houses, but there's a wide variety of styles available to the discerning titty aficionado.

It ain't perfect, but I ain't making plans to go to TJ anytime soon when I've got this near by.
avatar for newmark
2 years ago
Miami, for the reasons stated. Convenience and safety are two points high on my list. And there is probably a bit more thrill of the hunt in Miami. You kinda know what you are gonna get south of the border.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Miami. TJ is a cesspool. I'd rather not have to cross the border just to have fun with a girl.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I’m also going Miami. Haven’t done TJ yet. Murder rate is crazy but maybe one day. But I’ve had enough good experiences in Miami to be sure it’s one of the best spots around for this hobby.
avatar for Iknowbetter
2 years ago
I’ve never been to TJ, and honestly it’s not on my short list of places to visit. But I could never stop in to a TJ club on my way home from work - even if I lived in San Diego. So Miami gets my vote.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
This one started out close. Ended up not so close.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
The Zona Norte fans are highly dedicated, but definitely a niche on here.
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
So are we comparing clubs in the cities or the cities? I'm not particular which way the vote goes (I have a post half-written about it) but the rationales here kinda went all over.
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Look idk I just work here…
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
Alright I’m gonna call it here, turning into too much of a blowout. I could wait for some of the west coasters to chime in but there just aren’t enough of them to overtake this lead anyway. Miami moves on, no shame for TJ in losing here, there’s a reason Miami is the top seed. On to the next one.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I think people are answering it as 'Where would I rather go?"
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"I think people are answering it as 'Where would I rather go?'"

And that's fine, but it kinda highlights why the dabates in here go round and round because people move the goalposts to fit the answer they want to give. I actually agree with you about the Hong Kong club. It's pretty competitive with any club I've ever seen. I still say the best club I've ever been to was in Switzerland, but objectively Hong Kong would be what most would prefer for the vibe, number of girls, talent and mileage. At any rate, I was actually leaning toward Miami (barely) but hadn't gotten around to writing out the why. I can tell you it had nothing to do with anything other than ITC factors, but since I hadn't been there some of it was taking the word of semi-reliable witnesses lol.

Here's what I'd typed out, third paragraph not in there yet...

If it's strip clubs vs strip clubs, where would Miami have the edge? This is a US bracket, so if you don't speak Spanish there's that. There are clubs in the US where language is also a factor, so it's not the clear cut equalizer it would appear to be. Then there's the inconvenience factor of having to go to another country. There's more variety in the girls in Southern Florida, so that's also an advantage. And less hustle to pick a girl and go.

Now to TJ. Price per mile is not even competition. You can get model quality whichever way you want it for under $100 with privacy. That's unicorn territory in the US. It's a lazy argument calling the clubs brothels instead of clubs because there are clubs with stage shows and lap dances and a party atmosphere, with a hotel attached. I saw a club this year in the US where dudes were sitting around with water bottles waiting for their chance to poke whatever was coming out from behind the VIP curtain.


avatar for azfriole
2 years ago
I'd say if you've never been to the city or sc's there you can't vote for it. TJ for sure..
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
"I'd say if you've never been to the city or sc's there you can't vote for it."

That would make this type of thread really difficult to pull off. I've seen almost all the places in the bracket, but not all and most of them not in years. I was looking at going to Miami next month, but decided on a different place because of all the press it's been getting about the crypto collapse.

But I have seen TJ. If I'm picking for myself for a quick trip, I'd say TJ. As much hype as it gets, there's a reason I haven't gone out of my way to go to Miami. But for the sake of the casuals and middle 80 I was probably going to vote Miami, and I'll get there one day.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Miami clubs have some of the hottest and easiest girls and the best party atmosphere. It also helps a lot when you speak Spanish. Your experience greatly improves
avatar for wld4tatas
2 years ago
Haven't been to either but my choice would be Miami.

If I'm going international I have too many fine options in other countries with less of a security concern than TJ.
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Tijuana is the best, The Happiest Place on Earth, (according to Krusty)


TJ has the most to offer in quality and quantity at a great price for the really discerning gentleman/customer.


avatar for BabyDoc
2 years ago
Interesting choice. Two Latin American cities close to the United States, lol. I’ll go with Miami.
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